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Everything posted by Sida255

  1. ya look pretty cute there!:whoops:
  2. i fink i might say........sandrock? i don really noe much of ta gundams dao!:blush:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] A little coherency please. Auron and Jecht(Tidus's father) were gaurdians of Summoner Braska(Yuna's father) After disappearing for ten years he resurfaces to fulfill promises he made to both Braska and Jecht [/B][/QUOTE] ThAnQ 4 tellin meh but do ya have a pic of him cos i might of seen him b 4..................:o
  4. cool spikey u have like all the kinds of pokemon!(ground,normal,water etc......):box:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B] I knwo this is kinda off subject...but...I disagree with you...I know I share the same annoyance as you with Releena, but without her GW would have had no plot whatso ever...Without her...Heero would still have no feelings what so ever and continue being heartless killing more people. And her standing up for peace created the contriversy and chaos we like to call Gundam Wing.. [/B][/QUOTE] good piont there
  6. m.g! u hab VERY GOOD drawing skills n i mean VERY GOOD!
  7. who's auron? i dont noe much bout final fantasy n noe tidus.but not auron or ta rest......yuna..............sum 1.............sum 1........
  8. i donnoe...........i guess they made it ta way.........
  9. ok i c soo it means ta u totally "dislike" her or just "HATE" relena?
  10. togepi is sooOO kawaii!!! i like it!
  11. i bet spikey will like it! cos he's/her is ya best friend!:whoops:
  12. hmmmm..............does it count 4 ta movie endless waltz?
  13. Sida255

    Ff X

    i like ff X! meh big bro has it! i fink its cool but never really watch him play it though....... but i wonld like 2! i just like ff! im interested in stuff i saw of the internet a clip its cool!
  14. Voodookanaka ya look nice i dont fink much of n e 1 would laugh @ u.
  15. i bet whatever sound u guyz recomend is good!:)
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Um, well everyone is beautiful in their own way. One's personality can also make a huge difference on outward beauty and how other people see you. [/B][/QUOTE] ya noe delian has a piont there soo if ya fink ur ugly just fink of wut delian put up.
  17. [COLOR=crimson][FONT=courier new]who or wut band do u like listenin 2? i like listenin 2 a chinese group called"twins" 2 people they r twins.............tell meh a lil bout wut u like bout ur band?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkblue][I]i dont even noe wwhats what in the series but i only saw 1 series thats all but not sure which 1 is it...[/I][/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]Is ay quistis because she has the best balanced sexual features, like boobs and butt, tifa only has the boobs, Aeris has the butt, Yuffie is too young, Rinoa I'm just in love with hehe( I guess she would tie with Quistis) Dagger has nice butt and she's cute, Beatrix has nice boobs(you can see how nice they are when you beat FF9), Selphie she has nice boobs, she's cute, and ner butt is good, she would be runner up, personality wise, Rinoa wins no matter what:D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue][I]those stuff u just said makes me sick![/I][/COLOR]
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