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Zanarkand Abes

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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes

  1. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What happened here Chris? Why is Tristan on the floor, and what is with that stupid grin on your face?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]It?s quite funny really what happened to Tristan, I mean you should of seen it Jon. He came in here to find me and tripped on the rug by the door see, and feel face first into the dresser here, which he collided with, and knocked him out. Don?t worry though, I called an ambulance, and they?re on the way. Which why I am simply sitting here waiting and laughing to myself, seeing as how I told you to get rid of the rug. There was something strange about Tristan though, he seemed desperate to touch my arm, you don?t know why do you?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Maybe he heard about your ?victory? in Egypt. Who knows, but we need to fix this rug before Rikku trips and hurts her leg.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]We wouldn?t want her to do that now would we, after all, she only has one good leg right now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]How did you know that? You haven?t talked to Rikku yet, so there is no possible way you could of known. Are you sure Tristan didn?t touch you?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yeah, why is it so crucial as to whether he touched me or not?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Look Chris, don?t avoid the topic. How did you know about Rikku?s leg being hurt?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I. erm? Was just joking around Jon. See I noticed the first time I saw her, that she had a slightly shorter leg than the other. That?s right, that?s what I meant.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine then, sorry for getting on to you. Let?s just go outside. [I]She doesn?t have a shorter leg, there is something up here.[/I][/COLOR] Chris followed right behind Jon, and a strange sly smile spread across his face like he had won and deceived him some how. Rikku was outside talking to the paramedics when Jon came up and admitted them into the house where Tristan was knocked out. Chris stalked off into the darkness trying to avoid Rikku, afraid his hatred for her would show, since she had blown his plan to get Jon in the first place.
  2. These have a great art concept to them, yet I can hardly read the first one, and the text is lost on the third one. I don't know what you use to create your banners, but if you use Photoshop, than there are filters you can use to lighten the picture only in the area of the text, that way you have the full color of the picture, and still be able to read what is written. But like I said, this has a great concept and I like the way you have done it.
  3. Looks like I am to be the dissenting vote on this movie. I personally think it looks extremely stupid and hate the commercials. The stupid announcer guy claims that if you don't like this film, than you just don't like movies. I go to a movie nearly ever friday, and I still think this looks pretty dumb. It's like Roger Rabbit meets Bugs Bunny and they are forced to stop an alien invasion, using technology from 2099, back before they even had decent TV's. So this is definitely one movie I refuse to go and watch, right along with Napoleon Dynamite. Perhaps I will see it in the dollar theater, but even that is unlikely to happen. So sorry for being the party pooper, but I had to get that out there.
  4. After the Hall of Fame indictment, you can then go and capture Mewtwo as you could in the original versions. But then you can go after Moltres and about half of the "Johto" Pokémon on seven newly discovered islands they have installed in the game. On these islands are different events and challenges for you to accomplish. As far as trading goes with Ruby/Saphire, that is all you can do. The only region, other than the seven islands, on which you can play is the Kanto region, which kinds sucks. But the goo news about this game, is that you can now own all 350+ Pokémon. Obviously by trading with Ruby/Saphire and the half you can catch on the seven islands. As far as the other half of the Johto Pokémon goes, you can trade them from Colleseum for the Game Cube. The downside to that is, that you wust have a special cable that connects the two, a Game Cube, both a Fire Red/Leaf Green, and Colleseum. The other catch is that you must beat both the Game Cube and the Advance games in order to trade.
  5. Jon and Chris met back up with Yugi and Joey at the airport and took the first available flight back to Gala City. Chris told them about his encounter with Bakura and how he was knocked out, and came to grips with his inner Yami. Then as if to prove his point further, Neos emerged to the sheer fright of everyone around nearly causing widespread panic until Jon "explained" to those who saw that it was simply a high tech holoprojector. Then Jon debriefed about the fake item and his encounter with a real thousand dragon and how he obtained the Pyramid of Light. After the plane touched down, Yugi and Joey headed back to their homes to finally catch some sleep. Chris on the other hand had no where to go since he had only been in the city long enough to hook up with Jon. So Jon offered to have him stay in his guest bedroom from there on out and they headed home to surprise Rikku. Only to find she had an unexpected surprise herself. Tristan was at their garage door tring to bang it and cursing at her to open the door. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]HEY! Come on Tristan, I know how you feel man, she is my wife after all, but you seriously need to cut it out. That is an expensive door ya know.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Oh Jon so good to see you home early. Sorry man but she got bit by something and I wanted to check it out, but I think she panicked and locked the garage door by mistake. Come here and give me a hug to show no hard felings.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]A hug!? You aren't the hugging type Tristan, unless Serenity is around that is. But okay I guess so. Hey Chris, why don't you go inside and open the door for her so she can get out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Don't do it Jon! Stay away from him! He can't touch you at any cost![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't think it's going to be that bad Sugar. Besides, it's not like he's possesed by someone. We took Marik out remember?[/COLOR] Chris had made it in the house right before Rikku could issue her warning and Tristan had made his way over to Jon and embraced him roght as the garage door opened, and Rikku screamed in horror. [COLOR=DarkGreen]NOOOOOOO! JON! DON'T DO IT![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What the!? What was that? I just got a cold shiver shoot down my spine when you touched me Tristan. It was like something trying to enter my body? But my Pyramid of Light didn't sense anything strange.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]You have the Pyramid of Light already? That screws up everything. I can't take over if as long as you posses that![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What are you talking about Tristan?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Er em, the gang, I can't take over the gang as long as you have the coolest items! Darn you Jon, guess I'll have to try and negotiate for Chris's Items. See ya guys.[/COLOR] With the sound of the door opening, Rikku and Chris were unable to hear what was said, but Rikku was able to see the same shadow from earlier try to move into Jon, but was relieved to see it stop and return to Tristan. She quickly, as quick as she could on a hurt leg, made her way over to Jon and cried deep into his shoulder, as Tristan caught up with Chris and herded him into the house.
