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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen
[color=navy][i]Rhys watched in horror as she saw the beast regenerate itself. She saw Nepenthe fire some magic at the beast and her companion jump at it but still Rhys was frozen in place.[/i] Go and help them Rhys. Sagesse said appearing beside her. Rhys: What am I going to do? My arrows won't hurt that thing. The only thing that hurt that kind of creature would be fire...Sagesse you can breath fire can't you? No I am not that kind of dragon. Sagesse said sadly. What about Axel's dragon? Rhys: I'm not sure but I better tell him before the beast kills us all! [i]Rhys ran to Axel firing arrows just to give them a little time though it seemed as though Nepenthe's companion was doing fine without the help.[/i][/color]
[color=navy][i]Shayleigh shook her head in horror. Why would this human care about her own city and not care about the people that will help her on this quest, She thought. Who knows what she's going to do with us...[/i] Chris: Come on, come on we're wasting the day by just standing here. Mnemeth: But the sun hasn't even come up yet. Chris: There's nothing wrong in getting a head start on the day. Plus we have to go back to my King before we go. Shayleigh: Why didn't your King tell us before hand what we had to do? Chris: Never you mind![/color]
[color=navy]Yes, yes I know that we are not suppose to double post but I just wanted to remind you guy that the thread for a dying world is out now....You can start playing anytime now...anytime. Might be on another page by now....[/color]
[color=navy][i]Alatariel watched Ken as he slit the throat of one of her kin. She smiled slightly then frowned when she thought of all the other Dark elves that were out there. This was only one, only one in the mass of darkness. Alatariel thought about what her kin had done to this beautiful land, a land that she barely had the privilege to know. Rage started to seath inside her as she thought of what she could have known about this land. She quickly calmed herself though knowing that she shouldn't be in that kind of a state to meet her companions. Alatariel sat and waited as Ken started to cover the distace between them at a fast pace. Even though he was far away Alatariel could see him clearly. After all she was an elf.[/i][/color]
[color=navy]Ahhhhhh...that would have been soooooo fun. I wish I was an extra in Lord of the Rings...I could be an elf!! Hehe I'd get to have pointed ears![/color]
[color=navy][i]Shayleigh shook her head then smiled when she saw the expression on Ken's face. The wraith didn't seem to think it very funny though. She turned her back on the wraith and looked at Chris.[/i] Shayleigh: When are we going? I thought you called us here to get going but it doesn't seem that way. Chris: We will be going as soon as everybody gets here. Shayleigh: But I thought everyone was here...[/color]
[color=navy]Hmmm...I would say that I was addicted to Anime, drawing, swimming, and books books books!!! I love books!!:D [/color]
[color=navy][i]Alatariel sat on the hill watching the big sun rise off the horrizon. She sat there every day since she came to the suface watching the sunrise for this was her test, her trial to stay on the suface. Alatariel knew that for her to stand her life on the surface she had to live like a surface-dweller. She felt as though she could almost take the sun's brightness now, that she had finally gotten use to it. Either that or the sun was fading, and fading fast. With the apperance of her kin it made Alatariel believe that latter. Alatariel sighed and looked to the valley below. Where a lush green forest had been stood a few blacken trees and shrubs. The dark elves had been here a few days ago and had mercilessly burned the beautiful forest. Few animals lived there now for the stench was far too strong. Alatariel stood up and paced around impatiently.[/i] Alatariel: When are they coming? I thought I told them to meet me here at the break of dawn. [i]She stopped pacing and breathed in deeply.[/i] Alatariel: I must calm down. They will come... I hope. [i]Alatariel looked back over the hill and saw someone approaching her...[/i][/color]
[color=navy]Okay I'll be starting the RPG now so if anyone else wants to sign up then go ahead!!! I hope you guys like this![/color]
[color=navy]I just got the game for christmas and I love it! My favorite character to play would be Legolas because well...I love elves! I admit that I have never tried Gimli just because I didn't really want to...My cousin almost beat the whole game in a few days so now I know that its really really short...[/color]
[color=navy]Ooooh really? The voice of Megabyte was also the voice of Megatron in Beast Wars? Now how come I didn't notice that? I loved Beast Wars as well. My favorite was Cheetah. Hexadecimal was funny until she became a sprite. Then she was actually more serious and couldn't change masks cause she had no masks anymore.[/color]
[color=navy]We still have to wait till Cyko edits his post and maybe wait till another person joins but I might start the thread tomorrow so look out for it then![/color]
[color=navy]Hehe I liked Bob too though I always thought he looked better when he came out of the web with his long hair and also when he merged with Glitch. But then he had to change back...:bawl: [/color]
[color=navy]I've never played it before but my brother has and he liked it alot. The place he went to had a setting which was building and stuff like that. They even had a real car in there that you can hid behind.[/color]
[color=navy][i]Shayleigh looked at Chris weirdly and shook her head. She drew Ken aside to talk with him.[/i] Shayleigh: That knight Chris...is very unstable for a human. Though I am not familiar with the human mind. Ken: I think she may be just not use to different creatures around her... Shayleigh: I understand. I will never get use to having the wraith around. I still cannot get use to his stench. But I will live. Ken: Yes...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Aye. Me too. This one sounds good anyways. You roxorz, Rhys! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]Uhh...thank you I guess. Wow I didn't expect so many people to sign up to my first RPG! Well I'm really happy now!!:D Yeah sure you can have a spot Cyko! Might wait for maybe another person I'm not sure. Okay then here's my information. Name: Alatariel Elensar Age: 105 Race: Dark Elf Weapons: A long sword and a bow Description: Alatariel learned at a very early age of her race's nature. She saw her own Mother kill her Father just to please the evil goddess The Temptress. She decided then and there that she would deny The Temptress and her kin and travel to the surface only when she got there she learned of its fate. Then she heard of the dark elves raiding the land which only made her angery at the world. Apperance: Like all dark elves she has ebony coloured skin and has stark white hair. She is of slender build but can wield a sword as good as any human.[/color]
