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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen
Writing How'd you get those names??
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Wormmon's Tamer's topic in Creative Works
[color=skyblue]Some of the names I use in stories I make up, some of them I see in baby naming books, and some in stories. Here are some examples: Rhys Mayiessen (Rhys from a book and Mayiessen I made up) Kari (digimon:rolleyes: ) Elëgaith- prononced "L-a-gay-th" (I made up) Dralegar (I made up) Shayleigh (I got from a book I read) Alâric -prnonced "Al-e-ric"(kind of made up) And there are some more that I don't really feel like naming right now.[/color] -
[color=skyblue]It's nice I really like it but like the others said you should maybe darken it a little bit...just so it doesn't hurt the eyes anymore. Other than that I really like it^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]OOC: sorry I haven't replied for a while...all my homework...@.@ Have to read so much. [i]Shayleigh awoke the next morning and started to head out of the valley. It was a dark, dreary day but that didn't stop Shayleigh from saddling up her horse and watching as the first drops of rain started to fall. It had been almost a week from when she had first gotten the summon. Many back home had told her of the dangers that often were seen on the road but she had laughed it off easily. Shayleigh felt that any challage was a chance to prove herself to people who didn't think she was capable of making it and there were many that doubted her prowress in the wilderness. She stopped her horse and looked up at the mountains that loomed before her. She knew right away that her trusty steed could not even begin to climb that steep of a mountain. Shayleigh would just have to leave her behind when the time came. The rain began to fall harder and Shayleigh put on the fur hood that she always had around her neck. It wasn't that she was really afraid of getting her hair wet like most ladies, she just wanted more visiablity on the road ahead. Shayleigh sighed and spurred her horse on, always looking at the mountains that spelled adventure and doom.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]Oooooooh I really like the first one. The blue is such a nice colour....blue...blue...you should do more things in blue....okay I'm done now...[/color]
[color=skyblue]Haha wow I really like it! The only thing wrong with it like C_L said is the writting...you should either make it bigger or change the font.[/color]
[color=skyblue]I've only been to Disney world twice and I won't even count the first one cause I was like 6 or something like that so I don't remember much. The second time I didn't really go to Disney world that much...I think we only went to Magic Kingdom...hehe so I haven't been to much of the others....I'm hoping that someday I will^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Oh wow that's such a great drawing! I really love how you've shaded it. I don't think there's anything wrong with it! 10/10^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]I just resently told my crush/best friend that I liked him....he had known before but he said he just wanted me to say it so it would be out in the 'open'. He doesn't want to date cause he's strictly here for education and we were...uh are fighting. I just hope you don't have my situation. Well why don't you just discuse it with him...ask him how he feels about it...are you friends with him? It would be easier if you were...[/color]
[color=skyblue]^^;; Hmmm I try, I try...the main story isn't really about Elëgaith...its about the healer Shayleigh...I just got the idea about Elëgaith a few days ago and thought that he'd be a good person in the story. I really like Dralegar though you don't see much of his personality in here. He's actually the brains of the operation and not Elëgaith. I have written more but I have to type it up...I don't like the second part as much but if you want to read it I'll put it up. Sorry about the writing Juuthena, I'll make it darker if I put another part of the story up^^;;[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh looked down at the valley she had come to. This should be a good place to rest for the night, she thought. If I could just find a cave then I would have a perfect place to start a fire. The only thing she had to worry about was hunting. There didn't seem to be much animals in the valley but Shayleigh could at least find a rabbit to eat. Shayleigh urged her tired horse on, crooning to it and promising a few carrots that would be waiting for him in the valley. She spotted a hole in the rocky cliff that lead to the valley and decided to investigate. The cave was spacious, just enough to accomidate Shayleigh and the horse. After catching a good sized rabbit Shayleigh made a fire and cooked it on a spit. She finally called it a day and laid down to rest but found she couldn't fall asleep. She stared at the rocky ceiling of the cave until droseyness came upon her.