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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=indigo]"The last of my kind?" [i]Rann asked, back in his human form. He shrugged.[/i] "I was told by my mother when she was alive that humans would hunt dragons, half or whole, for sport. When the new King assended to the throne and ordered the rest of the races to be destroyed there wasn't many of us left. Now, I am the only weredragon...I don't know about the full dragons. You would have to ask Reena about that." [i]Pheadra nodded absently, lost in her own thoughts, or memories. Rann quietly left her alone. He joined the rest of the group, which looked fairly well considering the fight. Rann shuttered. He did not want to think of the fight anymore, the blood, the agony. He looked to Tani who seemed to look a little sick. Evean stood grimly beside her. Rann walked towards them. [/i]"What's wrong? Evean? Tani?" [i]Evean spoke up first. [/i]"Tani has been cut by a cursed blade. The wound will always hurt her. That is unless we can find on of the blades that will counter the darkness." "Then that is what we will go find next. We may join the battle later, after we have found one of these blades, or maybe the fighting will be brought to us." [i]Evean and Tani nodded, Evean turned around and started to lead the group out of the forest.[/i][/color]
  2. [color=indigo][i]Rann looked back to see that Tani was back on her feet, Moriko's healing had made her as good as new. [/i]She's okay right Moriko?[i]Rann's mind voice rumbled in the other Rebellion's mind. Moriko looked up and gasped in surprise. Rann guessed that she didn't even know he was there when she ran to help Tani.[/i] "Rann? Is that you? Or is it Reena?" [i]Rann's laughter sounded like thunder in her mind.[/i] No it is me, Rann. Guess you forgot I was half-dragon eh? [i]Moriko shook her head.[/i] "No I was just surprised to see you in that form. Haven't seen you like that before." [i]Rann nodded his dragonic head and took flight. Some of the soldiers shied away when they saw a black shadow slide across them. "Dragon!" One of them yelled pointing to Rann. "Two!" Another screamed as Reena came into there sight. Rann gave a dragonic smiled and blew fire at them. They screamed in agony as they burned to cinders.[/color][/i]
  3. [color=indigo]Lol yeah I know its glowing a lot^^ I just didn't like the way it looked when it wasn't glowing so...that's what I did to try and cover up my mistakes^^;;[/color]
  4. [color=indigo][i]Rann saw the fighting around him then looked up to see Reena, a dragon in the sky. Rann groaned and put his head in his hands. He felt white hot rage run through him, the smell of blood set his dragon blood afire. He looked up to see that Tani had fallen, a blade had pierced her chest. Rann felt torn. His human half wanted to help Tani while the dragon half wanted to rip the humans apart. Maybe I could do both, A small voice in his head said. But I can't! I can't turn into a dragon!!! Rann roared as a white light engulfed him. When it cleared a golden-brown dragon stood where Rann had once been. The dragon roared again and flew high into the air. He landed right beside Tani, to guard her aganist any other attacks. Rannalanthas couldn't heal but he could fight and he had to protect any of the Rebellions that were down. His dragon eyes scanned the area and was not surprised to see that Roya was no where to be found...[/i][/color]
  5. [color=indigo][i]Rann streched and looked at the night sky. Night? Wow I didn't know we were in the jewels for that long. Sighing happily he looked back at the others. They were all grinning too, relieved to be back in the world again. Roya still looked a little mad though. Rann smiled to himself then turned to the others.[/i] "We have to keep moving. I know you guys probably want to rest but who knows when they realize that we're not in the city anymore. Its better to keep moving." [i]Most of the group groaned but complied, Pheadra seemed to just have a little smile on her face as they walked away from Kammielyn. Rann heard a loud bang and looked back at Kammielyn. The gates had opened and thousands of soliders poured out of the city.[/i] "Damn!" [i]Rann looked back to the others.[/i] "It seems that they have either relized that we are not in the city anymore or they're going to find more Rebillions." [i]Roya who was now back in her human form moaned.[/i] "They're going to be on us in any second!"[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Lol I know about the arm and the hand. I tried so many times to get the stupid fingers to look right but it didn't work-__- all my hands need work though. Oh well better luck next time I guess...[/color]
