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Zanarkand Abes

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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes

  1. Why was it removed? I thought it added a lot of personality to the boards and brought the members together. That and it made them feel more rwal as we could see who it is we are talking to. I think it should be brought back officialy to the site.
  2. I was wondering what happened to the picture forum where the members posted their pictures and everyone commented on them. Was it removed or relocated? If it was relocated. where is it?
  3. The thirty minutes episode you guys are refrencing is not the movie I am refering to. The movie is coming out in America the 13th as I have said earlier, and it is a full-length one, not a half-hour special. But I also disagree with y'all saying the fad is dying out. They keep coming out with games left and right and is just beginning in America. In fact, they nearly have more games than the Pokemon does.
  4. I found out that they are coming out with a Yu-gi-oh movie on August 13th of this year. I am not sure the plot of this one, or who al will be in it other than Yugi, Joey, and Tea. I was wondering if you guys have heard anything about the movie and what you guys think about it. Plus, do you personaly think it will be as big as the Pokemon movies were?
  5. Yeah they talked about the games in the Pokemon forum before they made the changes to the site. However, they did not give a come out date for the games. Does anyone know yet?
  6. Although it was done intentionaly, Justin was unaware that Janet would be exposed like that. She told him that when he ripped off the breast piece, her red bra would still be there. If you watch carefully, when this happens, Justin gets a look of complete shock over the exposure and has to look again to make sure of what he had just seen. Then when the fireworks go off, he jumps aand gets even more startled. Now he had been practicing the routine, so you can only assume that he knew about the explosions, but was so offgaurd by Janet, that he forgot about everything else.
  7. I doubt that Mighty Max would sell for very much. The show was okay, and the pocket toys were pretty cool, but the video game was one of the worst I have ever played. The concept was just lame. All you did was walk around picking up what looked like junked chandaliers, then threw them in a vortex. The cartoon wasn't all that either, but I guess it was decent for the time period. But as far as worth is considered, I would guess it had none, unless you were such a die-hard gamer, that you had to have every collectible from alll the old school games.
  8. Man that is way cool. I love StarWars, but I hate watching VHS tapes and look forward to it. They should wait until the third video comes out, then put the trilogy on DVD along with the third movie. either way, this will be one of the bigggest things sold this year.
  9. What is so different from the Japanese versions and the US versions. They don't change the story line any do they? Or is it just content?
  10. how many of y'all watch this? I do and it is a funny show, although I do feel bad for the nerds. How many of y'all thinks she will pick a nerd, and why?
  11. I have finally got around to beating the game, but I am stuck at Braska's Final Aeon. I know that Yu Yevon pretty much sucks, but I can't get past the Aeon. I have gotten up to the second form, but he kills me real quick after that. Now I forgot how I got to the second form and need y'alls help.
  12. I know my response is a little late into the topic, but I am in agreement with Blanko. It is not just a recreation for fun, but an intimate thing shared between a husband and his wife. Those who have sex before marriage end up regretting it in the long run. But not only is it a sign of love between a couple, it is also a maturity thing. One must be mature enough to wait for marriage and not rn around and keeping score.
  13. yeah I have gone from the childish nicknames of Johnny and Johnny appleseed all up to Wheeler. But my favorite nickname is my current one. 18 Wheeler. The reason for it is that my name is Jon Wheeler and I am 18. So my friends took the wo and put them together. Pretty cool I think.
  14. Hey I need help in this game. Everytime I win I get the same dice and they are all level 1 or 2 and I need some level four. How can I do this. And to heelp make this thread legit, tell me your favorite dice combos and why.
  15. Adults really don't look all that different over a couple years. The only ones who have noticeable differences are kids, and there aren't mny of them.
  16. Mudkip is a great starter and he is pretty strong through out the game. Yet I don't like the look of hi final form. It looks kinda funny. But he is a good choice over all.
  17. Well now, enough of Absol, it is time for the next Pokemon so since no one else has opted in their oppinion, then I will choose for this week. And I choose you Mighteyena. Or however it is you spell its name. This is a great dark type who looks cool on top of that. He is somewhat fast and strong. His crunch is good along with his ability to lower the opponent's attack when he comes out. So what do y'all think?
  18. I like Meganium a lot. I think he looks a lot better than Venusaur and Sceptile. Although I don't quite agree with the dinosaur look to it. It is pretty strong though.
  19. Cubone starts off with the bone in his hand as you can see in Des's pic. The reason I really like Cubone is because he was the first pokemon I saw in the episode where Ash takes on that girl in the school. If you have seen that episode, then you know he has a bone since his main attack was bonemerang. But enough of Cubone now. Someone else pic a pokemon to discuss.
  20. Yeah well I can answer the questions, but asking them is the hard part. But go ahead
  21. An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall. they were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shin, silver walls that could move apart and back together again. The boy asked his father, "What is this, father?" The father responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don't know what it is." While the boy and his father were watching wide-eyed an old lady rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched small circles of lights with numbers above the walls light up. they continued to watch the circles light up in the reverse direction. The walls opened up again and a beautiful 24 year-old woman stepped out. The father said to his son, "Go get our mother!"
  22. I am a white 18 year-old male with red hair and I am about to get my left ear pierced. What do y'all think about that?
  23. I was wondering how many of y'all have played this game, and what your favorite song was. Mine was the theme song for the Great Mighty Poo. If any of you know the lyrics to it please P.M. me. :)
  24. Well, I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, but the only advice I can think of is to just get over him. There really isn't anything you can do to force him to like you, but you might be able to wait and he might come around to liking you, bu t in the meantime, you will have to find a way to get over him and all.
  25. When did Misty get a new bike? And why did they have to send her back. I liked her a lot and always thought they should have gotten rid of Brock. yeah he had good information but he was highly annoying how he never had his eyes "open" and he flipped over anything with long hair and breasts.
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