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]I don't even know why I try to write stories but I'm bored so I decided to put the first bit of a story I began to write. Elëgaith sat in his study, looking at one of his many spell books. He did this every night, committing all the spells he could to memory. Something moved out of the shadows, but Elëgaith didn?t even bother to look up from his work. The creature was small and slender, with wings that looked too big for the slender body. The tail was long, at its tip a long barbed spike dripping with venom. Its scales were pitch black, all light seemed to dim in its presence. The dragon landed on the mage?s shoulder, the mage not even flinching as the dragon?s claws dug deep into his flesh, ?Good evening, Master. I see you are hard at work as always.? The mage responded by waving the irritable dragon off his shoulder. The dragon, undaunted, landed on the other, ?Come on now Elëgaith,? wined the dragon forgetting the formal name. ?Aren?t we friends?? ?I am seriously starting to reconsider that,? said a cold voice from beneath the black hood that made the dragon shutter. ?What are you doing here Dralegar? What is so important that you must disturb me during my studies?? ?Can?t an old friend say hi? Am I not allowed to see you work? Don?t you want me here?? Dralegar asked sweetly. ?No,? Elëgaith said coldly. ?You must have a reason or I?ll send you back to your dark plane where I?m sure the others will be happy to take revenge.? The dragon gulped down a lump of fear, ?No?no need for that Master. I?I do have news.? Dralegar jumped off the mage?s shoulder and plopped down upon the desk. Putting a clawed foot on Elëgaith?s spell book, Dralegar saw the mage look up from his work for the first time since he had come in. ?Very interesting news.? From deep within the hood, Dralegar saw the mage?s eyes glitter in the cold light of the moon. He couldn?t see Elëgaith face but the dragon had no desire to, ?Continue.? The dragon took a deep breath and started into his tale, ?Even though I cannot, will not, go back to Nuitëa Quëa, my home plane, I can go to others,? Elëgaith?s hand clenched impatiently. Dralegar decided to move ahead, ?b?but of course you already knew that. Anyways I have heard that powerful magic is being worked on this world, I thought nothing of it at the time since there are numerous mages on this world. That is not all they said though. Many of them said the magic is causing a terrible reaction, the balance of good and evil has shifted and with out it fixed this world will parish.? Elëgaith moved his head sharply, his hood shifting so that Dralegar could see his face. Elëgaith?s face was set in a grimace of anger, it seemed as though It was chiseled out of ebony black stone. His long, slivery hair was matted with perspiration. The dark elf?s black, almond shaped eyes flashed dangerously. ?Do not lie to me Dralegar, you will arise my anger.? ?I do not lie, you know that Master. I only tell you what I have heard.? ?Then why do you mock me?? Elëgaith snarled. ?If there is nothing to be done about it then why do you tell me this?? ?Ah but did I say that there was nothing to be done?? Elëgaith arched one of his elegant eyebrows, intrigued. Dralegar took this as a sign to continue. ?The balance has shifted but that does not mean that we cannot shift it back but there is a twist, you need another person.? ?Are you implying, my dear friend that I am not capable of working with another?? The drow asked his voice hardening dangerously. ?I did not come to the surface to be insulted by snide dragons.? ?This person would be hard to work with for anyone evil. You have to work with one that is pure, a favorite of the gods,? the dragon paused dramatically to see Elëgaith reaction. Elëgaith sneered, ?Pure? Are you sure there is anyone on this desolate world that fits that description?? He saw Dralegar open his powerful jaw in a dragonish smile. ?You have found someone?? Dralegar grinned again, ?You might say that. I visited the forest that this tower is on the outskirts of. I met a clan of wild elves?? Elëgaith snorted, scaring Dralegar, ?Wild elves? Don?t tell me you plan to give me one of those? They are a disgrace to all elven kind, even the drow,? he added seeing Dralegar?s sly look. ?I don?t see anything wrong with them. They seem pretty civilized except they live in caves instead of richly decorated towers. To get back to my point there is one female elf that stood out from the rest. They said she was the healer of the clan.? ?A female? Now you are farfetched Dralegar! If you think I would work with a female healer you are dangerously mistaken!? Elëgaith?s eyes narrowed, observing the dragon closely. Dralegar looked away from the scrutinizing gaze then flew back to the mage?s shoulder. He leaned down and whispered into his pointed ear, his hot breath scorching the skin, ?If you want to live to see the old age of the elves you will work with the female.? The dragon took flight, heading for the small window in the chamber. He turned around at the last moment, his red eyes gleaming in the candle light, ?Oh by the way the healer?s name is Shayleigh,? Dralegar hissed then disappeared into the night?s velvety blackness. Uh sorry if its a little long...[/color]
[color=skyblue]Oh wow I love the second one! It...I don't know just appeals to me so much! I really like the picture...so peaceful...kinda like the title!^^[/color]
Art Ru Kaiyu, Spirit of the Samurai
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Heh. Thanx, Rhys. THis is how I pictured Finn in Legacy of Asheron to look as well ^^ Just in case you were curious. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=skyblue]Oh cool!^^ Hehe I guess he wouldn't be a samerai in the Legacy of Asheron since he's an elf!^^[/color] -
Art Ru Kaiyu, Spirit of the Samurai
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[color=skyblue]Hehe I really like it! I really like his hair it's cool! Hehe good job![/color] -
UFO's, Aliens and the unexplained!!
