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Zanarkand Abes

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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes

  1. [COLOR=DarkGreen]JON! You need to get in here now we have a problem![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What is it Chris?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Appearantly we didn't keep a good eye on security. Seems as though one of the nurses was a spy so to say and has tipped off our friends about our plan.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Impossible, you must be mistaken.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Nope, here they come Jon, storming down the hall at the end of the building.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then that means you need to take the stairs on the other side Rikku. Now go.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I don't think so, I'm staying right here Jon, this could be the end of you three. And what could I do without you?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Don't be ridiculous, no one can best us, especially when we three work together. NOW GO! And remember, I Love You![/COLOR] Jon and Rikku embraced eachother and kissed eachother goodbye before Rikku tore off down the hall. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Okay guys the plan is simple this time, Chris, you head them off and take the first guy, Konner, you take the second one and leave the two hooded guys for me. Then we will regroup at elevator and head to the roof top as a group. They should then proceed to follow us where we will then take out the last three together as a team. Now they may out number us for the time being, but work together and we reign triumphant.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"Reign triumphant"?! Who says that anymore?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]You know Jon, I love it when you keep the plans "simple". For some reason I always get to go first. You know I wish we could go to war together and I would even have you be the General. Aw, I can see it all now; "Okay guys, we're gonna keep nice and simple this time. Chris, you go first and draw all the heavy fire your way, then I will slip in behind (away from the firing) and take them out." Yep, I love it when you keep things "[I]simple[/I]"[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You know me all too well Chris. Now we have little time, so let's get to it, I'll catch ya on the flip side and Chris, I send you first, 'cause I know you can handle it. Now let's get to it guys.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I love it when Jon get's all Hogan's Hero on us.[/COLOR] WIth that the group disbanded to take on the seven approaching men who threatened not only them, but humanity as well.
  2. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I say we track down these guys trying to kill us. Make them talk, then take them out![/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]HAHAHA! So this was the guy to replace me Jon?! He seems kinda rash don't you think?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Calm down Konner, he's my best friend, and the best candidate. He may seem rash, but he gets the job done.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]So is that the plan then Jon? We're gonna track down all these guys and get to the bottom of this?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]No, we are gonna go and figure this all out. You are to stay here were the doctors can keep their eyes on you and make sure you get the rest you need.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]What?! I don't think so Jon. We almost lost eachother once, I won't risk it again. I am going with you guys and there is no stopping me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]She has a point there Jon, besides, we can't possibly get this done without all the help we can get.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Hey! He said something inteligent for once! Hehe, think about this Jon. We leave and she is here alone, they come and get here, we are too far to do anything. They got to her once, what's stopping them from doing it again? So we take her with us and you can keep your eye on her. Make sure she's safe and all that.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Or what if you "left" me here alone.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What are you implyig hunny?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]You guys pretend to leave me here alone, these guys think I'm defenseless so they come to take me out again. Then you three step in from the room next door and take them out instead. We can set a trap for them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]And you're the bait? I don't think so! It may be a smart idea, but you are not going to be placed in a situation like that. New plan![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]It's the only way Jon, we have to set a trap. I am all for hunting these suckers down, but the odds of finding any of them aren't good Jon. We need to set a trap for them. Rikku is the only way. They want her real bad, Jon. Perhaps so bad they will totally miss the trap all together.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]I like Rikku Jon, but I'm with them. We need to do this.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine, but we are not using Rikku.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]But she's the one they want, they aren't gonna even consider risking a trap for me or Chris, even if it was both of us knocked unconcious.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]No, but there is someone else they will go after. I will be the bait. We are gonna check Rikku out of here, you two will then rough me up, bring me back in here and claim I was mugged. We will check me in and that will be the trap. So let's get this over with guys.[/COLOR]
  3. Jon spent half the night reviewing his deck for old time's sake. The other half was spent vigorously pouring over the databse provided to him by Jackson. Jon found out every strategy and card Joey, Yugi, Mai and Kaiba had used in their past duels. Jon then reprepared his deck accordingly in aniticipation of the events soon to come. *[I]Knock Knock[/I]* [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Who's there?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]'Ello Mate! It's Oliver![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Come in, if you must![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Well, there's a welcome if I ever heard one. Jus' came to introduce meself. I 'eard about your deal with the Master, but let me warn you. Cross him and you won't come out of this alive. Git me drift mate?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Look here Aussie, I have no interest in your menial threats. If I were you, I'd save them for the game, 'cause in duel monsters, you can easily distinguish the men from the boys. Now leave me alone, in a matter of hours we will determine who is worthy of this little game, and who should have stuck to Candy Land![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Aight Ol' chum, no need to git cross. Just some friendly banter you know. But guess I'll git goen.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Just who do these guys think they are? They don't know the first thing about this game, and yet here they are puffing out their chest towards me like they created the game. In all my years, I have only found one duelist who could defeat me, Pegasus. As far as my cousin and the "King of Games" is concerned, well I'll just see about them soon enough.[/COLOR][/I] [I]Knock Knock[/I] [COLOR=Orange]Sir, the game is about to begin. Mr. Kaiba requests your presence at the entrance so you can be integrated into the game phase. The players are being breifed now and will be venturing on their quest soon. It is recommended that all level bosses report to their castle in the game immediately and await your victims. And sir, Mr. Kaiba also wanted me to warn you about his end of the deal. Fail to defeat Mr. Wheeler, and you will immediatley start the game from the beginning as a player to then fight to get out. Good Luck.[/COLOR] Jon quickly got dressed in his "dueling outfit" and left for the platform for level one. The plan was to force Joey to challenge him, and find a way to join his cousin and beat the game. But the key was to fight Joey, if he faced any other, he would be forced to beat them. The catch: he couldn't let Saiyuki catch whif of his plans. [B][COLOR=Green]ATTENTION ALL GAMERS, THE GAME WILL BEGIN IN T-60 SECONDS AND COUNTING. PLEASE REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO THE ENTRANCE TO LEVEL ONE. REMEMBER, YOU MUST FIRST MAKE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE LEVEL FACING VARIOUS MONSTERS AND OBSTACLES. WHEN YOU REACH THE CASTLE AT THE END OF THE LEVEL, YOU WILL FACE OFF AGAINST THE BOSS. WIN AND YOU WILL PROCEED TO THE NEXT LEVEL. LOSE AND, WELL LET ME WARN YOU NOT TO LOSE. ATTENTION ALL BOSSES, IT IS NOW TIME TO BE INTEGRATED IN THE GAME, REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO YOUR RESPECTIVE CASTLES. GOOD LUCK TO ALL![/COLOR][/B]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ouch! Man that hurt![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Welcome back Jon, glad you made it out of there, at all. You had me worried that we would never reunite again. What happened in there anyway?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Let's make it easier on the both of shall we? Just look through my mind, it's the first thing you run into.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Here I go. Be back soon.[/COLOR] *[I]DING_DONG[/I]* [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Now who could that be?[/COLOR] Jon unlocked the closet and answered the door to find a strange man looking in through the window. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Can I help you!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Mr. Wheeler?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yeah, what do you want?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Oh, I'm sorry, did I come at a bad time?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]o, my bad dude, sorry. I've been having a rough time lately. How may I help you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]I was your uncle's lawyer. I'm from Paradice Law Firms and Associates. I am afraid I have bad news for you Mr. WHeeler. May I come in?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Sure, here can I get you a drink?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]No, thank you. Here's the deal sir. Your dear uncle was a client of mine, and a friend to boot. But a terrible accident happened the other day, and we found him in his apartment, killed. Appearantly someone had it in for your uncle, and we were unable to protect him. But he did leave something for you in his will. He was working on some deep cover research and found this card hidden deep in the ruins of an ancient temple. We were unable to discover its meaning, but it as left to you none the less. So Mr. Wheeler, by delivering this card to you, I have completed your Uncle's will, and must now go. But don't let go of that card, it could mean life or death in the end. Goodbye Mr. Wheeler.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]That was wierd![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Oh, you're back I see. Did you get caught up Rik?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Yeah, hey what is the card he gave you?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't know, it's a spell card it looks like. It has a green circle with writing on it, and all these lines cutting through it. wonder what it does?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I don't know, but we should wait before using it. In the meantime, I suggest we stick with the Pyramid of Light card until we can fully examine this card. In the meantime, let's get back to Rikku, then find Chris and see if Konner arrived yet.[/COLOR] Jon and Rik left the house and went to the hospital to see how Rikku was doing. It was a wonder Jon didn't have to go there for himself. All the fighting he did in Rikku's mind nearly killed him, but once he was back in his own mind and body, Jon's strength seemed to return to him quicker. Yet he was still weak, and could not afford another run in just yet.
