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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=skyblue]Lol I dunno I always thought it was cool if you could turn into other people like a shapeshifter or Mysitque on X-men...hehe then I could see if people were saying bad things about me... I wouldn't do it for evil things...good things are a lot better.[/color]
  2. [color=skyblue]Physical-Nothing...well if I had to say something I would say my eyes. I always liked the colour of my eyes because most of the people I know have brown eyes while I have hazel. I like when people say "hey your eyes are blue..no wait green! No wait there's brown there too!" Hehe. Personality: Well I would have to say my Imagination. I think I have a really good imagination so I could imagine anything to entertain myself while my teacher blabs on...lol[/color]
  3. [color=skyblue]This is part of one of the stories I am writing. You don't really need to know the other part of the story to know what is going on here....Don't mind the mistakes...^^;;[/color] [color=blue]Shayleigh lay in the beautifully decorated bed finding it hard to fall asleep. A million thoughts swirled through her mind at once. So many things didn?t make sense to her anymore. She finally felt herself drift off though it was a fitful sleep full of disturbing dreams. [i]Shayleigh found herself nowhere, at least she couldn?t see anything except for light, a bright white light. Suddenly a figure appeared in front of her but Shayleigh had the feeling that he was there all along. He was smiling at her, his white hair sparkling in sunlight Shayleigh could not see. His face was friendly and he tapped a staff upon the ground slowly. The staff looked like a dream catcher to her though it had a large blue crystal in the middle of the web while little rings adorned the outside circle. Every time the staff tapped the ground the rings made a pleasant jingle. ?Who are you?? Shayleigh felt herself ask though she didn?t remember opening her mouth. ?I am nothing but everything,? He responded. His voice seemed to come from everywhere at once. ?No one can see me be I am everywhere. I am the Guardian.? ?The Guardian?? Shayleigh asked, puzzled. ?The Guardian of what?? ?The Guardian of Dreams,? The Guardian said as his smile grew wider. ?Did you think this was all real?? She thought for a moment then shook her head. ?No. The last I remember I was with Elëgaith and Dralegar. They finally told me their?secret.? The Guardian nodded, like he understood. ?I brought you here for a reason. I usually appear in many dreams, you see, but that?s the part that is usually hazy or you forget. This dream you will remember though, you will remember every single detail for it is very important to the world. I don?t think the dark mage has told you yet but the balance has been disrupted in the world. Evil is now more dominant than good. Its all because of me.? ?You?? Shayleigh asked incredulously. ?I thought you were good not evil.? The Guardian smiled ruefully. ?Ever heard of nightmares? Well every once in a while an evil side takes over my body. One of the warnings is that my hair starts to turn pitch black. I know that my evil side is planning to flee the dream world and enter the real world. The consequences could be catastrophic. I was never meant to leave the dream world. Anything that he dreams up will come true. You and the dark mage are the only ones that stand between me and destruction.? Shayleigh struggled to comprehend everything. It was all so complicated. ?What are we suppose to do?? ?I cannot tell you that, you must find out on your own. Hurry! I can feel him! He is com?? His voice trailed off as he clutched his throat in pain. Shayleigh saw the tips of his hair change colour and watched in horror as the darkness enveloped all of his silvery-white hair. She tried to run away but her feet wouldn?t move off of whatever she was standing on. Suddenly the white light disappeared replaced by the total absence of light. Shayleigh couldn?t see her hand in front of her face and had the strange feeling that she didn?t have a hand, not anymore anyways. She heard malicious laugher that exploded in the quiet air and came from everywhere at once. Once the echoing stopped she heard the tapping of the staff in quick succession and the jingle didn?t sound so pleasant anymore. He appeared in front of her again and Shayleigh noticed that the crystal had gone totally black. He stepped forward and Shayleigh realized for the first time that he was blind, though she felt as though he could see more than she would ever see. ?Who are you?? The words barely escaped her lips before they were sucked into the utter blackness. The Guardian sneered, ?Who do you think I am? I am who you were talking to before. The Guardian of Dreams or should I say Nightmares? I know what he told you. It?ll never work, destiny is engraved in stone, you cannot change what is. I?ll be glorious and you?ll be dead or better, groveling at my feet.? Shayleigh suddenly felt the ground beneath her give, like it couldn?t hold her anymore. She futilely tried to grab on to something but it was no use, she started to fall. She tried to scream for help but no sound escaped her lips. She was going to fall for eternity? [/i][/color]
