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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=skyblue]Ooooooh cool! I really like his hair. I like the way you drew his arms too that cool! Good job!^^[/color]
  2. [color=skyblue]Its very good for drawing it all on the computer. I could never draw on the computer that well. To hard to control the mouse^^ If you do fix the left eye then it will look great!^^ Yeah that would be cool if I could read some of your story^^[/color]
  3. [color=skyblue][i]Gabriel sighed. Now Sunny's done it. Where's Xra anyways. If this guy doesn't want anything with us then why does he still have us. This makes no sense at all! Xion dropped the bag that they were all in. Xion-[/i]"I told you that you weren't suppose to talk!" [i]Gabriel rolled his eyes. Gabriel-[/i]"And what the heck are you going to do? There's no point in beating us up, I don't even know what you want with us. This is just stu..." [i]Before Gabriel even got to finish his sentence Xion's boot crashed into his stomach. Gabriel gasped, trying in vain to breathe air. Xion smiled sumgely. Xion-[/i]"I hope that teaches you not to talk again. All of you!" [i]Ixodar and Sunny nodded their heads solenmly and looked at Gabriel in consern. He looked at them and nodded his head to show then that he was fine.[/i][/color]
  4. [color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh flew over the mountain and saw what Caytin had refurred to. She looked like an elf though with wings. Almost like Shayleigh but she had a feeling that the girl wasn't half-angel. Shayleigh landed farther away, far enough so the girl couldn't see her that well. She consentrated and her wings disappeared in a flash. Careful to not look that suspicious, Shayleigh walked over to where the girl waited. Shayleigh-[/i]"Greetings. My name is Shayleigh. I was wondering what you are doing out here all alone." [i]Rosetta-[/i]"And mine would be Rosetta. I'm not doing anything in particular, just admiring the...uh sand." [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"The sand you say? If you are doing nothing then why don't you come to the forest. There you may rest if you like."[/color]
  5. [color=skyblue]The thing I like about my life would have to be my friends. Though I do get into fights with them sometimes they're always there to give a helping hand. I wouldn't trade them for the world. I also love my cats. They always seem to know when I'm sad. One time when I was crying they came to see what was the matter which they don't usually do.[/color]
  6. [color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh watched as the Fallen named Kris went to wake up the other Fallen. The elves that had come to help Shayleigh had all gone back to their homes in the forest, they trusted that Shayleigh had things under control. Shayleigh got up from her spot and walked over to where Caytin resided. Caytin looked up from her flute playing when she was close. Shayleigh-[/i]"Now are you going to tell us what you have planned?" [i]Caytin-[/i]"We will have to wait until they all get here. They need to hear as well." [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"More waiting. Great, that's all I need."[/color]
  7. [color=skyblue][i]Usha scowled at the dark elf, she felt as though she already didn't like him. She stepped proudly into the tower but once she got in there, she didn't feel so strong anymore. The tower was dank and smelled as though it hadn't been used in a long time. Usha felt the sudden urge to get out of there but reminded herself that she promised the Protector that she would give Dalamar the note. Dalamar-[/i]"Come let us not stand here anymore. We will go to my room, there you may tell me your news." [i]He looked straight at Usha with his dark eyes. Usha shuttered. They climbed the long winding staircase that lead to Dalamar's study room. The stairs were narrow, one false move and you would fall into the darkness of the tower. Usha began to wonder what had brought the other two that were travelling with her but she didn't feel like asking. She had a sinking feeling that she would find out soon enough.[/i][/color]
  8. [color=skyblue]Yeah you're welcome to join in at any time since it is already in progress. It hasn't gone that far so I'm sure you'll have no trouble joining in^^[/color]
  9. [color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh watched the large human eat his bread and share it with the mouse that happened to be near by. This human seemed a lot different than the others that she had met in her life. Shayleigh thought that all humans would be rough and uncaring, but this human seemed to be totally oposite to those qualities. She thought if she could just move a little closer to the human she could observe him much better. Shayleigh put her foot down planning to take that corse when a sharp crack from underneath her foot, froze her to the spot. The human came out of his musings and looked around, then looked directly behind him where Shayleigh lay in hiding. The human stared at her in surprise, he never thought that she would have been brave enough to actually follow him. He stood up and started to move towards Shayleigh.[/i][/color]