  6. Jon finally made it to the chamber where the real chest was and rushed over to retrieve the Pyramid of Light. Once there he noticed an aura of darkness wash over the area. He ripped open the top no longer caring about the consequences and yanked the Pyramid out placing it gently on the ground below them. He then took out his Millennium Items placing the Necklace, Scals, Eye, and Ring around it, and placed the Millennium Necklace on top. Then he jammed the Millennium Key into the red iris and turned causing it to turn sky blue. Once completed, he placed the Pyramid around his neck and proceeded back to where Chris was feigning off Bakura. Just then a large Thousand Dragon came sulking into the chamber blocking off Jon's only escape route. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Figures. What should we do now Rik?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I think we have no choice Jon, obviously we must destroy this guy before anything happens to Chris.[/I][/COLOR] Jon threw open his deck case and rumaged through it to find the most powerful monster in his deck and summoned out his Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Meteor Dragon. Then he used his Millennium Rod to fuse the two dragons together creating the feared Black Meteor Dragon. He then used the three Dragon Treasures to boost it an additional 1500 attack points. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]GO DRAGON AND CLEAR THE PATH![/COLOR] The Black Meteor Dragon let out an infernal blast of fire which scorched the walls of the confined chamber and drove back the Thousand Dragon who had been waiting in order to guard the Pyramid Jon now possessed. The Thousand Dragon released a deafening roar as it reared back in a vain attempt to thwart Jon's monster. Yet the only thing Jon had ever seen stop his Black Meteor Dragon, was Kaiba's Ultimate Blue Eyes, and this was no where close to that power. The Thousand Dragon vanished after recieving another blast to its mid section. Jon then ran off into the main chamber where he saw Bakura cowering at an abomination that now stood in the place where Chris once was. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Whatever you are, you better beware of my power! Now Black Meteor Dragon, vanguish this vile looking creature, then make short work of Bakura![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]A VILE creature!? Now is that the way to describe your best friend?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]CHRIS!? But how on earth did you.... I mean you're a freakin' DRAGON! At least I think you are.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Appearantly this is my inner Yami. Pretty cool huh?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yeah you're a real work of art, but tell me something, where did Bakura go?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Who really cares, I mean you have the Pyramid I see, and now we can get back home, and you can show me how to fully use these things.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yeah, but first we need to get back to Rikku, I fear something's wrong. She has Obelisk, but I fear the threat may be coming from someone on the inside this time, plus we need to make sure Bakura didn't take off to find her. I have my Dragon out already, so you need to summon one of yours, and we can get out of here.[/COLOR]
  7. Jon and Chris headed to the Pyramid while Joey and Yugi scouted the nearby cities to ensure that no one had beaten them to there. When they got to the site, Jon quickly turned to Chris and warned him to be on guard of any traps that might have been set in ancient times. Althought they may have been old and primitive, odds were that they were still functional and extremely dangerous. Chris walked in and used the power of his newly obtained Millennium Rod to light the area around them as they began their search. After what seemed like hours of searching, and having dodge or narrowly avoided hundreds pf traps, they finally made progress towards the main chamber. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Be on the lookout for any foul play Chris, and look for a concealed entrance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Why? We made it to the chamber, and the chest is rigth over there in the middle of the room. This should be a walk in the park for us. We got past the perimeter defenses, and made it farther than I am sure they were expecting.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Tell me you've seen at least one Indian Jones movie Chris. Yes we got past those traps, and yes this is the main chamber. But that is a decoy chest, and I am sure it is full of pressurized salt acid just ready to explode all over you. See the movies got it backward, the main chambers were made elaborate to fool intruders into their own demise. They built side passages instead which are heavily concealed and led to a musky chamber with a ratty chest containing the real items. Sorry to disillusion you on that Chris, but the Egyptians were the masters of torment.[/COLOR] Just then a creaking noise behind them forced Jon and Chris to freeze in place and slowly look behind them. There they saw Bakura who had also made it past all the securities. [COLOR=Sienna]Fancy seeing you here Jon, I have heard all about your prevoous endeavors, and had a feeling you would find your way here. But I am sorry to inform you that this is the end of the line. Now I am fully aware of your powers over the Shadow Realm, and thus will not be challenging you to a typical Shadow Duel, but this chamber was designed as an ultimate battleground, which channels the power of any Millennium Items and stranghtens the Shadows. Therefore you will have no control or power here, other than that of a mere human. Now you have something I want back, and I will be taking your others as well. As far as the Pyramid of Light goes, you will not be seeing it as you had originally intended. So I am sorry we are forced to meet under such circumstances, but this is to be the end of you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Not if I have any say in the matter Bakura! If you want Jon, you must first go through ME! Now prepare to duel![/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Ah yes, the cocky friend of the great hero. How sad this shall be to have to vanguish the both of you together. But look on the bright side, at least you'll be in good company.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Jon GO! Find that Pyramid so we can get out of here and leave freaky here behind! I can handle this for now, but GO![/COLOR] Jon tore off to the other side of the chamber and found the secret corridor which he ran down to find the Pyramid of Light he now deperately needed. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]If what Bakura says is true, than the only way to regain our powers in that chamber has to lie within the Pyramid itself. Surely they couldn't have sanctioned off the Chamber to withstand that power as well. I just hope Chris knows what he is doing, and can hold off Bakura long enough. Amd I wish Rikku were here to strengthen me, I just pray she is safe at home.[/I][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Red]What is it, Jon?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't know, but it looks like our honeymoon will be cut shorter than we hoped. It looks like an ancient map, but I don't know the region. Yugi may provide help, and we can pick up Chris if he has decided to join us. Either way, this looks important by the writting.[/COLOR] Jon and Rikku packed their bags and boarded the next available flight for Gala City.When they landed, Jon called up Chris and had him meet them there to pick them up and transport them over to their new house, where Yugi and Joey would be waiting. Tristan and the girls would have to wait 'til later to hear about the trip, for important matters were at hand. Chris met them at the exact spot and time Jon had told him to, and quickly helped them load up into his car. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]So Chris, how was your trip back home? Did you enjoy your vacation?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Jon, quit the small chat, I know what you really want to know, and yes, I have decided to accept your offer and train under you as an apprentice.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]That is great Chris. Then when we get to my house, I have something for you. Something a friend of mine left behind when he left.[/COLOR] When they got to the house, Jon quickly ran to the bedroom and returned with a gold box in tow. He gave to Chris, who was astonished to find the replica Millennium Items, Konner had left behind when they parted ways. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Obviously, I have no use for two sets, and something told me you would be crossing our paths. For if there is one thing I know about you, should something cool happen in my life, it has some way of finding you. Hey Yugi, do you know where this map leads to?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Sure Jon, it is of an ancient pyramid in Egypt. My grandfather has a whole bunch of these maps lying around the game shop. Why?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]He thinks it is important we go there and check it out Yug.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Well, if I know YOU Jon, then I think we are about to leave again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yep, first thing tomorrow morning, we will all board a plane for Egypt, and that includes you this time Joey.[/COLOR] Jon, Rikku, Yugi, Joey and Chris boarded a small charter flight out to Egypt on their quest to finding the pyramid. [COLOR=DarkGreen]So Jon, when are you going to fulfill your side of the bargain?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What? Oh yeah I remember now. Fine then, I guess now is as good a time as any. Hey Yugi and Joey come over here real quick will ya? This is my best friend Chris, who has recently agreed to become my newest apprentice. Chris, you obviously know these guys.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]It is a pleasure to meet one of Jon's friends, and I am glad to hear you will be joining us from here on out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Thank you Yugi, I am sure it will be quite the adventure with around you two.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You have no idea Chris. Now Yugi, I have been looking over this map and have found that it is not alone. If you look closely on the back, you will find even more writting and pictures. At first I was going to write it off as having been ink bled thru to the back, but then I noticed what the picture was. It appears to be the Pyramid of Light, but it can't be. Didn't you destroy it when you defeated Anubis over our honeymoon?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Ah, you heard about that did you? Well yes I did destroy the Pyramid, but perhaps this too has a replica, similar to the ones you now carry Chris.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]You mean to tell us that there may be another one of those things laying about in Egypt! What if it falls into the wrong hands? We could be seeing a repeat of what happened at Kaiba's Duel Dome![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]That is why we must find it first Joey. But I think it goes deeper than that. Look carefully Joey to all the hieroglyphs on this. As you can see, six of the Millennium Items is around it, and Slifer is wrapped around the Pyramid. The question is, what does that mean. Surely one item can't ahve the power of six, as well as that of Slifer. Can it?