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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen
Hot or Not or whatever the heck this show is called.
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Domon's topic in Noosphere
[color=skyblue]When I saw the first commercial for it I thought it was the stupidest show on earth....and I still think that. Why would anyone in their right minds want to watch that. I have a feeling that it will be off the air soon since everyone who has replied thinks its really stupid.[/color] -
[color=skyblue]Yeah that's a good picture but it doesn't really look like they're kissing. Their lips should be...uhhh...together more. But its a really good picture other wise.[/color]
Fencing! (no not the one in your backyard)
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[color=skyblue]Hmmm...I wonder who gave you that idea Darkmoon? Anyways if you want to know I have looked into it and there are a few places where we could fence. One is York University and another is somewhere in Scarbrough. I would probably like the York one. I like the sounds of Foil or Epee. Epee sounds more broadswordish. Hehe broadswords are so cool^^[/color] -
[color=skyblue]OOC: That's okay^^ [i]Shayleigh turned to look at the Fallen, and she was surprised to see sadness in her red eyes. Talia was trying to mask it by looking mad but Shayleigh saw right through it. Shayleigh-[/i]"I...I am sorry I have offended you. I am not a racist. I just have heard about your kind. I guess I owe you an apology." [i]Talia looked at Shayleigh trying to act stern. Talia-[/i]"I accept your apology though have have no mind to converse with elves." [i]Shayleigh sighed. This one seemed to be stubborn. Suddenly, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It looked to be a teenage human just outside of the forest. Without another word to Talia, Shayleigh went to investagate.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue]The only problem I can see is that the picture of Android 18 looks too cut up....other than that it's a really good banner^^[/color]
[color=skyblue]I really want to learn how to fence. Though of you that don't know what fencing is its basically sword fighting. I've heard or read that there are three types of swords that you can use (I forget the names). Anyways are there any people here that do fencing?[/color]
[color=skyblue]I don't think Revenge is a good thing. I've never gotten revenge on someone that has hurt me. I think its just wrong to hurt someone back because they did it to you. It just shows you that you are as low as them and will sink to their level. That's why I don't need revenge. Its just mean to hurt another person's feelings or actually hurt them physically[/color]
[color=skyblue]OOC: Just to tell you Tursi the character I'm playing is a girl Shayleigh...I'm a girl to if you wanted to know. [i]Talia-[/i]"How was I suppose to know that this was an elven forest? Its not like I went far into it." [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"Well if you have no business here I would like you to leave. I'm just protecting the forest. I don't know what you and your kind would do to it." [i]Talia glared at Shayleigh her eyes glowing an eerie red. Shayleigh started to back up from the evil glare but realized that she was in a tree. Turning her back on Talia, Shayleigh jumped down and willed her wings away. Talia looked at her suspiciously. Talia-[/i]"You are not full angel are you?" [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"No I am part elf as well but I am not weaker by any means. Do not doubt that." [i]Talia now noticed the pointed ears and slanted eyes of the elves. Without her wings Shayleigh looked like any other elf. Talia-[/i]"I see...[/color]
[color=skyblue]Oh very nice ssj3! Hehe I really like the way you coloured it![/color]
Skiing, Snowboarding, Snowblading.
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperMuffin [/i] [B][color=red]Hey Rhys! That was fun eh? At the ski hills? I had a great time!!! Oh and for all you other pepl, I snowblade! I've been doing it for about 1 year and I love it! I started skiing at a young age and i think that made it a lot easier to snowblade! I'm just starting to try tricks and stuff and I can't wait to land my first grab!!! Hehehe!! Its great!!! If you have a chance, you should learn how to snowblade or ski or snowboard!! It's easy for me to say tho cuz i have a hill right in the city. It's kinda small but it works! Anywho, I love it and I think that anyone who wont try cuz they're too afraid should conquer their fear cuz its a great experience![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=skyblue]Hehe yeah it was fun. I never really want to try any tricks cause I'll probably suck at it but I do go really really fast. That's the only thing I want to do on snowblades^^[/color] -
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh frowned. Shayleigh-[/i]"Fine. I will give into your request but I will not put my weapon away." [i]Taila-[/i]"Fine I don't care. Its not like I can't defend myself." [i]Shayleigh took flight and landed in the tree just a few feet away from the Fallen. Taila looked like any other human Shayleigh had seen expect for the pitch-black wings coming out of her back. She seemed to have a sad air around her but Shayleigh believed that it was a trick of the Fallen. Taila-[/i]"Now what do you want of me? I never knew it was a crime to sit in a tree." [i]Shayleigh-[/i]"It might be for a Fallen. Now tell me what are you doing near the elves forest?"[/color]
