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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=seagreen]Yes this is a guy, don't ask me why the artist of Demon Diary felt like making him look like a girl but she did. Okay so this is Raenef a character from a really good manga called Demon Diary. He's suppose to be a Demon Lord but lets just say he's not to good at it!^^ This was my first time drawing a dragon (it looks fat) and someone with that much detail in their hair >.< Anyways enjoy...the shadings screwed....[/color]
  2. [color=seagreen]That felt good, [i]Darmra thought.[/i] I haven't laughed in the longest time, in fact I don't remember the last time I laughed. [i]Darmra watched in amusment as the twins and Yume talked about different things happening in the world. Her smile disappeared though when Yume started talking about the possiblity of a war between demons and every other race on Reameth. The twins joyful attitude seemed to be darkened by the discussion too. Darmra walked up to Yume and asked the twins if they would be excused. Yume seemed to see the dark expression on her face cause she looked worriedly at Darmra. Yume-[/i]"What's wrong Darmra?" [i]Darmra shuttered. Darmra-[/i]"The war that's what. I know we're suppose to be protecting Kilani's sister, but don't you think that our...powers could be used else where. Like the war." [i]Yume-[/i]"But you don't know for a fact that the war will happen." [i]Darmra nodded her head emphically. Darmra-[/i]"I do know that the war is going to happen. Its been hanging over our heads for a while now, it will happen and soon."[/color]
  3. [color=seagreen]OOC: I never really said she was racist, Arika, its just that Darmra doesn't view people that way because many people view demons as an evil race. That's why I never made your character answer the question directly cause I didn't know^^ [i]Darmra stared into Kilani's eyes as she stared into hers. Darmra could see that she was telling the truth. Darmra bowed low. Darmra-[/i]"I am sorry if I have offended you. I did not mean to cause you any misgivings or grief. It's just that I have not met many like you, like all of you. Many just go along with the sterotypes without knowing the person they are confronting. Maybe you have the Magic of the heart because you don't care about what race the person is. I am glad to meet you." [i]Darmra stuck out her hand and smiled warmly. Kilani took it in her own without hestation, her eyes sparkling merrily. The others seemed to take this as a sign to talk again, and so began talking amongst themselves. Darmra-[/i]"I would be happy to help you and your sister. You have shown me a true kindness today." [i]Kilani-[/i]"I'm sure my sister would be happy for your help."[/color]
  4. [color=seagreen]Yes, yes of course you are in Knightoftherose! Everybody's in^^ You may join in at anytime you wish![/color]
  5. [color=seagreen][i]Darmra sighed. There was no way to get through to these people. They had the same sterotypes as their parent and grandparents had. They could never believe that something as evil as a demon could actually be good. Darmra-[/i]"You know what? Fine I'll leave. I can see that I've overstayed my welcome, even though this is my camp. If you would just let me pack up my things...I'll be out of your way in no time." [i]Darmra started to stamp the last glowing embers of the fire with the heel of her boot, leaving the camp in total darkness. She could still see in the darkness, though everything now had a reddish tinge like all demon night vision. The others shifted around uncomfortably in the darkness, but no one made a move to stop or say anything to Darmra. Darmra wrapped up her sleeping blanket and packed her food in the small travelling bag that she had been carrying for quite some time. Darmra-[/i]"I bid you all a good night."[/color]
  6. [color=seagreen][i]Darmra-[/i]"I doubt your sister would appriciate a demon helping out." [i]Kilani shrugged. She seemed uncomfortable around her for she never looked the demon straight in the eye. She even avoided looking at her at all. A thought struck Darmra that made her pale cheeks burn red. Darmra-[/i]"I'm sorry. I understand now. You weren't talking to me were you?" [i]Kilani answered without looking at her. Kilani-[/i]"It's not that, its just...." [i]Darmra-[/i]"Its just that you were hoping I wouldn't offer to help right? I'm different from the other demons, you know it I can see it in your eyes. I know that you are different. You have the magic of the heart, I can feel it." [i]The group suddenly went silent after that statment, all of them examining each other closely. It seemed as though Darmra had shoved a wedge of suspision between them.[/color][/i]