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]No Gaurdian, it can not. The pictures depict the Items around it, for you must place them around the Item so that is may absorb them. Slifer simply tells us that it is his master who shall control this Pyramid.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Whoa! Where did Ishizu come from, and what do you mean it is to absorb his other Items! He kinda needs those you know.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes I know, but the Items powers will be infused within it, allowing Jon and Rik to harvest them without carrying them arounf. But in order to complete this, Jon you must place the Necklace on top, and the other four around the bottom as shown. Then insert the Key into the red eye, and turn it. When you do, the Pyramid will ignite drawing in all you Millennium Items, except the Rod. The Eye will then turn Blue, and you will be granted its power, so long as you wear it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Seems easy enough eh? Thank you Ishizu, and Chris, get used to people appearing like that, appearantly the Egyptians were quite sneaky.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Fine then, but how do we find this Rik guy and who is he?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Rik is Jon's Yami. The physical embodiment of Jon's dark side as we say. You too have a dark side Chris, and with the power of your new Millennium Items, you will learn to conquer it, and control it. It is sort of like a duel personality thing, only it's not, you see. When you need to, or if you are in the Shadow Realm, you will be able to call upon yours, like the way Yugi and Yami do.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then when you have faced your other side, you will be able to control the Shadows with the light found in you. Now let's go and get this Pyramid, before it someone else does.[/COLOR]
  9. Jon watched with Rikku as the two people emerged from the shadows. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I hope you know them sweetie.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]The first one is familiar to me, but not the second one. I wonder who he is.[/COLOR] Jon stared intently at the second shadow who seemed to stop when he saw him and then began to receed into the darkness at a quick pace. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Oh no you don't! Rikku take care of this duel, I will be right back. I have to see why our new friend is in such a hurry.[/COLOR] Jon tore off after the person running from him and just barely caught up when he noticed a very distinct feature about him. He was dressed in what appeared to be ancient clothes dating back to the pharoah's reign of Egypt. Unless Jon was mistaken, this was a guard of some sort, but not the kind Jon was. More like the guard of a tomb or something like it. Either way, he was obviously not a local of the island. Jon was just about to talk to him when in a flash of black and purple smoke, he vanished leaving Jon dazed and confused, and with no choice but to watch his wife's duel, while trying to figure out what he had just seen. By the time he returned, they were just starting the duel, and no one had lost life points. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Just start hunny?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yep, you're just in time. Who was that guy?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I have no idea, but I have a feeling that when this honey moon is over, we have an unintentionsl trip to Egypt in our future. But anyway, do you know what she has that you want?[/COLOR]
  10. Jon carried Rikku out of the chruch and into the awaiting limo Kaiba had sent as a present. They then headed to the airport and boarded a private jet, again sent by Kaiba. After a couple hours of flying, the plane finally landed in Atlantis, a major hotel resort deep in the Bahamas. They quickly checked into their hotel room, and changed into their comfortable clothes, and started to stroll around the island.. On their walk, Jon noticed a duel taking place off to the side of the path. [COLOR=Red]So this is your idea of a romantic getaway Jon?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Of course not. I had no idea their would be any duels on this island. It's not exactly the biggest tour spot for duelists. Which is why I choose it. I was hoping to hide from the dueling world for a while.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I know Jon, I was just playin' with ya! But it wouldn't hurt to watch how good they are here.[/COLOR] Jon and Rikku walked over and watched as the two duelists fought eachother with all they had. It took about 30 minutes, but the duel finally ended leaving Jon and Rikku no more impressed than when they were forced to watch Weevil Underwood duel in a tournament. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]See Rikku you are perfectly safe here. There is no way these duelists would be able to tear my attention away from you. Besides, they are amatuers at the best.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Oh yeah boy! Come over here and I'll teach you who the amatuer is![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I have no interest in wasting any of my honeymoon dueling you. Now go away.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Come on sweety, that is no way to make friends. And I know how much you love to prove yourself. Now get out there and duel. Here, I slipped your duel disk into my backpack, and just think, afterwards we can go back to the hotel room and celebrate your victory.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine then knave, I will accept your futile challenge. Now let's get this over with, LET'S DUEL! I will start things off here![/COLOR] Both of them inserted their decks into the disk and waited as the projectors shot off and they were given 4000 life points. Jon then drew his first six cards which contained; Baby Dragon, Dian Keto the Cure Master, Dark Magician, Return From Different Dimmension, Graceful Charity and Bottomless Trap Hole. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I start by playing one card face down, and then playing Graceful Charity.[/COLOR] [I]Drew Dark Magician Girl, Celtic Guardian and Dragged Down to the Grave.[/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I keep one card and discard Celtic Guardian and Dark Magician Girl to the graveyard. I then play one monster face down in defense position to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]If you discard her so early, I can only assume you plan to use Monster Reborn, but no matter, I will lay one card face down and then summon The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave to attack you face down monster, then end my turn.[/COLOR] Baby Dragon revealed itself only to shatter into millions of pixels. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Congratulations boy, you destroyed my dragon before I could attack, oh well, it won't happen again. But for now I play Dragged Down to the Grave. [/COLOR][I]Jon selected Seiyaryu and discarded him.[/I] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Foolish move Wheeler, for now I can discard your Dark Magician and take care of that![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then I have no choice but to play the card I just drew, Soul Release, for if my monsters were sent to the Graveyard before they could even be summoned, then they are no good to me now. Well not until I play my face down card that is. I reveal Return From the Different Dimmension. This let's me bring back all monsters removed from play for one turn, like my Baby Dragon and Celtic Guardian. But I also bring back my two Magicians, but don't worry yourself over them, I now sacrifice them anyway. That is in order to summon the Sorcerer of Dark Magic. Now Celtic Guardian attack his dragon! Then Baby Dragon, attack him directly, and of course me Sorcerer, finish him off NOW![/COLOR] The stranger's life points shot down to zero and the Duel Disks shut down as Jon went over to collect his card, the trend set by the Domino City Tournament. Jon looked through the deck and was surprised to see it full of Dragon monsters. He then took the only non-Dragon monster the guy had, Buster Blader. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You fight well my friend, let me ask you, what was your face down card? I couldn't help but notice you didn't use it all when I attacked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]If you must know, it was the Flute of Summoning Dragon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I figured so Chris. Other than me, you are the only duelist I know who would eb crazy enough to bluff with a magic card.[/COLOR] The stranger looked up and uncovered his head pushing the hood of his cape behind him. [COLOR=DarkGreen]How did you know it was me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Simple, you are the only one left wo calls me Wheeler. Well since Joey became a famous duelist anyway. That and I could sense your cockiness.[/COLOR] Rikku came over and kissed Jon to congratulate him for his quick victory and Jon introduced her to his best friend, Chris. Then they invited him back to their room and filled him in on all that had happened since he last saw Jon. Jon then invited him to join back up with them at Rikku's house the next week, after the honey moon, and promised to introduce him to Kaiba, Joey, Mai, Tea, Tristan, Serrenity, Mokuba, Duke, and of course Yugi. He also had Chris think about a life time opportunity to become one Jon's second Apprentice. After that, Chris left to ponder the offer, and Jon and Rikku returned to their honey moon. A call came in a hour later for Rikku. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hey Rikku, some one out there recognized you and is challenging you in a duel, it's up to you, but here is the phone.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Hello?.......[/COLOR]
  11. Jon enveloped Rikku in his arms and kissed her for the first time in his life. And again for the first time, all seemed to be complete and that all would end well. After what seemed liek an eternity Jon and Rikku started to head back home where Duke and the rest were waiting for them. [COLOR=Red]Rikku! Thank God you are all right. I was worried about you two.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Uh-oh I forgot about Duke, now what do I tell him?[/I] Duke, look there's something I need to tell you, but I can't do it here. Can we go inside for a minute?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Sure thing, whatever you want.[/COLOR] Duke and Rikku went inside her house and shut the dorr leaving Jon to be debriefed by Yugi and the rest. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well Yugi, I guess that is the end of Obelisk and Marrik. I just hope we get a little down time before the next big event. Which reminds me, Konner went on his own path and left this for me to return to you. Here is the Winged Dragon of Ra. Obviously I will keep Slifer, and I hope it's allright. but I gave Rikku Obelisk.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]That is fine Jon, but may I ask why her?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]There is something you might need to know about me and Rikku.[/COLOR] Jon then layed out all that had gone down the past few weeks, and filled them in all they had missed out on. Just as he was finishing Rikku and Duke came out in a somber mood, but Rikku quickly brightened up when she saw her future husband. She walked over and grabbed his hand smiling up into his eyes. They all went back into the house where Mai, Tea, and Rikku planned the wedding.
