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Zanarkand Abes

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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes

  1. I found out something else on Feebas. Crimson Spider was correct about surfing around and fishing, he even got the location right. But unless I am wrong, he didn't know one key thing about the Feebas location. They change where they are on Route 119 based on your trendy phrase in Dewford town. If the phrase changes, so does Feebas' location.
  2. [spoiler]Thanks, and if I am not mistaken, in the comic series, Pheonix was an alien entity which possesed Jean Grey and sent her on an evil rampage. The X-Men tried to contain it and force the Pheonix out of her, but the Pheonix killed itself and Jean Grey with it. Later, Jean came back to life somehow, and had the Pheonix power along with her telapthy and telekenesis, which explains why she could not control her powers lately and had the nightmares progressing. That could have been the way the author wrote in the possesion of Jean Grey[/spoiler]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by V-Rob [/i] [spoiler]Actually, his name is Remy LeBeau. You'll also notice Snowbird from Alpha Flight, Mastermind (Stryker's son), Jubilee, and Siryn.[/spoiler] [/QUOTE] [spoiler]When did Snowbird come into the movie? I know Siryn was the one yelling and Jubilee was in class with Profesor X, but I didn't see Hank McCoy or Gambit, where were they?[/spoiler] [color=darkblue][b][size=1]Spoiler tags added. -Shy[/color][/b][/size]
  4. I must apologize to Crimson Spider for the out of line commments I made. This is no excuse, but I had had one hell of a week and had to do that stupid TAKS Test to top it off. So I was a little edgey and unloaded on him. I apologize, and thank you for the help you have given.
  5. I am not claiming to be perfect, I mean I have looked at Playboy like pics once and a while, but I disaprove of it. And there is a difference between porn and nudity, and Playboy is porn. Soft or hard, there is nothing just nudity about it. The concept is to look at the woman's body in a sexual manner, not to admire the human body. And it is okay to acknowledge a pretty woman, but you cannot pursue into it lustfully.
  6. I must apologize to Crimson Spider for the out of line commments I made. This is no excuse, but I had had one hell of a week and had to do that stupid TAKS Test to top it off. So I was a little edgey and unloaded on him. I apologize, and thank you for the help you have given.
  7. As many know, Playboy is doing a tour across the country to find the next playmates for their magazine. It is going to be in Texas, my home state, so I thought I would get ya'lls oppinion on the subject. How do you feel about this and other pornagraphic magazines, and does it offend you ladies? To start us off, I disapprove of all porn including Playboy and feel it is an obtrusion on the female body, voluntarily or not. The Bible condemns these mags and so do I. How 'bout ya'll?
  8. Hey, I have been wondering what has happened to the Final Fantasy Forum, but I guess here it is! By the way, does anyone know when the new Final Fantasy game comes out in America?
  9. I know nothing more than ya'll do about the movie except what is on the trailer and that it is due to come out this summer or maybe late spring.
  10. "Man who stands on toilet, high on pot" "Man who walks through terminal sideways, going to Bangcock." "Passionate Kiss like spider, lead to undoing of fly" "Baseball is all wrong, man cannot have four balls" -Confucious
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by calumon_luver [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]Love is a deep deep friendship, someone who you can't live without.[/COLOR] :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] I have to agree with Calumon_luver on this one. Love is a very personal feeling shared between two people ready to give their lives to eachother.
  12. I am going to be working at Albertsons and interning for my youth pastor.
  13. I heard a story about this one old lady who devorced her husband and move across the country to marry this guy she had never met in real life, but was dating over the internet. Me, I can't argue against E-Dating, as I had an "online girlfriend" about two years ago. We pretended to be in love and looked forward to talking together. She lived in Aledo I believe, which is close to Fort Worth, and we planned to meet at Six Flags Over Texas, but "broke up before we could. Know however, I do kinda agree with Babygirl, but think it can still be fun, so long as it is not too extreme or both people agree that it isn't going to be a serious relationship.
  14. Another thing I don' tlike is, all the wild pokemon are soo weak, it takes forever to level up once you've passed level 40.
  15. Hey, I just saw the preview for the new Pokemon Movie: Pokemon Heroes, to come out in theaters this spring. It has the new legendary Latios and Latias. It looks a lot better than the other movies, especially the last one. To see the trailer, go to apple.com and do to the Quicktime link, then the Movie Trailers link.
  16. Shadow Cat was the one who ran through the door when Logan entered Xavier's office in the first movie. I can't wait for the new one to come out, and I know of this one theater sellin gtickets for it already. Plus, I heard that Jubilee and (my favorite) Gambit will have a cameo appearance fighting.
  17. I love the show, but I missed the last half of last nights episode. Does anyone know how it ended?
  18. I was in high anticipation for the new Jamie Kennedy movie, until I saw it. I thought I would be able to relate to him right? I mean he played a white boy acting black, and I sometimes act the same. I love rap and some of the baggy clothes. This was supposed to be funny, and in some places it was, but cpme on! This movie was pretty much just stupid. What do ya'll think?
  19. Hey, I have been investigating this Yu-Gi-Oh show and card game, and can't quite tell whether it is evil or not. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I need to know ya'lls aspect. When I bought the cards, me and my mother noticed a demonic trend to most of the cards which is also carried through the show with shadow games. However, seeing as it is based on ancient Egypt, that can be justified. But is it me trying to justify something evil, or am I over analysing it? What is ya'lls take on it?
  20. What I don't like about the new versions, is that it doesn't seem possible to get all the Pokemon from the other versions at all. I mean the landscape is soo small and over run by these new guys, that there is no room for the old guys.
  21. What is the Poke virus?
  22. Hey Xra, what is th ecode for the Gameshark you found?
  23. This game is awsome, but I am having trouble getting those stupid tediz with the turret gun. They come from every freakin angle. Maybe ya'll can help me, and while we are at it, what are some of your favorite Conker's moments?
  24. What nature makes it more prone to beauty pokeblocks?
  25. My first kiss was with my girlfriend Rachell. I was sixteen and at the end of my 10th grade. It was the third to last day before school let out for the summer, and I met her and her friends at Braums. We went off to a table by ourselves and just talked for about an hour. When it was time to go, we got in my truck and she asked me a question. After answering it very carefully, she leand over and we kissed for about a minute or two. When we got to her place, I helped out of the car and we kissed again for a little while. It was, needless to say, the best kiss I have ever had. The worst was with my last girlfriend, because it was our first kiss, and it was ackward and quick.
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