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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes
Name: Jon Wheeler Age: 18 Gender: Male Type: Dark and Dragon Deck: 1. Dark Magician 2. Dark Magician Girl 3. Yami 4. Black Pendant 5. Black Pendant 6. Black Pendant 7. Dark Energy 8. Dark Energy 9. Dark Energy 10. Megamorph 11. Mirror Wall 12. Acid Trap Hole 13. Swordstalker 14. Flame Swordsman 15. Red Eyes Black Dragon 16. Meteor Dragon 17. Dragon Treasure 18. Dragon Treasure 19. Mountain 20. Gravity Bind 21. Monster Reborn 22. Royal Decree 23. Mimicat 24. Blue Eyes Toon Dragon 25. Toon World 26. Panther Warrior 27. Lord of Dragons 28. Summoning Dragon Flute 29. Sapphire Dragon 30. Kaiser Dragon 31. Soul of the Pure 32. Soul of the Pure 33. Polymerization 34. Raigeki 35. Swords of Revealing Light 36. Change of heart 37. Summoned Skull 38. Dark Luster Ritual 39. Toon Summoned Skull 40. Skull Knight Side Deck 1. Baby Dragon 2. Acrobat Monkey 3. Armored Lizard 4. Alpha The Magnet Warrior 5. Beta The Magnet Warrior 6. Gamma The Magnet Warrior 7. Giant Soldier of Stone 8. Harpie's Brother 9. Man-Eater Bug 10. Winged Dragon Gaurdian of The Fortress #1 11. Gaia The Fierce Knight 12. Feral Imp 13. Curse of Dragon 14. Celtic Guardian 15. Time Wizard 16. Magician of faith 17. gazelle The King of Mythical Beasts 18. Dark Blade 19. Royal Magical Library 20. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
Art Wheeler showcases his first Real Banner. Check It Out
Zanarkand Abes posted a topic in Creative Works
This is the first banner I have sucessfully created. I did it in Photoshop which I taught myself from scratch. Check it out and tell me what you think about it. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18512[/IMG] By the way, I also created my Avatar. What do ya think? -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]That was what? What is going on here, and why did your voice change like that? Is there something about my Millenniumn Rod now that is upsetting you?[/COLOR] Jon quickly put the Rod away hoping he could calm her down and get here to open up to him. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]If only she would open up to me and let me know what is wrong. Maybe I can help her out a bit.[/I][/COLOR] Just then a strange feeling began to come over Jon. Suddenly as if appearing from the air Jon saw a vision of Obelisk and Slifer facing eachother down. Then their surroundings changed to a place fiiled with darkness, and purple light radiating from within. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What is going on here! Where are we and how did we get here?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Welcome to the Shadow Realm Jon. This is the place where ancient duels took place, and the loser was banished to. But you can control the darkness Jon, for the true light of your heart overpowers this realm. Consider it your creation, for whatever you wish here will be done. Just as light can manipulate the shadows, you can manipulate the Shadow Realm. You have learned so much, but there is still more you and Rik need to understand.[/COLOR] The stranger disappeared, and in his place stood Rik glaring off into the distance as if recalling the tragedy that had befallen him. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Seika, I need to explain something to you about Rik.[/COLOR] With that, Jon told her everything about him and his Millennium Items. Then he unraveled his past and its connection with Rik.
Squall's Kraken shot a hot blast at Konner, but he was waiting as his Shift to Dreamsprite activated his special effect redirecting Squall's attack at Jon's Dark Magician. The Dark Magician then countered the attack with his own, not only annihilating Squall's Kraken, taking Squall out of the duel. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Just because we can't initiate an attack, does not mean we can't take you out of the duel Aeros. So make your move, for it will be your last.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I think not Jon, for I play Des Feral Imp, and then flip him to bring back Premature Burial. Then I play Pot of Greed. Ha! I got my magic card Jon, and paying another 800 life points, I summon back my Sorcerer. But I'm not done yet. I then sacrifice these two monsters to summon Despair From the Dark in defense mode. Then I use to Dark energies to bring him to 4100 defense points. Then I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]A feeble attempt. I told you it was your last turn, and I meant it Aeros. Yo! Alex, watch a true Guardian in action. For a true Guardian knows how to win no matter what, for although your monster is equal to mine while in defense mode Aeros, there is nothing protecting your Life Points.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]What are you talking about fool! Have you lost your mind, or have you forgotten how to duel?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Neither, I plan on taking full control of this duel, I play Tremendous Fire, which takes out the rest of your Life points. Now tell me what do you nedd from us?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Surely you are the Ultimate Guardian. I am sorry to engage you like that, but you can only truly know someone after you have dueled them. We need you to unlock the door at the end of the Labyrinth. It is said that only the Ultimate One can unlock it and reveal its secrets. You are that one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine! I will do as you ask, but you must first take out Alex, and get him out of our way.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Consider it done my leige. We will trap him in a Labyrinth box by playing two Magical Labyrinths, and then we choose to place two pieces of the labyrinth surrounding him. There is no room to summon so you should be safe. That is unless that final guy forces us to duel. Then the Magic cards effect will wear off returning the walls to their original position. Now go, the door is at the end of this labyrinth.[/COLOR] Jon and Konner set off to find the end and open the door, while Lance was unknowingly making his way to where Alex was trapped. At the same Jagan was catching up to Jon and Konner with hatred filling his vision.