  12. OOC: Whew, long summer, but still it was fun. Sorry I haven't been here in a while. But I should be back now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Obelisk, this is a vain attempt for you I am afraid. And now you and Anubis will both fall in defeat![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]This is the end of your reign of terror Obelsik![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]GO SLIFER! COMBINE YOUR ATTACK WITH RA AND WIPE OUT THIS MENIAL THREAT![/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]This is futile Obelisk, you have failed and are no longer worthy of my help. I am going to prepare my army like I should have in the first place. When this pathetic Guardian finds me, he will have no choice but to surrender. As for you, your time has come! I will no longer be part of this weak attempt of yours![/COLOR] Anubis left in a black flash leaving Obelisk alone to defend against the two most powerful god monsters known to duel monsters. Rikku emerged from her house in time to witness a brilliant streak of light gathering in the sky as Slifer and Ra concentrated all their power in combining their attacks. A miniature sun formed above the battle and exploded sending giant bolts of energy surging at Obelisk which ripped through his chest overwhelming every atom of the gargantuate beast. Obelisk let out a terrific squeal like that of a train whistle, causing all around but Jon, Rik, and Rikku cowering to the ground covering their ears. Konner stood back up as Obelisk began to melt as if having been doused in acid. After several minutes, all that was left were Jon, Rik, Rikku, Konner, and the two Egyptian god monsters as Obelisk was forever vanguished. Jon walked over and picked up the card that was left in place of the once magnificent beast. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Here Rikku, I believe you are the only one here without one of these. It's safe now that the spirit of Obelisk has been destroyed. All that is left is a remnant of the original. As you duel and put your heart in the card, it will slowly regain its power, but the evil that manifested it will no longer be there. It's funny how a once so powerful monster let himself be tainted by hatred and lust. Well I can't wait 'til Obelisk is once again restored by your love Rikku. And Konner, thank you once again for your help. But I feel the time has come for you to go and set forth your own legacy. Before you go, I want you to have this to remember that you will always be a Guardian, and my friend.[/COLOR] Jon handed Konner the Dark Magician Ishizu gave him a long time ago. She knew all that was in Jon's past, and knew the importance of his friend's so she prepared his future by giving him an extra Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, to be given at the right moment. Jon knew for certain that this was the time Ishizu had refrenced to. Konner and Jon shook hands and hugged eachother good bye knowing they would run into eachother again. Konner retunred the god card to Jon, who was then responsible for returning it to Yugi. Her walked over to Rikku and gave her a hug good bye then left to start his own story. Jon walked over to Rikku and they embraced as the days toils finally weighed down on them. [COLOR=Red]You know Jon it's funny what you said to Konner.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Oh, and why is that Rikku?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]When my mother was finishing off Marik, she mentioned that me and you were destined to hook up and start a legacy all our own. And I hope she was right Jon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Rikku, I am so sorry for your loss and I want you to know, that I will always be with you and will never leave your side. Even when Arika took over your body, all though I was scared, I knew that you would eventually find your way back to me. Some how you always do. It's sad really. I know now that I am the Ultimate Guardian, and I finally know what my future holds, as I am to be the right hand man of Yugi from now on. I know the power of my monsters, and have faced off against Marik and Obelisk, but yet the hardest thing to do is yet to come. Rikku, from the first time I met you all those years ago, I knew you were the one for me. But when I finally gathered the courage to make a move, Marik screwed it all up. But now I have my chance to do what I should have a long time ago. I know we were never officially together, but we have been through so much together and have become so close, that to date would seem a waste of time. I know what I am about to ask of you. Rikku I am about to ask you to give up everything and join me in my service to Yugi, but I promise I will be able to make it all up to you. Rikku, will you join me as my wife, and fulfill the predictions your mother set forth?[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC:Okay that was long, but I had a lot of missed time to make up. I know I defeated Obelisk, and there might be some confusion to this thread, but PM me and I will clear it up. I am not ending this thread with this post however, just taking it in a new direction as the old one seemed to lag on. So let's make this new direction even more exciting than the last.
  13. [COLOR=Red]Jon, tell me something, how are we supposed to defeat Obelisk if he can attack us before we summon enough monsters to sacrifice?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Simple Konner, we can summon our god cards directly. This is a battle, not a duel. Now come forth Slifer and show Obelisk why not to mess with the Ultimate Guardian![/COLOR] Slifer came forth in magnificent red flame which engulfed the entire area. Konner then proceeded to summon Ra who burst from his golden orb with a light so brilliant, even Obelisk was forced to shield his eyes. Rikku in the meantime felt a tug inside her and found herself walking to a dark part of the house and down into her basement once more. There waiting in the shadows were Alex and Marrik come to seek there revenge. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Welcome my love, so nice of you to join us once again. You may silenced your darker side, but there will be no silencing me. Now come and we shall once again set out to dominate the earth. Or if you wish, I can have your friends up there destroyed. You see Obelisk is a mere tool in my design for us. He was meant to weaken the fools so that I can claim victory over them. Win or lose, there monsters will be too weak to once again fight me. But I can spare them if you join me Rikku![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]My daughter will never side against Jon, Marrik, and you will never lay a hand against them either![/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]WHAT!?! HOW CAN THIS BE! YOU WERE DEAD LAST I LEFT YOU WOMAN! HOW CAN THIS BE![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]I survived by the love of my daughter and her friends. Now this may be my last stand, it is worth it to ensure the safety of my daughter, and Jon. Now Marrik I will defeat you and my daughter will live years on end laughing at your demise. I pitty you however. You first underestimated Yugi, and now you dared to underestimate Jon. For a student of the ancient prophesies, you are extremely ignorant of the future. Did you know that my daughter was destined to join with Jon, start a family of their own, and the beginning of a new legacy? But now it is too late for you, now prepare to face the ultimate doom.[/I][/COLOR] Rikku watched in horror as the truth was revealed to her and as her mother depleted what seemed the last of her energy in defeating Marrik. Jon and Konner in the meantime were struggling to defeat Obelisk who had called upon the help of Anubis, the Egyptian god of war to help vanguish Ra and Slifer. During the battle Jon got a strange and sad feeling and was left to battle while puzzled at the source.
