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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen
[color=skyblue]OOC: Don't worry I wasn't [u]planning[/u] on accidently bumping into you. [i]Shayleigh saw that Talia consitered her words carefully. She frowned and looked from Shayleigh to Caytin. Then she sighed and made her decision. Talia-[/i]"I will go with Caytin. I don't think all of your elves will like me staying here." [i]Shayleigh nodded and respected Talia decision. She knew as well that her race would not be pleased with a Fallen near the forest. Talia and Caytin started to turn and leave when a frightened elfmaid burst through the foliage gasping for breath. It was one of the elves that was on patrol with Shayleigh before she had gotten in all this mess. Elfmaid-[/i]"Commander!...There are...Fallen...near the forest...Burning forest. [i]The elfmaid then turned and saw the two Fallen behind Shayleigh. She nearly fainted with fear. Shayleigh-[/i]"Do not worry about these two. They are not hurting anything. Now catch your breath and tell me your message again slowly." [i]The elfmaid stood for a couple of minutes trying to glup down as much air as she could then she continued. Elfmaid-[/i]"Some Fallen have been sighted near the outside of the forest. There are setting fire to our forest!" [i]Shayleigh sighed. She knew that this would happen one time or another but she hadn't expected it so soon. She looked over at the Fallen who stood apart from her and the other elf. Caytin seemed to know what she was thinking. Caytin-[/i]"We had nothing to do with this. We are as just surprise as you are."[/color]
Art Here's Xra..I mean me...I mean Xra..I arr!! A drawing.
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Xra's topic in Creative Works
[color=skyblue]Yes this one would be an improvement from the other one but could I make a suggestion? You should make the legs bigger...they're too skinny.[/color] -
[color=skyblue]I really like her hair but like the others I can't see her face very well. Maybe you should make the face bigger next time? I dunno its just a suggestion. Anyways nice drawing^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]1) Do you usually prefer books or movies? And why? I definately prefer books over movies just because I like imagining things better than actually being given the image. 2) Which books were better than their movies? And why? Definately Lord of the Rings the book was better than the movies. Though the movies went faster than the book, the book gave important information so you could understand Tolkien's world. 3) Which movies were better than their books? And why? I can't think of any right now. 4) Which books/movies did you like equally? And why? I think the first Jurassic Park book and movie were the same basically.[/color]
Do songs ever remind you of different things?
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in Noosphere
[color=skyblue]Haha there are these two songs that actually remind me of a video game. The songs are All the Small Things by Blink 182 and Does my Breath Smell by Blink 182. One time when I was playing Zelda Ocarina of Time I heard these songs and everytime they play it reminds me of Zelda. I can even remember where I was in the game, in the Valcano trying to get into the Fire Temple^^[/color] -
[color=skyblue]Yeah I would say that Steel Brightblade is about 21 Draagul. Nice picture Deedlit! Okay I'm just waiting for other people to join so hold on....*hopes other people will join*[/color]
[color=skyblue]I really like it!^^ It so purple! Man I wish I could make a banner but I'll probably suck at it so I'll stick to commenting on them^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe I always like your little characters! They're really simple looking but they're really cute as well! I love it^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Well my friend one day was trying to decide what we all were and she decided I was a Labrador Retreiver. Don't ask me why cause I'm not really certain though I do wish I was a cheetah instead...I really love cheetahs^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]Yes Raiye your post is fine! I'm glad we're actually going to have a kender! Okay here's my Info! Name: Usha Majere Age: 21 Race: Human Weapons: Short sword, bow and arrows Spells: None Appearance: She has long silvery blond hair and liquid gold eyes. She usually wears silk clothing, mainly a silk tunic and silk trousers given to her by the Idra. She considers her features plain and "homely looking" because she has been living among the beautiful Irda. Anyone that sees her immediatly thinks otherwise. Bio: She was found by a very powerful and beautiful race called the Irda as a child and has been brought up by them ever since. She lives with one of the Irda called the Protector. When the Irda decided to crack open the Greygem the Decider (head of the Irda) decided it was best that Usha be sent away for she might get tempted by the gem. The Protector told her that she would be travelling to Palanthas where she would be safe. When some of the mages first set eyes upon her they noticed her liquid gold eyes the exact same eyes the infamous black-robed mage, Raistlin had. They immediatly assume that she is Raistlin's daugther and she very well may be. Though she is still not certain of her past, Tasslehoff is certain she is Raistlin's daugther. That's it for me...I really hope some other people sign up![/color]
[color=skyblue]Okay I've decided to start another RPG cause I've got all these ideas for RPGs right now. This one is based on a novel from the series Dragonlance but if you've never read it, it doesn't matter its not an obligation. [i]25 years have passed since the the War of the Lance and many of the heroes of the Lance are old. Their childern have grown up and have gone in different directions in life. This is the year that Queen Takhisis and her dark knights plan to invade Ansalon and take over. The summer is unusally hot, the sun sears the world with light and heat and even the darkness of night brings little relief. It is said that the gods are uneasy and every day they become more and more distant from the peoples of Krynn. The Idra planning to protect their own home from invation crack open the Greygem, a very powerful and destructive magical item that is said to have the essence of Chaos, Father of All and Nothing. Little did they know that Reorx, the god that had made the gem, actually sealed Chaos inside the Greygem. When at last the Greygem was cracked, Chaos brust forth and sweared revenge on his childern that had sealed him in the gem. The only way he thought he could punish them was to destroy their little play toy, Krynn itself. Now it is up to the Heroes of the Lance's childern to decide the fate of Krynn.