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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=skyblue]Awwwwww...that's so sad...and cute!^^ Hehe I really like it but like all the others say it looks like it should be coloured^^[/color]
  2. [color=skyblue]Hehe so you put this thread here too did you Nazanin? Well I'm not going to say all I said on the other board that would just take to long....all I'll say is I feel sorry for you...:( Hehe and I live like five minutes away from Darkmoon C_L[/color]
  3. [color=skyblue][i]Leigh-[/i][/color][color=deeppink]"What does mine do? Well it lets me heal without the use of herbal medicines but I still like to use herbs at times. They work better in different situations."[/color] [color=skyblue][i]Celestine-[/i][/color][color=darkred]"I see. So that means that you have nothing to protect yourself with?"[/color] [color=skyblue][i]Leigh look down and shuffled her feet nervously. Leigh-[/i][/color][color=deeppink]"Well I can use my staff but it doesn't work very well. I'm not here for fighting. I'm here to help but not fight. Anyways don't you think we should get moving Amber? It seems that the others are getting restless."[/color] [color=skyblue][i]Amber-[/i][/color][color=teal]"Yes we will start to move down the hill soon..."[/color]
  4. [color=skyblue][i]Without the guidance of light Leigh had a hard time feeling her way through the dangerous terrain. She heard a lot of anger complaints when she stepped on a person or two. A wave of fear washed over her as she turned her head to see two pale glowing eyes regarding something. Leigh was glad it wasn't her. Suddenly a gut wrenching thought came to her. The serpent was gazing at another of the teenagers! Without thinking of the consenquences, Leigh ran towards the eyes and swung her staff blindly. She hear a sickening thwack as the staff hit the serpent right in the head. The eyes dimmed considerably then glowed even brighter than before. Leigh-[/color][/i][color=deeppink]"Crap I think I've just made it more angry!"[/color] [color=skyblue][i]The girl beside her didn't respond but Leigh was surprised that she even had the voice to respond. Those eyes didn't really give off a warm feeling.[/color][/i]
  5. [color=skyblue][i]Leigh woke up to see a concerned face filling up her vison. She groaned softly. How did she get here? She couldn't remember anything. Leigh shook her head to get the drowseness out of her brain when she heard a scream. Fully awake Leigh groaped for her staff. She felt the warm hard wood under her palm and calmed down. Getting up she saw something odd slithering towards them. She sooned relized that it was a giant snake. Leigh looked around at her surroundings and saw eight other teenagers lying or sitting on the ground either trying to wake up or trying to get up. She looked around and saw that some of them were actually awake and standing. Leigh-[/i][/color][color=deeppink]"What's going on? How did we get here...as a matter of fact where are we?"[/color] [color=skyblue][i]The girl just shook her head and turned to face the new danger that had arived. Leigh sighed. She wasn't going to get any answers now. She turned to face the monster.[/i][/color]
  6. [color=skyblue]Name: Leigh Age: 16 Sphere: Celestial Sphere Weapon: White staff with a blue crystal at the top. The town healer gave it to her when she was fifteen. Can be used as a weapon. Leigh isn't really sure what it can do yet.... Gender: Female Bio: Even since she was a little child Leigh had an interest in healing people. When she was about eight the town healer took an interest in her and showed her some healing herbs. Leigh didn't feel this was enough until the Celestial sphere came to her. With this she is able to heal even without herbs. She doesn't carry a weapon because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. Her job is to heal. Apperence: She has long light brown hair, bright green eyes, and is of slender build. She stands at about 5 foot 7 and wears a plain green tunic with brown pants. Okay I edited it...^^;;[/color]
  7. [color=skyblue]Hehe that's really cute! I could never draw real life...I can't even draw cartoon animals but you can even draw real ones^^ I really like them![/color]
  8. [color=skyblue]I haven't seen it yet but I wanted to...now that most of you say its bad I don't know if I want to see it anymore....[/color]
  9. [color=skyblue]I saw a commercial once for this...I didn't really think anything of it cause they have tooooooooo many of these shows. I'm surpised that not a lot are cancelled yet...I thought people would be tired of this crap by now. I guess not.[/color]
  10. [color=skyblue]Oooooooh! That's cool with the blood and all...I bet Darkmoon would like this picture. *yells* DARKMOON!!!!!! DARKMOON!!!!!! COME HERE!!!!! ah who knows if she'll come or not...[/color]
  11. [color=skyblue]Wow that's a really cool drawing I really love the wings...I can never draw wings...any kind of wing...I don't know I seem to have some problem with them but you don't!^^[/color]
  12. [color=skyblue]His or your lips look a little weird....other than that its a really good drawing hehe I could never draw myself...[/color]
  13. [color=skyblue]Oh wow I love the shading you did on this picture its so cool!^^ I also really like how you drew the hands...I can never draw hands^^[/color]
  14. [color=skyblue]Hehe I think its a really cute banner! I think the purple background really matches....I remember Poochacho[/color]
  15. [color=skyblue]Heheh I never knew you would find it plus as you said you've read it in the notebook...though only the Elëgaith and Dralegar parts...Hopefully I'll make even more funny parts with Elëgaith and Dralegar in it![/color]
  16. [color=skyblue]The best part of my birthday would probably be being with my friends even if they try and punch me. That would probably be the best gift for you birthday, having family and friends supporting you through thick and thin...well that's what I think anyways.[/color]
  17. [color=skyblue]*Looks outside and sees all white* We've gotten a ice storm and a snow storm right in April. I thought it was suppose to be spring but I guess mother nature decided differently. I think its suppose to warm up by friday though...[/color]
  18. [color=skyblue]Oh wow I really like your drawing of Link riding Epona. Hehe I really like the way you drew the horse^^[/color]
  19. [color=skyblue]Oh wow I really like this one! I really think it would look nice with some words on it!^^ Oh well its still really good without text on it![/color]
  20. [color=skyblue]Hehe wow I really like it! I think the colour of the background really matches the picture![/color]
  21. [color=skyblue]Hey Nazanin I finally saw a preview for that...now I know what you were talking about...it looks interesting even though I have never read the book...[/color]
  22. [color=skyblue]Hmmm...I don't know...probably that I draw anime and stuff. Also because I wear a bunch of braclets on each wrist....hmmm lets see 5 on one hand and 8 on the other....they don't really match either...[/color]
  23. [color=skyblue][i]Gabriel suddenly got an idea. Gabriel-[/i] "Okay Xra seems to have gotten Xion distracted. I bet he's even forgot about us. You still have those fireballs Ixodar?" [i]Ixodar nodded his eyes had a mischivious glint to it. Gabriel-[/i]"Good. You couldn't hurt them before with your fireballs but with his back turned you might just be able to get a hit." [i]Sunny-[/i]"Wat about me?" [i]Gabriel-[/i]"Attack with anything you find. I'll be attacking to. We need all the strength we can get to beat this guy." [i]Both Ixodar and Sunny nodded not a hint of a smile on either of their faces. They knew how important it was to win. Gabriel just hoped that they could.[/i][/color]
  24. [color=skyblue]Hehe awwwwwww its soooo cute^^ I really like the sketch better too....makes it look more like you actually drew it by hand.[/color]
  25. [color=skyblue]Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! SARS is everywhere in Toronto! I think 7 people have died here and at least 25 people have it. Now you see people walking around with masks on and even people at school are wearing them...I'm not too worried yet but we do have a lot of people that have it here now...I believe that it started in Asia then came over to Canada and now is moving to the US. Watch out!![/color]
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