  5. Jon walked up to the baggage claim in the Domino Airport. He looked around wondering just how far from the hotel he was, and how he was to get there. It had been over 15 years since he last saw his cousins. Word had it they made friends with the great Duelist Champion Yugi Motou, and that Joey had even married Mai Valentine. But those could just be rumors fabricated by his over exagerative mother. Either way, Jon was bent on making retribution for the wrongs of his past. They weren't his fault, but that's not what Joey thought when he left. That's why Jon was here now, he didn't care about Saiyuki or his attempt to overthrow Kaiba Corp, for all Jon cared he could have it. But he was invited to this little test of his for some new virtual world, and there was no way Jon would miss this great opportunity to prove his dueling skills in this highly coveted game. At the same time, Jon could reunite with his cousins and start all over again. [COLOR=Red]Mister Wheeler?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Depends on who's asking.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]My name is Jackson, I was sent by Mr. Kaiba to bring you to the hotel where the duelists for his virtual world will be staying. Your bags have already been claimed by the limo driver, so if you are ready sir, we can be on our way now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine, this view was getting old anyway. Let's go see my cousin, I am sure he will die to see me again.[/COLOR] Jon followed Jackson to a nearby limo and got in atking note of every little detail. The seats were of a rare leather and died a dark blue. There was a mini bar stocked with all kinds of drinks and food most normal people could only dream of. In the middle of the limo was a small television screen suspended from the ceiling and a cable ran off to the side where it was connected to a series of entertainments. A DVD player, PS2, X Box and Gamecube, not to mention a strange laptop. The lights were dimmed but gave off just enough glow for Jon to ba able to make out the person sitting on the opposite side of the limo. [COLOR=DarkGreen]So, you are the great duelist from America? I was expecting someone a little tougher, but I guess you seem to have enough edge about yourself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Watch it bub! You have no idea who you are talking to, besides, I'm not the little wimp hiding in the shadows of a limo now am I?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Tuché. But you are wrong about one thing, I know exactly who you are Wheeler. While many believe you hide behind your last name hoping to gain respect 'cause of that contestible cousin of yours, I know the true power your name holds. By the end of this little game, the world will no longer hear the name Wheeler and think of that pushover Joey, they will hear it and be in awe of the great Jon! That's why you're here isn't it? To prove to your cousin you aren't as worthless as he thinks you to be? You want the power over Joey to show you can take care of yourself. Well I can give you that power Wheeler. I can make you the strongest duelist out there. All youy have to do is abandon your cousin and his friends, and join me. Together we can take over Kaiba Corp and then the world![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]And just who do you think you are! You think you can "read" my mind and tell me what I want to hear and I'll do as you wish. Well forget it. I work for no one, and I will never abandon family. I have come to make amends for the past we lost, and help my cousins in any way I can. And just who exactly do you think you are anyway? You think this game will give you enough leverage to take over Kaiba Corp!? You must dumber than I thought. First of all, Seto and his brother Mokuba will be joining us in this Virtual Game World, second, his son is in charge of all this, and he is the only one who even stands a chance of winning against me. So save yourself some time and embarassment and have the driver pull over so you can home now![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]You sure do have guts and confidence don't you Wheeler? Well, I guess I might as well show you who I am.[/COLOR] The figure leaned forward into the light revealing himself to Jon. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Saiyuki!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]That's right Jon, I am your host for the events ahead. Join me Wheeler, and you can have all the power you want, not to mention the leverage to rejoin your family. Think of it Wheeler, with the power I can give you, you can get those cousins of yours to respect and fear you. I control this game, and I can male you any boss you want.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then here's the terms. You will make the boss of the first level, that way I can surprise my cousins and show my dueling skills. But no matter the outcome of the duel, I am free to do as I wish. You get a powerful duelist to stop that father of yours, and I get my family. But don't get disillusioned Saiyuki, I am in no way siding with you, but I will be the first obstacle in this game of yours.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]As you wish Jon, you can be the first, but just remember this, you lose, you are to join your cousin and fight for your life like the others. I will make no exceptions to those that lose my game. But tonight, get your rest, you will need it. And be careful Jon, I gave you chance to fully side with me, but go against me and you will have the most powerful enemy you could imagine![/COLOR] The limo stopped outside the hotel and Jon was led out and to the fourth floor. Jon presented his identification card to Jackson and was taken to the seventh room where he was to stay until morning where he would be introduced into the game as the First Boss. Jon only prayed that his first opponent would be Joey, otherwise, his plans would crumble. It was agonizing knowing his cousins were just a few rooms away from him, but the knowledge that he would be able to surprise his cousins gave him the ultimate joy.