[/i] You actually don't have to be one of the childern of the Heroes of the Lance (ie Palin son of Caramon) but if you want to here are the choices. Tanis-yes he's still alive basically because he is part elf Taken by Deedlit (instead of Palin its Elysan)[strike]Palin-Son of Caramon and Tika[/strike] Taken by Draagul [strike]Steel-Son of Strum[/strike] Taken by The Harlequin [strike]Dalamar-Lord of the Tower of high Sorcery in Palanthas[/strike] Taselehoff-he's still alive as well Tanin-Son of Caramon and Tika Strum-Son of Caramon and Tika Jenna-Red-Robe Wizardess Gilthas-Tanis and Laurana's son Here's what you have to put... Name: Age: Race: Weapon(s): (max of 2) Spells: (only mages are allowed to have spells) Apperance: Bio: Yeah that's I think all I'll post mine later I'm being someone else that is in the story. Remember you don't have to be the one's above. I just noticed...they're almost all guys^^;[/color]
[color=skyblue]Usually when I hear a song that I really like I remember a place where I heard it. So everytime I hear the song it reminds me of that place. For example usually if I hear some of the slower songs it reminds me of my juinor high school dances (when I'm sitting down looking like a loser...) Do any of you guy every associate songs with places?[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe that's really cool! It almost reminds me of the mole title screen as well as the matrix...maybe its just me O.o[/color]
[color=skyblue]Hehe I really like they way you drew that apart from what Kenji and Elite said there is one other thing, his left arm (the one you can see the most) almost looks like its detached at the shoulder...but other than those things its a really good picture!^^[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh sighed with relief. If Talia went with Caytin then she would have both out of her hair and she wouldn't have to offend them at the same time by asking them to leave. She saw Talia consider it, her face showing no emotion. Talia considered it for such a long time that Shayleigh thought she was going to refuse. Talia-[/i]"I suppose I can come seeing as I have nothing else to do and I am not [i]welcome[/i] here" [i]Shayleigh blushed and turned away from the two Fallen. She felt as though they blamed her for everything as well they should. It was her that judged them without letting them explain themselves. Shayleigh-[/i]"I don't mind if you stay...you're not hurting anything of the forest or its inhabitants so technically you are allowed to stay."[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh looked at Caytin with suspition. She couldn't believe that she couldn't see through that phony disgiuse. Shayleigh shook her head, she couldn't believe that she now had two Fallens to worry about loitering near the elven forest. She was a commander for god's sake wasn't she suppose to protect the forest? Protect it from what though? These Fallen obviously weren't hurting anything in the forest, they seemed almost lonely to her. Maybe all the stories she had heard about them were wrong. You can't always judge a book by it's cover. Shayleigh came back out of her thoughts to hear the second Fallen say her name. Caytin-[/i]"And mine is Caytin." [i]Talia in the tree, swung down and landed softly on the ground. She stepped up to Caytin, eying her carefully. Caytin stepped back from the intense gaze. Talia seemed to come out of her trance then. Talia-[/i]"Oh sorry I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that I haven't seen another Fallen for such a long time..."[/color]
[color=skyblue]That's such a cool banner...I love it! Though I always like banners that have some kind of image on it. The image to me makes it less plain.[/color]
[color=skyblue]Ah you people are going by a different system. We use Celceis instead. Anyways here its cold and we did get a bunch of snow but I don't really mind. We haven't had our schools closed yet either...that's where I am right now.[/color]
Fencing! (no not the one in your backyard)
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[color=skyblue]Hehe I knew that you would see that and comment. Anyways you think the birdy is on your side when its even on the other side of the court:rolleyes: I don't know how soon we can fence though Darkmoon. I've looked into it and it seems that it will start up again in the fall...cause we've already missed the one that went from January to March.[/color] -
[color=skyblue]I'd say that you should forget about the other girl that likes you now. If she couldn't express her feelings before hand when you didn't have a girlfriend then its her fault. You can't just dump your girlfriend for someone that you kind of still like.[/color]
[color=skyblue]I love it!Hehe^^ and its in my favorite colour too...blue![/color]
Fencing! (no not the one in your backyard)
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[color=skyblue]Hehe you can get hurt in anything though. I even got hurt in Badmition because someone (won't name names) hit me over the head with a badmition racket and she almost did it again today so I'm not really worried about getting hurt^^;[/color] -
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh-[/i]"So what you're both just going to sit here forever?" [i]Caytin-[/i]"Not forever just until it gets boring." [i]Talia-[/i]"You have no right to tell us to do anything." [i]Shayleigh sighed. It seemed that Talia was sticking with the teenage girl for some odd reason. She never knew that any of the Fallen had any compassion for any other creature on earth. Shayleigh looked back over her shoulder at the human girl sitting on the rock. There was something strange about her, like she had a more sophisticated air about her. It seemed that Talia had seen that too. Talia-[/i]"So where are you from and why do you come to an elven forest?"[/color]
Fencing! (no not the one in your backyard)
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[color=skyblue]Yes I know what curling is but I don't think I would like to try that sport...something about sliding a rock on ice towards a target doesn't really appeal to me...[/color] -
[color=skyblue]Yeah I thought they were pretty good though I didn't watch all of it. I didn't even know who Nora Jones was until the awards. Ummmm...man now I've forgotten who won...oh well[/color]