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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen
[color=skyblue]Hehe wow I never knew so many people would like it! ^^;;I have to work on swords....and positions and everything else. I'm surprised that you actually remember it was from my story Mitch. I love this character too...I don't know why I've never been into evil things...I like mostly good people but I really like Elëgaith...^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Yeah but then you still need things like Name, age, weapon, apperance, description and stuff like that...that's how we sign up...[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe I really like this show and got very mad when they kept showing re-runs for like a month. The first time I saw it I didn't really like it because of the spider/bug man...I hated that episode! But now I watch it all the time! I really hate the new Sheiff too![/color]
[color=skyblue]This is a picture I drew not too long ago...actually it was yesterday. This is one of the many characters from one of my many stories I have to finish. This is Elëgaith your typical evil drow mage. I plan to colour him some day...with a computer but I have to learn first. So for now you get to see the rough copy...I hope you like it!^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Wow that's a really good drawing. I really like the way you coloured it...I was never able to colour on the computer but I am going to learn soon...I hope.[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Leigh walked beside Amber, every step she took made her more nervous.[/color][color=deeppink]What happens if that person we caught gets there before us? I will never get the crystal and never know what my staff does...We have to get there first, we have to.[/color] [color=skyblue]Amber looked at Leigh and saw her worried face. Amber-[/color][/i][color=teal]"Don't worry Leigh we'll get there in time. You'll have the power of the crystal before you know it."[/color] [i][color=skyblue]Leigh nodded and smiled faintly. She hoped Amber was right. For the sake of the group and for the sake of her curiosity...[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]Hmmmm...I don't know if this is going to be really successful but anyways I'll put up my information.... Name: Shayleigh Age: 17 Tribe: Mamutoi Weapon: Sling Occupation: Mamut (Healer) Apperance: She has light blond hair that almost touches her feet though she usually ties it in a bun with some sinew. She has grey-blue eyes and stands about 5 foot 7. She usually wears a tunic and leggings made out of Mammoth hide which are most prized among the Mamutoi. Description: She is very adapt at healing with herbs and plants. She is also a skilled Seacher of animals to hunt and can Call them to her for the hunters to kill. She perferrs to use the sling though on occasion she can use a spear. Oh Sakuramon just to let you know since we're both healers of the Mamutoi there are different camps so we could be healers of different camps^^ I really hope other people sign up....[/color]
[color=skyblue]I really like the banner! I think the background goes nicely with the picture!^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]I remember seeing it on commercial but it seemed a bit weird for my tastes....I dunno maybe I should go see it sometime...[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe its a pretty good poem though I shouldn't be one to judge I can't write poems for my life...I think I'll just stick to writing stories..[/color]
[color=skyblue]*Cries* Man you guys get out so early! I think we get out on like June 25 or somewhere around there...though we do start school on Semptember 7 or 6 I don't remember....I can't imagine having to go to school in August or July...that's just weird...[/color]
[color=skyblue]You might have seen a thread that was called Ice Age this is the same but as some people pointed out many of you might think that it was the movie Ice Age. I couldn't change the name so I started the same thread again and erased the other one. I ask that the ones that signed up before to sign up again so me and other people know your information.... [i]Welcome to the beginning of the world where fire is the most important element. The human race is threatened daily by powerful glacier winds coming from the North. Glaciers have started to form and have covered many miles already. Humans struggle to survive in the harsh environment but hunting is now scarce and wood for fires are now hard to find. A few stand out and try to herd all the humans away from the harsh winds so that they can survive. Many grow weak and fall victim to the cold. There are few tribes left on the world. The Losadunai, the Hadumai, the Sharamudoi, the Mamutoi, and the Zelandonii are the only ones left. They all believe that the Mother of all, Mut to the Mamutoi and Donii to the Zelandonii, will save them from the ice. A few know that the Mother is not coming to save them.[/i] Okay for this RPG you have to remember that it is set at the beginning of the world so for a weapon you can have a sword...or anything made out of metal. I will allow bow and arrows. Spears and slings are common weapons, if you can think of something else let me know in a PM. Here's what information you need. Name: Age: Tribe: (only the tribes listed above) Weapon: (no metal weapons) Occupation: (eg. Healer, flint napper, carver, hunter[most hunt though], headman/woman) Appearance: Description: I'll post my information later. I hope this works^^;;[/color]