  6. Name: Jon Wheeler (Joey and Serenity's cousin) Age:19 Deck: 1) Dark Magician 2) Dark Magician Girl 3) Buster Blader 4) Vampire Lord 5) Vampire Lady 6) Vampire Genesis 7) Pyramid Turtle 8) Double Coston 9) Red Eyes Black Chick 10)Red Eyes Black Dragon 11)Red Eyes Darkness Dragon 12)Magic Cylinders 13)Light of Intervention 14)Trap Jammer 15)Chaos Command Magician 16)Dark Blade 17)Celtic Guardian 18)Heavy Storm 19)Swords of Revealong Light 20)Dancing Fairy 21)Change of Heart 22)Reload 23) Bait Doll 24)Polymerization 25)Token Thanksgiving 26)Scapegoat 27)Sorceror of Dark Magic 28) Crimson Ninja 29)Monster Reborn 30)Black Luster Ritual 31)Spell Canceller 32)Gearfried the Iron Knight 33)Emblem of Dragon Destroyer 34)Invader of the Throne 35)Kuriboh 36)Sword Hunter 37)Senju of the Thousand Hands 38)Dragged Down to the Grave 39)Luster Dragon 40)Spirit Reaper Appearance; Red spiked hair, blue eyes, wears a black undershirt with baggy jeans and balck shoes. A white bandana is tied around his forehead folded into a rectangle and has a black bandana around his right wrist. Also wears a white longsleeved shirt unbuttoned and flowing, similar to Kaiba's jacket. Description: Jon had moved to America and taken over as the reigning duelist champion defeating Bandit Keith in a flawless victory. Due to complications in their childhood, Jon had grown apart from his cousins Joey and Serenity and plans on using this new opportunity to play catch up. Bio: Doesn't care about Saiyuki's overthrow of Kaiba Corp. Jon only cares about reuniting with his cousins and aiding them in whatever way he can. At the same time, he plans on showing the duelist champion and Kaiba that they have new competition from the Great States.
  7. After the dust had settled from Jon's attacks, he found the spot Jake had stood in vacated seemingly leaving Jon alone. [COLOR=DarkRed]Jon, you don't think i would have bailed on you like that do ya? We're friends dude and nothing can change that. Look mann, that duel showed me the true you, and no way could a duelist like that have wanted to have blood on his hands.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]But you're wrong Jake, I do want blood, the blood of those doing this to my prcious Rikku. They will pay for what they're doing to her, and I will see to that.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Then let me help you out Jon, it's the least I can what with slowing you down and condemning you for a murder you never commited.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I would love your help man, let's get going.[/COLOR] Jon followed Jake through the various twists and turns of the maze until they finally got to a clearing. Up ahead of them Jon saw two figures in what appeared to be a struggle. As he got nearer, Jon realized that the one on the losing side was the one he swore to protect. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]LEAVE HER ALONE NOW! YOUR MIND GAMES HAVE WORN ON AND I AM GETTING TIRED OF ALL THIS CRAP! NOW UNHAND HER AND I JUST MIGHT CONSIDER LETTING YOU LIVE ANOTHER DAY![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Aw Jon, I wasn't expecting you so soon. And Jake, a surprise to see you here. Did you forget our little agreemenet? You take of Jon, and we return you to the life you should have had all along. But I guess Jon was too much for you right? Don't worry, I can handle him and Rikku here.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK, I WARNED YOU ONCE, NOW IF YOUD DON'T UNHAND HERE THIS INSTANT, I WILL FINISH YOU OFF PIECE BY PIECE![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]That sounds like a challenge Guardian, well then, I accept![/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Stop there Valen! The time will come to take the Guardian down, but not now. They have both been weakened, and she has been troubled with the lies of her past. That will do for now. Leave and rejoin the others, we have the Guardians Apprentices both right where we want them, now go and help take them out![/COLOR] In a flash Valen left leaving Rikku, Jon and Jake alone. Jon quickly ran over and embraced his wife checking to see if any immediate care need to be taken. Then he looked over to Jake thanking him for his help, 'cause if it hadn't been for Jake, Jon would have never gotten there in time. [COLOR=DarkRed]I am just sorry for the delay and pain I caused you Jon. You once called me friend, and I betrayed that for a second chance. I deserve my fate, to forever be gone.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Look Jake, there may be a way to save you this time, but I need time to figure it out, so until then, let me impart you with a gift, it is the least I can do for you helping to save my Rikku here.[/COLOR] With that, Jon harnessed whatever power he could from the Pyramid of Light and sent Jake off to the Shadow Realm, where he would be able to survive until Jon could figure a more permanent solution. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Rikku, your mind is inhibiting the powers of the Pyramid, and I can't get back to Rik in my own body without your help. I need you to use whatever strength you have left and send us both back. Then you can tell me everything and together we will stop this new evil among us.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You're mind tricks won't work on me Jake! You saw exactly what I saw, and it was evidently an accident! So what did you prove other than I was right![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Obviously you weren't paying attention to all that was said Jon! You claimed you could have me killed before I got the chance to defeat you in a duel, and I guess you did just that. You purposely drove into that car Jon, and don't try to cover it up either![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You truly are insane! I did no such thing you fool! ANd why would I? After that wreck, me and Chris were hospitalized for weeks and never made it to the tournament![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Well boo-hoo for you Wheeler. I was killed and all you care about is that you never made it to Duelist Kingdom? You truly are pathetic, which is why I will destroy you now! Finish up your turn, and don't think I forgot, you get two battle phases, so go already![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine then, I place one card face down, and then remove my Vampire Lord from play, thus summoning Vampire Genesis! Now Blue Eyes, attack his face down monster![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]HA! You activated Man Eater Bug, which destroys the Blue Eyes you took from me![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then I destroy it with Vampire Genesis! Then I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I play Graceful Charity and then discard two cards from my hand. Now I play Monster Reborn to bring my Dark Magician right back out of the Graveyard. I then equip him with Horn of the Unicorn bringing him to 3200 attack points. I place one card face down, then attack your Vampire Genesis.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reveal Magical Hats![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]A foolish move, here I can read your every actions Jon, so my Dark Magician attacks the hat on the far right, and low and behold there he is! So not only do you lose your last line of defense, but you also drop to 6850 life points Jon. Can you feel your victory slipping, cause I can. Now make your move![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I play Poison of the Old Man, which raises my life points to 8050. Then I place one monster face down and end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I will start this off by playing Premature Burial to bring back Blue Eyes White Dragon in attack mode, then I attack your face down monster with the Dark Magician! But to finish my turn, I play Final Flame, bringing you to 6950, and no defense![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then I guess all I can do is place one card face down and end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]So, this is the legendary fight I have heard so much about Jon?! They say you fight 'til the very end and always seem to pull yourself out of a jam. But I guess I heard wrong, or else I'm just too much for you. Fine, I play White