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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. My real name is Lorissa (first name) Alice (middle name) and I'm not going to tell you my last name. Lorissa means "cheerful" oh wait actually Larissa means "cheerful". I think Lorissa probably would be the same thing since they are so close together. Alice means "truth" or "noble". I got my middle name from my grandmother. At first I didn't really like my name because it is so uncommon but now its starting to grow on me because its so uncommon.:laugh:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966][b]Well, I finished [i]DragonLance: Dragons of Winter Night II[/i] today. Gaw, I LOVED it!! ^^ I don't want to give away any spoilers, but it really was a sort of twist-ending about the Dragon Highlord and all, but yet sad all the same. I can't wait to read the third one and see what happens! [/color][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] You said before that you didn't read the first one of the series, Dragons of Autumn Twilight. You should read that one as well because then you will get to know how they ended up on the journey in the first place!:p
  3. I like Tidus... well I've only played the game once and that was in Future Shop(a store) and I only got to play for a few minutes. The reason I like Tidus is because I really like his sword, its sooooo cool!:laugh:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]Err....no....not War of the Souls. Its called DragonLance Legends. It happens just after Chronciles. Its a trilogy. Its almost all about the twins, though other characters from the Chronicles do feature. War of the Souls is something entirely different. I like Legends mainly because of Raistlin. [/B][/QUOTE] Uhh...I wasn't talking to you Mnemolth. I was talking to Sara when I said the the War of the Souls books were after the Annotated Chronicles...I think I would know that I've read all the Annotated books and have read the two War of the Souls books (the other one just came out). But I know why you thought I was talking to you...its because I couldn't quote until now:blush:
  5. "I think it's called DragonLance: War of the Souls" Sorry I don't know how to quote yet. Oh the War of the Souls? They are actually after the Annotated Chronicles (Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, and Dragons of Spring Dawning). The Annotated Chronicles are about a war called the war of the Lance. The War of the Souls are actually like 100 years after the War of the Lance so some of the Characters from the Annotated Chronicles are actually dead to give you an example Tanis. Yes they are done by a lot of authors but the Annotated Chronicles and the War of the Souls books are by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman. If you have a favorite character of the novels like say Rastilin and Caramon there are books about their life and how they came to be.:D
  6. Hey I was wondering if any of you have read any of the Dragonlance Series. Personally I really like the series and its probably my favorite series. :D So if you have read any of them which one would be your favorite? My favorite would probably be the Annotated Chronicles by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman. If you have a favorite then tell me why its your favorite. I like the Annotated Chroicles because its the main story about dragons coming back to the land both good and evil. This starts a war which an unlikey group of companions fight.:p
  7. Hmm... If I could go back in time I would go to last May when I went to Paris with my school. I don't think I would change anything about it maybe just how I reacted to something;) I'm not going to tell you though. I would have also wanted to stay awake when my friend was telling a story...well if I went back there I would hope that I wouldn't get caught going into...a guys room:blush:
  8. Yeah my brother learned it the hard way. He acciently hit a chicken with his sword at the entrance of...oh I don't remember what its called but its near where the zoras live in OoT. Even when he jumped in the water the chickens still attacked him...I wonder how they did that?
  9. I've been playing the Alto Saxaphone for 2 and a half years now and I've been playing the Piano for 1 and and a half years (almost 2). Yeah I'm in Stage Band at my school which is bascially Jazz Band and this is my first year playing Jazz. I use to play in Concert Band actaully I still do:p
  10. 1. Oh I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2. Oh Darkmoon stole what I was going to say. Well now you know I guess that we have the C.N. Tower here in Toronto but well I don't know its okay...maybe I've been up it too many times. 4. Well there's nothing really to say about Toronto. Umm... well it has the highest office building in Ontario called First Canadian place. Oh I really like living in Canada and if you people ever dis it then you'll get it good. :laugh:
  11. I like writing stories so I used one of the names from one of the stories I'm writing. Its actually suppose to be The Lady of the Wood, Rhys but that was too long and I didn't just want to put Rhys cause that would be too boring so I made up a last name Mayiessen. Oh by the way Rhys is pronouced "Riss". :p Rhys is basically half Latine (land) elf and half Eaul (water) elf that has the unusally ablity to hear animals and people's thoughts. Her and her best and only friend Liam aquire two unusally dragons that are not the normal colours. Yeah that's a little bit of information about my story.
  12. Oooh I loved the first movie of The Lord of the Rings and of course I'm going to see the second one! I've got the DVD for the first one too and I want to get the playstation 2 game for it:) I've read all the books as well and even though some people say its really boring I don't think it is!:love:
  13. Oooooh I really like Golden Sun (though I haven't finished the game yet). Personally I think that Golden Sun's graphics are better than Final Fantasy seven's. Don't anyone get mad at me its just my opinon.:nervous:
  14. Hey has anyone played Dark Cloud for the PS2 before. I know, I know people say that its a lot like zelda but there are some differences to it. You have different swords that you can obtain and 'build-up'. There is also the feature of building your own towns and other towns you visit:p Yeah and its my favorite game for the playstation 2 right now:laugh: I really really like this game!
  15. Oh I wish that Escaflowne was still on too! I loved that show and some of you people metioned that it was cancelled on Fox. I'm guessing you guys just live in the Us. In Canada we have a channel called YTV and they showed the rest of the series. It ended a while ago and I wish they would put it back on. Yeah well its my favorite show so I keep buging YTV about it but they won't put it back on. Oh well...
  16. Uhhh... I don't get why Cloud is in the game. I've looked at the game on a tv show and also on the internet and they don't mention Cloud anywhere! Well anyways I kind of like the game but I would like it a lot better if they didn't have all the disney characters were in it. Oh well I might get the game anyways.
  17. Ahhh my favorite Zelda game would have to be hands down The Ocarina of Time for the N64. I have finished that game totally and I have tried Majora's Mask but I don't like it as much. The Ocarina of Time has a lot more temples in it than Majora's Mask and is a lot less confusing. I admit that I haven't really played any of the Game boy games of Zelda but I still think that the Ocarina of Time would be my favorite
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