  10. [color=skyblue]It doesn't matter that much...its still a really good banner. I don't really think its that noticeable...[/color]
  11. [color=skyblue]Did you do this in photoshop? If you did the reason the whole banner gets selected is because it has mearged into one layer...you don't have mulitple layers anymore. I never really figured out how to unmearge them...that's probably why I got a bad mark in Media Arts...[/color]
  12. [color=skyblue]Hey you changed your name...why? Anyways I really like the banner...the dark background really goes with the mood. The pictures do look kind of cut up but you could fix that.[/color]
  13. [color=skyblue]Hehe I really like this picture. It acutally looks as though it is one of Monets. I remember seeing some of his pictures in Paris. They are very much like this. The picture looks so peaceful too^^[/color]
  14. [color=skyblue]Wow I love you're poems!!!!!! They're all so sad though. Is something in your life making you sad or something...you don't have to tell I'm just asking...[/color]
  15. [color=skyblue]That's why I said I didn't know if it was suppose to be anything or not....still doesn't change my opinion -__-[/color]
  16. [color=skyblue]Is she suppose to be a goth? I don't know I just thought she might be with the black lip stick. Its a pretty good picture execpt that I don't like the left eye (right to us) It looks like it is acutally over the hair. By the way did you draw this on the computer?[/color]
  17. [color=skyblue]I can't really see what the picture is suppose to be...well maybe that's the way its suppose to be but I don't really like it that way.[/color]
  18. [color=skyblue][i]Usha started towards the tower her footsteps getting more heavier each step she took. She felt as though a heavy weight had fell upon her, and she couldn't get rid of it. She saw the Shokian(sp?) Grove up ahead and it gave her the chills. Was she suppose to walk through that? Little did Usha know that hardly anyone got through the Grove, only one Caramon lived through it. Suddenly Usha could step no nearer to the black gates of the Tower of High Sorcery. She tried to lift one of her feet but they felt as though they were glued to the ground. Cold sweat driped off her slivery hair. She began to shake with fear. How was she suppose to give the letter to Dalamar if she couldn't move anymore? She couldn't fail the Protector now.[/i][/color]
  19. [color=skyblue]Hehe I didn't even notice that it said that until you mentioned it. I really like the coloured version as well. I think it looks better than the uncoloured version. It adds...I don't know, a better quality to it.[/color]
  20. [color=skyblue]I sleep walk but not all the time. Actually I sleep walk and talk O.o The first time I can remember would be when I woke up tore off my covers and started looking for something. I even turned on the light. My mom saw my light on and asked me what I was doing. I said that I was looking for the marker lid. All she said was go back to bed and I did happily. The second time I actually opened my door and started to walk down the stairs even though it was totally dark. I started yelling "Mom! Mom!" then my dad came out of there room and said that mom and him and gone to bed and then told me to go to bed. Of course I did so immediately. The last time I remember(well sort of) was when no one even noticed. I'm not even sure of what I did but I remember waking up in my bed and my door was open (which is usually closed) and my cat was staring at me right at the door. Sleepwalking kind of freaks me out though. I haven't done it in a while and I don't want to...[/color]
  21. [color=skyblue]I draw anime though...and its not all that good. If I tried to draw that it would look like garbage. I don't really think it looks like a werwolf, you must be imagining things. I do really think this is good^^[/color]
  22. [color=skyblue]Ah yes I knew that someone would metion the abnormally short arm....Its really suppose to look like he's trusting the sword forward but it didn't work that way. The hand suck cause I'm never good at hands...never have, never will be.[/color]
  23. [color=skyblue]I really like it, I could never do anything that looks so life like! I can't believe you would say that, that is bad...[/color]
  24. [color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh finally got out of the state of shock she suffered when the human left, she was able to stand. The human hadn't done anything to harm her in anyway and Shayleigh was very curious about that. Usually if a human got a chance, they would kill elves, that's what she's heard anyways. Shayleigh finally decided to follow the huge human. What could be the harm? If he really wanted to kill her he would have right then and there when she was helpless then he would have. She walked a ways behind him making sure to make the slightest sound incase the human decided that he did want to kill her. Shayleigh always wanted to know what humans did, she was always interested in the human mind. It fasinated her.[/i][/color]
  25. [color=skyblue]I don't like being creative. Every time I try to draw a different pose it looks more like crap than it does here...that's why I did the pose he is normally in -___-[/color]
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