[color=skyblue]I have rumors spread about me...doesn't really bother me cause its not only about me. Its about me and this guy they always say we're going out. About two times a day I get asked "Are you and *insert name here* going out" and of course I say no. He has a few more rumors about him going around but they don't last long. This one has last for at least two years.[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Gabriel shook his head sadly. He cared nothing for catching the perpetrator now, it didn't matter anymore. All he had wanted in life was to actually see his real parents and learn about his heritage but that hope was gone now. Gabriel walked slowly behind the group not wanting to ruin their moment of excitment. He would go along with them but he felt as though he had no purpose in life anymore. He sniffed and wiped away the tears that came to his eyes. His sadness suddenly turned into a burning rage. He would find his parents! No one had said that they were dead all they said was that they were missing. Gabriel would never give up. With renewed energy Gabriel started to run ahead of the group. It felt so good to feel the wind against his skin. Like it could erase all his sorrows.[/i][/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Shayleigh lightly touched the soft green grass as she landed, hardly making a dent at all. She quickly willed her wings to disappear in case an outsider happened to be walking about. She surveyed her surrounding with careful scrutiny, not letting even the tiniest bug get past her gaze. That's when she saw something at the very edge of the forest and the edge of her vision. It was just a shadow but Shayleigh was certain it wasn't of an elf. She quietly walked closer and found that the figure was sitting in a tree that appear to have died long ago. Shayleigh sharply intook air as she saw something very odd about the shadow, it had wings. She slowly pulled the bow off her back and notched an arrow to it. Shayleigh would take no chances in the welfare of her people but she knew that she had to give the Fallen a chance to explain themself. She walked forward some more until she was sure that the figure could clearly see her and see that she was armed. Shayleigh-[/i]"I mean you no harm if you don't mean any harm to the forest or its inhabitants. Step out of the shadows of the tree so I may see you clearly."[/color]
[color=skyblue]Yeah I would want to see it, it seem pretty funny^^ I do like Jakie Chan movies...the ones that tend to be funny though.[/color]
[color=skyblue]Ah it did get warmer here but not that warm...the only thing that you can to is unzip you jacket. They do say that it is going to get colder here again. Oh well it doesn't matter to me as long as I don't get frostbite again-______-[/color]
[color=navy]That's a cool banner^^ It looks like there are clouds behind him...maybe they are cloud I don't know...[/color]
[color=navy]If anyone would like to join feel free to do so.... [i]After the War in the Skies when the air goddess Luthien bannished thoses that rebelled against her the Fallen (as they are named) came to earth to wreak havoc against Luthien's precious earth in a way to defy her people and her ways. Luthien, very weak after fighting a battle that had waged on for five years had no power to stop them. Some angels offered to go and help out the other races but Luthien could hardly spare any. Some of the races that live on earth tried to stop them but in vain for the Fallen took over everything except for holy places or places that had too much greenery for they hated all things to do with nature. *~* Shayleigh walked with two other elves on patrol in the forest they had called home for so long. Though Shayleigh knew very well that the Fallen would never come anywhere near a place so full of life and spirit, she felt that they needed to watch the borders. Shayleigh, using the intracate hand signals of the silent code, signaled that they could rest for a while while she look some more. The two elves sat down right away for they had been on their feet for more than four hours. Shayleigh sighed softly and concentrated. The elves were not surprised when two white wings started to grow out of her back. She had learned at an early age how to control her wings and how to make them disappear at will. When they had grow to their full length, Shayleigh sprang into the air and flew high above the tree tops looking for anything unusual along the borders of the forest. She thought she spotted something to her right and sped off to investigate.[/i][/color]
[color=navy]Sorry for double posting *looks around* NO No don't kill me! Ahem...anyways I would just like to say that I think I will be starting the RPG now so look for it soon in the Adventure Arena.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][b]Rhys Mayiessen[/b]: First things first. Do you have a nickname? o0 Yeah, he doesn't look very robot/android/whatever-like in that picture. Just the antenna thing. :whoops: Then again, he [i]does[/i] look like a human iMac..[/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]A nickname? Well I guess you could just call me Rhys. The only reason I have the last name is because it looked better to me than just putting Rhys. Everybody else just calls me that.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by blackgatomon [/i] [B]Yeah, I love'd it. I wish they'd show it again... I'd tape it all. I'll tell you about the last few episodes as soon as my friend will let me bnorrow the episodes she has recorded. The only thing I remember is that Lei moved away and Sakura created her own Clow Card called 'The Hope', I think. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]Awwwwww...Li moves away...he's my favorite character acting so mean but then he actually likes Sakura. There was another movie that I wanted to see that looked a lot better...I've seen pictures of it but I've never been able to see it. It was something about a play...like one of the episodes where they were in a play...I don't know I'll have to read about it more.[/color]
[color=navy]Hehe its so cute...for a robot and for anything else. Didn't even realize it was a robot until I read what you said.[/color]
[color=navy]Well this week is spirit week for us so they have things like twin day, tacky day (tomorrow), teacher dare day (haha can't wait for that^^), and PJs day :rolleyes: They usually try to get up the school spirit by calling us Jackonites or something like that....we're now getting a mascot for our teams...really stupid mind you. A big panther.[/color]
[color=navy]I've had many stupid fights with my friend. The only one I can remember off hand is when he was late in picking me up to go to school so I went alone....when I asked him why he said he had things to do. I stupidly said well you should get up earlier...he actually had gotten up at 5 o'clock in the morning. It then became a big fight. Needless to say I'll never say that again.[/color]
[color=navy]Wow that's a cool banner!^^ Though I don't like Draco I do like the Harry Potter books. I think it's really good! Your banner I mean[/color]