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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=navy]Well I only watched a few minutes of the first episode but I think its really funny that the guy isn't even a millionare! Its going to be really funny to see the look on the girl's face when she finds out.[/color]
  2. [color=navy]Ooooooooh that sounds so sad bra!! It would be so sad to see childern go even if it is to a better place. They're sooooo young and they shouldn't die that early in their life...[/color]
  3. [color=navy][i]Shayleigh awoke and heard the first rumble of thunder but that's not awoke her from her meditive state that the elves call sleep, it was the peaceful feeling in her heart that told her someone was watching over her. She didn't feel like sleeping anymore so she walked along in the forest, lifting her head to feel the rain hit her face. She looked back down again and saw a big tree almost in the middle of the forest. She immediately saw that someone was up there and she knew who.[/i] Shayleigh: My greetings Most Honorable Forest Spirit. I am sorry for waking you but I have some things to talk to you about. [i]Ken opened one of his eyes and nodded at Shayleigh. She took this as an invitation and jumped agilily up into the tree. She sat down at looked at the sky.[/i] Shayleigh: I know you feel the darkness getting stronger everyday. This very storm seems an omunious warning. We should make haste if we are ever going to stop the darkness. Ken: I agree... [i]He said it so softly that if it was a human sitting with him they would not be able to hear him. Shayleigh respected his privacy so she jumped down from the tree and rested a few feet away from the tree. All the while she could still feel that sence of security that made her fall into her state again.[/i][/color]
  4. [color=navy][i]Rhys sighed and started to walk back to the castle. She left Sagesse outside knowing that she preferred the night air. She walked in quietly and saw Ravwrin and her companion off to the side. Ravwin heard her coming and turned to face her.[/i] Rhys: Why do you look so sad? [i]Ravwin and her companion stared at Rhys for a second.[/i] Ravwin: It seems that no one wants me here. Rhys: Don't say that I'm sure they want you here. They want all the help they can get. Ravwin: I'm not so sure. They seem to ignore me. Rhys: They've all got their own problems. They're thinking about the upcoming battle. They're not ignoring you. Ravwin: I guess...[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]What do you mean the movie never finished!? That can't be right! Are you sure you didn't just miss the end? *is worried about Reboot ending on a cliffhanger* [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]Yeah its really bad though the way it ended. I though when I was watching it that it was going to continue but it just ended and it didn't say to be continued or anything and I've looked at websites but they don't say anything about another movie. I don't know why they would end it that that though:( [/color]
  6. [color=navy][i]Shayleigh watched Ken leave and heard his telepathic message. She smiled again and saw that Chris looked at her weirdly.[/i] Shayleigh: I think I shall sleep outside town as well. I belong in the forest as does Ken. If you need me then just wistle. I have very senstive hearing. [i]Chris nodded still not trusting in her elvish and Forest Spirit companions. Shayleigh walked out of the castle and headed for the town gate. A guard looked down at her but did not question where she was going for she was one of the guest in the castle. She breathed in the fresh air and walked towards a tiny wood just outside the town. Shayleigh thought about the message Ken had given her earlier[/i] Just whistle an elvish tune if anyone needs me, Milady Elve. Yes,[i]She thought[/i] I will wistle if someone needs you Ken but when I'm in any forest I doubt that I will need you. Maybe Chris will during the night I don't know... [i]She looked up to see a raven flying overhead. She wistled to it and it came down to land on her outstreached hand. She talked to it and listened to what it had to say about the world. She frown when it told her that the Darkness was getting heavier every day and they should make haste if they plan to stop it. Shayleigh felt it too. The Darkness hug like thick fog on her brain. Maybe the humans couldn't feel it but she certainly did and she knew Ken did too.