  4. [color=skyblue][i]Elëgaith mummbled under his breath. He would much prefer to have a room by himself but he figured there was no way out of it anyways. He walked down into the common room and sat down near the fire. The longer he could stay away from the room the longer he could stay away from all of them. Maybe he should stay here all night if need be. Elëgiath stared at the fire almost mesmorized by it. He felt his eye lids grow heavy and shook his head to stay awake. Maybe it was a good idea to go to the room after all....maybe...[/i][/color]
  5. [color=skyblue]Oh wow I really like the way you coloured it. I can never colour with coloured pencils...always turns out bad. Lol I really like how you drew the youngest one in the middle.[/color]
  6. Rhys Mayiessen


    [color=skyblue]I really like it!^^ I really like the purplish colour!^^ It goes with the picture...[/color]
  7. [color=skyblue]I want to work somewhere and I have applied for a couple of jobs but they're never calling me back. Oh well I guess I'll just have to apply for even more jobs. I would really like to work at a book store or a pet store but there are none near me...[/color]
  8. [color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh walked beside the Leaders of the camp. She shuttered as a cold wind wipped her cloak around her and pulled it closer. Mammoth fur was warm but it seemed that this wind could penitrate anything. The camp had been walking all day and Shayleigh was trying to figure out a way to tell the Leaders that she must set out on her own for a little while. She finally got the courage to speak. Shayleigh-[/i]"I know this might surprise you but I must leave for a while. I don't know where I'm going but it came to me in a dream, you know how important dreams are to the Mamuti. I'm sure you'll be fine without me." [i]Headwoman-[/i]"But you know its bad for a camp to have no Mamut! We'd lose status if you went now!" [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"I'm sorry but I have to. Its the wishes of the Great Mother Earth." [i]The headwoman nodded her head slowly. Headwoman-[/i]"I understand. Go quickly and my brother and I will tell the camp for you."[/color]
  9. [color=skyblue]Lol I didn't copy it from anything Phantom's Angel I was at school when I was drawing it. Hehe the cloud is there because I couldn't draw his feet. One of my friends drew the outline of a cloud and I thought it was a good idea...^^ Thank you for all your comments![/color]
  10. [color=skyblue]Hmmm...I seem to be drawing a lot latley...Anyways there is a long story behind this guy that I made up just when I was drawing him (even though he has no real name) Well I don't know if any of you are really going to read this but anyways...The guardian of dreams is the one that gives you your dreams...he's made out of dreams that have become real. Once and a while his hair will start becoming black, when it's all black he turns evil or crazy. That is why you have nightmares. He is blind, he has no use for eyes since he only sees into the dream world though he can live in the real world. This drawing is the begining of his madness period. Lol I didn't feel like drawing the legs so that's what the cloud is doing there.[/color]
  11. [color=skyblue]I usually feel out of place when I'm around people that are speaking a different language that I don't know. I know that they probably can't speak english well so that's why they speak in their language but meanwhile I'm sitting there staring into space cause I have no idea what they are saying. I think I should learn a different language![/color]
  12. [color=skyblue]Hehe hands...I'm so horrible at hands...that was the last thing I drew and it took me a long time...I would have rather left it out lol[/color]
  13. [color=skyblue][i]Elëgaith smirked at the other 7 mages trying futilely to defeat the mage. Elëgaith yawned. He had no time for that. There were much more important things to do. Like getting rid of the other mages so he would be Merylin's heir. The unknown mage saw him off to the side and decided to strike. Elëgaith sighed wistfully and called upon the power of an earthquake. The earth trembled beneath their feet and the unknown mage fell to his knees. Long enough for the other mages to attack. Sakura walked up to him after the battle was won. Sakura-[/i][/color][color=teal]"Hey thanks. You really helped us out back there. Now Merylin knows that we are worthy of a journey."[/color] [color=skyblue][i]Elëgaith-[/i][/color][B]"Save your kind words, I did nothing of the sort. The mage was going to attack me, all I did was defend myself. I would have been glad if the mage found you not worthy."[/B]
  14. [color=skyblue]Hehe I seriously doubt that this will turn into porno like the series...I hope not anyways...okay its up and running so feel free to post![/color]