  7. [color=seagreen]It seems as though many have found me before I found them,[i] Darmra thought as her sharp eyes picked out a few that had gathered in the shadows. She turned her eyes back onto the two that had confronted her directly, eyeing them suspiciously. Darmra-[/i]"I have done nothing to disturb the peace of the forest. I am mearly camping here for the night. If you wish me to leave then I will." [i]Darmra started to get up but the girl that had just spoken halted her steps. Girl-[/i]"Wait! Tell me, why do I feel as though I know you?" [i]Darmra snorted. Darmra-[/i]"I doubt you know me, sprite, or whatever you are. You seem to have some sprite in you. No one talks with demons that aren't demons." [i]The other girl, who had just been smiling at her, spoke up for the first time. Other Girl-[/i]"You don't seem like other demons. There is a different....I dunno, feel about you. By the way my name's Kilani." [i]Darmra-[/i]"Well Kilani, maybe you're right maybe you're wrong but if I am disturbing you I will leave you and..." [i]Girl-[/i]"My name's Shi-su" [i]Darmra-[/i]"Shi-su. By the way, we're surrounded. Most of them are asleep though."[/color]
  8. [color=seagreen]If anyone wishes to still sign up for this RPG they can go to the Recruitment area. I'll be happy to accept more players if they wish to join^^ *~* [i]Darmra sat alone in the forest, her fire crackling sullenly in the night air. It was late at night, but Darmra found that she couldn't sleep at night anymore. There were too many things that wanted demons deadn and a demon alone was the perfect target. Not that she was evil, oh no, on the contrary she was far from it. She did not join the legion of demons spreading havoc around the world of Raemeth, she planned to fight against them when the time came for war. She couldn't join the good side though, they would shun her out so fast she wouldn't know where she was going. Darmra sighed. It seemed like there was nothing she could do, except wait it out. [/i]I could use my magic, [i]she thought then shook her head in frustration.[/i] No that wouldn't work, magic of the heart only works when someone I care about is in danger, and since no one cares about me I don't care about them. There must be something I could do though. Maybe if I could find the others that have the same magic as me, we could join forces. Its worth a try. I might be able to detect the magic within them. [i]With the decsion made, Darmra finally fell asleep with the hope that someone out there would help her, and accept her as a friend.[/i] *~* That sounded cheesy...oh well.[/color]
  9. [color=seagreen]Okay I think I'll start the RPG now. If anyone still wants to sign up they may, and they can join in the RPG anytime as long as they sign up^^[/color]
  10. [color=seagreen][i]Shin-za walked through the town, eyeing the broken walls and buildings warily, like she expected one of them to jump at her and ambush her. It seemed like the only building in town that was somewhat intact was a small taven. She immediately didn't like the look of it but guessed that there was nothing else she could do about it. She stepped through the door and saw that the common room was totally deserted. Her uneasiness increased. The innkeeper eyed her warily, then snorted. Keeper-[/i]"I guess you're one of the group too. You're late missy. They've all gone to their rooms." [i]Shin-za-[/i]"That's okay, if I may, could I just sleep in the common room? I would feel better out here." [i]The innkeeper shrugged. Keeper-[/i]"Be my guest, as long as you pay me for it though." [i]Shin-za dug a few coins from her pocket and dropped them in the innkeepers grimy hands. She then spread out her travelling blacket and sat near the fire.[/i][/color]
  11. [color=seagreen]You may be any race you wish Isus just not one that was taken already^^ Everyone is fine^^ Now I think I'll start this RPG tomorrow, since I don't have enough time today^^ People may still sign up if they wish![/color]
  12. [color=seagreen]Sure you can be a werewolf G.D Ryoko^^ Lol that's good we have a variety of people. I know at least one person still wants to sign up....now time for my characters information Name: Darmra Age: 320 (looks 20) Race: Demon Magic of the heart: Yes Weapon: Broad sword Appearance: She looks like any human, except that her eyes are yellow with slits for the pupil. Her hair is as black as darkness and her skin is very pale. She usually wears a black tunic and brown breeches. Has the wings of a dragon, but can hide them when she wants. Bio: Everyone on the world of Raemeth are suspisious of demons, so naturally Darmra is not trusted by any other race. Only the others that have the same magic of the heart that she does, knows that she isn't on the Demon side. Naturally she's a loner, but when she meets someone that trusts her, she is fiercely loyal to them. Okay now we just need a few more people and we can get this RPG started^^[/color]