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=navy]Hey look Xra! Someone signed up! See this wasn't a total failure! I'll sign up too then. I think I got an idea for a character. NAME: Gabriel RACE: Human GENDER: Male DESCRIPTION: Gabriel has curly blond hair and bright green eyes. He is pretty tall for a human PROFILE: Gabriel was abandoned by his parents when he was born and was found and raised by elves. He decided to go his own way when he was 15 to go and expore the world HOW YOUR CHARACTER MET UP WITH XRA: Gabriel was walking at the edge of a forest a saw a boy staring at him from the shadows. Gabriel went to investigate and found Xra the first human (or so he thought)Gabriel has ever seen except himself. PURPOSE OF COMMING WITH XRA: Gabriel wanted to go out and see the world and since Xra was the first companion Gabriel had ever had he decided to travel along. I hope that's good![/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i] [B]It was supposed to be cheesy! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=navy]Does that mean that you liked it?:p [/color]
  9. [color=navy][i]Rhys walked out of the room thinking what she should do with the time she had to spare. She walked out of the castle and called her gold dragon Sagesse.[/i] Are we going now? Sagesse asked in Rhys' head. Rhys: No, no we are to wait an hour before we head out so rest my dear Sagesse. Are you sure about this Rhys. I know how much you don't like to fight anyone. Rhys: Yeah I'm sure! I want to help...I don't want evil to come to our forest and since I'm the only one from the clan here... What about Liam? Why don't you just send him here? Rhys: No I don't want to endanger the lives of others in our Clan. Your Mother didn't want you to be endangered... Sagesse said looking towards her master. Rhys: Yes but that does not matter now...[/color]
  10. [color=navy]Yeah but you have to remember that it was the first of its kind in computer animation so it must have been really hard to do at that time. The story didn't suck to me actually I found it very interesting but everybody has different tastes...[/color]
  11. [color=navy]I remember I use to watch this show a lot when I was younger and I loved the show!:D Just resently I watched on YTV a marathon of ReBoot (the last shows) then on Saturday and Sunday I watched the two moives, Daemon Rising and My Two Bobs. At the end of My two Bobs Megabyte takes over mainframe but the movie never finished!! I really want to know what happens but they've never had another ReBoot show after that...[/color]
  12. [color=navy][i]Shayleigh smiled as she saw the Forest Spirit enter the room again. Her sensitive eyes told her that he had been into something quite old because of dust covering his fingers. Shayleigh knew that the Forest Spirit was much older than herself and that she shouldn't question him so she kept that thought to herself.[/i] Chris: Well where did you go?[i]She looked at Ken suspiously[/i] Ken: I went for a walk. I do not like to be in a building very long. Shayleigh would know as well [i]Shayleigh nodded at Ken. She knew quite well. Elves and Forest Spirits like to be in the open air where nothing can incase them. Shayleigh also knew that Forest Spirits keep to themselves and don't like to reveil much to there enemies or their allies...[/i][/color]
  13. [color=navy]Who knows what a geek is? Everybody has their own version of a geek. I never called anyone a geek or a nerd cause well I'm not popular and I would never want to call anyone that. Perhaps I'm a geek...[/color]
  14. [color=navy][i]Shayleigh looked at her surroundings as she entered the human castle. With her strong vision she saw some humans talking to each other. The one she noticed the most though was the girl that was watching her. She slowly approched the group.[/i] Chris: You are the first Knight to arrive to the castle. [i]Shayleigh eyed the knight carefully[/i] Shayleigh: Yes I guess you could call me a knight... Chris: Well as soon as the others get here we will speak to my king to see what our orders are. [i]Shayleigh nodded and looked at the other soldiers.[/i] An interesting lot,[i] Shayleigh mused in her head. [/i] This will prove a very interesting journey for me...[/color]
  15. [color=navy]Awwwwwww....all your guys stories are sooooooo cute! Now I feel like mine wasn't as good as some of your stories...[/color]
