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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen
RPG The Silmarillion: A Quest for the First Age
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
[color=navy][i]Idril started to step forward at the herold's command but a hand grabbed her slender wrist. Idril looked back to see Turgon, her father, who's face was filled with pain.[/i] Turgon: Please my daugter, please reconsider this course of action. Idril: I am sorry Father but I want to help defeat the evil in the world. I will be safe and I will come back to you. [i]Turgon sighed and let go of her arm. Idril smiled at him and walked to the other side of the room with the other warrriors to go.[/i] Turgon: Be safe and come back to me.[i]He whispered so no one in the audience hall could hear.[/i][/color] -
Which one Should I Read?? Please help!!
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Noosphere
[color=navy]Oh I guess you wouldn't want to read the Similarillon(sp?). Its kind of hard to get into and it almost reads like the bible but it is a good book. I'm reading it right now and its not that long 300 and something pages not including the index.[/color] -
RPG The Silmarillion: A Quest for the First Age
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Drix D'Zanth's topic in Theater
[color=navy][i]Idril watched as the human entered the audience hall in a rush. She smiled faintly.[/i] Idril: Its seems as though we have our first warrior, Father. Turgon: Yes indeed we do...what is your name brave human? Duranain: My name, Lord is Duranain. Turgon: Welcome Duranain to Gondolin my domain. Now all we have to do is wait for the other brave warriors to arrive. It seems that you are the first one. Idril: Oh but you are wrong Father. He is the second. I am the first. Turgon: Idril! No, no I forbid you to go! Idril: I will go and you cannot stop me.[/color] -
[color=navy]Oh wow you're really good at writing poems!^^ This ones so sad though the dragon dies....poor poor dragon.[/color]
[color=navy]Yes I believe in ghosts though I would never want to meet one:nervous: I remember this time when I got out of my bed(the head of my bed is near the window) and went to go to the bathroom. When I came back and laid on my pillow I felt something hard I got up and saw that the pully thing that closes or opens your blinds was on my pillow. I don't know how it could have gotten there. Sometimes I hear noises through the vent like the tv is on though no one is downstairs...it really freaks me out.[/color]
[color=navy]Ooooooh very nice^^ Though it is very distubing all the same. I could never write a poem like that I can't ryhme![/color]
[color=navy][i]Gabriel took his bow off his shoulder and fitted a arrow. He ran off in persuit of Xra with the others following closely behind. The ran for a while until Xra stopped and crouched down low.[/i] Gabriel: What is it? [i]He started to stand up but Xra pushed him down.[/i] Xra: Don't get up! They're here I can feel their presence....[/color]
Which one Should I Read?? Please help!!
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Noosphere
[color=navy]Oh yes I agree with DeathKnight you should read the Hobbit. If you only want to read one then that's the way to go. I read it in grade seven and didn't read the Lord of the Rings books until grade nine so even if you read the Hobbit it doesn't mean that you have to read The Lord of the Rings.[/color] -
[color=navy][i]Gabriel sat by the fire and thought about his homeland...the only home he had every known.[/i] Maybe this wasn't such a good idea to search for my parents. [i]He thought[/i] I was just fine with the elves. They took such good care of me. [i]He looked over to see Sunny sitting happily at the other end of the fire rocking back and forth probably still singing in her head. Gabriel thought back to the times when he sat around the fire with his elven friends. How he wished he could be there now. He could almost hear their lovely songs...[/i][/color]
[color=navy]My fire alarms only go off if there is smoke or something near it. They probably don't even work anymore. We don't have a secruity system because my parents and I can wake up really easily. I'm right above the front door so I would probably hear if someone came in the house...[/color]
[color=navy]I have a brother that's 14 years old and we get along most of the time probably because we're so close in age. Though we do get into some fight which usually are kicking and punching each other...he chiped my tooth once though.[/color]
[color=navy][i]Shayleigh frowned upon the childish antics of the other knights.[/i] If these knights can't cooperate and they keep acting like fools then we're never going to get out of here and we'll never win this stupid war. Chris: Okay guys if you need to get ready for the journey then go to your appointed rooms. I'll call you when the feast is ready. [i]Shayleigh walked along the corridor and saw a door mark 'Shayleigh' with a piece of paper. She opened the door and saw a plain room with a fireplace, a bed, and a nighttable. Shayleigh sat on the bed but when she felt the softness of it decided to sit on the floor. She took out her bow and tuned it until the string was nice and tant and took her arrows to inspect them. Shayleigh then relaxed and fell in a meditative state the elves call sleep.[/i][/color]
[color=navy] Anyways back to the point. I don't think I'll ever get a tatoo I just think it's really stupid but that's my opinion. I see these guys on tv that have tatoos all over their body and I think its just gross. I don't really like needles anyways though I could take the pain.[/color]