  15. [color=skyblue]Hehe I'm finally starting this thread after some more people have joined. If you don't remember the plot just go to the recruitment area I forgot to copy it to here^^;; Oh yes and we all start out at different camps but eventually meet up with each other. *~* [i]Shayleigh sat in the middle of the Hearth of the Mammoth with most of the Crane Camp surrounding her. She decided that she would Search for animals today, though they were already getting scarce. She sighed and opened her eyes. The camp looked at her expectantly. She shook her head sadly. She hadn't seen anything around the camp in a 30 mile radius. One of the men stood up. Man-[/i]"We cannot stay here any longer! We will not live much longer if we do not find food and there is none to be found around here. I say we go south and find someplace warmer!" [i]There were mummbles of agreement from the small crowd. Shayleigh sighed and looked at the Headman and Headwoman of the camp. They knew that she was thinking the exact same thing. Shayleigh raised her hand to silence them. Shayleigh-[/i]"I agree with you all but I do not know if this is was Mut wants. The Great Earth Mother will not let us die here like this." [i]One of the women looked at her angrily. Woman-[/i]"You say that Mut protects us, Mamut, but where was she when my son died? Are you so sure that there is an Earth Mother?" [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"Fine we will leave our dwelling. We'll see how long we last out there without Mut's aproval..."[/color]
  16. [color=skyblue]EVIL! EVIL! EVIL! Hehe I sound like Darkmoon. Until I actually made up the characters Elëgaith and Dralegar I would have said good but now I really like evil characters...:devil: [/color]
  17. [color=skyblue]Here's one of my other characters from the book I'm writing (the same book that Elëgaith the drow mage is from). I don't really like the way I drew his body but it was an experiment to see if I could draw muscles. His legs are too small for his body...-_- Anyways this is Alâric who was to be joined with Shayleigh before she went to work for Elëgaith...enjoy!^^;;[/color]
  18. [color=skyblue]Oh wow other people signed up!^^ And yes it is based on the Clan of the Cave Bear...with all the other books. Now that I have more people that have signed up I will start it...so if you want to join Draagul then post your information. I'll start this RPG soon...[/color]
  19. [color=skyblue][i]Elëgaith packed the stuff he need for the journey in a pack, grumbling to himself as he went. Elëgaith-[/color][/i][B]"Why do I have to travel with those bumbling fools? They wouldn't know what magic is if it hit them in the face. I should be the only one Merylin chooses."[/B] [color=skyblue][i]He heard a knock at the door and muttered for the person to enter. He turned around to see Sakura at the door. Elëgaith sneered. Elëgaith-[/color][/i][B]"Yes you want something I presume?"[/B] [color=skyblue][i]Sakura avoided his gaze and looked out the window. Sakura-[/i][/color][color=teal]"The master says that we are to leave now."[/color] [color=skyblue][i]Elëgaith nodded and waved her out of the room. He would get there...he just needed a little time to think.[/color][/i]
  20. [color=skyblue][i]Leigh shook her head sadly. She knew something had been wrong, she should have told Amber of her supisions...but would she have listened? Doesn't matter now. Leigh looked up to see that Celestine was dragging behind. Must be hard to lose your sphere...I'm sure we'll get it back though. We're not even sure that the spheres don't come back to their owners after a while...[/i][/color]
  21. [color=skyblue]*Stamps feet on ground* Someone took Necromancer! Oh well I'll just choose something else.... Name: Elëgaith Age: 25 Mage: Black Mage Weapon: A staff that looks like an ordinary branch of wood that has extrodinary power even though it looks like nothing. Armor: Doesn't wear any, doesn't think it is nessisary for him. I hope that's okay!^^;;[/color]
  22. [color=skyblue]Oooooooh that's cool I really like the sword!^^ I dunno if it matches the clothing though...looks to modern to me...^^;;[/color]
  23. [color=skyblue]It would be good if we had one more person but if not I'll start this RPG in a couple of days...[/color]
  24. [color=skyblue][i]Leigh tapped her staff on the ground nervously. If Celestine became injured during the fight, then she was more then ready to heal her. She looked at the other intruder, the one that did not challenge. She looked odd to Leigh but she dismissed that as being just part of her imagination. She looked back towards David and Celestine who was shuffling her feet nervously. Leigh had a bad feeling about this. She knew something was not quite right but she couldn't put her finger on it...[/color][/i]
  25. [color=skyblue]Okay if we could get a few more people...and if Darkmoon would ever sign up then we could actually get this RPG started...come on people it'll be fun...please?^^;;[/color]
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