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Zanarkand Abes

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Everything posted by Zanarkand Abes

  1. KINGDOM HEARTS 2 is said to come out next July if I am not mistaken. But where did you get those pictures?
  2. Hey Meteora, have him PM the rest of the episode to you so as not to spoil the outcome for anyone else.
  3. I haven't seen any of them yet, but I will definitly go and see this one when it comes out. I love Charlie Sheen and with Michael Jackson doing a cameo. Oh yeah this has to be funny. When does it come out?
  4. Ash had his first pokemon, Tauros, lose to Gary's Nidoqueen. Then Gary recalled his pokemon when Ash sent out Heracross, who beat Gary's Magmar despite his type advantage over Heracross. Then the episode ended with Blastoise using hydropump, but they did not show what happened it just stopped the attack in a freeze frame, nararated, then said to be continued. I think Heracross will be blown away, and Ash will send Pikachu to demolish Blastoise (which ic Gary's strongest as it was his first.) That is my prediction for the rest of the firsthalf of the match.
  5. That brings me to another point, so as you answer the first question, answer this as well, do ya'll think it sucks how Ash is supposed to be so great, the storyline follows him, he wants to be the master trainer, and he is going on all these adventures yet can not seem to win any tournament? I mean Misty beat him in the Whirl Pool tournament for crying out loud! Come on now, he has done the Elite Four, Indigo Plateu, Pokemon League, and the only one I think he has won was the Orange Islands. Why can't he seem to win when it counts? What do ya'll think about this?
  6. It is about time that Ash and Gary are to face off. But I want to know what ya'll think the outcome will be. And why do you think it will be that way.
  7. Hey phoenix_petra, what city did you move to?
  8. Zanarkand Abes

    The OC

    Yeah that and the fact that Ryan and that chic nearly took off their clothes and went for it. They would have if it weren't for Marissa.
  9. CS, Joeks 5, 6, 7, 9, and10 were pretty funny but that blonde joke was used up way to much. Yet I loved the others a lot. I can't believe how well this thread is doing after just one day.
  10. I believe in angels, and believe I have actually seen them. See, it was the last day of our Mexico Mission trip with my Youth group right, and we went to this lake in Del Rio for a swim that afternoon. At the end we prayed for God to send blessings and protection from Satan as we baptised people in the name of Jesus. So at the end when it was getting dark, we went to the cars to leave, but one of the adults decided to take a pisture of the sunset. It was a digital camera, so we viewed the picture immediately and saw all these bright dots on the screen in the shape of little crosses, (or it could have been people with their arms out) but we thought it might just be a glare, so we took it again from a different angle and got the same phenomenon. We took many pictures of different spots in the ground and guess what,... same story! We took two consecutive pictures of the same spot and got the dots again, but in the second picture (remember, the camera did not move from the previous spot at all) the dots had moved out, like they were leaving. It was pretty cool. So I definitely believe in angels.
  11. I am not too worried about the application process right now. I have all the essentials to be accepted to the college I want (UNT) and I am going to Quad C for the first year and get the basics out of the way anway. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just do the requirement, maintain your grades, and all should work out for the best.
  12. I am not positive as to whether or not a thread like this exists or is considered spam, but here it goes. I am going to try and start a thread where people can just tell their best jokes. So here is the first one. There are five surgeons talking together at lunch one day discussing the best type of patient to opperate on. The first surgeon says he prefers to work on maids because all of the parts are clean. The second says he prefers librarians beacuse all their parts are alphabetized. Another said he prefered electricians beacuse they color code their body parts. The fourth one prefered construction workers because no matter how many parts you have left over, or how much longer it takes you than you said it would, they are cool with it. The final surgeon jumped in, "I prefer the French. They have no heart, no guts, and their butt and head are interchangeable!" (No offense to the French)
  13. I kinda agree with both of you guys, I have been around since last fall, and I still am not known very well. But in order to get known, it seems you must post a lot in every forum or at least just not in the same forum over and over again. But the posts do need to be of good quality, otherwise you become dull and pesky.
  14. Where could you have been for soo long that you don't recognize anything? You might remember Veggitto4. Anyway, good to meet you!
  15. I sing Christian songs in the shower, because that is the only time I can be alone from my family. I am a pretty good singer, but I don't like to sing in front of people unless I am playing around and am using some wierd or dumb voice to get a laugh. I will do anything for a laugh. But yeah, that is why I sing in the shower.
  16. Zanarkand Abes

    The OC

    Last nights episode really sucked. I am glad that Marissa caught Luke, but to go and OD like that!?! I doubt they will kill her off, I mean it was probably just a way to boost ratings with parents after last weeks controversial eppisode. I mean my mom was pissed that they let it go that far, and almost banned my sister from further watching it. And I hate having to wait till October to see what happens next, if you ask me, I think they should have kept rolling on the show's success and let the season for the show start earlier than the others. After all, it is only letting some of the hype die down as people watch their other shows now. But oh well, what do I know right!?!
  17. Playboy isn't even going to be AO and you publish the freakin' magazine!
  18. Yes Haruko_Kagome, Larvitar was the last Pokemon obtained by Ash. So to keep this up, ask a question.
  19. I have asked this question about a year ago, but new members have joined, and others might have changed their minds. But how old is too old to play and get into Pokemon? And should you care about what they say at school? And while I have your attention, how many of you play and talk about Pokemon at school, and what grade are ya'll in?
  20. Rey is awesome man! I love the way he just spins and bounces of the ropes as if he were on wires or something. And you know who is starting to piss me off? Brock Lesner. What the hell is that man's problem? He was cool when he helped the underdog, was friends with Kurt and F-5ed Vince, but now that he is on that rampage, he is a total @$$hole. What do ya'll think about him?
  21. Hey I forgot, what is the trick to using a level 6 code?
  22. I loved the show before they took it off of basic cable and put it on the Disney Channel. man did that piss me off. I need to get cable real bad *pulls hair out* Oh well. I guess I will have to wait.
  23. Zanarkand Abes

    The OC

    There are only two shows I wait all week to see, Smallville and everwood, well that is until the OC came around. I love the show more than anyother, and I am no longer mad that Smallville was changed to Wed. when I am at church. Now, I tape Smallville, but still get a good show on Tues. I fnd myself wishing to be Ryan. He is pretty cool, and I love the fact that he is accepting and watches Seth's back when he has too.
  24. Yeah that was funny but not near as good as the Trogdor episode with the consumate v's and the burninating.
  25. Where can I get the Pokerus in the Ruby Version?
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