  14. So are we restarting the thread? I am highly confused seeing as the other one kinda trailed off. Which by the way, I am still thinking of a good twist to add, which is why I haven't yet posted to it.
  15. [COLOR=Blue]You know Jon, I think I too felt something back in that duel. Maybe it was my imagination, but it felt as though something was calling out to us for help. Maybe it was her mom after all. What do you think?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I think all of this is getting a little out of hand. I mean first it was the dreams, then the warning from Obelisk, then the run in with Alex then the duel with the three of them, and now this. Well one thing is for sure, we need to find her mom and get her out of the Shadow Realm, before she looses her mind completely. The one thing I haven't told her yet, is that anyone who stays in the Shadow Realm for too long, will be trapped forever. So we need to find her mother, then find Marrik again, before he is able to regain all his strength. Then we need to convince Konner to rejoin us so we can finally put an end to all of this for good.[/COLOR] Jon and Rik went down stairs and found Rikku pacing around some more and explained to her the danger of her mother begin lost to the Shadows. They then proceeded to find Konner again in hopes he would reconsider his disposition. They didn't get to the train station before Jon and the others heard the familiar cackle of Obelisk and watched in horror as he once again filled the horizon. Jon reached into his pocket and found that Alex had some how snatched the card back from him before they all left the Shadow Realm the last time. [COLOR=Purple][B]I WARNED YOU GUARDIAN. NOW THE TIME HAS COME FOR YOU AND ALL YOU HOLD DEAR TO COME TUMBLING DOWN. THERE IS NOTHING LEFT FOR YOU EXCEPT DEFEAT, SO FACE IT AS I TEAR YOU AND YOUR MONSTERS LIMB TO LIMB. NOT EVEN SLIFER CAN SAVE YOU NOW.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]NO! Well Ra can, and he will Obelisk, now prepare for battle. Sorry I thought about leaving you guys, but I had this weird feeling, and had to come back to help you out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]It's good to have you back Konner. Now let's do this thing.[/COLOR]
  16. As Rikku walked over to Jon, Rik appeared next to them after leaving the Millennium Band Rikku wore. Jon then began to glow even brighter, as Marik, for the first time, saw the inevitabke doom he and Alex were about to face. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]As you can see Marik, the tide has turned against you again. There is no greater power than that of friendship. And now I will destroy your mind for good. And seeing as it is now four to two, and you guys have faced sufficient loss to your life points, I am going to declare this Shadow Game null and return the monsters to their cards.[/COLOR] Jon raised his Millennium Rod and a bright light shot through the monsters and they returned to their respective cards. He and Konner then brought out their Egyptian god cards and showed them Alex and Marik. But Obelisk's card flew out of Jon's deck and returned to Alex's hand. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Rikku, quick, you need to take off your Millennium Band and throw it down before Arika tries to take over again.[/COLOR] Rikku threw it down and Jon pointed the Millennium Rod at it and shot a bright white burst at it which shattered the Millennium Band and sent gold shards everywhere. Marik had managed to get him and Alex out of the Shadow Realm right before Jon was able to summon Slifer and banish them, so he and Konner once again returned their cards to their decks. Jon then looked at everyone else and sent them all out of the Shadow Realm, and back into Rikku's house. There they were reunited with Joey and Amber, but were surprised to find that Kaiba had not returned. Jon, Rikku and Yugi all took turns filling in the others on what had happened and then went upstairs to Rikku's room, where they could talk and not be overheard by Ethan. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Rikku, we need to come up with a plan for dealing with Marik before we are forced to fight him again. I have a feeling that the next encounter will be the last, and we will finally end this mind game and all will be remembered. But I need to know, for my own self, what happened to your mother? Did you send her to the Shadow Realm? And what do you want us to do next? This is your destiny, and we will help any way we can. But you need to decide the next step. So where do we go from here?[/COLOR]
  17. Bloomeon shook all over the place sending razor sharp leaves shooting at Ditto, but didn't connect until after he had fully transformed. Ditto then countered with a vicious Flamethrower, which Bloomeon barely got out of, but was singed on its back. Kecleon woke up and copied the stats of Typhlosion and lunged after Bloomeon with an Ember attack which burned Bloomeon's side. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I didn't want to have to do this to y'all, but I have no choice. Bloomeon! Ditto posses more of a threat right now, so use HyperSol on it. Chris, he's gonna need more time to recharge after his attack, and will be left somewhat vulnerable.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Got ya covered Jon. Typhlosion return. Go Houndoom protect Bloomeon![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I'm not falling for that attack again. Ditto, use Agility now![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]And Kecleon, blend into your surroundings and take out Houndoom with your toungue![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You can run Ditto, but you can't hide. Then again, you can't run either, hahaha. Go Bloomeon, take him out now![/COLOR] Bloomeon quickly charged up his Solar Beam and let it fly towards Ditto, quickly followed up by his Hyper Beam straight down the middle. Ditto attempted to use Agility, but was hit by Bloomeon's attack too quick and was shot towards a rock pillar on the field and shattered it as he flew through it. Kecleon then blended into the surroundings, but Houndoom was ready and covered the field with his Smoke Screen. Kecleon's shiloutte was revealed, and used Tounge Lash, which was caught by Houndoom Bite attack. Kecleon yelped in shock but recovered quickl enough to lift Houndoom into the air and slammed him into the ground. Lance had called back Ditto and threw out Feraligatr and used Hydro Pump which took out Houndoom leaving Bloomeon, still regaining its strentgh, out in the open unprotected. Kecleon then wrapped its toungue around Bloomeon and used a Seismic Toss, which knocked it out. Jon and Chris had both recalled their Pokemon and sent out Aggron and Pidgeot in their respective places. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Come on Aggron, use your Earthquake and knock them both out![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Feraligatr! Fly off the ground to avoid the attack.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]HA! Your Pokemon can't fly! But just in case you have something up your sleeve, Pidgeot use Aerial Ace and take out Feraligatr.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]There is nothing you can do but use your Endure and take the hit. You can hang in there, I know it![/COLOR] Feraligatr stood on its hands and used Hydro Pump straight at the ground to shoot himself in the air, just as Aggron's Earthquake rippled beneath and knocked Kecleon who tried to endure the shock, but failed and fainted, forcing Lori to call it back and send out Bellossom. Pidgeot shoot through the air nearing Mach 2 and hit Feraligatr at full impact, sending him rocketing to the ground, where he crashed into the unsuspecting Bellossom, who was immediately knocked out by the sheer force of the impact. Feraligatr fought to stand up, but was able to get enough support from a nearby rock and stood upright rergaining his composure. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Poor Bellossom. It didn't even get a chance to battle before being knocked out. But anyway, according to my calculations, you guys lost a combined number of three Pokemon, so that means it's time for a field change, so everyone off to the side and catch your breath while the field changes from Rock to Water. You may switch out Pokemon if you want. Pidgeot and Aggron, that was nice team work and perfect timing. Though I am sorry you won't be much good here Aggron seeing as there are only four platforms for you to fight on. So I have to change you out for Swampert. Sorry boy but you will get your chance again later.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yeah Pidgeot, good job but I need to switch you with Ampharos. He has the advantage here.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]You're good Feraligatr, you can stay out if you want, this should help you out anyways.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Well then, I send out Marril! You can do it.[/COLOR] The four trainers watched as the rock field was transported underground by huge gears and tracks. Then a pool came up with four platforms that floated on water and the trainer boxes were raied up like diving platforms to allow the four to see everything that went on. They waited for 30 minutes while powerful jets quickly filled the field. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]This is one of my favorite fields. Whenever I want to go swimming, all I have to do is bring this field up and let it fill. It is 20 feet deep however, to allow the Pokemon to move around to battle. But if you look at the four corners of the field, you will notice little tracks going up the sides. Thesew let me adjust the bottom so I can bring it up to as high as three feet deep, and I can turn this field into a public pool and even a water volleyball court. I love to angle one side at 3-feet, and have the deeper end at 12 so I can still dive off the trainer platforms and swim to the shallower end and stand up. Over all, this is my 2nd most expensive field, but whenever the water drains, it goes into a storage tank I have buried outside and is purified to be reused over and over. That way I never have to pay to refill this sucker. Now get to your platforms and let's continue this match.[/COLOR]
