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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]Well, that's my story with the fantasybooks. I have the second part of Weis's Darksword-series in my bagpack right now, and it's the 161st fantasy book I've read, so I think I can really call myself a fantasyluver. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Oohhhhhhh!!!!The Darksword Trilogy! That's the best series ever! Uhhh...yeah well I wish that I had started reading fantasy as early as some of you did but I wasn't interested in reading books when I was in the earlier grades. I mostly read Fear Street and stuff like that but now I'm glad that I have finally found fantasy!;)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]Uh, do you know where NeoC and I are from? Furthermore, do you know where LoTR was filmed? And the director, where he's from? Yeah, put two and two together. How 'bout that. [/B][/QUOTE] What you think I don't know about Lord of the Rings? I know where the film was filmed and I know where the director is from. You see Final Flash all the stuff in the exhibit guess where it came from. New Zealand! So yeah don't think I don't know anything about Lord of the Rings because I know a lot and I definatly know that the stuff I saw was real. Do you think Canada lies or something? Do you think I would lie? So how 'about that!!!:flaming:
  3. ::shruggs:: We've got the real stuff from the movie though
  4. I'm basically here because I was dragged here by one of my friends (ya you Darkmoon:p). She said that it was a good place to talk about animes and stuff and she kept showing me the Adventure forum (which I still don't get). So I decided to join. It kind of is a little bit addictive...:D
  5. Oh wow Mr. Pfy Jkt Man that's a really sweet story you should really tell the rest!:D Man you must have really really liked this girl to have watched her sleep. I wouldn't watch a guy sleep I'd get bored after a while!:p
  6. Oooooohhh! I can't wait to see the movie! I saw the exibition of The Two Towers in Toronto and now I can't wait to see the movie! Oh I wish I could see it on the first day but my mom and dad don't want to see it right away because they say that the line up is going to be way to long:( Oh well I know I'm going to see it though!:D
  7. Oooohh as you could probably see Deedlit I love elves too! Anyways I wish I had a dad that likes fantasy as much as your dad does Lalaith Ril! It would be cool to have sword fight and be dressed up as an elf!:D
  8. Oooooooohhh! I really want to get the game! I watched this show and it gave it a 5 out of 5 and said that the only thing wrong with it was that it was way too short just like you said gokents! Now that you have said it is really good as well I really want to get it!:D
  9. Villian: Dilandau Anime they are on:Escaflowne Info about them: Dilandau is the evil guy in Escaflowne that actually use to be Allen's sister! Apparently she was taken as a little girl and zibok (sp?) somehow made her into a guy. Why: Dilandau is the best villian because he is crazy and that's what makes him really funny.
  10. I like the Discworld novels as well and I would say that that would be classed as fantasy since it has wizards and chests that have a hundred legs!:D What exactly are the first two Discworld novels I never knew what order they were in.
  11. I like fantasy a lot and I know that some of you do as well too so I was wondering how did you get to like fantasy? I remember in grade seven I didn't read any books except for Fear Street or something like that. Then my brother got the Harry Potter books for Christmas. At first glace I thought they looked really stupid but when I read them I knew that I wanted to read more fantasy books. So that's how I got to like fantasy how did you?:D
  12. A few weeks ago we had a lot of snow! It was so fun! But then it all melted:( There is still a little bit of snow on the groud here in Ontario but not so much...You can still see the grass...:(
  13. Hmm...You know vegeta rocker I think I would notice that...It would be a lot easier if it was that obvious...:rolleyes:
  14. I think I do act a little bit differently online then in the real world because in the real world I really only talk to my friends because I'm really shy and since I don't have any friends and no one really talks to me here exept for maybe Darkmoon....yeah so that's why I think I act a little bit differently.
  15. Hmm...I remember when I was younger I must have been having a dream about school because I took all my covers off my bed and started searching it even though nothing was there (I actually turned my light on too!) My mom saw the light in my room, came in, and saw me looking and feeling all over my bed for something. She asked what I was doing and I said "looking for the marker lid". She then realized that I was ummm...well sleeping talking/walking and said that I should go back to sleep. I said okay and went back to sleep immediatly. There was another time too...All I did was I got up and yelled down the stairs "Mom!" even though my parents had already gone to sleep and it was totally dark. I started to walk down the stairs and my dad came out of his room and said that mom and him were in bed. He must've relized that I was sleep walking cause the next thing he said was go to bed. I readly agreed again. There are other times that I have done it as well but that will take too long to explain. These two are the main two though.:rolleyes:
  16. Wow yeah boogeta I wouldn't think that you would have a serious relationship in grade 6!:eek: I mean I didn't even like anyone in grade 6 because I wasn't interested until grade 7! Oh well whatever you think is a serious relationship though and if the girl thinks so too then...I guess it doesn't matter.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B]..............urge to kill rising.........can't see exhibit........destroy....:devil: [/B][/QUOTE] Ahhh....! Noooo! Don't kill me! Its not my fault that I live here! Anyways usually the US gets all the fun stuff and Canada gets nothing so at least we got something this time!
  18. There is a Two Towers exhibit for Lord of the Rings going on in Toronto Canada in the Royal Ontario Museum and it's nowhere else in the world! It has all the armor and swords and stuff from the movie and it feels like you're actually going through Middle-Earth! You get to see footage from the movie as well. I just went to see it today and it's really good! I loved it! Some of you might want to know why its in Toronto instead of somewhere in America. Well the reason is because it was our idea and we asked if we could have it so we got it. So has anyone actually been to the Exibit execpt for me?:p
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]I would go with asking the person, though. The worst that could happen is that they say "no". Then you just move on. It is not really all that difficult, like Anna said, unless you make it that way.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah that's okay if you don't know the person very well but the person I'm talking about I know very very well and I don't want to not be his friend anymore just because I asked that!
  20. Hey cool Mystic's Knight is from Ontario too! Anyways my highschool starts at 8:40 so I ususally get up at 7:30. I have no problem getting up in the morning. Right when I suppose to get up I do. I don't stay in my bed and say that I need ten minutes more of sleep and I'm perfectly okay thoughout the day!:D
  21. Hmmm...I think I started watching anime when I first saw Pokemon which was in grade 5 or 6. Yeah and then it all started I forgot about Pokemon (which I thought was stupid after a few years sorry to people who like Pokemon) then I started to watch DragonBall Z and Digimon...Yeah so that's how I think it all started.
  22. Oh yeah about that....Well this guy he already knows that I use to like him so I guess that wouldn't be of much use so that is why I think he doesn't like me even though he hasn't said it to my face. I mean he's my friend and I don't really want him to act all weird around me or never hang out with me again so that why I don't remind him of the time I told him that I liked him. I'm lucky that he's still my friend now!
  23. Hmmm...I'd say that first it would be Van from Escaflowne, Li from Cardcaptors, Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh(why does he sometimes have to be evil!:D ), Future trunks (short hair only! Ewww...I hate the long haired one!) :p
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Oh and well this might sound silly but arguing....sometimes people argue a lot but it's because they care about each others well being that they do it. [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm...that is a interesting thought arguing. Well me and this guy argue a lot but I really don't think he like me and I have my reasons why. They're really hard to explain so I guess I won't explain them here....
  25. All I have to say is that you're actually saying a LATE happy thanksgiving to me! Over here we have thanksgiving at the beginning of October rather than the end of November!:p
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