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Zanarkand Abes

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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes

  1. I have palyed Kingdom Hearts and love the game. I know there are a lot of similarities to the Final Fantasy series, like being made by Square Soft and all, but is it enough to classify it as being a Final Fantasy game?
  2. The site is mostly revolving around Final Fantast Ten, and I am thinking about naming it Blitzball Staduim. What do ya'll think about that name?
  3. Choose your favorite form the list, and if your does not appear here, then reply with the name of your favorite. :ball:
  4. I am trying to think of a good website name for a final fantasy site. Think ya'll can help me?
  5. The belts are cool, and it is possible to have an outfit like that.
  6. My favorite one is Tidus, because he is cool, and will do anything to get home. wish I could be in his place and be able to play blitzball like him.
  7. That was a pretty cool cast you have set up there. Think you could do one for Final fantasy VIII and X?
  8. Who is your favorite character from Final fantasy Ten? If your favorite doesn't appear on the poll, then send me a message, and I will be glad to fix it.
  9. Hey, somebody send me a message explaining how to get shiny pokemon. I only have the Gyrados from the Lake of Rage
  10. Does any one think that Square Soft went over board on Lulu's outfit? I mean the bels are cool and all, and I like the way it gives her personality, but come on, she could not fight or bend over as she does after a victorious battle, without having her breasts fall out. I love the outfit, it's just not that realistic, unlike the graphics. :flaming: :naughty: :2women: :heart: :luv:
  11. Me, I would like a game to play off of Jecht's life, so we can watch some of his Blitzball games and get he FULL story of his and Tidu's life. That way we can see Auron and Braska and what they had to do to defeat Sin.
  12. Square Soft struck a deal with Dell to where Dell has sogned to create 2 PC models with the game preprogrammed. Dell is also creating a controller for the computer. But this is only in Japan for now.
  13. Even if Final Fantasy XI doesn't come to America, Square Soft has annouced the creation of Final Fantasy X-2 which stars Yuna and Rikku, only with a different style of clothes, and they each carry guns. :excited: :lecture:
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