Before Konner took his turn, Squall had placed another monster in defense mode, and ended his turn. [COLOR=DarkOrange]My name is Aeros, and my companion is Squall. And the only way you two will defeat us is if you are the Ultimate Guardian and his apprentice. Now I play Graceful Charity, and discard Chaos Sorcerer and Shadow Ghoul. Then I pay 500 life points to play Premature Burial to bring back my Chaos Sorcerer, who is now 2800. Plus I use Dark Energy to raise him to 3100, equaling that of your Ushi Uni Konner. Now Chaos, attack Jon's Dragon. And I end my turn.[/COLOR] Jon's life points dropped to 3300. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You may have vanguished my Dragon, but I will exact my revenge. I play Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity. I will then dispose my Dark Magician, and Meteor Dragon. Then I play Monster Reborn to bring back my Magician. But I won't stop there as I empty my hand to equip him with Black Pendant, Dark Energy, amd Megamorph to boost him to 4100. Now Dark Magician, attack his Sorcerer. Then I too end my turn.[/COLOR] The Dark Magian shattered Aeros' monster dragging down his life points to 1800. [COLOR=DarkRed]My turn. I play Swords of Revealing Light to freeze both of you for three turns. Then I place one card face down, and end my turn. Your move Konner.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]No way, it is too risky right now. Besides, I doubt they would be able to fight in such a tight space. Just hang in there with out Ra and we should do just fine my friend.[/I][/COLOR] The second stranger had placed a monster in defense mode before he ended his turn for Konner. The first thug played Mountain and summoned Koumori Dragon and attacked Jon's Baby Dragon. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Big mistake! Reveal face down card Mirror Wall which cuts your monster's attack in half. And since my Baby Dragon is now stronger, you will lose 700 life point sending you to 3300.[/COLOR] The thug switched his face down monster to defense mode and ended his turn. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I now sacrifice my Baby Dragon to summon Luster Dragon #2, and because of your Mountain card, he goes up to 2900. Then I play Rageiki taking out your monster Thug #2, and have my Dragon attack you directly dropping you to 1100. I end my turn.[/COLOR]
RPG Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle Island [PG 13+ mild cursing, violence, and dark persona]
Zanarkand Abes replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red]"Jon Wheeler, I challenge you to a duel right now! According to Battle Island rules, Section 3, paragraph 2, it states that you cannot refuse. So get ready to lose!" Jon stared daggers at Ryan, who was already staring death glares towards him. He stood up from the bar and walked towards Ryan with a look of intensity.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Fine, I accept your challenge and I will not lose, but in fact I will win." [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"Pfft, not even in your dreams you wannabe."[/COLOR] Slapping his deck into his duel Disk, Ryan smirked rather happily, he would eliminate the brat so Joey would go to the finals. But before the duel could start Kou bolted up between the group and brought his disk up as well. [COLOR=Orange]"Aww, you weren't going to have all the fun now were you?"[/COLOR] Ryan grinned at his new friend and glared at Jon and his iggle buddy Chris. [COLOR=Red]"All right Jon, I'll go first!!"[/COLOR] Drawing his opening hand, Ryan smirked. It held Sapphire Dragon, Spear Dragon, Rocket Warrior, Marshmallon, and Witch Of The Black Forest. Drawing his sixth card which was Blue Eyes, Ryan took his turn. [COLOR=Red]"I set this monster in face-down defense mode and end my turn." [/COLOR] Jon snickered a little and took his turn. Knowing that he could finally beat that smug look off of Ryan's contemptous face. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Tell me something will you Ryan, what pencil pushing nerd runs around quoting the rule book like that? And don't think for a second you can win this, your pathetic god card will not help you in this duel. You will find that I know how to defend myself from punks like you. And since you are relying on your friend's help there, Chris too will enter this duel. Then when I am through with you, I will continue with my challenge to Joey. Win or lose, I will duel him and you can't stop me. For there is one flaw in your plan to eradicate me. I have six locator cards, and if I were to lose this duel for whatever reason, I still have five more to duel with. So nice try, but I will stay in the tournament no matter what.[/COLOR] Jon threw his deck into his duel disk as it clicked ot life rendering 4000 life points to him. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I will start off this duel by summoning Royal Magical Library in defense mode. Then Iplay Dian Keto the Cure Master, raising my life points to 5000, and place one token on my Library due to its effect. Then I place one card face down and end my turn. Your turn Kou.[/COLOR] -
Jon looked around puzzled by what had just happened. He quickly returned Slifer and summoned a Labyrinth Tank to protect him. He was just about to summon a dragon to fly out of the maze when he looked up to see that they had all been locked down with a roof. He started to head through the labyrinth following close behind his tank. Just to make sure he wasn't attacked from behind, Jon summoned Feral Imp to listen for any movement. After a while Jon grew aggitated by the maze and summoned Soul Tiger. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Soul Tiger, I need Konner's help if we want to make it out of here before Alex does. Go and find him now.[/COLOR] Jon then sat back and waited for Soul Tiger to return to him. All of a sudden Feral Imp started growling and Jon saw to guys who appeared to be guards approach him. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Jon Wheeler? We have been expecting you. You are the We are the Guardians of the Labyrinth and the ones who pulled you and your friends here. We have brought you here for your help. But first, I must apologize.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]For what?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]This.[/COLOR] The left guard threw a monster card on his duel disk and prepared to attack Jon. Just then Jon activated his disk causing the three monsters he summoned earlier to diappear. Jon then placed a card face down and summoned Baby Dragon in attack mode. [COLOR=Red]Looks like you could use a little help there Jon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Konner! How did you get here?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I don't know, all I know is that I saw your tiger and had just climbed on his back when he disappeared. I must have been transported here to where you tiger returned to. Anyway, I am here now and will even the score out a little. So Let's Duel![/COLOR]
RPG Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle Island [PG 13+ mild cursing, violence, and dark persona]
Zanarkand Abes replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[INDENT]Jon was walking towards the gift shop when Kaiba's helicopter landed a couple feet in front of him. He stopped and listened as Kaiba said farewell to Ryan and Kou. At the same time, Chris had made his way to where Jon was standing transfixed with the incesant enormity of the chopper as it took off.[/INDENT] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]So he wants to see them both there eh. Well I now one thing for sure, I will be there waiting for them. When the time comes, I will anihilate them from the finals. But for right now, I think I will pay Joey a visit.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Hey Jon, that Kaiba I just saw take off?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Why do you ask such stupid questions? Who else has a chopper that big in Hawaii?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Geez Jon, I was merely starting a conversation with you. But I guess you're all business now aren't you Jon? Fine then, I just came to tell you that Joey is over at the bar getting dinner, and I just won my third locator card. How you been doin'?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I have six locator cards now, and was just heading over to find Joey and talk with him. You can tag along if you want, you might just learn a new trick today Chris.[/COLOR] [INDENT]With that, Chris and Jon headed over to the bar to talk with Joey. When they got there, they found him ordering a hamburger with seasoned fries and a Dr. Pepper. Jon and Chris sat on each side of Joey causing him to start and look around.