[color=skyblue]They really look the same to me...I dunno I guess that's just me...but I really like the picture!!!!!^^ Link!!!!!^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Oh wow that's really cool! It looks just like the original! Hehe I wonder if I saw the real picture in person...I don't remember but this does look exactly like it![/color]
[color=skyblue]Well I think I'm going to Minnosoda (sorry I don't know how to spell that) to visit some relatives that live there. We also go to the cottage a lot in the summer but we usually don't go anywhere else. So I'll be basically bored to death in my home having no where to go...oh well that's how it usually is...[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Leigh woke up to find a plate of food by her. She looked around and saw that everyone else was stirring but Amber and Shiro were no where to be found. Leigh sighed and stretched. As she reached for her staff she rubbed the smooth white wood softly.[/color][color=deeppink]Why can't I find out what you do. The healer said I would one day but I don't know if I can wait that long.[/color] [color=skyblue]She stood up, took the food and walked a little ways up the path. She looked around the corner to see Amber and Shrio fighting with their elemental powers. A friendly fight, she concluded. Leigh was glad that Shiro was getting along fine now. He should be totally healed. Leigh decided to return to camp there was no point in disturbing them. She couldn't even defend herself from their attacks anyways. It would be no fun for her.[/i][/color]
Art Wallpaper. SO3 Till the End of Time
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Hittokiri Zero's topic in Creative Works
[color=skyblue]Oh wow I really like that wallpaper!^^ The black backgroud goes nicely with the picture!^^[/color] -
[color=skyblue]Hey don't say that you aren't good. From what I can see of this picture you are a good artist!^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe I love her hair^^ She looks so sad in the picture...oh well I really like it!^^ She so cute![/color]
[color=skyblue]Holy crap you did that with markers?! Hehe I don't really use markers cause the picture always turns out weird when I'm finished with it...I diffenately couldn't shade with them. I don't think anything is wrong...[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Leigh sat by the fire, watching the flames crakle. She glanced every now and then at the captives. She shook her head.[/color][color=deeppink]Shiro shouldn't be under this condition, Leigh thought. Yes I did heal him but this might be a little to strenuous for him.[/color] [color=skyblue]Leigh looked back over and saw that both of the captives were not well captive anymore. She got up and held her staff closely.[/color][color=deeppink]If only I knew what the staff did I might be able to protect the group....right now all I'm good for is healing.[/color] [color=skyblue]Leigh moved over to where Amber and the others were sleeping. Shaking her lightly, Leigh tried not to disturb the others. Leigh-[/i][/color][color=deeppink]"Amber, Amber. We've got trouble! They've escaped!"[/color] [color=skyblue][i]Amber awoke with a start and reached for her sphere. She looked back to where the captives were being held and saw that her vines had been cut through. Shiro was near by sleeping peacefully but David was no where to be found.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]Well I guess I could say that they have to look half decent...I mean I don't think I would like a person that is like missing all his teeth... He could be smart...I don't think I would really want them to be dumb. He should be kind, have a good sense of humor, and should be trustworthy...wouldn't want to date someone you couldn't trust...I guess that's it...[/color]
[color=skyblue]I dunno what my best talent is though I like to think that I have some talent in writing...I want to be a writer when I'm older so I think I would have to have some talent for it^^;;[/color]
[color=skyblue]Oh wow that's such a cool picture! I really like the way his hair is blowing!^^ I could never do something that good![/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Leigh was faintly aware of the great hulking figure behind her but gave it no heed. Her main objective now was to get Shiro out of the way. One more blow and he could die. Summoning all the stength she had, Leigh started to drag Shiro away from the battle. Blood flowed freely from his mouth and a gash on his head. She looked back to see the others were still trying to keep the hideious monster at bay. Leigh took out her Sphere and concentrated on the task ahead and nothing else. A faint white glow eluminated the area and Leigh saw Shiro's cuts and gashes slowly but surely dissappear. She sighed with relief.[/color][color=deeppink]At least he'll live. Better give him some herbs so he'll rest easier.[/color] [color=skyblue]Leigh looked back again and saw that the battle was almost won. Carefully lying Shiro down so he would not hit his head, she went to help the others.[/i][/color]