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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen
[color=indigo][i]Rann nodded and looked at the high walled city, its gates glittering in the early morning sun. Rann-[/i] "We are suppose to meet the leader out side the walls. He does not feel safe inside these walls. He'll be waiting for us. That's when he'll tell us our next task. Follow me." [i]Rann lead the group towards the walls, careful not to get so close as to alert the guards. Half way around the walls, a solitary figure stood, waiting for something. Rann knew right away that it was the leader of the Rebellion. Closer they went, until Rann could see his human features, some of the Rebellion who had not seen him the day he made his speech, backed away in fear. Rann-[/i] "Do not worry, he is on our side." [i]Rann went right up to him and shook his hand. The leader gave a warm smile to all the outcasts in his group. Leader-[/i] "You have done well Rann. My congrads. But you're not out of the woods yet. I want you to take this group of outcasts into the city for me. You will be the spies for us." [i]Rann-[/i] "But we can't, there are a lot of us here that would never make it into the gates alive." [i]Leader-[/i] "I'm sure you'll find away to fix that. I'm counting on you and your group Rann. Don't let the Rebellion down." [i]With that said the leader walked off and was soon lost to the sight of the group. Rann sighed and looked at the group. Rann-[/i] "Anyone have any ideas?"[/color]
[color=indigo] I dunno if I should be showing this to you....its horrible. I tried to fix it up with the colour but to me it looks even worse. The hair is all wrong and his face looks like its sliding off his neck...>.< The only thing I like about it is the jacket and the shading...those things came out well...[/color]
[color=indigo]Lol well feel free to join in the Rebellion anytime you want^^ Its in the Adventure arena right now^^ I'm glad that you decided to join^^[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Rann heard the scream, and immediately his sword was in his hand. He looked around to see some of the other on the ground, but some had taken their weapons out as well. Roya was no where to be found though. Rann looked behind him to see a small band of humans, no more than ten, only paces behind them. The leader of the band looked at Rann curiously, then looked over the rest of the group. He looked in no mood to fight. Rann smiled to himself. He slid his sword back in it sheath, and stepped up to the leader. Rann-[/i] "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you behind me. I thought a band of the Rebellion had found us." [i]The leader looked from him to the others behind him. Leader-[/i]"Then why are you in the company of some of them?" [i]Rann-[/i] "These? They're my prisoners. I thought you would know that. You don't believe that I would be in league with...these things would you? I thought not. I'm taking them to Kammielyn. I hope you won't get in my way." [i]Leader-[/i]"Well you better hurry, they're closing all the gate to the city at noon tomorrow. Now if you excuse us...we'll get out of your way." [i]Rann nodded and watched the men go off. He wiped the sweat off his forhead when they were out of site. He turned around to face the group. He grinned foolishly. Rann-[/i] "See we don't have to fight all the time. I don't think we'll be so lucky next time. I think this is a good time for a break. We're about a mile from Kammielyn and I don't want bump into those soldiers again. They might get suspious after awhile" *~* OCC: We have a new memeber to the RPG, Iva, so don't go in a panic if she posts^^[/color]
extremly bad teachers and subs!