[/INDENT] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Calm down Joey, we're just here for the food and company. Bar tender, I'll have what he's having. So Joey, you probably don't know me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Yeah I know who you are, you're that Jon kid aren't ya?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yep, that's me. I would have been in the finals at Duelist Kingdom if I wasn't emotionaly torn during my last battle there.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]I remember that duel, what happened, you should have creamed that guy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]My mother had called informing me that my brother was ill and hospitalized. With that, I just broke down and totaly screwed up my dueling. But he's in perfect health this tome, and there will be nothing to distract me from winning. Speaking of which, how many locator cards do you have?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]I have three. I woulkd have more if I didn't give away a double duel just a minute ago.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Why'd you do that?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]You know how it is Jon. You see that one girl that makes your heart scream, and you give her what she wants. But I tell you now, that will not happen next time. When we meet in the finals, I will not give her so much as the comfort of winning.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]yeah, well that's fine and all, but you have to go through me first. After dinner, I challenge you to a duel to once and for all prove who the greatest Wheeler is anyway.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Your funeral Jon, but tell me something first, are we in anyway related or did you just steal my last name?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I will steal nothing from you Joey except your Baby Dragon when I win. As for being related, kind of. You see I come from my father's ties to the Wheeler name. And if I am not mistaken, he is your father's brother, and thus makes us cousins. According to my dad, after he grew old enough he moved away from the family to make a name for himself, and swore not to return to the family until he did. Well, I am not near as patient as he his and couldn't wait for him to make that name. So here I am making a name for myself, and at the same time finding my way back into the family name. That is why I must defeat you Joey. But don't go easy just 'cause you found out our relations. I want a good clean fight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Fair enough cuz. But tell me, why my Baby Dragon? I mean I have much rarer cards than that one!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Easy, it's my favorite monster in the game. He may not be strong, but with a little help, that can be rectified. Now eat up, 'cause as soon as we're done, I am going to make you lose your lunch when you lose to me.[/COLOR] [INDENT]Jon and Joey ate in silence preparing their strategies while Chris sat there processing what he had just learned about his best friend.[/INDENT] -
Just then a great presence filled Jon's mind as his follower appeared. He was a dark tanned man with a serious expression on his face. He seemed to radiate smoe kind of energy field electrifying everything around him. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Jon, I have been looking for you. My name is Angelo and I have obtained the final Millennium Item you require. I put Yugi Moto into a trance and coaxed him into handing over the Millennium Rod. Now I have found you, the rightful owner of the Rod, and warn you to be careful of its great power. Should you let your guard down, it will take over your mind. Now go my Guardian and fulfill your destiny.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Wait, who are you and why have you retrived the Millennium Rod for me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I am a servant to you the Ultimate Guardian. It was my job to ensure that you possesed the Items in time to stop the oncoming threat. Now I must go as my job is done.[/COLOR] Angelo left Jon and Seika and the aura surrounding him left as well. Jon looked around wndering what to do next. He looked over at Seika who seemed to be lost in thought, wondering what she thought about the stranger. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What you thinking about Seika? Is there anywhere you want to go, 'cause I have all I need now, and I am sure we can wait to find Yugi later. Well, say something......[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]Jon, we must interfere in this! He can't win the duel if Marik is destined to hold the card.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yes Konner, but if the Rare Hunter loses, then Marik was not destined to own the card yet. But I feel like interupting this duel just for the fun of it. What do you say, ready to give Ra a test run?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]You know it Jon. LET'S GO![/COLOR] [INDENT]Jon and Konner summoned both of their god monsters and sent them into the duel to halt Obelisk the Tormentor. A great fire rose from the ground as Slifer came screaming from the ground in a rage of fury. At the same time a cyclone appeared in the air with lightning flashing everywhere as Ra swoped down from the sky. All of a sudden Jon's Millennium Items glowed brighter than ever. In a flash the surroundings were changed as an ancient Egyptian Labyrinth appeared seperating every one, forcing them to find the others.[/INDENT]
[COLOR=Red]Yeah, he looks pretty familiar. Isn't he that Lance guy who took Joey's Red-Eyes Black Dragon, only to lose it again to Yugi?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yep, that's the guy. I think I know how this is going to end, but it's not how it would appear. You see he used to use an Exodia deck, that is until Yugi defeated him that one day and tore up every piece of Exodia this guy had. But for him to challenge Alex like this means that he has gotten other cards to replace Exodia. The question that bothers me, is how did he get to the Shadow Realm?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Maybe he was able to hitch a ride with Alex?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I don't think so, I can't see into his mind which tells me there is a bigger power than him at work here. Yet at the same time I can't shake the feeling that Marik has something to do with this. All we know is that this kid some how tricked Kaiba into surrenduring his god card, and Marik must obviously want it. Remember the visions? I don't remember seeing this kid in them at all, but here hhe is controlling Obelisk. I believe the Rare Hunter will lose, but this kid has bigger problems. If I don't get to him, then I know Marik will. You see it is Marik's destiny to control Obelisk, but this kid claims to be his guardian. That tells me that this war is being fought on three fronts, not just two. But whatever happens, I will put the ultimate end to it. This war will end with me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I hope you're right Jon, for everyone's sake.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]You and me both Konner.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]You know Yugi Moto? Well why don't we get that bite to eat, then we can go to your school and see if we can find his address.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]Okay, but I don't exactly want a hot dog, what do you say to some pizza?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I know this great place by Kaiba Corp. Who knows, maybe Yugi will be there, and save us the trouble of finding him.[/COLOR] Jon and Seika turned the next corner and headed back towards Kaiba Corp in the center of Domino City and quickly found the pizza place. For some reason Jon became a little edgy as he got the feeling they were being followed. He looked everywhere but couldn't see anyone in sight, which was strange in itself since Domino was usually busy at around lunch time. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hey Seika, do you get the feeling we're being followed?[/COLOR]
Hey, I was wondering what you guys thought about the new Pokemon games coming out in America soon. They are remakes of the first two released in Japan, only they are for the Gameboy Advance and can support all 350 pokemon including trading with Ruby and Saphire. They are also compatible with Colloseum, and I was just wondering if you guys thought that Nintendo should have released these. Or should they have stopped when they were ahead? Plus, if ou could remake one of the previous games, what would you do and why?