  18. While Jon and the others were battling, Rik had finally found a way to get into the Millenium Bands, [I]while Arika seemed distracted by Jon's transformation[/I], and was busy navigating the Millennium Bands around Rikku's wrists. The way he saw it, if anything had happened to Rikku, then it had to have been a result of the Bands. He had stumbled into nearly every trap and pitfall which slowed him down considerably, but after what seemed like hours, he finally heard Rikku's voice calling for help. He got to where he heard it just to watch Rikku lose her grip and plummet into the eternal abyss standing right in front of him. Without thinking, Rik lunged in after her hoping to find some way to save his friend's life. Either way, he made a promise to her that no matter waht he was in it 'til the end, and he was going to hold to that promise to the very end. He was screaming downward for what seemed like hours until he finally caught Rikku by the arm and pulled her in close. She told him everything about Arika and how her time was limited due to the hour glass. She then started to tear up from the fear that she would lose her own body to Arika, the one friend she thought she could trust the most. Rik placed her head against his chest attempting to comfort her despite his own fear of what was going to happen to her. As he was looking down into the abyss, he noticed something brown sticking out of Rikku's back pocket and grabbed at it. When he pulled it up to his line of vision, he noticed it was the Blue Eyes White Dragon card Kaiba had given her. [COLOR=Blue]How did you get this Rikku? There were only four made and Kaiba tore up the fourth one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]He bought Pegasus company when he went missing after the Dueist Kingdom Tournament and had it remade to give me for my birthday. I had forgotten I put it in my pocket. But what does it matter now, we can't duel while falling, and even if we could, I'm not in the mode to.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Rikku I can summon this here and fly us out of here. BLUE EYES COME OUT OF YOUR CARD AND FLY US OUT OF HERE![/COLOR] The Blue Eyes White Dragon shot out of its card and grabbed Rik and placed Rikku on its back then flew them both out of the abyss and back to the place where Rikku had fallen in the first place. [COLOR=Blue]Okay Rikku, now it your turn. We are running out of time, and there is nothing I can do from here. We need to get to the end of this labyrinth. Then I can get you out of here and we can help Jon, Konner and Yugi. But tell me something, what does Arika plan on doing with Marik?[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]MARIK! THIS IS GOING ON LONG ENOUGH! YOUR EVIL WILL BE STOPPED AND I WILL TAKE YOU OUT FOR GOOD! THERE IS NO LONGER ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP US. AND DON'T THINK I WON'T KILL RIKKU AND ALEX IF I HAVE TO . MY FRIENDS ARE IMPORTANT, BUT I WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO BE CONTROLED BY YOU. BUT FOR NOW, THIS SHADOW GAME HAS JUST TAKEN A TURN FOR THE BEST. AS YOU CAN SEE I HAVE CHANGED. WHY YOU ASK? I HAVE FINALLY BEEN ABLE TO REACH MY ULTIMATE POWERS MARIK. IN ORDER FOR THAT TO HAPPEN, PART OF ME HAD TO DIE FOR THE ONE I LOVE. NOW OBVIOUSLY IT WASN'T ME, AS I AM STILL RIGHT IN FRONT OF Y'ALL. BUT RIK ON THE OTHER HAND WAS ABLE TO GET THROUGH THE LOCK RIKKU HAD ON HER MILLENNIUM ITEMS. I CAN SEE IT ALL AS CLEAR AS DAY MARIK. THAT ISN'T RIKKU IN FRONT OF ME, BUT RATHER THE SPIRIT OF THE BANDS, ARIKA. ARIKA YOU HAVE BETRAYED YOUR CLOSES FRIEND AND FOR WHAT? BUT DESPITE YOUR FEEBLE ATTEMPT TO KILL HER, RIK WAS WILLING TO SACRIFICE HIS OWN LIFE TO KEEP HIS PROMIISE TO RIKKU, AND WAS ABLE TO BRING THEM BOTH OUT OF THE ABYSS YOU CREATED. NOW TELL ME SOMETHING ARIKA, BEFORE I ANNIHILATE YOU AND SET FREE RIKKU AND RETURN HER TO HER RIGHTFULL BODY, WHAT IS IT YOU ARE PLANNING? WHAT ARE YOU AND MARIK GOING TO DO?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Jon, I don't care what you can do to me, but my Marik will succeed. But since he will soon kill you, I guess I can tell you our plans.......[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Don't do it Konner. There is something not right with Rikku, and if Rik is going to be successful in finding it out, he will need to be able to hace access to her mind. It would be easier if we stayed in the Shadow Realm. Now take on Alex but don't take him out. We need to see if we can shift his sides, but if he becomes more trouble than he is worth, then take him down.[/I] Here we go Marik. My men are ready, but I can't say the same about you I am afraid. Alex is near comatose, and Rikku doesn't seem to be of one mind. You can always back down, but I don't find that to be a true option with you, so Yuig and Konner, get your duel disks ready.[/COLOR] Just then six duel disks appeared one in front of each duelist, and they all inserted their decks prepared for the oncoming duel. Jon looked over at Rikku who gave a sinister smile and took the hand of Marik, much to Duke's horror. Jon then looked Marik in the eye and dared him to make the first move. Marik set one card face down and had summoned Des Feral Imp in attack mode. Yugi then took the next turn summoning Mystical Elf in defense mode. This gave Rikku her turn who placed one monster face down, and then two other cards face down to end her turn. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Rikku, I know there is something going on in your head, and I plan to find out what. But first I will play one card face down, and summon Zombyra The Dark in attack mode. Then I end my turn.[/COLOR] Konner placed a monster in defense mode and sent control over to Alex who placed a card face down and ended his turn. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]YOU ALL WILL SOON KNOW THE TERROR THAT LIES IN MY DECK, I SACRIFICE DES FERAL IMP AND SUMMON RYU KOKKI IN ITS PLACE TO ATTACK YOUR ZOMBYRA, GUARDIAN. NOW PREPARE TO LOSE LIFEPOINTS YOU FOOL![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Guess again Marik, reveal face down card Mirror Wall, which cuts the attack of your monster in half. That means your Ryu Kokki is down to 1200 and since my Zombyra The Dark is at 2100, YOU lose 900 life points. You see Marik, I guard my friends, and my monsters. So you might as well give up.[/COLOR] [I]Due to its effect, Zombyra had its attack lowered to 1900.[/I] [COLOR=Red]My turn Marik, I will Celtic Guardina in attack mode and attack you bringing you down to 1700 life points Marik. This will all be over soon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Guess again Yugi, it is my turn and I play Dian Keto The Cure Master to raise my sweet Marik up to 2700. Then I flip over my face down monster to reveal Lord of Dragons. I then play Flute of Summoning Dragon to bring out Ryu Ran and Seyaryu on Marik's side and then sacrifice my Lord of Dragons to summon Mefist The Infernal General. Then I place one card face down to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Rikku, I wish you would come to your senses. But I play Graceful Charity, and then discard Time Wizard and Dark Blade. I then will remove them from play to special summon Chaos Sorcerer in attack mode. Now go Alex.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]I will go soon enough you fool. You will pay for the previous destruction of my Seal. I place a card face down and end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]This is all too easy. With no monsters you are left defenseless Alex. Now go Gravekeeper's Assailant, attack Alex directly dropping him to 2500 life points. Now I place one more card face down, to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]PERFECT. GOOD JOB RIKKU, TOGETHER WE WILL RULE THE WORLD! NOW I WILL SACRIFICE THE TWO DRAGONS SHE GAVE ME TO SUMMON DESPAIR FROM THE DARK IN DEFENSE MODE. THEN I PLAY TREMENDOUS FIRE TO KNOCK YOU DOWN TO 3000 PHAROAH. I END MY TURN.