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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=navy]In grade nine we read Twelfth(sp? ahhhh I don't know how to spell) Night. I thought it was really weird with that love triangle and a girl liking a girl even though she didn't know the other was a girl. Just this year I read Macbeth which was better than Twelfth Night but it was a little weird too with the witches and all. I can't say I really like Shakespeare but that might only be because it is written in play form.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiV [/i] [B]They're Asian guys. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]:therock: That doesn't matter. I just learned on Valentine's Day that the guy (who is asian) I thought was my best friend said that he thought I was his best friend too!^^ So I guess girls and guys can be best friends.[/color]
  3. [color=navy]*points to banner below* I haven't fogotten it! I just have basically seen all the epiosodes except for the last few which I still really want to see^^ I thought it was a really good show one of the few animes I watched. I also saw one of the movies and just saw it again resently.[/color]
  4. [color=navy]What makes me happy? Well just being with my friends at school makes me happy. When we goof around sometimes in gym, uhhhh....person on here that I won't name cause she'll probably kill me. I also like talking to my best friend about nothing basically. He always listens anyhow. I also like to read...ahhh...its so fun to read^^[/color]
  5. [color=navy]Hmmm...I wasn't even expecting this much people. We'll wait to see if any other people sign up before I start the thread. Now for my information. Name: Shayleigh Minyatur Age: 320 Race: Half Elven, Half Angel (Ah yes I always have to be some sort of elf.) Weapons: Bow and arrows, short sword Spells: Holy Wind, Water spell Apperence: She looks like any other elf except that at times she has the wings of an angel(meaning that she doesn't always have her wings out if you get my drift. Think Van from Escaflowne) She stands about 5'6" and has long brown hair and mysterious grey eyes. She usually wears a plain white tunic and plain brown pants. Description: Her father was an elf and her mother was an angel sent down to earth on some business. Since Angels aren't godly in some ways they were able to conceive a child, Shayleigh. She has been among her father's people for all her life and proves to be a good scout on accout of her wings. She has moved high in the small army and is now a commander of a small group of elves. When the Fallen desended upon earth she felt it her duty to help out, since part of her was angel. Oh yeah and Draagul that is fine^^[/color]
  6. [color=navy]Yeah that is bad... One time my Dad was watching me talk on msn to see how it worked. Anyways I don't think he could read it cause I would type really fast then close it right away. Luckly my Dad has never really watched it again after that.[/color]
  7. [color=navy]Okay I'm going to try this again since my other RPG was a total failure...*grumbles* Sorry about the name couldn't think of anything else. Anyways bare with me for I have just gotten this idea and it might lack...lets say details. [i]For many years the earth has been in peace. Everything is prosperous and life is good for all the races. The Air Goddess Luthien watches over the land and air. Though she knows that peace will not last for long she didn't expected it to come from her own domain. A small band of angels, messengers of Luthien, decide to revolt against the Air Goddess and her ways. Before even a whole decade has pasted without war, the angels wage war against Luthien and her faithful followers. The war was long and hard though none on earth ever knew about it. Finally after five long years Luthien managed to get the upper hand but at a great cost. Many of her angels died in the assult, only a few survived. She banned the rebel angels from her domain forever. These are now called the Fallen and are recongized by their pitch-black wings and firey red eyes. Luthien never thought that they would resort to wreaking havoc upon Earth. Now a small band of unlikely heroes are the only ones between earth and its total destruction[/i] Okay if you want to be an angel (meaning one that is not one of the Fallen) then be my guest but remember you are not invincible. If you really desire to be one of the Fallen PM me and I will think about it. Other than that you can be anything you want...humaniod. Name: Age: Race: Weapons: (max of two weapons) Spells: (minor spells please no major ones that will kill in one casting) Apperance: Description: (History basically) Okay I think that's all...I'll put mine information up later...if anyone signs up.[/color]
  8. [color=navy][i]Gabriel watched the village burn to the ground. Tears formed in his eyes though he didn't know why. Gabriel had no memory of talking to Ixodar during his trance and didn't know what he had said. Ixodar walked up to Gabriel looking at him suspiously. Ixodar-[/i]"Gabriel, What do you mean..." [i]He didn't get to finish his sentence because one of the older villagers came up and interupted. Villager-[/i]"Gabriel? We had a little baby in the village named Gabriel. No one knows what happened to him and his family though. Some say that the parents abadoned him near the forest. I knew them though. They wouldn't do that unless they were in some kind of trouble." [i]Gabriel gasped and looked at the villager. Suddenly he felt as though he knew the village, that he had some kind of connection to it...[/i][/color]