RPG Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle Island [PG 13+ mild cursing, violence, and dark persona]
Zanarkand Abes replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[COLOR=SeaGreen]Now go Exodia Necross, take out his Baby Dragon! With that you lose 1600 life points since my monster gains 1000 attack points per turn, and that brings you down to 2400 life points, evening the playing field a bit. Your turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Speaking of evening the playing field, I reveal my face down card, and turn the field to mountain terrain.Then I sacrifice my Celtic Guardian to summon Luster Dragon #2, and because of the terrain, he goes up to 2900 attack points. That's 100 more than your monster.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]You forget then, because of Exodia Necross' special abitlity, he can't be hurt by your monsters. This is pay back for what your friend did to my little brother, and it's also for my friend Ryan kicked out early in the tournament. So yoy might as well give up since my monster can't be hurt by monster, magic, or trap card. You have nothing left Jon, so I suggest you save us both time and surrender.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Never. I can hurt you still, I reveal my other face down card. Tremendous Fire, and take out another 1000 life points out of you, bringing you to 1600. As for your Exodia Necross, he does have a weakness, and I will exploit it. I now play Soul Release to release your five Exodia pieces from play. Now with those pieces out of your graveyard, your Exodia Necross goes byebye. Now since I feel that there is nothing left for you to do, I will end my turn just to rub it in kid.[/COLOR] [INDENT]Exodia Necross melted into the playing field with the most horrendous groan known to man.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SeaGreen]NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO! That is impossible, my monster was invincible! You fool! I will get you back for this. I summon Soul Tiger in defense mode. Then place one card face down. I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]That the best you can do? I should have known an Exodia user would only rely on Exodia. Oh well. I have what I need in my hand, and will only be a matter of time before I can use it. So I summon Feral Imp, and then I have my Luster Dragon attack your pitiful Tiger.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]That's what you think. I reveal Negate Attack to protect my Tiger.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]A weak attempt. I will switch my Imp into defense mode and end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]I summon one monster face down in defense mode, then I play Yami to change the playing field to dark, thus bringing your Dragon back down to 2400. Then I filp over my Des Feral Imp in defense position to bring back any card from the Graveyard. After placing this card face down, it is your turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ha! You think I rest on a single strategy kid? Just to spite your [I]Valiant[/I] efforts, I sacrifice my Luster Dragon and Feral Imp to summon my Dark Magician in attack mode. Then I use Dark Pendant and Dark Energy to raise my Dark Magician by 800 attack points, and since [I]YOUR[/I] field card raises all spellcasters by 500, then my Dark Magician gains a total of 1300 attack points bringing him to 3800. I now attack your Tiger one more time to end my turn. Say good bye to him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]I don't think so, I reveal Negate Attack, which I just got back thanks to Des Feral Imp's special ability from flipping him over my last turn. Now I sacrifice both of my monsters to summon Despair From the Dark in defense mode. Then I place one card face down to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I then play another Dark Pendant raising my Magician to 4300 attack points. now don't think I have forgotten you Despair's special ability, so instead of wasting magic cards on it, I will attack it straight out. Go my Dark Magician, take out his monster![/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Reveal Waboku! You are once again haltered by my trap cards, HA![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then I play Jowls of Dark Demise. You see I knew you would use another trap card like that. So by flipping over my Jowls of Dark Demise, I can take conrol of one of your monsters and attack you directly. So I seize control of your Despair, and finish you off for good. Now hand over your two locator cards, and go home you sniveling fool.[/COLOR] [INDENT]Jon walked off to gain his next two booster packs, and then left to where he last saw Ryan just in time to hear what he thought was a bomb ticking on the roof.[/INDENT] -
RPG Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle Island [PG 13+ mild cursing, violence, and dark persona]
Zanarkand Abes replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[INDENT]Jon had walked away from where Ryan and Kaiba were to duel and left for the Polynesian Culture Center rented out by Kaiba for use in the tournament. There he found what he was looking for, a duelist sipping Mi Tai's at the Polynesian lounge. Jon approached him with a challenge he couldn't refuse.[/INDENT] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hey kid, I challenge you to a duel right now, Winner takes all. If I win, I get your locator cards and you go home. If you win, then I go home and you take my locator cards, what do you say to that?[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Fine, but I only have two, so that means you are putting more at risk, all though that matters not to me since you will lose anyway. So let's go! [/COLOR] [INDENT]The two took their places opposite eachother and inserted their decks as the duel disks clicked to life and refreshed the two with 4000 life points each.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SeaGreen]I go first as I summon one monster in defense mode, then place one card face down. You will regret ever challenging me Wheeler, now move.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine but I will soon vanguish you. Now I play Baby Dragon to attack your face down card.[/COLOR] [I]Exodia's Right Arm appeared just to shatter into a thousand pieces.[/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What! Not another Exodia user. Fine then, I place two cards face down, and end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]I play Graceful Charity and then discard both Legs of Exodia. Then I place one monster in defense position to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Awww, did I spoil your plans, so now you your gonna pout and throw away your Exodia. Poor child. Well I will once again order my Dragon to attack your face down monster.[/COLOR][I]Exodia'sLeft Arm was shattered like the one before it.[/I][COLOR=RoyalBlue] What is this? A feeble attempt at stopping me. Now I summon my Celtic Guardian to hit tyour life points directly taking you from 4000 to 2600. I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]Oh no mister, please don't hurt me mister. Hahaha, if only you knew what you were getting into by challenging me. I play another Graceful Charity, then discard Exodia the Forbidden One and Molten Zombie. Then I play the magic card Contract with Exodia, to summon forth Exodia Necros...[/COLOR] -
OOC: Who is the new power? I thought you were following me Konner? Oh well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jon was walking with Seika when she casually slipped her hadn from his. He stood there perplexed as she was obviously debating something in her mind. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Hey Rik, why is she just standing there man? Did I do something to offend her.I mean we were walking when all of a sudden she just slipped her hand from mine. What do you think?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]I think you worry too much about rediculous stuff like that. You have a destiny to fulfill and yet you waste your time babbling on about why she pulled her hand. Maybe she just needed to get something and forgot what is was. But I think you have more important things to attend to anyways. You know like getting the Millennium Rod, not trying to take some girl to lunch. Besides, I can feel a disturbance in their Shadows. Someone has just betrayed a friend. I don't know who or the name of the betrayed, but for all I know it could be you. You need to watch out Jon, this is getting bigger than we imagined. But if it will ease your mind for the time being, then just ask her straight out and get this over with. I am getting a little hungry.[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]It's the Millennim Ring, it can sense other Millennium Items, but I have learned to control it and it will only sense the ones I am looking for. Right now I have the Ring, Necklace, Eye, Key, and the Scales. All I need now is the Millennium Rod from Yugi. But first I thought we could go and get a hot dog or something. Hey by the way, what were those things you just put in your bag, and why did you slip your hand from mine? Is it something I did?[/COLOR]