Dragon Ritual and sacrifice my Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my hand to summon Paladin of White Dragon. I then use his effect to automatically destroy your face down monster. Then I attack you directly with both Dark Magician and Blue Eyes White Dragon! That brings you down to 750 life points Jon. Looks like I am one attack away from beating you. HA!, I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I play Dark Hole to send all monsters to the graveyard. Then I play Mnster Reborn to bring out YOUR Dark Magician, then I play Polymerization to fuse him with my Buster Blader creating Dark Paladin. And since you sent two of your dragons to the graveyard, he gains a boosted 1000 attack points. You seem to have underestimated me just like the others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]This isn't over yet Jon, he is fused so he can't attack giving me at least one more turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine, then take it![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Thanks for such a powerful monster to take, for I place Kuriboh in attack mode, then play Creature Swap. We both choose one of our monsters and trade control with eachother, but since you and I only have one, then you know who I get. And since your monster is so much stronger than mine, I think I will win this hands down. This is it Jon, you have finally lost, and now I will take over your body once I leave this mind.[/COLOR] [I][B]FLASH[/B][/I] All of a sudden, a bright flash nearly made Jon fall backward as he was blinded by a brilliant radiance. When Jon next looked, he saw tow dragon statues in front of him made of crystal. [COLOR=DarkBlue]Jon, you have been choosen as one of the three choosen duelist to control the almighty dragons once again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What are you talking about Dark Magician Girl, and where am I?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkBlue]You are in a parallel universe where duel monsters are real. The game you hold so dear originated here where the monsters truly exist. Surely this isn't surprising to you Jon, the one who summons monsters to your world. Long ago there were these three dragons who were known as the ultimate monsters. A clash between them and the Great Leviathan locked them in these crystal chambers where they were to await the three choosen ones to come and remove the swords from their wounds. Now go Jon, remove the sword from Timaeus's eye and call his name so that he may once again aid you as Slifer does.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Here goes nothing. Come forth TIMAEUS![/COLOR] [I][B]FLASH[/B][/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]This isn't over yet Jake, I play the Eye of Timaeus! and fuse him with the Dark Magician Girl in my hand. I present to you Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight! Then I use their special ability to resurect the Blue Eyes White Dragon and the Red Eyes Black Dragon from your graveyard. But I'm not done yet. I remove the Red-Eyes Black Dragon from play to summon Red Eyes Darkness Dragon. Now I activate my Dragon Knight's other special ability, I sacrifice both dragons and take their attack points from YOUR life points. That comes to a grand total of 5400! [B]THIS DUEL IS OVER AND YOU LOSE JAKE![/B][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]So I see you've upgraded your skills and your deck of course. But that won't save you for long. I will see the end of you Jon. You must pay for what happened. So before you take your move, perhaps you should see this....[/COLOR] [I]Flashback[/I] Jon was driving in his new car with Chris and Jake on their way to the duelist tournament. [I][COLOR=Red]Man this is awesome guys, we get to join in our first tournament ever! I can't wait to get there and show that champion Kaiba who the real duelists are. And the best part is, if we gain enough star chips, we can even challenge the creator Pegasus! But I guess that won't matter for you Jon. I mean how could you gain enough starchips if you can't even beat me in a duel? Hey quit laughing Chris, he whoops you every time, so the way I see it, neither of you stands a chance in this tournament. But I guess you can always go to support me and learn how to really duel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Watch what you say Jake, I just might get offended and ditch you once we get to the docks and head to the island.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Chill Chris, there are better ways to deal with such an arrogant duelist. The only answer is to simply kill him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]WHAT!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Chill man, I don't mean it literally. Why would I KILL you here when I can kill you on the island where there are no witnesses to rat on me. Besides, I mean I will kill you in a duel, not physically. But before we do any kiiling of any sort, we need to find this new guy Yugi. I heard my cousin will be with him and has been learning to duel by him. So naturally I want to see how they do.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]JON WATCH OUT! THERE'S A CAR COMING RIGHT AT US![/B][/COLOR][/I] Elsewhere...... [COLOR=Orange]How did you do it Shadi? The Guardian and Chris held both sets of the Millennium Items. How did you get the Millennium Key to Konner?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Have you forgotten the true abilities of Jon's Pyramid of Light Ishizu? When he fused the Millennium Items into his Pyramid, they were sent through the Shadow Realm and then dispersed throughout our world. All he has to do is refind them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]For the sake of the world, I hope he does, 'cause if this new threat finds them, they will ba able to rescue my brother from the Shadow Realm, and we can't allow that.[/COLOR]
  10. What do y'all think of this one.
  11. Me and my friend love to duel eachother, but we can never fully agree on the rules. In the card game, when you tribute summon for Relinquished, do then immediately take a monster under his control, or how does he work. Also, when you ritual summon Paladin of White Dragon, does he remain inactive until his next turn, or can his effect be activated immediately? My last question is; say you have succesfully ritual summoned a monster like Relinquished or Black Luster Soldier, and then your friend flips over Morphing Jar which returns all monsters to their respective decks. What happens to the ritual summoned monsters, and can they then be normal summoned? [color=#4B0082]Moved this to the Anime Lounge, since Yu-Gi-Oh is primarily an anime. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What do you mean [I]I[/I] killed you! I told you it was an accident. If I could go back and trade places with you I would! Do even remember what happened that night Jake? There is no way I caused that wreck and you know it! Now get out of my way![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]So is this how you treat an old friend. Then you must be taught a lesson in manners. First ya kiled me, then you disgrace me like this. There is only one thing left for me to do[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Wait, let me guess, we duel to the death and then you take over my life as justice for what I supposedly did to you in the past. Am I forgetting anything there!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Hm, nope seems to be all. Now let's duel Wheeler! By this time tomorrow, I will control your body and gain back the life you stole from me! I will start this thing off by placing two cards face down, and setting one monster in defense. I end my turn[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I place one card face down, then activate Reload, which lets me put my hand back in my deck, shuffle, then redraw the same amount of cards. Then I summon one monster face down in defense mode to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I then sacrifice my face down monster, Kaiser Sea Horse, to summon Bleu Eyes White Dragon to the field in attack mode. Then I activate one of my face down cards, Quick Attack, to let him attack your face down monster![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reveal Magic Cylinders! This trap takes your attack and fires it right back at your life points! Not a good move since you just started, and already you have lost 3000 life points![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Then I activate my other facedown card, Waboku, making my own monsters attack 0 for this turn. Then I place one more card face down to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I then place two cards face down and flip over my defense monster, Invader of the Throne, which allows me to switch control of your Blue Eyes White Dragon with my Invader. Then I summon Pyramid Turtle in attack mode. Now my Blue Eyes, attack the Invader of the Throne![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I activate the Regulation of Tribe. I declare Dragon type, which won't allow you to attack with any Dragons so long as I am able to give up one of nmy monsters on the field each turn I take.