  13. [color=seagreen][i]The world of Raemeth has been without magic for over five centuries. The Great War which ripped the world into four parts, (Human, Dwaven, Elven, and Demon) destroyed the old magic forever it seemed. A new magic has arisen though, in the hearts of a few, called the magic of the heart. This magic seems unreliable though, for it seems that the only time the user can call upon this magic, is when one of their loved ones are in danger. Many people shunned this magic, for it seemed to prove useless in this new age, where no one cared about anybody. Survival counted on independance. A new war threatens on the horizon though. the Leader of a legion of Demons claimes that he has the power of the old magic at his hands and threatens to destroy all other races with it. Many people dispared over this, some even going over to join the armies of this so called wielder of the old magic. A few, the ones that have the magic of the heart, have chosen to fight this, to show everyone once and for all that the new magic can be as strong as the old. There's a problem though. Only one person from each race can weild this new magic. Will this be enough to stop this horde of Demons?[/i] Okay hopefully this RPG will work^^ First things first there are more races than just those four. Demons can be good as well, mainly because we have to have one demon weilding the magic of the heart^^If you want to be on the bad side, you may be a demon (bad of course) or human. For the magic of the heart people the races are Demon-(taken) Me!^^;; Elf-Taken Wood Elf-Taken Elven-spritep-Taken Dwarf-Taken Human- Shapeshifter-Taken Weredragon-Taken Werewolf-Taken Droshi (Cat person)-Taken Fairy-Taken If you can think of any other races be my guest^^ Just remember that only one person can be of each race unless one doesn't have the magic of the heart. Okay here's what you need to sign up Name: Age: Race: Magic of the heart: (if you have the magic of the heart...just say yes or no) Weapon: (Allowed one weapon other than the magic) Apperance: Bio: Okay hopefully this'll work^^[/color]
  14. [color=indigo][i]Shin-za gasped as the rustling sound became increasingly louder.[/i] Just an animal, just an animal,[i] she kept saying to herself but she knew it to be untrue. Animals don't make that much noise. Suddenly a man burst through forest at full speed, almost running into her campfire. He stopped himself in time though, and immediately colapsed on the ground. Shin-za had the sudden instinct to change forms and run away but she knew the man would notice. The man looked like a messanger, he was certainly dressed for the job. A shiver ran up her spine. She hadn't told anyone she was here, so how could he possibly know?[/i] Well there's only one way to find out. [i]Shin-za got up and walked towards the man. She was about to ask her question when the man stuck out his hand with a letter cluched firmly in between his fingers. Shin-za-[/i]"Wh...what's this?" [i]The man took a considerable amount of time catching his breath and when he did it seemed like a waste of time. Man-[/i]"A letter, what do you think it is?" [i]Shin-za felt her ire rise. Shin-za-[/i]"I know its a damn letter. I meant what's inside it?!" [i]The man shrugged. Man-[/i]"I dunno. They told me it was confidencial." [i]Shin-za thought it best to not ask who it was from, it looked like the man was not giving out anymore information. She broke the seal and opened the letter. It didn't say much, just something about a Sword of the Void and someone trying to steal it. She cruppled up the letter and threw it on the ground. Shin-za-[/i]"I don't appriciate pratical jokes you know." [i]Man[-[/i]"I'm not so sure it is a pratical joke Miss. I was told it was very important." [i]Shin-za looked at the man. It didn't look like he was lying. She shrugged. Its not like she had anything better to do.[/color][/i]
  15. [color=indigo]I love Demon Diary! Its not a really popular manga, but everyone who reads it give it a five out of five. It has a really funny plot, and great art! I can't wait to read the second and third of it! I'm also currently reading Wish which is a manga by CLAMP. It's pretty good but I wouldn't say as good as Demon Diary. Of course I haven't read all of it yet![/color]
  16. [color=indigo][i]Shin-za sat near her campfire, humming to herself in a pleasant manor. A forest surrounded her, protecting her from nights predators. She had always felt more comfortable in a forest than in a city. She got up and stretched her legs, then sat down again. It felt like it was going to be a long sleepless night. She hadn't been able to sleep ever since she was shunned from her village. Shapeshifters weren't trusted anymore. A rustle of the leaves awoke her from her thoughts. She shook her head,[/i] I'm all nerves lately. It was just some night animal hunting I'm sure. [i]Nevertheless she shivered and huddled closer to the fire. It was never bad to be too careful[/i] OOC: By the way you guys can just call her Cat...its a lot easier than Shin-za I'm sure.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Oooh I can't believe I didn't see that you put up more! I seriously like this story! Keep it coming![/color]