[INDENT]Jon was right about to reach Rikku, when he felt a disturbance in the Shadow Realm. He quickly got there just in time to see the kid from earlier stop the duel between Jagan and Konner. Jon silently hid himself in the shadows and llistened to their conversation.[/INDENT] "Welcome to the Shadow Realm, Jagan..." said Alex. "Who are you?" Jagan demanded. "I am called Alex, and I am the Ultimate Guardian of Obelisk." Alex pulled Obelisk's card from his pocket and showed it to the boy. Jagan grew cold, but stood firmly. "What do you want?" "I want you to help me; help me bring back Obelisk." "And why would I want to do that?" Jagan asked. "What's in it for me?" "Well, Obelisk's largest threat at the moment, is the kid who interrupted your Shadow Game." Alex replied. "The one who was lounging about while you struggle for Ra. Join me and I will give you Slifer. If you win Ra from this duel, you will have them both. If you lose this duel, I will save you from the Shadows, and then together we will defeat Jon. As soon as Jon is gone, you can use Slifer to attain Ra." "Why would you let me obtain two god cards?" asked Jagan suspiciously. "You only have Obelisk." "I only want Obelisk." Alex intensely responded. "He is mine and I am his. Together we will rule the world. With you aiding us, we shall not fail! What say you?" [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Ha! That kid is in way over his head. There is no way he can defeat me let alone take control of Slifer and Ra. Who does he think he is anyway? Yeah he may be the Guardina of Obelisk, but he is no where near Ultimate, He would have to go through me first to become that rank. And with all the Millennium Items in my possesion, he can't hope to touch me. I will challenge this fool to a duel once and for all and eliminate him for good.[/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Just then a strange voice came and challenged Alex to a Shadow Game, which should Alex lose, Jon's job would be all the much easier.[/INDENT]
RPG Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle Island [PG 13+ mild cursing, violence, and dark persona]
Zanarkand Abes replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[INDENT]Right after Jon had challenged the girl to a duel, he saw Ryan chase down Seto Kaiba. After watching them talk for a while, Jon saw three cloaked figures approach. He figured they were up to no good and was about to help out until he remebered the fact that Ryan thought he could crush him. This made Jon quickly decide not to help, since Ryan would probably refuse in his arrogant way. But Jon was relieved of the responsibility of helping when he saw Kou run in to join. Just then the girl broke his train of thought commentingon whether or not they were going to duel.[/INDENT] [COLOR=Red]Are we doing this or what?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Sure thing, and in the spirit of chivalry, I say ladies first.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Fine by me, just means the quicker I will beat you and get back to my tan. I play one card face down, and then summon Lady Panther in attack mode to end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well then, I place two cards face down, and then summon the Baby Dragon in defense mode and I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Hmm, you leave me with no choice, I summon Hysteric Fairy and then attack your Baby Dragon with Lady Panther.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Sorry, but you activate my trap card Mirror Wall, which cuts your monsters attack in half, which means my dragon is going nowhere.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]That's what you think, for you forget, I have Hysteric Fairy still, and even with her attack halved, she is still stronger than your monster. Now go my Fairy, clear his monster now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Again you are hindered my friend. I activate my other trap card, Castle Walls which ups my dragon's defense by 500 for this turn, which puts him 300 points above your fairy, and takes your life points down to 3700. At this rate, I will have your number in no time.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Well, I end my turn, but you will have to earn that number, and a duel isn't enough to do that.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]No problem, as I summon Zombyra the Dark in attack mode. And since your fairy is at 900, then I have my Baby Dragon attack your monster bringing you down to 3400. Then I have Zombyra attack your Panther dropping you down lower to 2700. This will be over soon enough, for now I end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]You got that right Jon. I play Ragieki to eliminate you of your monsters, then I play Aqua Spirit to attack you directly bringing YOU down to 2400. Looks like the tides has turned. I end my turn, and your chances of winning.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]We will see about that. I play Graceful Charity, and discard my Despair from the dark, and Royal Decree. Then I play Monster Reborn to bring my Despair From the Dark into play in defense mode. I then end my turn.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I play one card face down, and summon Spirit of the Harp in defense mode. Then I play another Ragieki to destroy your Despair. Now attack again by Aqua Spirit. What the hell!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Oh, I see you have figured out my monster's special ability. Whenever he is sent to the Graveyard by your card's effect, he is special summoned back to my side of the field. So since your monster had only 1600 attack points, and my Mirror Wall cuts it to 800, and my monster has a defense of 3000, well you do the math.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]That brings me to 500 life points. Well don't think I will give up that easy. I end my turn, but I will get another.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Not if I can help it. I play Mimicat to bring back my Royal Decree which I then place on the filed. Then I summon my Celtic Guardian in attack mode. Now attack my Celtic Guardian, take out her Aqua Spirit, and the remainder of her life points![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Reveal Stop Attack! That should hold him back from me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then you forget the effect of my Royal Decree which negates all trap cards in play. So may attack will still progress, and you lose my friend. Now if I can have your locator card, and your phone number please.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]In your dreams! You can have my locator card, but not my number pretty boy.[/COLOR] [INDENT]With that, the girl returned to sun bathing and Jon sulked over to the booster booth to claim his prize. He recieved [I]Sanctuary of Holy Light, Sword Within The Stone, Makiyu the Elemental Knight, Shinato’s Crowning Ceremony, and Angelic Cathedral[/I] After looking at his cards, Jon returned his attention towards Ryan and his duel knowing that when they won, Ran would once again be one locator card ahead of Jon. He then set off to find one last duel before he called it quits for the day.[/INDENT] -
OOC: Sort of Fushigi, but the bracelete I am talking about is slightly different and is hidden. For more info, you can either wait until I reveal more about it, or you can jump to the Forgotten Past thread to read more on it. But I like the way you are fusing your story to mine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jon wasn't certain where they were going to go next, but he had a feeling that Rik did. They were off to find another Millennium Item, and Rik was in a hurry to do so. They were running down the street as fast he could go, when all of a sudden a slender leg came shooting out from the side of a building. Had Jon been going any faster, he would have collided into the foot just inches from his throat. [COLOR=Magenta]Who are you?[/COLOR] He was just able to regain his composure before she asked, and took the time to notice her slender and sleek features. Beauty seemed to radiate from her, but there was also a sense of anger and confusion coming from within her. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I am Jon, and in quite a hurry, but I guess I could stop for someone of your caliber. What is your name?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]My name is Seika.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well Seika, as I was saying, I am in a hurry, but you are more tahn welcome to come with me if you want.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]Sure, I guess I could follow you for a while.[/COLOR] Seika and Jon laced their fingers together and started off in the direction Jon was heading previously talking about eachother the whole way.