Rhys Mayiessen replied to TheShinje's topic in General Discussion
[color=skyblue]If there are things such as aliens I think they would look like humans and well are human. I mean why not? We haven't explored the whole universe yet there might be a world out there that is not so different from Earth!^^ Hehe it's an interesting thought.[/color] -
[color=skyblue]I always try to say something like today I said "what did you do on the weekend?" and all the response I get is "nothing" in a monotone voice like he doesn't want to talk anymore. I guess talking isn't really the only problem...maybe its cause we've been fighting for about two weeks now...I dunno.[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe wow they're both really good drawings...Well I don't know if they are computer drawn or pencil, not that it matters!!^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]That would be good advice FF7 Vincent if I hadn't already done that. I know that sometimes you can just walk with a person and not talk to them...like in comfortable silence. I dunno maybe it was just me but it didn't feel like comfortable silence. I guess I might be just worrying over nothing but sometimes I feel as though they don't want to have anything to do with me...[/color]
[color=skyblue]I'm guessing you're a guy. I thought you were a girl...probably cause a girl I know has the name you use on here. Yeah I'm sure she would love it!!! Hehe I love it![/color]
[color=skyblue]I don't mean someone that you have just met I mean a person that has been your friend for a long time. I was just wondering what you would do if you felt as though comunication was strained between you and a friend. Like it takes extra effort just to make the person actually start a conversation with you. What would you say? What kind of conversation would you engage in to try and make things better between the two of you, just as it has been before....Just a thought.[/color]
[color=skyblue]Awwwww that poem is so cute! So touching! I could never write anything like that...[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh walked through the gates of the small town, suddenly drawn by a flurry of activity up ahead. She squeezed through the crowd to get a better look at what was happening. She saw an elf and a big human duking it out for no apparent reason at all. The elf managed to knock the human down just in time for some of the guards to arrive. Shayleigh looked around as the crowd began to disperse. They seemed truly disappointed that the fight was over already. What kind of town is this, she thought. They enjoy seeing people fight for sport? Shayleigh shook her head. She would never understand the ways of the other races. She walked around looking at all the interesting shops on hand. Her Clan had never practiced any type of magic so Shayleigh didn't even know what the word meant. She suddenly bumped into another female elf that seemed to be looking at the herbal shop in intrest. Shayleigh-[/i]"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you. I'm just so new to these shops." [i]The female elf smiled. Elf-[/i]"Ah don't worry you'll get use to it after a while."[/color]
[color=skyblue]And you say my pictures are big? Hehe at least my computer shrinks them for me...I agree with PiroMunkie...I usually think of shadows when its shaded...[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hmm...I think other people are having problems with that too...I haven't tried to attach something resently so I wouldn't know. But you're not alone![/color]
[color=skyblue]Oh I really like the second one. Has much more to it than the other one. *pets the dragons* Oh pretty dragons!^^[/color]