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Invader Pichu

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Everything posted by Invader Pichu

  1. I've caught lots of strong Pokemon with weak pokeballs. But I've never been able to catch a Mewtwo with anything other than a Masterball.
  2. I think the game's storyline is like that of the movie. I'm not too sure, though.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]That doesn't matter to me. I'm not interested in winning all the time, I just want to use the Pokemon I like and have fun with it.COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I feel the same way. Thus, Pichu is on one of my teams. In Gold: Pichu Espeon Typhlosion Noctowl Azumarill Celebi In Silver: Umbreon Lugia Meganium Furret Ampharos Entei
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]I've browsed all the OtakuLounge and haven't seen one of those... 1. Where are you from? (country, city, locate it if it's not known) 2. Tell us something we should know about it 3. no "it's boring" or "never comes here" 4. discuss about it! I'm from Quebec City, Canada. Quebec is one of the oldest settlement in North America, and it's a cool place because many old building where preserved or reconstituted, while it's still a very modern city. I'd post a poll, but I don't understand how it words and thw FAQ isn't accessible. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Milton, FL 2. It's.....in the South.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mike [/i] [B]It just beeps and then goes to a busy signal for me. o.O [/B][/QUOTE] Ditto.
  6. I've only used a cheat once. Well, I didn't exactally do it, but my friend did. He used his gameshark to get me a 'shiny' celebi. But other than that, I've never used a cheat. BTW, I heard there was a pokemon that was a mix between pikachu and celebi on the game, you just have to do something in order to get it. Thats just a rumor I heard, though.
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