Rik was finally getting stronger within Jon, as the past caught up to them, Rik was able to once again get his foothold inside Jon. Yet Jon was reluctant to accept Rik for what he was, and there was one person who could help him get through to Jon. Rik summoned all of his strength to contact Konner, hoping he would be able to help them out. He appeared weak and faint, but Rik knew he caught their attention. Konner stopped running and stood still as Yuri appeared next to him. [COLOR=Blue]I am sorry for approaching you like this, but I must solicite your help. I need to get through to Jon and make him realize everything about us. He is too stubborn to let me into his life and it is continually making me weaker. If I don't get his attention soon, I will once again fall and he will be hopeless against the up coming threat. So it is up to you to help me out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]You must make him see what you see Rik. Take him back to before where you lived free and independent of him. If he sees your past, then he will be forced to acknowledge you for what you are.Konner and I are on our way to where we last saw him, but it is up to you to show him the truth. To do so, you must first have him acquire the Millennium Scales which will balance out their reality and ours. I believe they were last seen at the flea market. Take him there, and you should find them. Now go and good luck, we will be there soon.[/COLOR] Rik returned to Jon and did everything he could to steer Jon to the flea market, where they found the Scales at a table full of Egyptian pieces. After buying the Scales, Rik summoned everything he had left and used the Scales to send them back to before. [COLOR=Blue][I]You must see the truth for yourself Jon, and so I take you back to my time, when the Pharoah ruled over Egypt.[/I][/COLOR] Just then they were sent to Ancient Egypt where Jon was forced to watch the duel that haunted his dreams, but this time it was all real. He was stunned by the reality of it when all of a sudden Rik appeared next to Jon and explained that they were seeing the ghosts of the past, which could not see Jon for it wa similar to a movie, but real.. After explaining it to Jon they both stood still and watched as the duel continued. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]I MUST TAKE OVER FOR PRINCE YAMI! HE CAN'T LOSE THIS DUEL. I AM SORRY MY PRINCE, BUT THIS HAS GONE ON FOR FAR TOO LONG AND IT IS MY SWORN DUTY TO PROTECT YOU. I AM TAKING CHARGE OF THIS DUEL, AND YOU HAVE TO STEP DOWN.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] NO RIK I WILL FINISH THIS DUEL MYSELF. MARIK AND HEISHIN WILL LEARN SOON ENOUGH NOT TO CROSS ME.[/B][/COLOR] The ghost Rik started to intervene anyway and started to summon his god monster Slifer the Sky Dragon. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B] I SUMMON THE MIGHTY SLIFER THE SKY DRAGON TO VANQUISH SETO'S BLUE EYES![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] I SAID NO![/B][/COLOR] Slifer was summoned behind Rik but was stopped in mid motion by Yami's command. Just then the vision stopped and Jon was sent back to reality where he was finnaly let go of his doubt and fully opened up to Rik and together they agreed to help eachother out as Yugi and Yami do.
[INDENT]Jon was pacing around trying to figure out what to do once he found that repundant kid from earlier, when he saw Konner enter the Shadow Realm and called out Jagan to a duel. Jagan was burning red with hatred towards Jon, but the color was soon dimmed by fear when he saw the tranformation in Konner. Konner had a golden glow around him, evidence that he had successfully released Ra once again. The pieces were falling into place and Jon was about ready to initiate his defense against Obelisk when he got a disturbing vision. The kid from earlier was leaving Kaiba Corp with Obelisk's card in hand. Kaiba was standing ther transfixed at the fact that he had willingly gave the card to this kid. It became obvious to Jon that no one could escape from the path this war was taking. There was no way to avoid it, but Jon could at least put an end to it. All he had to do was wait for Konner to finish off Jagan in the duel and get the answers he too sought.Then they could both return to Yugi and help him obliterate this threat. Jon created a Lazy Boy recliner and sat there watching the duel as it persisted. Konner had just played two magic/trap cards face down, and Jagan layed two trap cards to end his turn. Jon used the Millennium Eye and saw what Jagan was planning, and didn't like it one bit. Yet Jon would not interfere in this duel unless prompted to. This was Konner's chance to put a resolution to whatever battle he had inside, and get what he needed out of Jagan. Jon tried to look inside Konner, but Yuri came up and blocked Jon from seeing. Yuri felt it best if Konner's secrets stayed with him until he chose to reveal them. Jon was about to relax again and watch the duel when he heard a scream from the other side and got a vision of Rikku. Jon quickly left the Shadow Realm and went off to find Rikku and see how he could help her.[/INDENT]
OOC: Sorry for the length of the post, but I thought I might as well get these points out of the way, that and I was bored in AD Design, so I had time to kill. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jon had finally arrived at Domino City and was ready to find Yugi so that he could gain the answers he needed. Just then a wind began to ruffle Jon's white overshirt and played with the legs of his jeans and the surroundings seemed to take on a different appearance. This was obviously another vision presenting itself in Jon's view showing him more of what he needed to see. [I][COLOR=Red]Seto! Quit playing around and finish this duel! The power of the pharoah must be mine and quick or it's your head, hear me![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Calm down Marik, there is only one outcome left for this duel, and I gauranty that I will be victorious. It is time for the Mages to rise up and conquer the pharoah and rewrite the history of Egypt.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Well, I am growing tired of this game and the more you toy with Yugi the more chance he has of drawing his cursed Magician. Now do what I tell you or I will destroy your mind with my Millenium Rod.[/COLOR][/I] As quick as it came, the vision vanished before Jon knew what had happened. Jon ran as fast as he could towards Kaiba Corp hoping to find someone who knew what was happening. All of a sudden Jon heard his name called out, no inside his mind. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]That's impossible, there is no way people are talking to me in my head, and I know I not schizo.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][I]Where are you running to Jon? You have to find to Yugi now for I fear a great threat is upon us.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Who are you and how can you get in my head?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][I]My name is Yuri, I am the Yami form of Konner, and we are here to help you, but in order for me to do that, you must open up to the Yami in you.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Are you like a spirit or something? And how can you help me if I don't have a Yami?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][I]Don't be ridiculous Jon, everyone has a Yami, all we are is the embodiment of your dark side. You just don't know about yours since your dark side is significantly smaller than your light side. However, when you let your dark side, who by the way is Rik, take over, then you seem to grow in stature as a way of signifying the importance of having a dark side. Now you need to find yours, and grant it freedom from the bonds your mind has placed on him. For now I must go and see what I can do to help. Although I am still not sure why I feel an obligation to help you, or what significance I have in whatever it is you are looking for. But I will go and see what I can find out.