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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen
[color=skyblue]If any of you know Cardcaptors then you would know Li. Anyways this took me about 3 days only because of his clothing. Its not that good but oh well....[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh woke up to the sound of booted feet moving softly across the ground. She turned aroudn to see a score or more elves come bursting through the forest. They looked from Shayleigh on the ground to the Fallen fast asleep either in trees or on the ground. Rue, the elfmaid she had sent to warn and bring reinforcements, stepped up to Shayleigh carefully. Rue-[/i]"Are...are you okay commander?" [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"Yes yes I'm fine Rue. It seems that the Fallen have come to an agreement. I do not know what but let us hope it does not envolve destroying our forest." [i]Rue looked at her scieptically as did the other elves with her. Rue-[/i]"Are you sure we can trust them?" [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"Let us hope and pray."[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh walked along in the forest, happy just to smell the greens and to feel the barks rough texture. She sighed. She hadn't been able to be alone in the forest for the longest time. With the war against the humans she hardly had time for anything at all. Shayleigh now regreted becoming a commmander, even though it gave her more respect from her fellow elves, she didn't think that she wanted to fight against the humans. She looked back to see if anyone was following her then turned around and started to head to the spring she had found in her childhood. Whenever she needed a break from everyday life Shayleigh would go there. She sat by the spring and put one finger in the water stirring it softly. She knew that if she told any of the elves about her feelings she would be immediately cast out. It would go against the grain of the elves to feel pity upon the humans but Shayleigh couldn't help it. It was against her grain to not feel pity.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]I don't really read a lot of magazines mostly books but I have read Seventeen and PSM (Playstation Magazine). I read Seventeen for the longest time then I got bored with it so I decided to get PSM which will help me decide on what games I can get^^[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Gabriel looked at Xra in his new form. He wasn't so sure that he could trust him now that he was a wolf...or something like it. The two continued the fight, Gabriel feeling helpless since he was just standing there doing nothing. He felt insignificant, like he didn't belong here anymore, he probably didn't even belong on this earth anymore. Gabriel sighed, No purpose in life. Is that what I have been all these years, a burden to all who was around me? I was even rejected by my own parents. Maybe I'm no help to these people at all...[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]It doesn't really matter to me if a guy is hot or not. Its what is inside that counts. I mean I wouldn't want to be married to a guy that beat me all the time or something like that. All that matter is a good personallity. Well that's what I think anyways.[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe I really like the way you drew the eyes on the two last pictures^^ The thing I think you should work on is putting some depth to the clothing like folds and stuff. I could never do folds that well though^^;[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh looked at the Fallen unsure of what to do. She sighed. I guess I'm going to have to trust Caytin. I've trusted her this long, hopefully my intuition is right. Shayleigh-[/i]"Aren't they going to leave then?" [i]Caytin shrugged. Caytin-[/i]"Its up to them. [i]Shayleigh sighed again and sat on the soft grass cross-legged. She sat there for a while and the Fallen began to wonder what she was doing. Talia-[/i]"Why are you just sitting there?" [i]Shayleigh woke up with a jerk at the question. Shayleigh-[/i]"If you must know I was sleeping."[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Usha walked through the streets of Palanthas, getting bumped by every person that walked by. They always managed to blame it on her. Usha sighed again. Why did Prot send her here anyways? She never wanted to come. She didn't care if she didn't see another human for another 50 years, even though she had been quite eager before hand. Suddenly, Usha remembered the letter that she was suppose to give to Lord Dalamar in the Tower of High Sorcery. She looked for someone not to gruff looking and stop him. Usha-[/i]"Excuse me sir, but would you know where the Tower of High Sorcery is?" [i]The man looked at her like she was crazy then pointed down one of Palanthas' many streets and ran off. Usha-[/i]"Thank you!" [i]She looked in the general direction the man had pointed in and saw the tower, black against the early evening. Great that's all I need. Usha thought.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]ohhhh...I'm late...I hope I can still sign up though^^ its sounds like a really good RPG Name: Shayleigh Minyatur Age: 100 Race: Elven Weapons: Bow and arrow, long sword. Bio: She lives amoung a small clan of elves in a forest. Though the elves descriminate her for being a girl, Shayleigh didn't let that get in her way. She signed up for a small force to protect the forest and ended up being their commander. The elves now respect her and listen to her commands and wisdom. She never wanted much glory, all she wanted was to help protect the forest of her home. Description: She has long dirty blond hair and forest green eyes. She is slender like any elf and stands about 5 foot 7. She usually wears a light blue tunic and brown leather pants suitable for going on a journey. I hope that's okay[/color]