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I will summon M-Warrior #1 which I then sacrifice to keep my trap in effect. I then play one card face down, then attack your Turtle with Invader of the Throne, bringing your life points down to 3850. I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Destroying my turtle activated its special ability allowing me to summon a zombie type from my deck to the field, as long as it has 2000 defense points or less. I then choose Vampire Lord. Then I summon one monster face down in defense mode, and play one more card face down. Now my Vampire Lord, attack the Invader! Your life points drop to 3350! I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I play one monster face down, then destroy my trap card, since I am unwilling to sacrifice any monsters, but then I play Scapegoat, and activate my face down card, Swords of Revealing Light to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Your Swords of Revealing Light forced my Weather Report out of hiding. But his special ability destroys Swords of Revealing Light, and then lets me take my battle phase twice. But before I do, I play Token Thanksgiving, which destroys all tokens on the field, that means your pathetic Scapegoats, and gives me 800 life points per token. So I gain 3200 life points bringing me to 7050![/COLOR]
  13. Here is the first comic I ever made for my site [url]http://www.steelfang.cjb.net[/url] Tell me what you think about it and any improvements I can, or need to make. Thanks
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I play Change of Heart to take control of your Sorcerer of Dark Magic, and use him to attack your life points directly, bringing you down to 800, then I place one card face down to end my turn. Good luck Wheeler, for now I control your strongest monster, and there is nothing you can do about it![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What a dense duelist you are! Do you not realize that your Change of Heart card only allows you control of my monster for your turn. He's mine now! I summon Celtic Guardian in attack mode, and use him to attack your life points directly![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Then I activate my face down card, Mirror Force![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't think so, for you forget my other monster's special ability, he can negate and destroy any and all trap cards! So my attack is succesful, and then he attacks to finish you off! IT'S OVER![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]NOOOOOO! HOW COULD I HAVE LOST TO YOU!? PLEASE FORGIVE ME MASTER![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Now get out of my way, for I have things to do, and your wasting my time! And tell me where Rikku is, for I will save her![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]FOOL! Do you really think you stand a chance in here? This may be your precious wife's mind, but she isn't exactly in control of herself. See she's kind of hearing voices in her head! HAHAHA! Marik may be gone for now, but do you really think he was able to accomplish everything he did without help!? There is another here that is hell-bent on destroyin you and your wife. You destroyed Marik and all he stood for, she betrayed him by joining forces with you, and together, you destroyed my master's one true love. See Wheeler, you aren't the only one who found love through all of this. After Rikku left Marik, he ran into my master who promised to deliver to him you and your wife, along with the world. As time went on, they sort of hit it off and fell in love. So prepare to pay, for I am not the only danger awaiting you Guardian![/COLOR] With that, Jon's challenger disappeared leaving him in a fog of confusion. [I]Could it be true that Marik find "true" love? Is that why Rikku has become the prime target instead of me? But why would they go after her first when it was I that instigated the betrayal he mentioned? But most important, who is this new threat and what does she plan to do next to Rikku?[/I] Jon ran on praying he would find Rikku in the mess that had become her mind. Without Rik there to help him find her, time had become a much larger factor than he would have liked. Then all of a sudden, he saw her run by in a sort of state of panic. Jon decided to abandon his search for his wife and tore off after the woman, he could only assume be the one mentioned by the duelist he just beat, and watched her every move to ensure she never harmed Rikku. At the same time, he hoped he could find some answers on how to remove his wife from this mind trap they were caught in. Staying just far enough to not be noticed by this strange woman, Jon continued to follow until he was suddenly cut off by a figure who stepped out from the shadows blocking off Jon's path. [COLOR=DarkRed]Jon, what's the hurry man? Too busy to catch up with an old pal? It's just like you to take off whenever I try to hang with you.[/COLOR] [I]Crap! What is he doing here? I haven't seen him in years, ever since......[/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What you been up to man? Haven't seen you since[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]the "accident". Yeah I know, but here I am now, so we can catch up on everything that's been happening with you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]But what are you doing here?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Stupid, I just told you. I finally caught up with you to hang out again, like old times.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Do even remember the old times, the last time we were together. Do you remember when[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]we wrecked, yeah I remember. But that is all behind us now. We can start all over. Don't worry Jon, I don't hold anything against you, I say let bygons be bygons. Besides, we've been given a second chance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Look, I'm not like you man, I can't just pretend that you never died, and neither can you. You need to accept it and go on. We shouldn't... no... rather we CAN'T be together like the friends we were. I have a new destiny so to say and a wife to share it with. I have accpeted my past and moved on to the futre. Now you need to do the same and go back to wherever it is you came from.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]FOOL! I WAS WILLING TO FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT HAPPENED! I WAS WILLING TO BELIEVE IT WAS ALL AN ACCIDENT AND LET YOU OFF THE HOOK FOR IT. BUT INSTEAD YOU TURN AGAINST ME AND BETRAY MY FRIENDSHIP! YOU WILL PAY FOR THE PAIN YOU'VE CAUSED ME JON! YOU WILL PAY FOR THE CRIME IN WHICH YOU ARE GUILTY, AND IT LOOKS LIKE I AM TO BE THE PRESIDING JUDGE![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Listen to yourself, you have gone delerious man! I am guilty of no crime, it was an accident out of my hands, and out of my control.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]LIAR! SHUT UP AND PREPARE TO DUEL TO THE DEATH JON! YOU CAN BELIEVE WHATEVER LIE YOU AND CHRIS CREATED TO FORGET THE PAST, BUT YOU ARE STILL GUILTY REGARDLESS. YOU WANT ME TO FACE THE FACT THAT I AM DEAD? FINE THEN, BUT YOU WILL ACCEPT THE FACT THAT [I]YOU KILLED ME JON![/I][/B][/COLOR]
  15. Hey, I have my own webcomic and need your oppinion on my banner. See I have three of them and don't know which one to choose from. So I need to know what y'all think of them and which one is the best to use.