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]You may have struck a cheap blow Marik, but you will not win that way. I play Rageiki to annihilate your hard earned monster Marik. WHAT?!? Your monster came back? Explain yourself Marik![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]I SEE YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT MY MONSTER'S SPECIAL ABILITY THEN. DESPAIR FROM THE DARK CAN NOT BE DESTROYED BY ANY CARD'S EFFECT, AND THAT INCLUDES THE EFFECT OF YOUR SPELL CARDS YUGI. BUT IT'S A LITTLE TOO LATE NOW ISN'T IT. HAHAHAHA![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Keep laughing Marik, your cheap tricks won't save you. I will sacrifice my Celtic Guardian, and face down monster, to summon Summoned Skull, who I then equip with Dark Energy, to bring it to 2800 attack points, just enough to keep him from being attacked by your monster Marik. I then have him attack Rikku's Mefist knocking her to 3000 lifepoints. Then I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]We shall soon end this duel as well. I place on monster face down, and end my turn, but not before I use another Dian Keto The Cure Master to raise my schnukoms to 3700 life points. Go Jon, even though you are going to lose this.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Rikku, your threats are as empty as your infatuation with Marik. We beat him once before, and I know we can do it again. Now I have Chaos Sorcerer knock Alex down to 200 life points nearly eradicating him from this duel. Then I summon another monster face down, and place one card face down as well to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]I will simply place one monster face down to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Think you could at least put up some kind of fight Alex. I mean this is all too easy for me. Neo Bug and have Gravekeeper's Assailant attack your face down monster.[/COLOR] Alex's Mystical Elf was flipped face up and forced Konner to place his Neo Bug in defense mode before ending his turn. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]I PLAY OOKAZI TO KNOCK YOU DOWN TO 3200 GUARDIAN. FOR THE SOONER I HAVE YOU KNOCKED OUT OF THIS DUEL, THE BETTER! THEN I PLAY DARK BLADE IN DEFENSE MODE TO END MY TURN.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I then play another Dark Energy on Summoned Skull to bring him to 3100, just enough to take out your Despair Marik! Then I end my turn to give it over to Rikku.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Reveal face down card, Waboku to protect Marik's monster![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]WHAT! YOU MEAN YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED OUR ATTACKS AGAINST YOU FROM THE BEGINING? [I]Rik, I think Marik is controling Alex, and using Alex to protect himself. Rikku may be in bigger danger than I thought. Hurry up and find out what's wrong with her before we lose her forever.[/I][/COLOR]
  20. Jon, Chris and Lance arrived at the mansion only half an hour after leaving the mountain. Jon had felt bad about leaving, but duty called. They entered the back door and was met by Kessler, another of Jon's long time friends. With just a nod of his head, Jon had Kessler take them into the arena on the side of the house. They entered and saw that the field change had already been set in preperation of Jon's return. The current field was rocky and on the other side of the arena was the last person Jon had expected to see. It was Lori, one of Jon's old crushes. He had been head over heels for her until they were forced to split their ways on the road to championship. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Long time no see Lori, what brings to my humble abode?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I heard about the illegal manuever Harlan had pulled and realized that meant you were back on top. So I thought I would come and congratulate you with a battle. So let's catch up later, I have been waiting here for an hour and want to get this over with.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine then, you know the rules; since you're the challenger, you go first, but I find it only fair that I warn you that I have a couple Pokemon you have never seen before.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I think I can handle my own Jon. Now since this is an off the record battle, I say we make it more interesting and have a double duel. Of course I am sure you will want Chris on your side, so I take Lance as my partner.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]As you wish Lori. Get over there Lance, so I can wipe the floor with you quicker.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Don't get too cocky Jon, you forget that I do know about your other two Pokemon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]And I shall soon learn, now go Kecleon![/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]And you too Ditto.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then I choose my new Pokemon, Bloomeon![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Then I choose Typhlosion![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Kecleon use your color change ability and copy Jon's Bloomeon. I may not know much about it, but at least we can match its stats.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Perfect! Chris, you know what to do.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Typhlosion, use Flame Wheel on Kecleon.[/COLOR] The direct hit scorched Kecleon nearly knocking him out of the battle. [COLOR=Blue]Arghh, I should have known he was a plant type from his green color. FIne then Kecleon rest.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]I got you covered Lori, Ditto transform into Typhlosion and then use Flamethrower on Bloomeon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Bloomeon use Razor Leaf before he finishes his transformation![/COLOR]
  21. Jon looked around as the Shadow Realm to over his surroundings. As the Shadow Realm too complete control, Jon couldn't help but laugh at Marik and all of his stupidity. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]WHAT'S SO FUNNY GUARDIAN? YOU HAVE JUST BEEN BROUGHT INTO THE SHADOW REALM, ABOUT TO FACE ME FOR THE LAST TIME, YOUR BEST FRIEND JUST TURNED ON YOU, AND MOST OF ALL, YOUR PRECIOUS PHAROAH ISN'T HERE TO HELP OUT. NOT TO MENTION DUKE CAN'T DUEL HERE, FOR HIS MIND IS TOO WEAK TO ENDURE. YOU'RE DEFENSELESS JON! HAHAHAHA![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You are a fool to think [B]I[/B] am defenseless, you are gravely mistaken. You forget, I am, shall we say, home here in the Shadow Realm. I have complete control over the Shadows, and you will soon learn not to test me Marik. And it is true Duke can't duel here, but I still have Konner right here by my side. So the way I see it, Konner can detain Rikku, and me and Rik will annihilate you.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]THEN YOU FORGET MY LITTLE COMPANION HERE JON! ALEX WILL TILT THINGS IN MY FAVOR I THINK![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]THEN THINK AGAIN MARIK![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]YUGI!?![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]PHAROAH!?![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Don't think you're the only one who can show up in the nick of time Jon. Remember, it was I that gave you all you now know. Now Marik, I will take you out in this one. Now prepare to Duel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then Konner, you take Alex and leave Rikku to me. I'll see if I can't find out what's wrong with her. This isn't like her to turn on us. [I]Rik, see if you can't get into her mind and see what you can find out. She may be our undoing.[/I][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Red]I might have lost Battle City to Yugi, but I will regain title as the best! ROLAND! Get out invitations to every major duelidt out there and get them to Destiny Island. It is there, at my theme park, that I will prove I am the best by beating all the rest.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Yes Mr.Kaiba.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Two weeks later.[/I] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Hey Jon! We got a letter in the mail. Appearantly Kaiba ain't give up yet. He's having another tournament this time on Destiny Island. We gonna go or not?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You better believe it Chris. I say we do it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Well you got some time to get your deck ready. It don't start for a little while.[/COLOR] ____________________________________ There you go, there is the tournament's story. I will start it in a day or two, or when I get enough people recruited. Just remember to list your deck, but there are no god cards allowed.
