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Everything posted by MajinSSj4trunks

  1. DAMON ITS ME IM BACK [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Don't post posts like this, please. They are spam and against OB rules. Or if you do feel you have to, at least try and make them bear some resemblance to the topic. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. HOw do u fight on this plz tell me e-mail me or write it on the bulliten or something jees
  3. Name:Nightwolf Race:Reploid Side:Resistence Faction Bios: The Nightwolf model is made for one thing... To destroy anything/anyone.He has crash landed in NeoArcadia. He is awake and ready to attack anyone who dare try to stop him. Weapons:Ice Blade(this blade is said to be made of glaciers but this sword is a legend it is also said to be able to cut through anything) NightHowl: this is a heavy ammunitions weapon it freezes whatever it touches. Rockets:these tiny jetpacks in the feet help to jump long distances.
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