  16. [color=navy][i]Rhys stepped up to greet Ravwrin El.[/i] Rhys: Greetings Ravwrin El of the Foxutars. Axel: You know of her race? Rhys: Yes her race has been seen in the forest that my clan resides in. I have heard that they are fierce fighters. I am glad to have you among us Ravwrin El. Ravwrin El: Thank you elf. May I know your name? Rhys: My name is Rhys Mayiessen of clan Lutiea. [i]Ravwrin El nodded and moved over to meet more members of the band.[/i][/color]
  17. [color=navy]Ahhhhhhh....don't say that Defcon5! Maybe those kids were just shy. I remember one time I babysitted these kids and one of them was like four and the other one was maybe seven. The four year old got to bed really early but the other one always wanted to play games with me...after a while she said that I was the best babysitter she had ever had. Needless to say the parents never asked me to babysit again...it might have been because I was too shy.[/color]
  18. [color=navy][i]Rhys spotted a small group moving away from the castle Galdion. She bid Sagesse to move down lower and noticed that this was the band that she was to join. She landed Sagesse right in front of them.[/i] Hotsuma: Oh great just what we need another elf. Have you come to attack us as well? Rhys: No I have come to help. Why is there another elf here? Ryowa: Yes I am an elf though I have not come to help any of human kind [i]Rhys looked at Ryowa light coloured skin and frowned.[/i] Rhys: You do not look like an elf. You must be from a very different clan. Ryowa: And I would say the same to you. Axel: Greetings Elf. [i]He turned to the group[/i] Let us not have anymore fighting remember we are all fighting for the same cause. [i]Rhys lightly jumped off Sagesse.[/i] Rhys: So where exactly is the first battle going to be?[/color]
  19. [color=navy][i]Rhys walked into the glade where her mother the Queen of her Clan resided.[/i] Rhys: You called my Queen? Queen: I know what you plan to do and I will not let you go. [i]Rhys squared her shoulders and looked at her Mother in the eye[/i] Rhys: I will go and you can't stop me! Queen: Why help the humans? Why risk your life in a silly human war? Rhys: Because it is our world too and I will not stand her and watch it deminsh. [i] She wistled and a big gold dragon came fly into the glade. Rhys hopped on and looked back at the Queen.[/i] Rhys: Don't worry my Mother I will be careful [i]And with that she took off into the air.[/i][/color]
  20. [color=navy]I was at a store today and I was quite bored so I just was kinda looking around. I then saw this little girl in a cart with a fake rose in her hands. I looked at her and she smiled so I smiled back then she went to look behind something. I look behind and she smiled brightly and started to hide behind her flower. It felt so nice to make a child smile but then her mother came back and I waved bye to her and she kind of mouthed bye. Later on in the store I heard a little voice say "hey" and I look and there she was again. I felt so bad though cause I had to go and I kept hearing behind me "hey". Have any of you had this exprience before?[/color]
  21. [color=navy]Well I wasn't sick but my dad was with something called the Norwalk Virus...It was horrible if you have ever heard of this virus you don't want to get it. I just tell you that it is very contagious and it comes out of both ends.[/color]
  22. [color=navy]For some reason I always miss the second "D" in Deedlit's name so I think it's Deelit. I don't know why...[/color]
  23. [color=navy]I've had I think six of my teeth pulled cause I need to get braces (thank God I don't have them now). The only thing that really hurt was the needle in your gums to freeze them. :: shutters:: I hate to be reminded of that and I'm probably going to have it again with the Wisdom Teeth.[/color]
  24. [color=navy]Okay I'll join though I'm a little confused about the plot... Name: Shayleigh Race: Elf Weapon(s): Bow and arrows, short sword (if that's okay) Desription: Ummm..well she's a fairly young elf that has risen to the title of commander of a small army of elves that patrol her home. Apperance: See picture[/color]
  25. [color=navy]I love to read!!!!!!! I read all the time and yes I do prefer to read books than watch tv. I read all the book of the Lord of the Rings, and the Hobbit, and I'm going to be reading the Silmillarion (sp?) and Unfinished Tales. I actually started to read more in late grade seven and I still love to read and I'm in grade 10.[/color]
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