  23. Jon was staring at Jack's strange transformation when he heard a ring come from his cell phone. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Strange, I didn't think we could get reception in here. Hello?.... Oh hey Kessler! ....... What's that? ....... What do you mean I am the Champion again? I haven't challenged the guy who beat me. ...... What do you mean he cheated? ....... You mean he used an illegal Pokemon to boost his others? How is that possible?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Jon, I don't mean to interupt, but....[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hold on Kessler, what is it Aurora?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Well I know of some psychic trainers who can train their pokemon to use their powers to heighten the abilities of other Pokemon. So it is possible this guy has an Alakazam and thus stole your title.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thanks Aurora, I never knew that. You there Kessler? ..... Hey Aurora talks about trainers who use Psychic Pokemon to heighten abilities illegaly. ...... Oh, hey check his record of caught Pokemon. ........ He has a Medicham? ...... Well there we have it, he fits the profile. Well I guess that settles it, I'm back on top. ....... What? I have a challenger? Who? ........ Well I guess I have no choice any more, alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye. Sorry guys, I have to leave, Chris let's go.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Where are you off to Jon? Will you be back?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I have to go home and accept the challenge, but yes, as soon as I am done, I will be back.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Well, good luck, and it's great to hear you're back on top again. Be careful.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Jon, I am coming too. I am tired of Jake, and was a fool to leave you and Chris. We are the three amigos again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Hey Jon, congratulations. I just wanted you to know that I took to heart what you said earlier, and wanted you to know that I ordered the UNO not to investigate you. I guess what I'm saying is, ....... I trust you Jon. And I accept your offer of friendship. Come back soon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Thanks David, means a lot to me. See ya guys![/COLOR] Jon, Chris and Lance all sent out their flying Pokemon and returned to Jon's mansion on their way to the awaiting challenger. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Hey guys, I know I left the Ruins, but the story seems to keep changing, or maybe it just doesn't make sense to me. So I am pulling out and will continue my story at my mansion until I think I can pull back into the story.
  24. Jon and Rik were shocked by what they had just heard but were determined to wait until Rikku got there to make any moves. After a couple minutes of waiting, the Red-Eyes appeared with three passengers. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Good to see you've regained your health Rikku, and I am relieved you left Seto, but were is Yugi?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]He wasn't with us Jon, and besides, I couldn't leave Amber in the state she was in.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Of course, forgive my rudeness. It is good to see you however Amber. Now we don't have time for familiarities, but you need to know what's going on here. Marik has taken over Alex's mind and we have to get it back. But Konner is still in the temple looking for the other Millennium Items. We have to stall Marik long enough for Konner to find the other 4. See Marik has one, and Seto has the other.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]I wouldn't count on that Jon. See before I left, something told me you might need this, so I sort of "borrowed" this for Konner.[/COLOR] Rikku took something from off of the Red-Eyes and handed Jon the other Millennium Rod. Rik then took her aside and filled her in on what they had just learned, while Konner was busy digging under the statue of Anubis. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=Sienna]Almost THERE![/COLOR] Konner had just finished digging when he ran into an ancient box. When he opened it up he found four of the Millennium Items, and much to his surprise. He quickly gathered them up and ran back into the man hall where Jon and the others were waiting. However, he was quite shocked to find Rikku, Duke and another there, but ran up to Jon, who was expecting him and had the Millennium Rod outstretched and waiting. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Think you might want this Konner, now there's only one left, and then we can deal with Obelisk for the last time and find out the rest of our forgotten pasts. Now Marik, are you ready to take on all of us, or are you going to put down the Millennium Ring and walk away like a good boy?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]DON'T COUNT ON IT JON. I WILL VANGUISH ALL OF YOU AT ONCE IF I HAVE TO. AND BESIDES, I HAVE LITTLE ALEX HERE TO HELP ME! HAHAHA![/B][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I think you're being a little too presumptious aren't you? Me and my Pokemon battle with an understanding. I never ask them to do something I would never do myself. There has never been a battle I have engaged in without knowing my Pokemon are up to it. I feel they are more than just pets or tools to be used in battle, they are my best friends who would give anything for me. And I too would give anything for them. Should they decide to quit battling, I would be obliged to release them and let them do as they pleased. You see today's Pokemon enjoy battling as it is a way to prove themselves to others. It's kind of a recreation for them. And we still live in harmony with them, however, there are those who abuse Pokemon and their loyalty. And that is why organizations such as David's is so highly respected, as they dedicate their lives to helping free Pokemon from such abusive tyranny.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]You know Jon, I think that's the first good thing you've said about me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well David, I'm not a mean guy, and I told you I have nothing against you, I was just tired of you asserting your power when it probably shouldn't have been. And I am still hoping we can be friends, but that I leave up to you. As for you Zaleon, I will let my best friend explain what I can not, and let you gain a Pokemon's perspective. I present to you the strongest Pokemon known to man, here is MEW![/COLOR] Mew came out with a spin if excitement and stopped to check out the new Pokemon. After looking him over, Mew went over and started talking to him explaining what Jon was unable to articulate. Jon, in the meantime, turned to David hoping he would answer about their becoming friends.
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