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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=navy]I've been treated nicely hear though that's because I'm mostly ignored....No one seems to notice me:bawl: [/color]
  2. [color=navy]My name came from the book I'm writing called The Temptress. Rhys is the main character of the book who is a young elf princess. When I was joining the OB I wanted my name to be Rhys but I thought that was to short so I quickly made up with a last name for her which turned out to be Mayiessen. Yeah that's about it...[/color]
  3. [color=navy]Oooooohhh I like the names Thomas, Lee, Julian, and Gabriel for guys names but I seriously doubt that I would name one of my kids Gabriel. For girls I like the name Kari, Rue, and Rhys...the first one is pretty much the one I would use. The other ones might get picked on...:p[/color]
  4. [color=navy]Well this is the first website I've ever been to but Darkmoon's message board is the second...its not that big because she just started it.[/color]
  5. [color=navy]I don't think I have ever cheated before and I know I haven't cheated on papers, tests, or on a boyfriend. I think its really wrong to cheat on a boyfriend. I don't think its wrong to say somethings that will get you a better job though...[/color]
  6. [color=navy] Can I still join? I hope so this sounds cool. If I do something wrong tell me cause I'm new at this... Name: Rhys Mayiessen Gender: Female Age: 250 Race: Land/Water Elf (her father was a water elf and her mother is a land elf) Weapon: Bow and arrows Armor: She has no armor Character Background: Her father died when she was born so Rhys never got to know him. Her mother is the Queen of her Clan of elves but Rhys never wants to take up that title after her mother is gone. Apperance: Rhys has long Blue-black hair and icy blue eyes. Her skin is the colour of almonds which is the mark of her clan of elves. She is slender like any other elf. Beast Name: Sagesse Beast Type: Gold Dragon Description: Sagesse is a gold dragon that has been with Rhys since she was 35 years of age. Ummm...I think that's all[/color]
  7. [color=navy]Hmmm...mine would be to do well in my swim team, do well in school(for the first time ever), and I'm not going to tell you the other one:p [/color]
  8. [color=navy]Okay these were on my signature before I put the Lord of the Rings Poem up there... "You may be one person to the world, but to one person you may be the world" something like that don't remember "If only tears could bring you back to me":bawl: "I can see clearly now my brain is gone":rotflmao:[/color]
  9. [color=navy]I've played Yoshi's Island a lot and I never noticed the music. Usually when I'm playing I'm consintrating on the game and I don't even hear the music...I was playing Dark Cloud one time and the people watching me play were getting tried of the music it played...[/color]
  10. [color=navy]Well [i]I[/i] like Sum 41 SuperMuffin! I really like the songs Fat Lip and Motivation!:D [/color]
  11. [color=navy]The only actor I like right now would be Elijah Wood...[/color]
  12. [color=navy]Well I'm a Christan, Protastant, and a Baptist. Yeah I know there are sooooo many sections to Christans but oh well...Right now I don't really know what I believe...I'm confused:( [/color]
  13. [color=navy]Hmmm...I have heard all about this too. They say that that group is based in Quebec, Canada...great now we have weird people here. Supposely she is here still I don't know for what reason though.[/color]
  14. [color=navy]Yeah I'm excited! I always like to get excited the day before christmas!! Except that we are not going along with one of our tredtions this year...:( [/color]
  15. [color=navy]I like RPG's the best...They're soooooo fun I don't find that they get boring. My least favorite would have to be shooting/fighting games. I think there is a little bit too much blood in those. Well it might also be because I can't play them very well either.[/color]
  16. [color=navy]Huh? Isn't it already over? Oh well if you people haven't seen it just yet then I guess I should tell you the one who won.[/color]
  17. [color=navy]Hmmm...my favorite quote would have to be from one of the halloween special. Black beard or Red beard(I don't remember):This chair be high says I I don't know why I liked that quote I just do.[/color]
  18. Hehe stalkers...I kind of had a stalker in grade 8. I remember that he would always sit behind me and I could feel him looking at meO.o. I remember one time I was in an asembly and he was again behind me but this time he was breathing down my neck literally!:eek:
  19. :bawl: I want to see The Two Towers now! Oh well I'm going to have to wait til Sunday I guess...I heard that a girl at my school saw it on Monday!O.o Don't ask me how...
  20. I have my exams at the end of January except I only have one exam I think. Some people at my school though have exams for all of the subjects! Oh well I guess I'm just lucky!:D
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B]Yeah, I know it doesn't work. Women are a complete mystery to men, and any guy who thinks he knows how they work is lying to himself and everyone he says anything to. You never know what might work and what might not work. At the moment, I'm going for the direct approach, if I like her, tell her as soon as I can, and let her figure out what she wants to happen, if anything. [/B][/QUOTE] Uhhh...You know I'm a girl right? RIGHT!!! I don't think Rhys Mayiessen is a guy's name?:(
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] [B]Yeah anyway. I think the best way to find out weather or not someone likes you, is to go up and just ask them. I know it's a bit obvious but hey, it works. If thats not your stlye go behind their back and ask someone else to find out for you and for the last resort: Hit them with a fish 5 times and see if they forgive you. If they let it slide... YOUR IN!!! [/B][/QUOTE] ::shakes head slightly:: I've already tried that and it didn't really work so that's why I don't really want to...Oh well it doesn't really matter to me anyways.
  23. I lived here all my life(Toronto Ontario) but I have been to other places. My favorite place would have to be Paris, France! That was the first time I went to Europe and the only time. I also went to Cuba which was actually fun too!:D
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=crimson]Personally, I think the best series Weis and Hickman did was their Death's Gate Cycle. It was a lot more amusing to say the least.[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ooooooh the Death's Gate Cycle I forgot all about those. Oh well then I will say that I like all of Weis and Hickman's books cause I do they're all sooooooo good!:D
  25. Wow that is a lot of posts! And to think that I can't even get to 100 yet! I like to look at what rank people are so I know how long that they have been here. I don't really care how many posts they have though, it not that important.
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