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Zanarkand Abes

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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes

  1. I finally saw this movie on Sunday, and I must say it was not what I thought it would be like, it was better. [spoiler] First of all, I was soo glad it told the past of Jason and Freddy and told us how they came back to life. Yet I was not expecting it to be Freddy who brought back Jason. And if I am not mistaken, didn't Jason kill more people in that one rave scene, than he did in at least half of an of his other movies? I was disappointed how he killed a few people the same way as others, 'cause he has always been known to never kill the same way twice. Finally, I was definitely thrown for a loop when I found out that they both ended in a stalemate.[/spoiler] Sorry for dragging on, but I was stoked to see this movie, and I am going with a friend of mine again in two weeks.
  2. My favorite is Freddy Vs. Jason. Not only is it scary at times, but it digs into the life story of the two most widely known horror characters. The movie was down right PIMP and it will be hard to top it. Although I did like Urban Legend almost as much.
  3. It's alright and all. It is not the best out there, but neither is it the worst. It was a lot funnier at the begining and is starting to get stale.
  4. I love GC, especially their Valentine song. I don't know why I like it soo much, I mean I am not morbid at all, but it is a good song.
  5. I got in my new Gameinformer magazine, and it had an update on Final Fantasy XI, Since there does not seem to be another thread relating to this, here it goes. The game is set to come out in America, but it will cost a pretty penny. For Playstation 2, you have to buy the game, the network adapter, sign on to a service plan, pay for the monthly bill, and other technical stuff necesary to play the game, yet for the pc, all you need is internet, the game, and play the monthly charge. Now seeing as Final Fantasy is a Playstation game series, does anyone else find anything wrong about making it easier for the PC, or the fact that Playstation 2 owners have to pay more for one game than for the system it is palyed on? I do, how about you?
  6. My favorite attack is flamethrower. Not only is it a powerful attack, but it is more concentrated and is not widely dispersed, making it more controlable.
  7. While Ultimacea was pretty cool, my favorite has to be Sin, because I love the complexity of the story and the twists anfd turns his story takes.
  8. What is the eon code? and maybe the Latios code, even though I don't think the last one will work.
  9. I agree with GinnyLyn about Yojimbo being useless, seeing as you have to pay him to attack, and can't exactly choose when to use his overdrive, you [u]have[/u] to have him in order to get the Magus Sisters.
  10. How could I hack it? Is there a gameshark code I can use?
  11. Hey man, I have the gameshark that came out before the Pokemon Ruby game, and all though I doubt that matter, I was wondering why the codes don't work for me. I put in the new master code and the code to catch Torchic, but I can't catch him. Do I need to be in a certain area? And what position does the top switch need to be in, left or right?
  12. Hey, how do you get and use the Eon Ticket in the American Ruby Version?
  13. That sucks, well thanks for your help anyway
  14. But how do yo get the G/S ball? The only way I can get Celebi is to use the Gameshark and fight him. BUT I WANT THE G/S BALL!
  15. That trailer looks pretty good, but I am sorry,[spoiler] seeing Mickey Mouse going all gung ho and flipping through the air was too much for me. I mean it was cool seeing Goofy and Donald fight in the last one, but to have Mickey is pushing it.[/spoiler] But I will have to buy it when it comes out, even though I have not yet finished the last game, seeing as my little brother erased my file when I was about to beat it.
  16. How do I get the G/S ball in the crystal version?
  17. Hey I need some one to tell me where to find guitar music for "Swing Swing" and "Last Song" I don't want tablature, but where it has the lyrics and the chord letter abive it. (If that made any sense)
  18. I have reserved the new Final Fantasy game FFX-2 and i coming out on December 12, 2003. Fr anyone interested.
  19. There is no way to override the prophecies no matter how hard you try. What God says will happen, he will make happen. He created the heavens and the earth, and He can over power us.
  20. I have to disagree with you James. All of my girlfriends have warned me not to because it makes it somewhat weird. They tell me to just go in and let fate decide.
  21. So Transtic Nerve, if you are so sure you were the first, what time did you go and see it yesterday? [spoiler] Anyway, that was the best movie I have ever seen, it was a hundred times better than the first one. i love the twist with the Oracle and being The Chosen One. Plus the fight seen between Neo and thousands of Angent Smiths. Not to mention the freeway scene. I can't wait to see the third one this november. I saw the sneak preview and the new scenes from the final Matrix.[/spoiler] [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Just got back from Matrix Reloaded. One thing I didn't like: [spoiler]When Neo went and found the "father" of the Matrix. He went on and on exaplining everything and if you're like me (I get distracted easily sometimes) you'll be distracted by the countless TVs in the room behind Neo while whats his face is talking. So i never understood much of what he was saying. It was rather difficult to grasp the whole story, even though I still got it eventually. I'd have to see the scene 2 or 3 times before I fully understand it. If anyone would like to clear it up for me more fully, I'd like that.[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler]Well, basically, the creator was telling Neo that he is not the chosen one, but one of many. He is an anomally and nothing more. Apparently Neo has been created six times now, and he reacted differently on the first five occasions, but was quicker and more powerful this time. The father told him that he will make a choice, Zion or Trinity, but you knew that. The other five Neos chose to try and save Trinity, but it was futile and Zion along with Neo would die, but Neo had to choose 27 men and women to rise up in the next program and create Zion over again. But as you know, Neo broke this by saving Trinity and by the act that he was much more powerful than before. But Zion fell anyway.[/spoiler] [color=teal]Remember that double posting is against our rules. Please edit your original post next time. :) -Syk3[/color]
  22. Just go for it. If you really care about her and she knows it, then it won't upset her or scare her off. Fact is, she might be wanting you to do it. So do it or it will eat you inside untill you do. I know I have been there with my last girlfriend, and once I kissed her, I felt a lot better.
  23. I took the U.S. history one and it nearly ate me alive. next year I will do Government, Comp. Politics, Economics, and Psychology.
  24. Lately, I have thought about how cool it would be if the X-Men were real. Then I could be capured by Apocolyps and he would infuse in me the powers of some of the X-Men. I would look th esame, but I could manipulate fire like Pyro, only I could also create it, plus I would have Cyclops eye beam, Wolveriene's healing powers and antimantium claws, telekenesis, Nightcrawler's teleport, Gambit's power, and Iceman's ability. Just a few ya know. I would use the powers for good, but mostly just to have fun.
  25. I believe that a gay relationship would ruin the game. It seems obsurd to me and a pointless inclusion to a game and it would probably force the parental rating to be increased. Thus meaning fewer age groups could buy it.
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