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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=indigo]Haha...anyways thank you for the comments^^;; Maybe I should work on porportions, though I haven't had a problem with them in a while. Guess I didn't really pay attention to them in this picture.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Wow that's pretty good for a five minute sketch! Very well done![/color]
  3. [color=indigo]Yes, for those of you that have been in the Outcast Rebellion, this is my character Rann. (short form) *shutters* I really hate how I've coloured this! It's sooooooooo messy! But I couldn't help it. I didn't ink the picture before hand and now I really resent that. *cough* I did like the picture before I coloured it but now...ugh...If you want to see it without it being coloured here's the link [url=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/2933639/] Click here [/url] Anyways you can cut up the picture if you want...I dun really care...[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Its really good! :D It's better than I can do anyways (I dunno if that accounts to much). I can never get the hang of colouring things...maybe its just me lol! Anyways great job![/color]
  5. [color=indigo][i]Rann swiveled his head around to look at the petty squable on his back. He smiled to himself, and turned back to where they were headed. A few miles later, Rann began to see tiny dots scattering a field, which was not yet in the range of human eyes, maybe not even elven. Rann's red eyes narrowed warily when he realized what they were, human soldiers. Rann looked over to see that Reena had noticed them too. Rann sighed heavily, which made the passengers on his back jump. This was going to be hard to get around.[/i] I'm sorry if I have scared you, but we have a more serious problem at hand. [i]He looked back over to see that Reena was talking to her passangers as well. He could tell by the look on her face and the faces of the others.[/i] There are soliders, human soldiers, on the field in front of us. They will shoot at us, to be sure, but I want to let you know that I will not let them harm any of you. You'll be safe with me, and Reena. Remember to hold on to my back tight![/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Hehe that's good^^ I dun think your shading was that bad...very well drawn....what is it like to have free time? -__-[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Ah!!!! That's amazing! I love it! And you didn't even use the burn or dodge tool? Wow! Haha maybe I should try that some time[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]O.O!!! Wow that's really good^^ Better than I could do anyways...never really tried at painting but I dun think I ever will^^;; I dun think the eyes are bad, they don't bother me at all[/color]
  9. [color=indigo][i]Rann smiled and started to concentrate. He could see his dragon form in his mind, the golden brown scales, red eyes, and razor sharp scales. He began to feel the transformation, his face growing longer, wings sprouting from his back. The others looked up at him in awe when the white mist cleared. His neck arched up, almost as tall as some of the trees in the forest. The sun glistened off his scales, which made him look even more majestic. [/i]"You never do get use to dragons in your mists," [i]Moriko said looking up at Rann and smiling. Rann bent down so that the others could get on his back. He looked to Reena when they were done.[/i] Are you ready to go? [i]Reena just nodded and took flight, Rann not far behind.[/i][/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Wow! That's amazing! I love it! I don't see anything wrong with it at all! I can't wait until you colour it^^;;[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I think its good^^ It's hard to do two people in a picture, I usually screw them all up so they don't look like who they're suppose to at all^^ I like the way you shaded it^^ Very nice![/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Haha cool! You colour better than me^^ Very good for your first time![/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Haha I saw that pic at deviantart^^ I like it! Why? I want you to draw! I want to see someone good draw for once instead of me looking at my ugly drawings all the time. You and Nazanin. Lol^^;;[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]I've done archery before at camp but I so want to do it more. I haven't tried in such a long time. It's just that I can't really find real bows and arrows where I am. Not even at the Medievil fair thingy had bows, they had swords but no bows.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Lol the only reason I didn't comment was cause I couldn't look at any of the pictures. I was on a laptop that was really really slow. Now that I'm at home I can look at them^^ Wow they're really good^^ And your a deviantartist too^^ I think I'll go look at your gallery^^[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Lol hopefully you'll get other people to sign up. The one I know who likes Escaflowne is currently having a break from the internet. Name: Hitomi Kanzaki Age: 17? (lol I think Hitomi was 16 in the anime. Correct me if I'm wrong) Planet: Earth Description: Bah I couldn't get a picture...Oh well I'm sure most of you should know what Hitomi looks like, short brown hair, green eyes, wears a school uniform most of the time. Bio: Its been a year since she's been to Gaea and she is starting to miss Van. She goes to school on a regular basis and has even signed up for the track team again... Lol I hope that's okay I know its short but I think most people that are in this RPG would know about Hitomi^^;;[/color]