[/I][/COLOR] With that Yuri left Jon's mind, as Jon slowly turned a complete circle realizing all the people who had congregated around him watching at the strange red-head talking to himself. Jon ran on a little further until a strange man appeared in Arabic clothing and a wrap around his head concealing his face. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Who are you and what do you want with me, 'cause to be honest, I am a little tired of all these strange people and voices just appearing in front of me. So tell me who you are, or I will be forced to see right into you with the Millenium Eye.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I am Shadi, the Gaurdian of Heart. I will see soon enough who you are, and if you are truly worthy enough to be the Ultimate Gaurdian.[/COLOR] With that, Shadi thrust the Millenium Key into Jon's heart sending a blanket of black across his vision. When Jon regained his sight, he was in a hallway with doors all down it. As he entered the first door, he saw a room of gold and pure items. He closed it and started towards the second door when he saw Shadi approach him. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Welcome Wheeler. We have arrived.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Arrived where? What is this place, how did we get here, and why?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]So full of questions you are young one. The answer lies here in your heart. This is the key to all hearts, and can see the truth that you have hidden, even from yourself. Behold the rooms of your being Wheeler, for here is the ultimate test of who you are.[/COLOR] They entered the second room which was red and had a sweet scent lofting through it. On the walls were pictures of everyone Jon had ever loved. The third room they entered was Blue and full of the times Jon was saddened. They traveled through these rooms for what seemed like hours until they reached a black room. In the corner sat a guy that looked just Jon, but was slightly smaller than Jon. Behind him was a door made of gold with the Millenium Symbol on it. They entered, and once again Jon saw the vision of his dreams. The duel was suspended, and Jon saw an Egyptian version of him watching in horror longing to step in and take over. Shadi left the room pulling Jon with him and shut the door. In a flash Jon was back on the street staring at Shadi wondering what the significance of this "trip" was. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]You are worthy and the true Ultimate Guardian of the Pharaoh. I shall follow behind and answer when you beckon for me Gaurdian. But for now I must go for there is threat upon us I must stop. Farewell.[/COLOR] After Shadi left, a vision of destruction came in to view as people were running and vanishing in thin air. Behind them an Egyptian town burned with fire and brimstone hailing from the sky. Out of the vision ran a girl with black hair and and black cape with purple trimming around it. Jon had followed the strange girl for two blocks when she just stopped in mid tracks and turned to face him. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, but her piercing eyes told him that the beauty was only skin deep. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I have questions and you will answer them understand me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]It is my sworn duty to comply with the wishes of the Gaurdian. What is your bidding?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What is the Guardian suppoesed to do? And what connection do you have with all this?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]The Gaurdian is the sworn protector of the Pharoah and has devoted his enitre life to make sure no harm befalls the Pharoah. I amconnected through the past, and was forced back the excavation of the Millenium Ring,[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]But I hold the Millenium Ring, see?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Not that ring. The one in the Forbidden Chest is the ring which belonged to Obelisk a thousand millenia ago. He that controls the ring will threaten the entire existence of earth and will bring about its ultimate destruction. That is why it was hidden many years ago, and why no one must find the ring. It is my job to gaurd the gods items and make sure they are not found again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What items? The only true Millenium Items are the ones I am seeking, though I am not sure why.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]These items were worn by the gods and granted them ultimate power. Obelisk owned the ring, Ra wore the true Millenium Necklace, similar to the one you seek, but bigger and more powerful. Slifer possesed the Millenium Bracelette. Should these items be found and brought together, they will become unstoppable even by the Pharoah. You must gaurd the Pharoah and provide him your deck once more Gaurdian.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Tell me, why have there been creation of new items, how am I supposed to provide my deck, and what makes me so powerful that you are bound to my service?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]You were once the right hand man of Yugi and protected him through the intervention of the shadow games. During the duels, you could master the shadows with the light found inside you. That shall not take place again until you gather the original items again. As for the creation of the new ones, hte descendent of Heishen, the High Priest of Egypt, has created those and scattered them around in hopes of their power resurecting the three gods whose power threatens all. I am bound to you for you are the chosen protector of the Pharaoh and leader of all gaurdians and protectors found in service of the Pahraoh. But for now I must leave you and see to it that the Ring is not found again.[/COLOR] With that the girl disappeared leaving Jon to find his own way to the others. Finally Jon had recieved the answers he needed, and for the first time ever knew exactly what to do. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]I must find Yugi and provide him my services once again.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]So you have finally faced your destiny I see.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ishizu, where have you been?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Seeking the location of the Millenium Items. I have found you the Millenium Eye, and am now forced to surrender the Millenium Necklace I posses to you. This will be the last time we meet youg Gaurdian. Now I must go and leave you to your destiny.[/COLOR] Again Jon was left there by himself, and this time he obtained two more of the necessary items he searched for. Another vision ran through his eyes, but this one seemed real to Jon and scared the hell out of him. This vision was of Obeliskthe Tormentor looming large in the horizon nearly blotting out the sky and almost seemed to speak directly at Jon. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]SOON GAURDIAN I WILL COME TO CLAIM YOU AS MY ULTIMATE VICTIM! YOU HAVE FAILED THE PHAROAH ONCE, AND YOU WILL FAIL AGAIN! I FEEL MY RING CALLING OUT AND MY CHOSEN ONE WILL FIND IT! WHEN SHE DOES, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE ON YOUR WORLD, AND I WILL DEVOUR YOU AND YOUR PRECIOUS PHAROAH. SOON WHEELER SOON![/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I have heard the threat and have come at once Gaurdian. It is time for you to reveal the location of the Millenium Bracelet once worn by Slifer the Sky Dragon, so you may summon him and fight off Obelisk should he return.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]But I don't know where it is. How can I reveal something I just heard of a couple of minutes ago?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]The Millenium Ring you own will point the way if you demand it to. But now I leave you with the possession of my Millennium Key.[/COLOR] Once again Shadi left and Jon was forced to find out more on his own. If only Konner would help him out through all of this.