  18. [color=indigo]I'll join^^ Name: Shin-za (nicknamed "Cat") Race: Shape Shifter Gender: Female Age: 25 Apperance: Can be almost anything, but her human form looks as follows, she's about 5' 4" with long blue-black hair and purple eyes. She usually wears a white blouse with brown breeches and black boots. Personality: Usually outgoing, she can have a firey temper when she wants to. Otherwise she keeps out of other people's way if they keep out of hers. Bio: Not much is known about her past, except that she has been a loner ever since she could remember. Her parents died when she was five, and she has lived alone ever since. Weapon: Sling Magic: Only the magic to shapeshift. I hope that's okay^^[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]O.O!!! That's great I love it! You should write more of it! I really want to know what happens![/color]
  20. [color=indigo]First Name: Lorissa Age: 16 Hair Color: ummm...I guess medium brown Eye Color: uh green, blue, brown.....kinda look gray from far away^^;; Height: 5' 6 Wardrobe: Haha usually I wear dark blue pants. I have a lot of red and blue shirts in my wardrobe Personality: Uh usually shy around people I don't know but if I'm with friends you could say I go....crazy? Hair Style: Just long hair...goes a little past my shoulders...I should really get some style >.> Favorite Music Type: All kinds Favorite musical Band/Artist: Don't really have a favorite Hobbies: hmm...lets see reading, drawing, writing, swimming, skiing among other things.[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xellos [/i] [B]I don't like Slayers:The Motion Picture in english though, there the dubbing WAS horrible. Cyntia Martinez should never be allowed to do Lina again. She made Lina to ditzy. I'll take Megumi-san or Lisa Ortiz over her any day. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I agree. Even though I haven't seen any of the normal epps I've seen the Motion picture and I just though Lina's voice was....awful. I was definately to screechy for me. Hopefully this won't put me off from the whole series though because I have heard good things about it.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Haha I write best when I feel like writing XD....okay okay it depends when I get the ideas though I usually get them at the weirdest times when I can't write them down. Examples: in a boat watching my brother wakeboard (odd I know), or late late at night when I'm suppose to be sleeping but just can't get to sleep because of the ideas running through my head. I try and remember what i want to write about it, but I feel that when I write it down, its not just as good because I had forgotten some detail that I had when I couldn't write it down.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]I've read the first two of the series though I want to finish the rest! I really enjoyed the first two and hopefully the others will be as good! So don't spoil some stuff for me! (though one of my friends has a little)[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]That's okay, I was generally confused anyways cause I've seen other pictures with the moon the other way and not the way I did it....maybe it changes magically in ever epp XD[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eclectic [/i] [B]My favourite book is the last in a trilogy. It's 'The Amber Spyglass' by Philip Pullman. It's really deep and philosophical on things ranging from religion to love to magick to life. I can't say too much, or it will give away the whole thing. You should read it. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo] I've read the trilogy too^^ I really like it but I can't say that its my favorite[/color] [QUOTE][B]didn't think anybody would mention it. I LOVE that book. that and the Hero and the Crown. I agree though, the Blue Sword is better. the only gripe I have with it is the first couple of chapters, which are boring as all get out. but once they're done with, the rest of the book's great. haven't read anything else by Robin McKinley though >.>'[/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo]I faintly remember a book called the Blue Sword and I seem to remember the authors name too. I seriously don't remember anything about the book though >.< I read it such a long time ago. Okay now for my favorite books, It would have to be the Annotated Chronicles by Margret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Its a series of three books of Dragonlance (a huge series) and I just love it! It has everything that a fantasy person is looking for. Elves, dragons, dwarfs, kender (haha not normal people), and crazy lunatic wizards that are actually gods. Words can't describe how good these books are. So I command you to read them now![/color]
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