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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=navy]Yay! I get to be the five animal female!^^ Name: Paige (Last name unknown) Age: 20 Clan: N/A Animals bonded with: Cheetah, Red-tailed Hawk, Panther, Snake, Monkey^^ Weapon of Choise: A Broadsword Description: She has short blue-black hair and black eyes. She is able to see far and in the dark because of her bondage with the Red-tailed Hawk. She is also able to run at fast speeds though not for long. She has a long black tail because of her bondage with a monkey. Short Bio: She wanders the land hoping to find a home though finds none. She belongs to no clan because of her unusual bond with five animals. She does not know much about her past but does want to find out some time. Okay I hope that's good^^[/color]
  2. [color=navy]My school has an Anime club. I think they watch animes every friday or something I've never been to it cause of my swim team but I have wanted to see what it was like. Then I think there is another club at my school called Drawing Manga or something where well you learn to draw manga.[/color]
  3. [color=navy]I never have had a reoccuring though it would be cool. I do have very weird dreams though. They start out normal but then just end up weird...mostly its weird fantasy stuff. One time I dreamed about the end of the world O.o[/color]
  4. [color=navy]I never want to smoke. I always wonder how someone could even want to smoke with the smell that it amits. Its gross! Then the thought of dying of cancer at like the age of 50 or less just cause you inhaled some stupid thing that doesn't even look cool? NO THANK YOU. Its not even worth your life.[/color]
  5. [color=navy]Personally I think that Micheal Jackson is a weirdo. I've heard things like him dangling his baby out the window. And then his apperence ewwwwwwww....it looks so gross and then on this show he had the nerve to say that he didn't have any sergery on his cheeks, mouth, and eyes though professional sergions said he did.[/color]
  6. [color=navy]Pah! You'd have to grab it from my cold dead hands if you want to steal it! Hey my scabbard is made out of leather...hmmmm...I'm sure you'd like it it's sooooooo cool! Sorry I'm just rubbing it in cause I know how much you want it!^^[/color]
  7. [color=navy]I don't think it really matters unless you're like 20 dating a 90 year old now I think that's just gross.[/color]
  8. [color=navy]Hehe actually I wrote this before I was here in otakuboards so you could say that I took the Princesses name...I don't really like the word princess though more like heir to the throne yes that's better. If you want I could put up more of the story but I didn't know if anyone would like it.[/color]
  9. [color=navy][i]Idril smiled warmly[/i] Idril: Originally I am from Nevrast before my Father, Turgon founded Gondolin. I have lived in Gondolin many years and its beauty never fails to astound me. Lorien must be a beautiful place. Laitina: It is. [i]Idril nodded and respected the older elf's space for it seem that she had brought some memories upon Laitina. Lethe spoke not but just looked ahead of the group. Idril wondered what she could see for even though she was blind Idril felt that Lethe saw more than a seeing person ever would.[/i][/color]
  10. [color=navy]Uhhh...yeah I know I'm not that good at writing but I decided to put the first part of a shorter story I wrote a while ago called Gabriel. Of course its fantasy. Tell me what you think. There might be some spelling mistakes....I'm sure you'll recognize the name of Rhys.^^ Liam woke up and looked out the window. Gabriel had already awoken and stood outside admiring the gardens. Liam smiled at his brother?s innocence. He was only ten, which is very young for and elf, and already things of nature?s utmost beauty. Gabriel?s almond brown skin glistened in the early morning sunlight. His straw blond hair was matted against his head, which made his pointed ears look abnormally large. He must?ve swam in the lake again. Liam thought smiling again. He walked down the steps and strolled out the doorway. ?Gabriel! Don?t you think it?s a beautiful day?? ?Yeeeeeeeessssssss,? Gabriel slurred. His speech had never been perfect since he never spoke much. ?Yeeeeeeeessssssss?.Lliiaamm.? He smiled brightly. Liam laughed heartily. Though simple minded, Gabriel always wanted to see people smile. It seemed that his only purpose on the world was to make people happy. ?Rrrhhyysss,? Gabriel said pointing beyond the garden. A young maiden elf was standing there smiling warmly. Liam scowled. She was the princess of the Latine (land) elves and was like any other Latine elf except that she wasn?t full Latine. She was half Eaul (water) elf and had some of the characteristics of Eaul elves like her blue-black hair. All Latine elves had brown or blond hair. No one liked her because she was different. They called her the halfling and Liam didn?t necessarily go out of his way to stop them. The only one who didn?t scowl every time Rhys passed was Gabriel. ?Hi Gabe! How are you today? Admiring the flowers are we?? Rhys asked glancing briefly at Liam. His scowl deepened. Gabriel nodded. He followed her gaze and when he saw Liam?s scowl tears formed in his almond shaped, forest green eyes. ?Lliiaamm?? He asked through his tears. ?Oh don?t cry Gabe. Don?t worry. Look, look see I?m happy now,? Liam said putting on the biggest smile he could muster. ?Please don?t cry.? Gabriel?s face lightened when Liam smiled. He turned to face Rhys who was still smiling warmly. ?Don?t worry Gabriel everything is fine,? Rhys said her gaze flickering back to Liam. Gabriel smiled cheerily then walked back into the sunlit home. ?Why do you hate me so Liam?? Rhys asked her startling blue eyes filling up with tears. Another attribute from her Eaul side. ?I?I don?t know. Maybe its because you?re hanging around with my brother so much,? Liam lied. ?You?re the Princess!? Rhys winced at the exclamation. ?How do I know if you?re making fun of my brother our not?? ?Because I would never do that Liam. Your brother is so sweet and he only wants to see people smile. He wouldn?t hurt a fly.? ?Don?t you think I know that? I know that he wouldn?t hurt a fly but I don?t know if you would hurt him!? Liam yelled back, turning around and stomping back into his house. Rhys just stood there staring at the beautifully made marble house in silence.[/color]