RPG Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle Island [PG 13+ mild cursing, violence, and dark persona]
Zanarkand Abes replied to Domon's topic in Theater
[INDENT]Jon stood staring after the pompous Ryan. All of a sudden, Jon became distracted by the duel once again as a gigantic dark shape appeared later to annihilate Mako Tsunami from the tournament. After the duel Jon stormed off back to the hotel to change back into his dueling clothes and had just grabbed his duel disk when he heard a rap at the door. He then opened it to reveal Chris with two gorgeous blondes, one on each arm.[/INDENT] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yo Jon I was hoping you would be here, me and the ladies were heading down to the hot tubs and wondered if you wanted to join us. Hey wait a minute, did you change again? Oh no what happened this time Jon?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]What do you mean Chris?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]You always wear that outfit when you duel, and since you had no intention of dueling at all today, then someone had to have pissed you off. Was it Joey agan?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]No, it was that punk kid Braxton. I went to introduce myself to him, and he exploded tearing into me thinking I have immitated Joey and stolen his last name in hope to appear as to be in relations to him. That idiot obviously didn't read the registrations very well, or else he would have noticed that us having the same last name is strictly coincidence. And I can't wait to strip that guy of his god card. He had the audacity to say that I was a mere insect for him to crush. Well we will see about that later, but now I am off to release my tension and gain another locator car.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Hey that reminds me, you never opened the booster packs you recieved from the other locator cards. So why don't you do that now so I can see what you got before you do something stupid and get kicked out of the duel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fine I will ope n my stupid booster packs just to make you happy. Here, I got [I]Ancient Staff of a Great Wizard, Angelic Priestess, Emerald Pendant, Sword of Power: Excalibur, and King of the Diamonds.[/I] In the other pack I recieved [I]Queen of the Blue Rose, Dimensional Guardian, Paladin Of The Runes, Rain of Divinity, and Knight of the East[/I] Now I am off to show that I am not some damn imposter and that I will give Ryan a run for his money when the time comes to duel him.[/COLOR] [INDENT]Jon then left to face off against his next oponent, and soon found who he was looking for. Off in the distance, sitting alone on the beach, was a beautiful brunette and a duel disk sitting next to her. Jon quickly ran over to her and challenged her to a duel for one locator card, and her number.[/INDENT] -
Jon was slowly losing it night after night. The visions would not leave him alone and for some reason they let intensifying themselves. They were of a duel persisting of a young pharoah and his high mage caught in the heat of a war between the two. But it wasn't these two, nor their high resemblence to Yugi and Seto that sent him on his mission. No it was the third guy who started off in the shadows, but soon became engulfed in the light of time and truth. The third guy who sent chills down Jon's spine. The third guy who watched in terror as the duel continued. The third guy forced to what until the end for the answer. The third guy who couldn't help his falling pharoah and fulfill his duty. The third guy who cried out to Jon in his dreams. The third guy destroying Jon's hopes of a normal future. The third guy who plagued Jon and scared the hell out of him. The third guy who resembled Jon himself. That was what sent Jon to Ishizu, who was an acclaimed Egyptian at the museum. If anyone could decipher the visions, it was her. Jon had just recently gotten into duel monsters and was pretty good, but he couldn't figure out why a pharoah would want to play the game. The other question was why the third guy looked like Jon in the first place. While Jon knew that people dreamed what was in their sub-concious, he couldn't understand why the visions seemed so foreign and why Jon wasn't the main character in his visions. Ishizu saw Jon approach the museum doors and immediately ushered him into a side room full of Egyptian artifacts. There she sat him down in a chair by a giant stone tabelet with two people facing eachother, and three huge monsters looming in the background. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Why have you brought me in here? What does a stone tabelet have to do with anything, especially when I haven't told you why I am here in the first place?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I have foreseen your arrival young Guardian, and know why you are here. You search for an explanation of your visions and the significance of the ancient duel. This tabelet is a fragmented picture of your visions. Here the young Prince Yami is dueling his High Mage Seto for control of his kingdom. The three monsters are the ancient gods of duel monsters. What the stone does not have is the missing piece where the Prince's Guardian is standing off to the side watching in vain as his Prince battle their enemy. But for more answers, you must first fulfill your destiny and obtain the original six Millennium Items, and protect Yuig Moto in the process. For now on your destiny lies with him. Here, I give to you the Millennium Ring once owned by the fallen Bakura. Use this and go to Domino City where you will find Yugi and the other Items. Go now and I will meet you again as more becomes clear to you. As for the Millennium Necklace I own, you will not recieve it until due time. Now go and finish the past your ancestors set before you.[/COLOR] Jon left Ishizu with little more understanding than he came with , but was then left with more questions than ever. According to Ishizu, Jon's ancestor had played a crucial part in the life of Yugi, or rather the spirit in the puzzle, and Jon had to take his place by Yugi's side once again for the final battle in the war which began in ancient Egypt. So Jon had obliged and agreed to play in Ishizu's little game, and maybe he would be able to unlock the answers he sought for his dreams. So he left for Domino City where he was to look for Yugi and the remaining Millennium Items, the original ones, not the newly created ones running around throwing off the signal of the Milenium ring with their false signals. For although they may be what everyone claims them to be, there was no denying the fact that it was the original ones who controled true power and Jon thought the others to be fake, only to be proved wrong in the end. [CENTER] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [COLOR=Red][INDENT]There we go guys, the adventure begins, and I look forward to seeing how you incorporate yourself in the past. All I ask is that you don't change the story line and you refrain from destroying other characters in the story. But other than that, let your imaginations run, and let's see where this takes us. As alliances are made, we will rewrite the history of Yugi and his friends and build stronger friendships in the process.[/INDENT][/COLOR]