[color=skyblue]I'll join^^ Name: Shayleigh Minyatur Race: Elf (of course what else do you think I'd be?) Description: Shayleigh has long dirty blond hair and forest green eyes. Like any elf she is slender and about 5 foot 7. She usually wears a pale blue tunic and brown leather pants. Carries a bow with a quvier of arrow everywhere she goes. Bio: At the age of 100 Shayleigh became known to the elven army and they chose her to lead a small band of elves to the war against human kind. She personally has had nothing against the humans but hatred for them is in her blood. Though she may look defenceless on the outside never underestimate her power. That's one of the reasons the elven army chose her for a commander. I hope that's okay^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe that's pretty good! I really like the way you drew the one off to the right^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Here's a site that will help you I'm sure...its actually really good^^[/color] [url=http://www.howtodrawmanga.com/tutorial/tutorial.html]Click Here[/url]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh was just about to lanch another attack at the Fallen when he shealth his sword. She looked over to Caytin and one of the other Fallen land on the soft grass. So she is on the side of the Fallen! Shayleigh thought in her head. And now she's going to give the forest to them! Shayleigh breathed deeply. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Caytin stopped them so they wouldn't destroy the forest. Maybe...[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]If anyone would like to sign up for the RPG then feel free. [i]Usha watched in her boat as the city of Palanthas glowed in the mid-evening darkness. She looked back over her shoulder to where she had come from. She thought of Prot, the Irda that had taken care of her since she could remember. Now they had sent her away. Usha remembered seeing a bright flash when she could still see the island the Irda lived on, and she wondered if they had successfully opened the Greygem. She only hoped that they were okay. A harsh voice awoke her from her contemplations. Dwarf-[/i]"Do you want to dock missy?" [i]Usha blushed and turned to face the dwarf. Usha-[/i]"Yes please if that is alright." [i]Dwarf-[/i]"Its alright if you have the money for the fair." [i]Usha-[/i]"Money? I don't know what you mean sir? What is this money you are talking about?" [i]Dwarf-[/i]"Yeah you know cold hard steel! Has the heat gotten to you missy?" [i]Usha searched through her pouch but all she found was a lump of gold that the Protector had found one time while he was looking for food. Usha-[/i]"Will this do? It seems that I don't have anything else." [i]The dwarf's eyes almost popped out of his head. He hastily grapped the gold lump. Dwarf-[/i]"Yes this is plenty miss. Thank you." [i]Usha nodded and got out of her tiny boat. She looked at the city of Palanthas with all its people busily working. She sighed. Usha already didn't like Palanthas.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]I'll be starting the RPG anytime now so feel free to post in it once it is up![/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh looked off to the side to see Talia running to her aide with Caytin not far behind. She smiled. Shayleigh-[/i]"I'm glad that you could come. I could use a little help. [i]Talia paused. She had never heard of any non-angel or even an angel say that they were glad to see her. She looked back to see that the Fallen had regained their senses and where now steadly advancing on them. Talia-[/i]"There's no time for pleasentries we've got a fight to win." [i]Shayleigh grinned and nodded. She pulled her short sword from her scabbard and started to advance with the two Fallen at her side. A Fallen from the other side suddenly ran at her with surprising speed. Shayleigh readied her sword and waited for the Fallen. Their swords clashed and sparks flew everywhere. Before Shayleigh even had time to react the Fallen had moved his sword which was now aiming at one of her legs. She managed to move her sword just fast enough to catch the sword before it struck. Shayleigh groaned. Even though she had deflected the blow it was painfully obvious that the Fallen was the stronger. This was going to be a hard battle to win.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]I agree with DarkOrderKnight about that jealousy can bring up hatred towards others because well I have experienced it first hand. The guy I like always hangs around with girls...I mean almost all of his friends are girls. Everytime I see him with another girl I'm insanely jealous. I tried to stop being jealous by telling myself that there is nothing between him and the other girls he's with but it just doesn't work. So jealous is a bad thing especially when you hear that one of the girls he hangs out with likes him and then there is a possiblity of them getting together. Someday I think my jealousy will drive me mad. But I am learning to control it[/color]
[color=skyblue]Okay once The Harlequin has signed up as Dalamar I think we shall begin this RPG!^^[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh watched the two Fallen leave off to safety. Of course they can go to safety while I have to watch my home, my only home go up in flames, Shayleigh shook with rage. No, no its not their fault. They have a right to go to safety. Its not their home. Shayleigh-[/i]"I'll go to the part of the forest the Fallen are burning. You, Rue, will go to the other commanders and tell them of the danger. Tell them I will meet them there. I'll need all the help I can get." [i]The elfmaid nodded and ran back into the forest as fast as she could. Shayleigh concentrated and her wings broke through her back. She took flight and seached thoughout the forest for the fire. She spotted it not far off in the distance. She landed not far away and saw the Fallen moving farther into the forest. Shayleigh felt a rage build within her and fire burned in her eyes. She wouldn't let the Fallen ruin her only home. She'd stop them even if she died herself![/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]Wow that's kinda freaking me out but its really really good! Hehe I wish I could draw as half as good as you!^^[/color]
Art Weird Coloured Deku Scrub Link...
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in Creative Works
[color=skyblue]Yeah the pencil edges...I don't know how to ink it so that's why its not outlined in black...-___- I should really learn how to work Photoshop a lot better.[/color] -
[color=skyblue]Yeah that's fine Xra just edit your post above *point above* when you get the chance. By the way what do you mean by a later character?[/color]
[color=skyblue]This was my first time using Photoshop to colour one of my pictures and the colour didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it to... I don't understand cause I pick a colour that would be perfect but then it turns into a much lighter shade...that's why its a weird colour -____- Ahem...sorry for the big picture but at least you can see it.[/color]
[color=skyblue]Wow that's your first banner? Its awesome! Hehe compared with other first banners, heck even non-first banners, this is really good![/color]