  16. [COLOR=Orange]So Wheeler, we are destined to finally meet I see. After years of searching for you, my hard work has paid off in full.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well I am glad that you have been made satisfied, but now it?s time for you to get out of my way.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Sorry Wheeler, but that?s not an option. You must die now for the pain you have caused me and my family.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You?re out of your mind! I?ve never seen you before, yet alone caused problems in your family![/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange] FOOL! You think that just because you can?t remember the past makes it all go away? YOU RUINED OUR LIFE GAURDIAN!? I SPAT AT YOUR NAME AND LEGACY!? NOW IT?S TIME YOU PAID FOR YOUR TRESPASSES AND FOR THE TROUBLES YOU?VE CAUSED! NOW PREPARE TO DUEL FOR THE LAST TIME. FOER WHEN I WIN, YOU WILL DIE![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Why is it that anytime I duel now, it?s to the death. Ya know it?s situations like this that takes away all the joy of dueling. And ya know for once I would like to settle a fight with fists and not cards. Have you noticed that anytime someone wants revenge, they challenge a duel not a fight. What is with that? Anyway, lets put the disks down and talk this over, for I am sure this has all been a grave misunderstanding.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]You have it part way right Wheeler, this is a GRAVE situation for you. But there is no misunderstanding. She gave me the power to enter and trap you in your dreams, what she didn?t realize, is that you could enter the mind of your little missy. So once I finish with you, I can take off to help her out and finish this whole war today![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What war! There is no war now, Marik is gone and the war is over![/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]That?s what you think, for once we have claimed your apprentice, we can bring him back from the shadows and claim this pitiful world for our own! Now quit your stalling and LET?S DUEL![/COLOR] Jon placed his deck into his duel disk and prepared to vanquish the stranger looming before him. In Jon?s hand, he had the keys to victory, but his sixth card had to be perfect in order to execute his plan. The duel had yet to start, and already he held two of his strongest monsters, Dark Magician and the Dark Magician Girl. With Monster Reborn and Double Coston in his hand, along side Dragged Down to the Grave, all he needed was his Sorcerer of Dark Magic to help clench a clean victory. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I will start this duel off and thus draw my sixth card. The card he obtained was the Solar Flare Dragon. I play Double Coston in attack mode, then place one card face down (Monster Reborn). But don?t get smug yet, for I then play Dragged Down to the Grave, which forces us to show our hands and choose one of each others to discard to the graveyard. Then we receive the top card of our deck to replace the one we lost. I think I will choose your Scapegoat. That card has given me enough trouble in the past, now it?s your turn to choose.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Ha, you are more of a fool than I could have imagined Did you really think I would fall for such an amateur move Wheeler? I know your plans and will not fall prey to them. I will choose to send your Dark Magician Girl to the grave yard. Don?t expect me to be so easily beaten. I know of her special ability, and while most would send her to the graveyard, she is only a six star monster and be summoned quicker. Now it is my turn, and I place one monster face down and then place one card face down along with it. Your move you pathetic peon![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Watch your language, it shows your immaturity. And by the way, thanks for the leg up for you helped me whether you knew it or not. But don?t feel too bad, for were caught in my trap and would have been beaten by it no matter what. Yet you should have sent my Solar Flare Dragon to the graveyard, as he was the only choice that would have halted my plan. But now I can bring in BOTH magicians. For I reveal my face down card, Monster Reborn to bring back my Dark Magician Girl. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Ha, you can?t possibly bring out both magicians you fool, for the Dark Magician requires two sacrifices, and you only have two, including your Dark Magician Girl.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You know, you?d think you could come up with better names than just fool, but it is rather ironic, for it is exactly what you are. See you forget that my Double Coston too has a special effect, which allows me to summon a dark monster requiring two sacrifices by simply sacrificing him in their place. Now prepare to face the wrath of both of my magicians as I sacrifice my monster to summon my Dark Magician. Now lucky you, for I cannot attack with either since they were both special summoned, so I place one card face down, which clears out my hand of all but one card, now go.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]I place one more card face down, and then flip over my Penguin Soldier, which allows me to return two monster from your side of the field, to your hand. HAHAHA. [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Now I reveal the face down card, Goblin Fan which destroys your level two monster and negates its effect.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Then I end my turn Wheeler, but this will all turn around very soon![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Now I will sacrifice both of my magicians and bring out my Sorcerer of Dark Magic to vanquish you, now make your move, for it will be one of the last.[/COLOR]
  17. Jon rushed to the phone and quickly dialed the emergency number praying the ambulance would arrive in time to save Rikku. After placing the call, he stepped into their closet and locked himself in. It was a risky manuever, but it was all he could do to help save his wife. [COLOR=Blue][I]Jon don't doit! We have never tried this and who knows if it's even real! Lookl, I have nothing to lose in this situation, so let me go in your place and you maintain control of your body![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]No Rik, your right, you don't have anything to lose which is why I am going. This is my wife and I would rather die than let anything happen to her. Now we have studied this intensively, according to the artifacts we found in Egypt, using the items I have now, I can sort of "ghost" myself to where I can enter someone's thoughts. And since she is in a comatose state, I can easily get to her in her dreams. Now I have to go.[/COLOR][/I] Jon used the Pyramid of Liight and transfered his mind into Rikku's just as the ambulance came to take her away. He was prepared for confusion, but not like this. There were mazes and all sorts of doors he would ahve to navigate in order to find his wife. Losing no time, Jon stepped up to the closest door he could, and ran straight into a sort of Rare Hunter like figure, obviously placed in Rikku's mind by the ability of some Millennium Item. The figure raised his hand swiftly and brought it down hard activating a funky looking duel disk, signaling that should Jon want to proceed. he would have to earn his right of passage.
  18. [I][COLOR=Orange]Master Dartz, what should we do about Jaq? He has failed you once again master and we can't allow his insolence to persist on. Shall I have his mind enslaved in the Shadow Realm as per the rules of engagement?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]No, leave him. He may still be of use to us. But we need Jon's apprentice so we may bring back the only one who can stop them all. Go and find his apprentice so we may release Marrik's mind from the Shadow Realm again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]But sir, Jon destroyed Marrik in their last encounter. How can we bring him back if he has been obliterated?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]You fool, what is broken can always be fixed. Now go and find the apprentice and bring him back.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Sir, getting Chris will prove to be easier than Jaq made it. He is as good as ours.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]No, not Chris, Konner will be easier since he has no Millennium Items anymore. Now go and get him![/COLOR][/I]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] You realize he could always escape provided he has the right connections.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yeah, but they will have one heck of a time finding him. So what happened in that duel of yours? I mean YOU lost how pathetic is that. I must give the guy props for defeating you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Don?t push it Chris. First of all, I didn?t want to destroy my best friend, so I held back drastically. Then he brought in specially designed cards that no one has ever heard of, and between you and me, I think they were fake. But we won?t know if they were now will we. See we acted a little too quickly and sent him away cards and all.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Don?t be so sure. I have the deck right here, Ra and all. Now let?s see, yep they were real alright. Here, I guess you will be wanting these two then. Here is the Winged Dragon of Ra, and Magic Inhibitor.