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Neon Phoenix

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About Neon Phoenix

  • Birthday 07/24/1983

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  • Biography
    Currently in College :-/
  • Occupation
    No job at the moment

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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben Holiday [/i] [B]I just finished the game today and picked up the Hunter. It is very nice you can take out cops and their vehicles easy still waiting to see its performance against a tank though. It only took me about 11 times to beat the last mission but it was well worth it. [/B][/QUOTE] Finished already, wasn't that kind of quick? lol :D How long did it take you to complete it?
  2. Personally I do not think that America should go to war with Iraq just yet, Iraq is already a country in ruins with many people dying each day from starvation, famine, and disease. There even a war going on [I]within[/I] Iraq, between Saddam Hussein and the Kurdish people living in the North of Iraq, Salamania to name one of the cities, right now America going to war is not something that would help the Iraqi situation any further. Until George W Bush gives more reason as to why he should go to war with Iraq, other than just all the time saying they have weapons of mass destruction in which they still do not have sufficient proof, he should wait for UN backing before going to war, even though he can go to war without their backing. People are saying yes, lets go to war and topple the tyrant, Saddam Hussein, but they are not thinking of the Iraqi people.
  3. What kind of site will it be? .net, .com, .org, etc?
  4. I thought it was ok, but a wee bit over hyped by many people, especially on certain message boards out there
  5. Well that certainly wont be the voice the uk will hear since everything has been redubbed for us
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devon [/i] [B]why wouldent he go to heaven? i mean he did something so brave to save others. i would HOPE i would go to heaven if i did something like that. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes but he did many bad things in the past, so it doesn't quite balance out His soul gets cleaned though....literally
  7. I got 14, I am otaku friend according to it At least I'm not a geek, lol I would have gotten about 3 more but forgot the answers to them
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Well the British equvalent isn't... the same. It's the same idea, just it's one guy (sometimes more) that do funny weird things, not funny stupid things like Jackass does. The British guy does harm himself or others in the process, he just does really weird things. (ie: he'll be standing in a park with alot of people who are quiet and just enjoying the sun, and then his phone will ring. Well his phone is like 4 feet tall and he yells into it talking to the other person. Then he walks away. Thats it.) Trigger Happy TV is on Comedy Central every now and then. It's really quite funny, check it out. His humor is both witty and funny, unlike Jackass's which is just plain stupidity. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh my god I love Trigger Happy TV! I didn't know they showed it in the US? I thought it was a UK only thing Anyway, about the movie, I don't understand how it works, what is it just 90 minutes of clips?
  9. Pringles-especially sweet and sour flavour (the green tin), it's just so tasty Silver Neckless-I've had it so long I can't remember what age I was when my mother gave it to me, I never take it off Music-I don't think I could live without it, I'm always listening to it when I'm on the bus, bored, or have a new cd
  10. I love the snowflakes, I think they're really cool ^_^ What do I want for christmas, well, I've had my eye on this cute little watch for a while, I keep giving hints to my boyfriend whenever we are out, I hope he gets the picture ;)
  11. Thats so sad :( My grandfather died about 5 years ago from cancer, before he died it was so severe he couldn't walk and had to be taken everywhere in a wheelchair, and had difficulty going to the toilet, having a shower, etc. My grandmother and uncle always had to take care of him, and I did too whenever I visited him with my parents My prayer goes out to your grandmother
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