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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=indigo]*sigh* I've already said I realize the moon is backwards...its just that the picture I was using for the colours and features had the moon backwards, I've checked again and its true. Anyways I seriously don't care about the moon, its not the most important feature on Sesshomaru. I shold'a left it out all together to see what you people would say. The bulkyness of the moon is due to the fact that I acciently finelined it when I wasn't suppose to. I was trying to cover that up.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Ahem...the moon is not backwards I know that for a fact thank you very much. Thank you for the comments anyways. I don't really think the sleeve is suppose to be coloured...his outfit is white and the shading is purplish....[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]What's wrong with the moon[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Lol yeah it does but its on a canadian channel so I don't think you can see it^^;;[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]Haha yeah I know the strips are the wrong colour! But that's what photoshop said when I eye dropped a picture of Sesshomaru I had to get the colours right *shruggs* Its not that important to me. And the eye, I think I wrecked it when I inked the picture cause it looked a lot better when it was in pencil. Everything of mine looks better in pencil....they difinatly get a higher rating @.@ Anyways thanks for the comments.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Of course I drew it myself! I'm insulted...haha no I'm just joking! I guess I can see the green fuzz more clearly on photoshop....its really a light green but anyways...thanks for the comment![/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Haha yes I made his fuzz green totally by accident so you don't need to point that out! XD Anyways as I'm sure you guys know...this is Sesshomaru, who had me totally convinced that he was a girl until Darkmoon told me that he was Inuyasha's brother. I coloured this one....just cause I thought it would be a picture that would look good coloured^^ I only like the shading of the bow though Anyways Enjoy![/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Well I don't know if there are more then one Weyrwomen in one Weyr but they do have more than one golddragon rider. I remember two in the same Weyr in one of the books...and one lost her dragon...damn I forget her name. Name: Falicia Age: 18 Gender: Female Hair Colour: A light brown with golden higlights Eye Colour: A mix of green, brown, and blue....basically hazel Postion: Gold Rider...if permitted Dragons Name: Alatariel Firelizards: Gold-Shayleigh Blue-Dralegar Bronze-Elegaith Description: Her skin is fair, which means its usually always white, and if in the sun for more than 5 hours, will burn. She's normal in height, about 5 foot 7 and is of slender build Personality: She's usually shy, and has no problem letting Torlea lead the Weyr as Weyrwoman. Her dragon has not been flown yet, Alatariel hasn't gone in heat yet. She hasn't been a dragonrider for long, not even for a turn, because she was picked later than usual. She fights Thread along side everyone else, thrilling in the danger and excitment. Haha I hope that's okay...if its not, I'll change it later. This will be fun![/color]
  9. [color=indigo]ITS ALIVE!!! ALIVE!!!! Ahem....anyways thanks for the lovely comments. I don't know if it deserves a ten out of ten but I'm flattered that you think its that good^^[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]His eyes...well they're....triangles laying on their sides lol^^;; Kind of hard to explain....ooooooh you have a deviantart account? *Waltz off to look at gallery*[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I like it^^ What are you talking about? The shading is fine! I like the way you've coloured it as well! Very unique! Who's this someone you're referring to?[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]:sweat: I don't want anyone to hate me^^ Oh thank you guys^^ I never knew it was that good! Actually I thought I screwed up his eyes a little bit! Haha I might colour this later on...but that's probably a long time away[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Lol thank you everyone^^;; I agree that's basically the only time Yami yugi looks cool^^;; I'd never draw yugi though, I just think he's....a wimp and stuff lol. You should draw something from Yu-Gi-Oh, Dan Rugh, they're really fun to draw^^[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]OOC: Oh geez I didn't even know that people were still posting in this! Haha I feel stupid now! Sorry for not responding in a while. [i]Rann watched the others as they moved out of the forest, he was still in dragon form. He sighed. He knew what Reena had gone through, or at least he thought he did. He wasn't full dragon, so he didn't have the urge as bad as full but he did sometimes. He spirled down and landed on the grass just outside the forest, with not so much as a thud. Rann consentrated and felt himself shrinking. The next moment he was human again. It always felt better to be in human form for him, he still hadn't gotten use to being in dragon form. He started to look around, wondering where the others had gone. Shrugging he santured into the forest, decided that he would find them some time.[/color][/i]
  15. [color=indigo]'Nother picture, except this time, it's not coloured. Haha this is the first time I've drawn Yami Yugi, though I don't know why, seeing as how I've watched Yu-gi-oh enough, and have drawn Bakura, Yami Bakura, Malik, and Yami Malik...I guess I just have a thing for bad guys. Anyways I don't really like the thingy on his ear....doesn't look right to me. And the shading wasn't done that well, I think I smudged it a little bit too much>.< Oh yes and I hate that thing on his forehead, I can never seem to get that right, whether its on Malik or Yami. Anyways enough of my ramblings, Enjoy[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Hehe I like both of them^^ Very nice shading! My shading never looks right^^ Even though I don't watch that show, I still think you've done a nice job of the picture[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]I'll play! Name: Shin-za Age: 40 Gender: Female Race: Elf Weapon: Bow and arrows. Features: Long black hair and purple eyes. She is 5 foot 7. Wears a light blue, sleveless tunic, and brown leather shorts. Carries a small bag at her waist. Bio: Shin-za grew up in a peaceful forest, where she learned to fear and hate all humans as her parents told her stories of them. At the age of 15 her parents died when a human raid party invaded the peaceful forest. From then on she vowed that any human she meets she will not hesitate to kill. I hope that's okay^^[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]Haha wow that's really good! I still think he looks like a girl though...>.> I remember when I first saw him I thought he was a girl[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I broke my right wrist just last June. (I got to miss an exam^^) I broke it by rollerblading. I was rollerblading down a hill and when it was time to turn I was still going to fast so I fell. I actually had to rollerblade home, which was about 5 minutes away from there. I had that cast all of July. I couldn't even draw:bawl: Now my right wrist is bigger than my left...and to me looks a little deformed >.>[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]It looks good to me^^ Except that the colours do look like they aren't attached...but other than that its great! I really like the background! I can't make backgrounds...[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]Ah he's not suppose to be pulling it out. It's more like its just a pose^^;; Anyways thanks for the comments![/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I guess Inuyasha's proportions are off because that's the way he's suppose to be. As to the shading, yes I know it does look weird...I just had a hard time shading his clothes, I dun know why O.o Anyways thanks for the comments[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Its amazing...I actually like this one! *people on the boards gasp in surprise* Yes that's right folks I like this one! Ahem anyways as most of you have guess from the title this is Inuyashaness....I mean Inuyasha. I actually did this without using the burn or dodge tool, which I think I will do from now on. The only thing I don't like about this picture are the beads, his sword, and one of his hands...other than that....I like it^^ Now its my first time drawing Inuyasha so don't be too hard on me...lol[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]*Gasps* That's wonderful! I love it! I love the pose you have put her in, very well done![/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Haha cool^^ I did a Inuyasha drawing resently too^^ Though I still have to colour it. This is great though! I really like it![/color]
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