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thanks Chris, but you keep the Winged Dragon of Ra. Yugi lost it and you found it, I am sure he will be fine. Besides, I heard he got some freaky dragon card that is contains some weird power behind it. So I think the Winged Dragon of Ra will be best in your deck. But I will take the other card, after all, I can?t have you running around with some card to neutralize my deck. I refuse to lose to you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]But you just did Jon, don?t forget that. And don?t tell me it didn?t count. Because that was my deck and the strategy I would have used. Well all except those three mystery cards, but still you lost.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I never lose Chris, and I would have won this as well. See I had two cards left on the field you forget about. Check them out if you want.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]The Pot of Greed and the Jar of Greed!? But all you had to do was activate those and re-strengthen Slifer to win the duel. So why didn?t you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Simple Rikku, I wasn?t about to let my best friend slip into the shadows when he had no control over himself. I mean come on now Chris, you have to see that, for why would any of the Egyptians gods allow themselves to be put into defense mode. You know they have too much pride in themselves to not go down without a fight. Me and Slifer fight as a team, and he understood why I did what I had to do.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]AW MAN! You mean the only reason I won was because you were willing to sacrifice yourself for me? That is not fair, I demand a rematch right here and right now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Maybe later Chris, I have been in here too long, and would like to go home, and you must explain how you reclaimed yourself. I was highly impressed and someone told me you were about to pull through, so my sacrifice wasn?t all that heroic. See Rik, sort of peeked into your mind via the power I have placed into the Pyramid of Light thanks to the Millennium Key. He saw the fight you were putting on, and kind of filled me in. But thanks all the same, if you hadn?t of pulled through, I was about to do the worst thing ever, and that would be to destroy you. I have a couple tricks in my deck and don?t forget that. Now let?s go home and let Rikku rest.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]I?m just relieved to see you two are alright. But I must tell you something about what happened at the hospital and during your duel?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I will place two cards face down, then play the magic card, [I]Cost Down[/I], which lowers the level of my monsters by two, allowing me to summon my more powerful monsters without having to sacrifice so much. Then I summon [I]Zoa[/I] to the field, and use [I]Metalmorph[/I] to trasform him into [I]Metalzoa[/I]. I then use [I]Rush Recklessly[/I] to bring him to 3500. Now attack his [I]Sorcerer of Dark Magic[/I]! You have dropped to 3700 my friend. And with that, I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You may have beaten my monster Jaq, but this is far from over. I will switch my [I]Chaos Sorcerer[/I] to defense mode, then play [I]Swords of Revealing Light[/I], and end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]So you have realized that all is in vain have you Wheeler! Good, the sooner I beat you, the better. Now I play my face down card, [I]Change of Heart[/I], which allows me to seize control of your monster. And don't think your swords are gonna save you Wheeler. You have no monsters, and I have two, so good luck. I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Then I play King's Knight in attack mode, and end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Nice job Wheeler, I will end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]This will all be over soon Jaq, you can count on it. I will play one card face down, and end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I will play [I]The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave[/I]and end my turn. With that your swords disappear, allowing me to attack next turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]We'll see about that, I reveal my trap card, [I]Jar of Greed[/I], which allows me one extra card per turn. Then I summon[I] Queen's Knight[/I], which, since I have the [I]King [/I] out, let's me special summon [I]Jack's Knight[/I] to the field. Then I sacrifice all three to summon [I]Slifer the Sky Dragon[/I]! Then I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]WHAT! THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE! WE COULDN'T FIND THAT CARD, SO HOW DID YOU! Oh well, I will soon take it out, as I sacrifice my three monsters to summon the [I]WINGED DRAGON OF RA![/I][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]to summon the [I]Sorcerer of Dark Magic[/I]. And since your magic card has another effect, I was forced to discard the rest of my monsters in my hand. Luckily for me, there was only one other, but it is enough, for now I remove from play, [I]Dark Blade[/I] and [I]Shining Angel[/I] to special summon [I]Chaos Sorcerer[/I]. Now my I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]You seem to growing delusional Guardian. I could have sworn you just got a new sense of confidence. Don't you see Jon, all is now hopeless for you. I have you painted in a corner, and there is nothing left for you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]JON! JON! WHERE ARE YOU![/COLOR] Rikku went running through the house yelling for Jon desperate to find him and figure out what was up with the heart she pulled from her dream. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Looks like we have company Jon. Want her to join us in here?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Leave her alone Jaq! Or as God is my witness, I will destroy piece by piece![/COLOR] Jaq then used the powers of Chris's Millennium Items and dragged Rikku into the middle of the duel. She stood there in complete confusion and shock as a new sense of dread spread across her. If there was any duelist out there that stood even a remote chance of defeating her husband, it was Chris. And here they were in a heated Shadow Game with Chris in his freaky Yami form. This could only mean that Jaq had gotten to him, and that one of the two would soon be lost to the shadows forever. [COLOR=Orange]Jon! You can't win this duel! Well, I mean you can't lose it either! Look, whoever loses this duel, loses it all, and I have a feeling that Jaq isn't going to hold up to whatever bargain he made you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Now don't worry Rikku, for Jon doesn't stand a chance of winning. His field is full of Spellcasters, and my Magic Inhibitor prevents them from attacking me or my life points. But don't worry, I can still attack him and wipe out his Life Points. So get ready to live the life of a widow, for your reveered husband is through![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Guess again Jaq! I have you beaten now that my two Sorcerers are on the field! And I don't seem to be able to see your precious magic card any more.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]WHAT!? WHERE DID IT GO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME WHEELER! YOU WILL PAY FOR CHEATING LIKE THIS![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You can't cheat in a Shadow Duel Jaq, and you know this. But what you obviously don't know, is that my Sorcerer of Dark Magic has this uncanny ability to destroy any and all trap cards he chooses. And guess what, he chose your pathetic trap! Your move Jaq![/COLOR] Jaq pulled Rikku towards him and prepared to take his turn. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Fine, but be careful Jon, I would hate for Rikku to come in contact with a misguided attack from one of your monsters, wouldn't you?[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I will lay down one monster in defense position and then play the magic card [I]Rageiki[/I] which destroys all your monsters on the field. Then I place two cards face down and end my turn. Now prepare to lose it all Gaurdian![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]That's cheap talk from someone running to defense like that Jaq. But fine then I will draw my card and finish you off soon enough.[/COLOR][I]Drew Gravekeeper's Guard[/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then I summon [I]Gravekeeper's Guard[/I] in attack mode. Now attack his face down monster immediately![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Not so fast Guardian, I reveal [I]Obligatory Summoning[/I] which forces you to summon as many monsters as you can that is of the same type as your [I]Gravekeeper[/I].[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine then, you must be out of your mind to make a move like that, for not only have you allowed me to summon my [I]Dark Magician[/I] but my [I]Dark Magician Girl [/I] also. Not to mention the others such as [I]Gravekeeper's Assailant[/I], and [I]Pixie Knight.[/I] That is a total of 5 spellcasters against your one defensive monster, and you have forced me to draw two of my most powerful. Now attack all at once, all but you [I]Dark Magician[/I] and [I]Dark Magician Girl[/I].[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Again you assume too much. I then reveal my other face down card, [I]Magic Inhibitor[/I]. See Wheeler, when Kaiba took over the creation of Duel Monsters after Pegasus's departure, he began to create cards of his own design and created one to put an end to you and Yugi's threat. He knew Yugi relied heavily on that cursed [I]Magician[/I], and had only one of these printed so that no one else could get the same edge he had over the Duelist Champion. But unfortunately for him, I found out about this precious card and took it for my own doings, but I am being rude by leaving you to wonder what it does. See [I]Magic Inhibitor[/I] works just like [I]Insect Barrier[/I] in that it prevents all Spellcasters from attacking. And when you use them to sacrifice, you must sacrifice them for another Spellcaster type. So that means that I have filled your line with useless monsters. I have you beaten now Guardian, and there is nothing you can do about it! HAHAHAHAHA![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]That's what you think Jaq! I may have already attacked with the other three spellcasters, but not my [I]DarkMagician[/I], nor [I]Dark Magician Girl[/I]. That means I can still use them this turn. And since they are useless to me now, I now sacrifice them....[/COLOR]