  9. [color=navy]If I wanted to be famous I would want it to be because I wrote an amazing Fantasy book!^^ Actually that's what I want to be when I grow up a writer of Fantasy novels. Though I doubt I'll actually be one..I'm not good enough.[/color]
  10. [color=navy]Wow that's a great banner! I always thought you made really good banners Nomad! Espically mine!^^[/color]
  11. [color=navy]Oooooooh cool!^^ I could never draw trunks even though I wanted to cause of his hair! His hair was always to hard and I didn't really want to draw him in Super Saiyan form.[/color]
  12. [color=navy]That's such a cool banner. Ahhhhh...Zelda. The best game in all the world. Hehe I always thought Deku Link was funny.[/color]
  13. [color=navy]Oh wow that's really good! I love how you coloured it! The dark background fits the character as well!^^ Dark and omunious.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Yeah, Rhys, It's on Saturdays at 7:00 and like 8:30 eastern time. Go to [url]www.medabots.com for more information.[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]Ahh...man that's way too early for me. I think I'll just try and catch it on YTV...[/color]
  15. [color=navy]Well as C_L said I live near her and so does Darkmoon (she's the one who showed me this site). I think there are some Newbies though that are living in Ontario so I would say that, that is a general area...[/color]
  16. [color=navy][i]When they got back to the settlement Paige noticed that the spider lady and the mistereous person were still gone from the camp. It seemed that Slivia noticed it too. Slivia-[/i]"Where's that other one that was with us?" [i]She asked Ranhorn totally ignoring Paige. Ranhorn-[/i]"I don't know. Well if they don't come back soon they'll miss the feast." [i]Paige-[/i]"Some how I don't really think they care about the feast." [i]She muttered to herself. Ranhorn-[/i]"What was that?" [i]Paige-[/i]"Nothing. Nothing at all."[/color]
  17. [color=navy]I really like the second one...the way you used the blue and gray is cool! Hehe but that's just my opinion.[/color]
  18. [color=navy]It almost looks like a heena lol. Its actually really good. I can never draw animals...they always come out stupid looking.[/color]
  19. [color=navy]I use to play the clarinet but then I decided I wanted to try out for the saxophone. So now I play the Alto Saxophone and have been playing it for three years now. I also play the piano but I'm only in grade four. I think I started about two years ago. Well that's all I play for now and I really can't sing...so I won't be doing that anytime soon.[/color]
  20. [color=navy]My name? I don't have a name. No, no its my real name Lorissa Kinna^^ Ah I'd advice you if you want to see some of my stuff go to the fanquater...all my other stuff suck.[/color]
  21. [color=navy]*Looks around nervously* Hehe my work...? Well....its cause they suck and no one wants to look at them cause they'll blind your eyes!!! No its cause the pictures would have to be on a site called elfwood. If I try to attach it here it says that the attachment is too large and I haven't really updated my elfwood account resently. So that's basically why.[/color]
  22. [color=navy]I really like the first one. It seems as though you really have gotten the folds in the clothes correctly. Man I wish I could do it correctly. Every time I put folds or lines they look like they don't belong >.< Good Job![/color]
  23. [color=navy]I think you should just remember all the good things that he did in life and maybe how he brought joy to others. I have never really had anyone I know committ suicide but I have heard about it. When I was a lot younger I heard about a guy in the high school I'm going to now committ suicide at the ravine near the school. My neighbors did know him and I know they were very sad about it. I am very sorry for your loss.[/color]
  24. [color=navy]This Valentine's Day was the worst day of my life, and not cause I didn't get anything. First I had to go to my math class which is out in a portable. When I got to it I saw a bunch of my fellow class mates waiting outside. I asked them why and they said that the door was locked and they didn't know where Mr.Thomas was. We waited for a while outside and I felt one of my ears get really really cold. We finally went inside and after a while for some reason I touched my ear and it felt overly large. It also felt like it was buring (which it still does) so I think I might have frostbite. The second thing that happened to me was that at lunch my locker wouldn't open. So I couldn't have my lunch and I didn't have my afternoon class binders. Though at the end of the day I learned that I had mixed up one of the numbers^^; The last thing that happened to me on this horrible day was that my civics teacher thought that I was passing notes to the person beside me even though it was the person behind me. He wouldn't believe it wasn't me until I actually told him it was the person behind me even though I didn't want to. So that was my horrible day....Well Happy Valentine's Day anyways...[/color]
  25. [color=navy][i]Gabriel looked at the child. When he saw his little frightened face something click in him and he snaped out of his state. Gabriel looked back at the burning village and started to run to it. He turned back and saw the child still standing there all alone.[/i] Gabriel: Stay here! I'll be back in a little while. Don't follow me! [i]He turned and saw Sunny and Xra up ahead trying to get some of the villagers to safety. Gabriel grabbed one of the children and ran back to the child he had just left. When he turned back he saw one of the buildings collapes in a pile of burning wood. Luckly no one was in the building.[/i][/color]
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