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Zanarkand Abes

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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes

  1. My Favorite game is tony Hawk 3. It is a great skateboarding game, and I love being able to unlock players and levels.
  2. Saphire and Ruby have 100 new guys in addition to the old ones. Plus it has two new trainers, and you can fight with two pokemon at one time on a "colored" battle field
  3. I would like to meet Baby Girl. She looks pretty hot, and seems to be a nice person.
  4. i think the olsen twins have gotten out of hand. I mean come on! First they have these crappy dolls that barely looks like them, now they have this stupid game. The only thing to look worse than this, is Brittany Spears game.
  5. It might be easier than the others, but there are a few battles that are hard. But I disagree about there being not enough side quests. If you do them to plan,then the monster arena should take a while, there is Chocobo raising, the legendary weapons, chasing Quactars, and don't forget Blitzball. I could spend hours playing Blitzball alone.
  6. I personally hated Spongebob at first. I thought it was hte dumbest thing I had ever seen. But after watching it with my brother, I am starting to like it.
  7. Hey, Has anyone played the new X-men game for playstation 2? If so, how do you beat the Sentinal A when he has 50 seconds on the clock? I can get up to him, but I can't figure out how to beat him. Please help!
  8. Ya'll should MK forum so wee have a place to put stuff in. We need a place for it to talk to people about the cheats, moves, and crazy stuff like girls girls girls......they are so pritty if there is any girls out there who want to talk to a 17/m/tx just leave me a message.:2women: :hippy:
  9. Yeah, you can close this thread. Thanxfor all your help.
  10. So, I have been saving money, and sacrificing pokeballs, so that my mom will buy stuff for my room, right?! But she won't buy anything! Whaqt is up with that?
  11. Those are all great ideas. But I think I will go between Zanarkand Dome, and Blitzball Stadium. But thanx for all of your comments and input.
  12. does it evolve by friendship? Cause I think mine is 55 or higher
  13. I am not advertising, seeing as I have not made the site yet.
  14. I need cheat codes for this game help i need sombody not just anybody help. Help you the only one who can HELP!!!:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:
  15. i just purchased a SNES from my friend for $25 and got two controlers, a controler spliter, Super Mario, and Zelda. But I need to know of some other games to buy. What do ya'll think I should get?
  16. At what level does Pupitar evolve into Tyranitar?
  17. FFVIII: Balamb Garden after the transformation FFX: Zanarkand Stadium at the begining of the game.
  18. yeah, I like Zanarkansd Dome. Then I can incorporate other themes from the game, and not necessarily be forced to stay with blitzball.
  19. My friend is the nephew of the same Tobias who created the game, and he has it. He says it is pretty cool, and you earn coins from beating people. Then you go to the graveyard with those coins and open crypts. That is how you get artwork, costumes, levels, and people.
  20. Sorry, I forgot the name when I was writing this, but I knew it was 5 and started with A somehow.
  21. Hey, I am anticipating the arrival of this new game. But I don't know what it is about, and if it is worth buying. What do ya'll think. And, does anyone know any codes or secret players in the krypts and their numbers?
  22. When playing Gold and Silver, I ran into the delima of who to chose. I started with Cyndaquil, but when I traded over Charmander, I couldn't chose. Charizard is my favorite, but Typhlosion seems stronger. Who do you think I should choose?
  23. What started Otaku boards? and where did the idea come from?
  24. I don't like the way they have commercialized the holiday, but I do like how it seems to come earlier each year. Christmas is my favorite holiday, even without the presents, because I love the harmony and the way the air feels this time of the year. Yet I don't want it to come any sooner than it already has.
  25. I don't think there is anything wrong with her bending down. I think it adds to her character, because it shows compassion for the death of her foe. It adds to her feminine side.
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