[color=navy][i]Welcome to a world where the sun is big and a bright red which hangs low in the sky. The world has almost seen its last days for the old sun could explode any day. Not only that, a darkness travels across the land wreaking havoc everywhere it goes. The darkness comes in the form of dark elves, the evil cousins of the light elves. Since the old sun is not as powerful as it use to be the dark elves are able to bare its light since they come from the incredibely dark Underworld. Not all of the dark elves are evil though. One dark elf has forsaken the ways of her evil kin and their evil deity The Temptress. She seeks to stop her kin from destroying the old world before its time with a little help from the inhabitants of the surface world.[/i] Oh by the way I will be the dark elf so if you wanted to be one I might consider it but I don't want the party to be composed all of dark elves. I'll post my information later. Name: Age: Race: (You can be anything you want here) Weapons: (You may have two if you wish) Description: (About your life before this) Apperance: (Obviously what you look like) Yeah I think that's all for now...I hope some people sign up![/color]
[color=navy][i]Rhys came out of the tunnel and noticed that almost everybody had started fighting already. She took the bow from her shoulder and notched a arrow. She hesitated as she watched the battle before her.[/i] Oh what am I doing? I don't like to fight. Rhys thought. You're doing what you have to do Rhys. These soldiers aren't innocent people. They will kill you if you don't kill them! Sagesse said coming up behind her. [i]Rhys nodded and paled visibly but she shot the arrow into the frenzy of soldiers. One soldier immediately clutched at his chest and was dead before he hit the ground. Sagesse gave a roar and charged into the battle using her teeth and claws to rip her enemies apart.[/i][/color]
[color=navy][i]Rhys shuddered at the thought of going underground. She saw that Ravwrin was looking at her curiously.[/i] Ravwrin: What is wrong? Rhys: I do not like being confined in stone for long. The thought of being underground chills me. Ravwrin: Do not worry I'm sure we'll not be in there long. I am not so found of the underground myself. [i]Rhys nodded and looked to Sagesse. She moved from one foot to the other uneasily sharing the same thoughts as Rhys.[/i] I do not want to go underground Rhys. Sagesse said nervously. Rhys: You'll be fine. Ravwrin: What you say? Rhys: I was just talking to my dragon. I do not want to go underground RHYS!! Sagesse roared and stomped knocking some people off their feet. Axel: Calm that dragon down now! [i]Rhys walked up to Sagesse and wispered to her.[/i] Rhys: I know you don't like the underground but please do this for me. [i]Sagesse suddenly calmed down and looked at Rhys with her forest green eyes.[/i] Alright Rhys.[/color]
[color=navy][i]Shayleigh nodded her head in agreement.[/i] Shayleigh: I agree. I do not trust wraiths and if this one is trying to harm this forest in anyway... Ken: Let us not get too worked up over this. [i]She nodded again and they followed the foul sent that was the wraith. Shayleigh saw him up ahead and it seemed like everything that he stepped on in the forest wilted with some invisible posion. She tried to contain her rage but she could feel it building within her heart. Shayleigh felt something soft touch her shoulder. She looked over at Ken and saw that he understood her pain.[/i] Ken: Remember...keep your feelings inside. [i]With that the two walk up to confront the wraith.[/i][/color]
[color=navy]ReBoot really isn't anime though I thought about putting it there before I started this. As for you shadowdramon Daemon didn't really die. What happened was that when the clock when to zero (the one on her neck, I forget the real name fer it) she kinda disappears into green sparks and infects everyone that has already been infected. They all start counting which means that the whole system will be deleted if they don't do something. Dot or Phong says that the only way to stop it is to have another virus take the antidote through the web. Hexadecimal says that she'll do it and they tell her its a one way trip so she basically dies. So again the system was saved.[/color]
[color=navy][i]Shayleigh woke up for the second time that night and smelled something she did not like in the air around the forest.[/i] Shayleigh: Wraith! [i]Shayleigh couldn't stand the smell anymore. She moved away from the tree and walked deeper into the forest. There she felt the presence of all the others in the group[/i] Shayleigh: So everybody has decided to come to the forest. I thought humans like to sleep under their walls of stone. [i]She saw something white flash by her. She backed up startled by the sight of it. With her keen eyes she had seen a white tiger with purple strips...almost reminded her of Chris...[/i][/color]
[color=navy]Well I don't know if everybody in the boards right now like anime. There are a lot of other places he can post and I'm sure if he did descriminate anime the thread would be closed or the post erased.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]They're the most hated band in Ajax. I like their music.My fave is [i]"Mr.Amsterdam"[/i].I reccomend that fans should take a listen. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]Why would they be the most hated band in Ajax when they came from Ajax? You'd think they would like them then.[/color]
[color=navy]I know that you haven't seen the movies of ReBoot Solo Tremaine so here's a picture from Daemon Rising. I might post another picture of Daemon herself later but right now this is Bob and AndreAIa or however you spell it.[/color]