  23. OOC: Sorry for the time lapse there. My friend's computer crashed and I have been waiting on him to get to post, but since he is unable to right now, I will move it along anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Koumori Dragon[/I] in attack mode, and place two cards face down on the field. You are in way over your head this time Guardian. I now every little secret you and your pathetic deck hold. Now my dragon, defeat his [I]Baby Dragon [/I] now! Then I will relinguish my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]There is no point in your worthless semantics Jaq. No matter what you do, I will defeat you and release my friend from wherever you are holding him at. And don't try to be cute by mimicing his phrases, I don't respond well to coy body snatchers! Now I play the card I just drew, [I]Dragged Down Into The Grave![/I]. As you know this little card allows me to look at your hand and discard any one card I choose to the graveyard. And judging by your cards, I chose Kiryu to go.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Don't forget little infidel, that I too get to discard one of yours, and lookie here, a [I]Dark Magician[/I]. This is the one card you depend most highly on isn't it Jon? I know what you plan to do with this card, and let me guess, you thought I would help you out by doing what most duelists would do and choose your strongest card didn't you? Well guess what Jon, you're wrong! If I am not mistaken, which I'm not, you have [I]Monster Reborn [/I] on the field, and once I choose your pathetic Magician, will use it to automatically summon him to the field right? Well I am not helping you out there, so I choose [I]Dark Pendant[/I] instead.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You are more foolish than I thought Jaq and walked into that play nicely. I knew you knew my initial strategy and would attempt to prevent me from later strenghtening my [I]Dark Magician [/I] and discard my [I]Dark Pendant [/I] instead. What you failed to realize, is that by knowing that you know, I have devised a new strategy. But don't worry, you weren't entirely wrong on your assumption, I will play my [I]Monster Reborn[/I], right after I summon [I]Dark Blade [/I] in attack mode! Then I use [I]Monster Reborn [/I] to bring back not one of my monsters, but one of yours! COME BACK OUT [I]KIRYU[/I]! Now watch this little number Jaq, I then unite my [I]Dark Blade [/I] to [I]Kiryu[/I] to boost his attack by 900 bringing him to 2900![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Not so fast Guardian, you can't unite monsters! And you didn't use Polymerization at all!So explain yourself![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Gladly you incompetent twit! See [I]Dark Blade[/I], [I]Kiiryu [/I] and [I]Pitch Dark Dragon [/I] are all Union monsters, which means I can unite them to boost their attack, and on any desired turn, break them apart to once again have two mosters on the field. The catch is, that only two can unite at a time and when the monster it is equiped to is defeated, that card goes in its place. So let's say you manage to beat my [I]Kiryu[/I], well [I]Dark Blade [/I] will go instead, but I am not worried about that now. GO [I]KIRYU[/I], SHOW HIS [I]KUOMORI DRAGON [/I] JUST WHY YOU DON'T MESS WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS. And with that, you lose not just your only line of defense, but 1400 of your life points as well bringing you down to 2600. Now make your move![/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Look here you impudent fool, this duel is just a proloning of the inevitale. I will defeat you and when I do, there will be no where for you to go. I will make sure you are ripped to pieces very slowly here in the Shadow Realm. So don't think just because you are holding the Winged Dragon of Ra, that you are holding the key to victory. See even the Egyptian gods have their weaknesses, and I have studied each one's. Now quit stalling and take your turn. This duel has just begun and already you're wasting time trying to figure a sound strategy. Having trouble figuring out how to summon Ra? I can help you out on that you know. See my advice is to you is: FORGET IT! Just figure out how to survive for a while, for the end is near.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Now why would I be stalling Jon. You're the one with everything to lose. Or have you not figured it all out yet? See I maybe what is commonly known as a body snatcher, but there is more to me than meets the eye. For while I can transfer my mind onto anyone I touch, I too have a body waiting for me. And my master will not allow harm to come to it. So as long as I have a body waiting for me at home, I can simply "teleport" myself back at any time. So here you are thinking you are so smug and will rip ME to shreds!? Ha, you wouldn't get the chance Guardian. Should you win, my body is nicely relaxing, ready for my arrival.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]That doesn't mean I can't stop you before you leave here Jaq. Or have you let it slip your feeble mind that I am the Ultimate Guardian with complete control over the Shadow Realm? I can stop and enslave your mind in any piece of this place that I choose.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]We will see about that Jon, now I play....[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]A Shadow Duel!? Tell me you aren't serious, you know I could use my Pyramid to drive you out of my friend.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yes, but how much of him would come with me? Are you positive I can't drag your friend with me and thus leave you with nothing more than a comotose body as a friend? If you feel like risking your friend's life, then go rigth ahead, be my guest. I challenge you to drive me out of him, then I will simply find a new host, and your friend will be lost so deep in the shadows, not even you would be able to pull him out. So strike me out, OR you can take the smart choice and duel me. You win, he is free no catch. If I win I take over your body Guardian. It's your call.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then I see you have left me no choice but to strike at you, with my deck. I accept your challenge to the Shadow Duel, but once I win, and believe me I will, you shall be ripped to pieces and dispersed through out the Shadow Realm.[/COLOR] A flash of lightening tore through the house and Jon and Chris were enveloped in the Shadows. The familiar purple haze wafting through began to glow and radiated a vibrant heat setting Jon's body nearly on fire. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What is the meaning of this!? Explain yourself NOW![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Oh did I forget to mention the other catch? Oops, sorry about that, hehe. See my master needed to obtain the three god cards for a special tribute, but when we got to Yugi, all he had was the Winged Dragon of Ra. We took it of course, but then we have the problem of locating the other two. So instead of sacrificing the others, 'cause we have started to grow impatient with our search, I am going to sacrifice the Winged Dragon of Ra, and your little friend here. Lucky me I found a host who posseses not only enough strength and importance, but he has another half of him with the same potential. So after I have extenguished you in this duel, I will consume your body, and sacrifice this impudent fool. Then the great Leviathan will once again wreak havoc on humanity, and we can restore it to its original glory. Sounds good huh? And just think, you and I can be the Ultimate Guardian together for a new and stronger master. This is the beginning of the end Jon![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Not if I have anything to say about it! Now LET'S DUEL![/COLOR] Jon and Chris both loaded their decks into their duel disks and watched as their life points filled to 4000. Jon then drew his initial five cards, which contained Dark Magician, Monster Reborn, Dark Pendant, Baby Dragon, and Card Destruction. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Please go first my friend, it is the least I can do for you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine then, but don't expect any mercy from me you vile knave![/COLOR]Drew Dark Blade [COLOR=RoyalBlue] I place two cards face down and summon Baby Dragon in defense mode. Then I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ah Guardian, relying on your pitiful Dragon again I see. Don't forget I have access to Chris' full mind, that means there is nothing he knows that I don't. That includes his memories of past duels with you. Now let's see, I guess I shall...[/COLOR]
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