  7. [color=indigo][i]Rann heard them yell something about a rock through the thoughts that rolled through his head. Of course! He thought, laughing outloud. How could we be so stupid! A rock would work. He heard Pheadra answer that she couldn't reach it but she could see someone swimming towards them in the distance. That could only be Tani. The fisherman wouldn't swim to get his catch. There was a sudden jerk and Rann felt like he was being pulled forward. "What the h..." Rann left his sentence hanging. The fisherman was bringing in his catch, and what a catch it was! "What's happening?" Rann heard the panicked voice of Roya. "We're getting hauled in, the biggest catch in years I would expect," Pheadra answered grimly. Rann heard a collective sigh amoung the jewels. "Don't give up! Tani will be here I'm sure of it! Just don't give up," Rann yelled into the darkness. "Just don't give up on me..." he whispered.[/color][/i]
  8. [color=indigo]Lol no I didn't trace it^^ Anyways Yami Malik...is some evil guy that I think they should have in the show more often and is in my avatar and banner...there that's enough information for people who don't watch Yu-Gi-Oh^^;;[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Yes, yes I know I draw too many Maliks but I can't help it!!!!! At least this one is coloured^^;; I dun like his nose...or the dueling thingy or the backgroud or...the list could go on and on...I had to make him glow so you could actually tell his cape from the background.... Ahem anyways here it is...[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Hehe that's cool^^ I could never draw a dragon in my life. I've tried before but they don't look so good. I wanted to draw a dragon in the background for one of my pics cause he's a weredragon but I couldn't...[/color]
  11. [color=indigo][i]We're going to be okay, we're going to be okay, Rann kept saying over and over again in his mind. What am I talking about?! We're going to die down here and it's going to be all my fault. Even if we do get out, no one will trust my judgement again... Rann felt a rage build up within him. NO!!! I can't! Not here! Who knows what would happen if I turned into a dragon here. I might be trapped in the jewel forever even if Pheadra tried to get me out. I might break out of the jewel and drown...the humans might find me and kill me just like my father. Rann shook his head fiercely, or at least he thought he did. I can't think of this now. We'll get out and I'll never have to turn into a dragon, never...never again![/i][/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Lol I remember seeing this one at Deviantart like all your other art ^^;; I really like it^^ Just wish that I could do a manga but I'm not that talented...[/color]
  13. [color=indigo][i]Rann sighed heavily. This was not going the way he had planned. Not like anything he planned really worked but he thought they might be able to get out of the city unnoticed. Now Pheadra was trapped in a fishing net, while almost all of the others were trapped in jewels. If the fisherman, or whatever had put the net in the moat in the first place, found Pheadra in the net, they would kill her right away and the Rebellion group would be left as jewelry for eternity. They're only hope now was Tani, and she didn't even know they are in trouble.[/i] "Great what are we going to do now?" [i]Rann heard what sounded like Roya's voice dift into the darkness of his jewel.[/i] "I don't want to stay in the water any longer than I have to." "Don't worry I've sent help. Hopefully Tani will find us before that fisherman does but if she doesn't...." [i]Pheadra let the sentence hang in the air. If the fisherman finds us before Tani does, we're all dead, Rann thought miserably.[/i][/color]
  14. [color=indigo]I find it funny how people can totally forget that its happened in Canada (except for "oh yeah it happened in Canada too") yet you people blame it on us. Actually it was more of Canada that was affected than the states because for us the whole province of Ontario (and for people who don't know a province is a lot bigger than a state) was blacked out. Where I live (a part of Toronto) we did not have power for 30.5 hours and who knows now. I'm not in Toronto anymore. I'm in Minnisota. Ah well at least everything is sorted out now and people now know that it wasn't Canada who did this.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Hehe that's cool^^ I could never do that much detail in a million years...not that I would live that long anyways^^[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]OOC:Lol sorry I haven't been here for a while....we were in that big blackout and didn't have power for 30.5 hours -__- then I came to Minnasota. I had told Darkmoon to keep up the RPG and my character but I see she hasn't done that... *~* [i]Rann rememebered feeling a little tingling feeling that was a little painful, then nothing. It was like he was nowhere, difting somewhere in total blackness where you could feel, see, hear, taste, it was nothing. Rann sighed, or at least he thought he sighed. He couldn't hear anything come out of his mouth, if he even had a mouth anymore. At least his brain was working, maybe it would have been better if it was not. He hoped he could trust Pheadra, he wasn't so sure about being a piece of jewelry, though there was no turning back now, all there is, is to hope that she would let him out of here, and fast.[/i][/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Yeah I sleep walk. My mom has found me a few times either talking to myself in my room or actually walking down the stairs. Sometimes I get freaked out cause you never know what you can do when you sleep. You might even go outside O.o[/color]