[color=navy]Ooooooh! Cool I was going to do this oh well. Is it okay if I have only read about half the book? I have just started to read it. Name: Idril (also called Celebrindal which means 'Sliverfoot') Age: 200 Race: Noldor Description: She has long blond hair and pale blue eyes. Her skin is really pale almost looks white. She wears a plain white tunic and brown pants with a blue cape over. She stands at about 5'7" History including any motives or goals: She is the daughter (and only child) of Turgon and Elenwe. Turgon is the son of Fingolfin, the brother of Feanor. Her and her family followed Feanor until Feanor burned the ships and left them. Fingolfin and the followers finally made it to Middle-Earth and Idril decides to stay in Beleriand with the rest of Fingolfin's followers. She has no love for Feanor and his sons just like her grandfather but she knows that the Simarils are important and are dangerous in the wrong hands. Weapons: A short sword, bow and arrows. I hope that's okay I've tried to follow some of the story...[/color]
[color=navy]To me she doesn't seem worth it...if she gets in trouble all the time then if you hang out with her you might get in trouble as well...but I guess if you really like her then its worth a try...just don't get in too deep.[/color]
[color=navy]Oooooh! I have a really stupid one and I said it. Person: Downloading Heavy Metal. Me: Oh so you like Heavy Metal do you? Yeah its not that great but you can see how stupid I can be sometimes!:p [/color]
[color=navy][i]Alatariel saw the spider lunge at Axel. She quickly finished off the dark elf that she had been fighting and ran to Axel's side. Axel quickly dodged the first attack but was having a hard time dodging the others. The spider was so intend on him that it didn't notice Alatariel creaping up from behind. She lifted up her sword and plunged it in the spiders back with all her might. The spider gave a roar and turned on her. Axel came back from the other side. He unshealthed his sword and when the spider reared up plunched it right in the spider's stomach. The spider shuttered and fell to the ground quite dead. Alatariel wiped the spider's blood from her sword on the ground and walked up to Axel.[/i] Alatariel: I thank you Axel. If you hadn't come I surely would have died. Axel: Your welcome. Ken: No time for formalities now! There is more trouble on the way.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B] Um... I've heard that in My Two Bobs (the second TV Movie, that [spoiler]Someone (a close friend of the Mainframe gang) gets killed while trying to find him/herself.[/spoiler] Is this true? Who is it? I is worried. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]Hmmm...I don't remember that....hmmm...hmmm...nope I don't think that happened. Though My Two Bobs actually never ended so I'm not really sure...they left it hanging and now I really want to see if they continue it![/color]
[color=navy]My cat will go crazy all the time for no reason at all. She usually attacks chairs that aren't moving and haven't been pushed or shoved. My other cat can open the screen door....she once opened the glass door though it was open a tiny bit.[/color]
[color=navy][i]Alatariel saw the giant spider above the dark elves and swore in the drow tounge.[/i] Alatariel: Great that's all we need a giant spider to add to the fun... [i]She heard heavy step behind her and assumed it was another dark elf coming from behind. Alatariel spun around to face the coming drow. She saw Axel and relaxed.[/i] Axel: If that's the way you greet your comrades I'd hate to see how you greet your enemies. Alatariel: I am truly sorry but I thought that you were another drow. Axel: I really wouldn't worry about the drow right now. [i]Alatariel turned around again to see the giant spider move towards them at a fairly fast pace...[/i][/color]
[color=navy]Okay I'll sign up for this one I guess... Name: Idril Narmolanya Age: 150 Race: Elf Bio: She has lived in a peaceful forest all her life with her clan and has never had to fight though she does know how. Now that the forest and all of the land is being threated she decides to help beat the darkness. Occupation: Elven Archer Appearance: She has long brown hair and purple eyes. Idril usually wears a long dress but on her travels she wears a tunic and a vest with brown pants. Of course like all elves she is slender and is 5'7" Alliance: The good side Weapons: Bow and arrow, short sword. Powers: minor spells of healing (can't heal major wounds) Special moves: None Okay I hope that's good! This RPG sounds fun![/color]
[color=navy]Yeah I saw A Beautiful Mind and it was okay. I got kind of confused in the middle of the movie but I still like it.[/color]
[color=navy]Yeah I think you should call him. I remember one time this guy moved that I liked and I had his phone number but I never wanted to call him beacuse I was too nervous (I even knew that he liked me!) Anyways he ended up calling me...I'm not saying that, that's going to happen to you, I was probably just lucky.[/color]
[color=navy][i]As Gabriel put the bandage on Ixodar's wound he examined Ixodar's appearance. He had never seen the likes of Ixodar for he had been in the forest all along and no creature like him came to the forest. He looked somewhat human but Gabriel could tell that he wasn't totally. Ixodar saw Gabriel's intense stare and moved uncomfortably.[/i] Ixodar: So where exactly are you from? [i]Gabriel awoke from his state.[/i] Gabriel: I use to live with the elves for my mother and father left me when I was a young child. I thought it was time that I find some of my own kind. Ixodar: I see...[/color]
[color=navy]I don't think my friends talk about me behind my back...but probably some of the people I don't like...Oh well its not like I care about the opinion of people that I don't hang out with.[/color]