  11. [color=navy]Interesting....almost a cross between fantasy and real life fiction. I write stories though they're not that good so I probably couldn't help you. I finished two that are about 30-40 pages typed.[/color]
  12. [color=navy]Hmmmm...right now my favorite sport would have to be soccer though if I go into Fencing I'm sure that will soon become my favorite sport.[/color]
  13. [color=navy]I don't have a job though I am old enough. I have applied for a couple of jobs though. The first one was Mcdonalds but I didn't really like the idea of working there so I applied for the Library. Though they haven't answered yet:( Another job that I would like to have would be in a pets store but there are none that are near me...[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]at a knife shop in town they have a few samurai swords which look cool, and then there's a collectables shop at the plaza with some cool swords too. I'd love to have one or two but me parents are those people who would never want their children to have anything sharp in their rooms.. no matter how old they are... -_-; [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]I thought that my parents would never let me have anything sharp in my room...well it was mostly my mom that didn't want it but I guess she changed her mind!^^ Good thing too![/color]
  15. [color=navy][i]Idril looked around at her surroundings and gazed in wonder. She hadn't been out of Gondolin for the longest time and enjoyed being out in the wilds again. Idril spurred her horse and came up to Glorfindel.[/i] Idril: It is nice to be out of Gondolin even though it is so beautiful. Glorfindel: Yes I expect so. Since I have been on patrols I do not know what it is like staying there for longer than one year. Idril: I see... [i]She looked back to see Lethe and Laitina trotting comfortably beside each other. The other elf was behind them. Idril decided to go and talk to her.[/i] Idril: Where in Middle-Earth do you come from?[/color]
  16. [color=navy]Hehe I never thought there would be a good place to get swords but one day I saw this booth that was called the House of Knives. I was looking at it when I saw swords on one side. They have all kinds of swords they have samurai swords and have a bunch of fantasy daggers. The website is [url]www.houseofknives.ca[/url] but I think its Canadian. Oh well at least you can look at it. My grandfather just came over and gave me the scabbard. Its soooooo cool!!^^[/color]
  17. [color=navy]Actually I might start fencing. There are a few places around here that I could go to! This sword is surprisingly sharp and if you really wanted to you could fence with it though I would rather not since it is actually a collecters item.[/color]
  18. [color=navy]I was just wondering if anyone here has swords (that are decorations of course though still can be used as a weapon) or wants one. Yesterday was my 16th birthday and my parents said they wanted to get me something special. I had always looked at this store in a mall near me which had some of the Lord of the Rings replia swords. I had always wanted one but I knew my mom didn't really want me to have one. When I got my present yesterday I opened it and I saw that they got me Sting, Frodo's sword which is like over 300 dollars! I was soooooo happy cause that's the one that I wanted for it was shorter than the others. Now some of you might think eww... why does she want a sword, well the reason is because I have always been big on medievil stuff and this would just add to my collection of Lord of the Rings stuff![/color]
  19. [color=navy]Gabriel: Stall.... [i]He shugged and pulled out his short sword deciding that the bow would be of no use here. Gabriel met Rack head on trying to keep him at bay long enough for Xra to formulate his unknown plan. Ixodar tried to throw more flames at Rack but that didn't stop him for long and he came on stronger than ever.[/i] Ixodar: It would be nice if you let us in on your plan there Xra! This guys getting mad! Xra: In a minute![/color]
  20. [color=navy]If I died I would want to become an elf but since I don't think that is possible I would have to say a Cheetah! They're my favorite animals! Ah too bad I couldn't become an elf!^^[/color]
  21. [color=navy]Yeah I was watching this as well. They showed a picture of one of the debris they have found but it is pretty small and it looks as though it landed in a parking lot. There were no cars in it though. That is basically all I saw of the debris though I have seen the shuttle coming down so many times that I don't want to see it anymore.[/color]
  22. [color=navy][i]Idril watched everybody enjoy the glory and culture of her fair city. She smiled when she heard the song of the Valar for it was her favorite song. Idril's face darkened when she started to think of the task ahead of them. She knew it would be a difficult task indeed to go in the realms of Morgoth but she felt as though she had to help. Idril had lived among the walls of Goldolin to long and though the city was indeed beautiful she couldn't stand not knowing what was happening in the outside world. [/i] Idril: Well I guess I'm going to find out [i]She said to herself quietly.[/i][/color]
  23. [color=navy]Thanks people for making me feel like a total idiot >.< Well it said that it fell of the cliff and that WHEN dragons learned to fly. I thought that it meant that after that incident dragons learned to fly. I know that dragons fly though there can be some dragons don't have wings...[/color]
  24. [color=navy]Xra: I don't know if that's such a good idea Gabriel these guys are pretty powerful. Gabriel: Ah come on Xra we can defeat them. With my bow I can't cut some of them down before they even realize it! Sunny: No, no me don't like fighting. Gabriel: Well just stay here and play hide and go seek and we'll fight the bad guys okay. Sunny: Ummmm...Okay![/color]
  25. [color=navy]Oh man I really want to see the movie of Escaflowne!!!!! So have you seen all the shows of Escaflowne or have you only seen the ones that Fox showed. Anyways I have looked at some movie pictures and it's quite different from the show. Where do you live? We never have movies like that at our stores.[/color]
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