  17. [color=indigo][i]Rann sighed.[/i] "Okay I guess that's a no...Anyone know the general direction?" [i]They all looked around at each other then Moriko spoke up. [/i]"Yes, well I do know the general direction, I think. Well the last time I've heard of one it was west of here, in the Kirija Mountains." [i]Rann looked west. From here you couldn't even see the tips of the Kirija mountains. He scratched his head sadly, then looked to Reena.[/i]"They're far away from here. It would take months to get there even if we did manage to get horses. We'd probably kill them trying to get there. The only thing I can think of that might get us there a lot faster, is if Reena and I turn to our dragon forms. You could ride on our backs." [i]Reena started to shake her head, and was about to talk when Rann stopped her.[/i] "I know, I know its dangerous. But do you have any better idea?" [i]Reena thought for a moment then shook her head and said sadly,[/i] "No, I don't." "Alright then, what do you say Reena? Is it a plan?"[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]^^ that's cool^^ I really like her hair and her clothers. Clothes are always hard to make up for me....i dunno why^^;;[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Wow I really like the way you did the hair^^ Very neat^^ Lol now I sound like my cousin...[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Lol I love all your pictures! You're a talented artists...(course I only saw two cause this damn laptop is too slow) but from those you are really good^^ I'd love to see more![/color]
  21. [color=indigo]OOC: If you want to kill off someone you could always kill Roya. She's not going to be playing anymore. Oh well up to you guys. I dun care if anyone dies or not. [i]Rann walked beside Moriko and Tani. If they didn't find this sword that they were talking about, Tani would be in pain forever. Rann didn't want that for any of the Rebellions. He just hoped that they could find it in three weeks time. Rann stopped the prossetion and turned aroun to face the Rebellions.[/i] "Okay, so most of you know now that we are going in search of a Healing Sword. Any of you can drop out if you like and join the Leader in the fight against the Rebellion but remember we'll be joining them some time. Evean should be coming back, with another one of the Rebellions. Now, does anyone have the slightest idea where this sword might be? Cause I've just heard of this thing now."[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]I like the dragon...always have, though not really the oriental dragon. I like the ones in medievil times, though I don't know why they always have to be evil^^ Some can be good^^ I also like the Pheonix though. So they're both really cool^^;;[/color]
  23. [color=indigo][i]Rann shook his head.[/i] "I can't do that Tani. Even if we had some place to go, the Leader doesn't want to see us so soon. Remember we're suppose to be spying for him in the city. If he saw us, I would never see the next day." "Still," [i]Tani said, her head hanging low.[/i] "I don't want to put everybody in danger just because we're looking for a sword that I could live without. Maybe a painful life, but still a life. I just don't want to do that to them." [i]Rann sighed, and lifted her chin so that she could face him in the eyes.[/i] "Everybody knows what you are going through. They won't be mad just because we're trying to help one of the Rebellions. How about we make a deal then. We go look for the sword for a while. Say two or three weeks. If we don't find it by then, we'll go back and find the Leader to see what other tasks we can do. Alright?" [i]Tani nodded absently.[/i] "Alright, Rann. We'll go look for it, but at the end of three weeks, we're turning back."[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]O.O!!! Wow I love this^^ It's so cool^^ Haha I wish I could draw animals and things...oh well[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I had a cat that died years ago. Benny. We had to put him down because he had liver problems. I just remember coming into our cottage and my mom was crying. I asked why and they told me and my brother that they had to put Benny down. It was really sad...especially when we had to do it on our holidays.[/color]
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