  18. [color=indigo][i]Rann sighed. Rann-[/i]"What do the rest of us have to lose? We can't transport like Tani and we defiantly can't go through the gates anymore. I say we give Pheadra a chance to at least try it...if she can." [i]The group sighed and grumbled. Rann looked over at Roya who looked totally petrified. Rann-[/i]"What's wrong Roya? Don't like the idea of going under water?" [i]Roya-[/i]~Of course I don't like the idea. And don't be so smart with me Rann. You might find claws in your back when you're not looking.~ [i]Rann laughed and patted Roya on the head. Rann-[/i]"Oh was that a threat little cat? I don't think you have to worry Roya. If you're jewelry I don't think you'll feel anything. All you'll have to worry about is if someone decides to throw you out the window!" [i]Roya-[/i]~Its not funny!~ [i]Rann just shook his head and turned his attention back on Pheadra. Rann-[/i]"So, Pheadra, do you think you can do it?"[/color]
  19. [color=indigo][i]Rann-[/i] "I'm one of the last weredragons in the world." [i]Phaedra nodded absently lost in thought. Rann looked behind him to see Eeavn and Reena running up to him. Eeavn-[/i]"Thank god we found you! Where are the others...and who is this?" [i]Rann smiled Rann-[/i]"This is Phaedra one of the Rebellions I expect. The others went off looking for Reena when we heard from a guard that they were looking for you." [i]Reena blushed and looked away. Rann laughed. Rann-[/i]"Don't worry I've gotten myself in a bit of trouble myself. The human leader of that band we saw on the way here recognized me. It seems he's the commander of the army in Kammielyn. I don't think he really likes me anymore." [i]Reena-[/i]"Then we can't chance staying in here any more. They will be looking for the others as well." [i]Eeavn-[/i]"But what about the gates. They ought to be closed by now! They won't let anyone in or out unless they're of the army. They certainly won't let us out anymore." [i]Rann sighed. Rann-[/i]"I'm sure we'll find some way but right now we have to find the others. Phaedra care to join us?" [i]Phaedra nodded. Rann-[/i]"Okay lets go! And no spliting up this time."[/color]
  20. [color=indigo][i]Rann looked in every nook and cranny for Reena. He knew that she didn't like to fight but if the guards tried to....well I won't think of that, Rann thought. He rushed down yet another alley, when he stummbled right into one of the guards. Rann-[/i]"Pardon sir, I did not mean to bump you, if you will just excuse me..." [i]he mummbled something else and kept his head down. The guard stopped and looked at him closly. Guard-[/i]"Where are your prisoners?" [i]Rann-[/i]"I don't understand sir, what are you talking about?" [i]Rann lifted his head slowly and saw the leader of the band of humans they had met earier. Guard-[/i]"You know the Rebellions you caught eariler. Where are they now?" [i]Rann cleared his throat nervously. Rann-[/i]"They...are...ah...well that is to say...they...I gave them over to the military. They can do what they must with them." [i]The Guard's eyes narrowed suspiciously. Another guard came running up to the leader. Other Guard-[/i]"Sir! Some other guards have got one of the Rebellions surrounded. She is Reena, the one we've benn looking for such a long time." [i]The guard discribe Reena to the leader. Rann slowly inched his way away from them. Commander-[/i]"GET HIM!!![/color]
  21. [color=indigo][i]Rann-[/i]"Okay now to get inside the city." [i]Rann looked up at the sun. It was almost noon, and the gates would be closing soon. Rann-[/i]"You're sure that the illusion will stay on when we're inside the city?" [i]Tani nodded but her eyes still looked a little worried. Rann-[/i]"Well there's only one way to find out." [i]He stepped up to the gates, the human guards looking at him, then dismissed him as a commoner. The rest followed more reculantly behind him.[/i][/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Thank you everyone^^ The ring was really hard for me>.> I can't draw circles properly so its kind of an oval^^;; The picture I have to colour right now, Yami Malik, has the duelling thingy in it and the circle sucks again...that'll teach me to draw circles free hand again...[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Ooooooh I like it a lot^^ So much detail in the picture. That's what I like about it^^[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]I'm related to SuperMuffin...who's my cousin and never comes on here anymore^^;; Darkmoon and Mysitical (sp?) well we'll just call her Shilin are my friends in real life. Darkmoon was the one who showed me this place^^[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Lol I never like the chin. And I didn't realize it until I inked it >.< I didn't cell shade lol. Why does every body think that! I didn't even know what cell shading is until Shilin told me just now...I just used the burn tool, smudge, and dodge tool to do the shading...I guess I can't give you lessons if I dun know how to cell shade^^;; [/color]
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