Rhys Mayiessen replied to stormy_weather's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]I had two really bad teachers that I could remember. The first one was in grade 8, Mr.Martin. He 'taught' us english and gym. The funny thing is that he acutally wouldn't teach us anything, and when he would it would be stuff from grade 7. So we basically did nothing all day, just talked to our friends and totally ignored him. The second one was last year, in grade 10. Mr.Sher. Oh sure he taught us stuff but its not like anyone could listen to him for more than five minutes. He had the most monotone voice I have ever heard of in my life. I'm surprised I never fell a sleep in his class^^[/color] -
[color=indigo]OOC: "It was like leading a bunch of childern" was my comeback to something done to my Rann ;) *~* [i]Rann sighed and turned to face Tani, his golden brown eyes filled with worry and at the same time anger. Rann-[/i] "I never asked to be the leader of a band of the Rebellion. I was never really good at this kind of thing but the Leader thought that it would be good for me, so I don't do anything foolish and just get myself killed without accoplishing anything. I'm used to working on my own too. All of us are. I'm just afraid that I might do something rash that might end up getting all of us killed. Then I will know in my heart that it was all my fault. You understand don't you?" [i]Tani was silent a moment, looking anywhere but Rann. Then she looked him straight in the eye. Tani-[/i] "Yes I do understand Rann. It would be hard to lead a bunch of people that are use to being on their own, on there own rules. It might be like....leading a bunch of childern wouldn't you say?" [i]Rann felt his face grow hot and was sure that it was a beet red. Rann-[/i] "So you....um....heard that did you?" [i]Tani nodded but didn't say anything else. She just walked beside him silently, a silent support. Rann was glad that at least one person wasn't mad at him.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i]Rann walked at the head of the group, looking back now and then to see if Roya and Reena had caught up yet. He shook his head slightly then faced back to where they were going. Whoever lagged behind got left behind, he said in his mind over and over agian, but he could help looking over his shoulder, worry reflected in his eyes. Suddenly Roya burst out the bushes not far behind them, Reena following behind her head held down. Rann saw them catch up to the rest of the group, Reena a little behind the others. Rann turned around and whispered to Lora, the next in line, and made his way to the back. He stepped in beside Reena who didn't look up to acknowledge who had come. Rann-[/i] "Listen, Reena. I'm sorry I was so harsh with you. I just don't want anyone to get hurt or lost. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." [i]Reena didn't look up. Rann grummbled something unintelligable and walked to the front of the line again. He just wished that everyone would trust him.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i]Rann ground his teeth. It was like leading a bunch of childern! They would not listen to him for the live of them. It was time for them to work together instead of by themselves. Let Reena run off and fight with the humans. She'd only get herself in trouble at that's not his problem. Rann stepped onto a fallen log so they could all see him and hear him clearly. Rann-[/i] "Listen up. I know you guys are use to working on your own. You've been like that all your life. So have I. But now is not the time to be fighting on our own. We need to work together if we are to beat the humans. They are using armies to despose of us, so we will use armies back. We will have the element of surprise and only then will we be victorious." [i]A few of the group started whispering to each other. Rann sighed. He only hoped that he got his meaning through. He jumped off the log and landed lightly on his feet. He looked over the group and saw that only one wasn't talking. Roya, the cat, was looking straight at him with a gaze that pierced through his skin. Rann smiled wirly and walked over to where she stood. Rann-[/i] "Roya isn't it? Well its nice to meet you. An interesting power you have there. I'm sure you would do well in a battle." [i]With those few words, Rann walked off before Roya could reply and sat down at the other end of the small glade. He took his sword from its scabbard and lay it back on his lap. He stuided it intently, aware of everything and nothing around him.[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]Oh wow those are awsome!^^ I really like the second one a lot^^[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Rann shook his head slowly. Now that more people were here he might as well tell them what the Leader had told him. Rann-[/i] "Okay listen up all of you! This is no time to be playing around, even though there is a cat here. I have a feeling she isn't what she seems anyways. The Leader of the Rebellion has made me in charge of this little band of....well outcasts. Not all of us are here yet but I'm sure they will be soon. We are to move from here to the greatest city that the humans have ever made, Kammielyn. There we will meet up with the Leader where he is to give us further instructions. We will wait here for the other for a little while, but we cannot stay here long. Any one who falls behind will be left behind." [i]One of the ones gather gasped and glared at him, like her stare alone could make him change his mind. Rann-[/i] "This is a War. We have no time to stop and collect people that do not keep pace with us. And a fast pace it will be. I'm sure all of you will be able to keep up though. You have been running all your lives I am sure. We leave at dawn so be ready when I wake you."[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Rann sighed heavily and slid his greatsword back into it's scabbard with a click that echoed the silent forest. Rann-[/i] "You should surprise people like that. You never know who you'll sneek up upon. I could have killed you." [i]Lora shrugged slightly, jumped off the tree limb, and landed lightly on the ground. Lora-[/i] "If I don't walk quietly then who knows who'll find me." [i]Rann's laugh boomed through the forest. Rann-[/i] "You've got a point there. Well just don't try sneeking up on me." [i]Lora looked around the little glade expectantly. Lora-[/i] "Where are the others?" [i]Rann shrugged and grinned ruefully. Rann-[/i] "Who knows?"[/color]
[color=indigo]If anyone wants to sign up for this RPG feel free to in the Recuitment area. Here is some basic information about all the players so you don't forget ;) Memeber - Race - Name - Sex Rhys Mayiessen (me lol) - Weredragon - Rannalanthas - Male Ben - Goblin - Galthrown Mongloin - Male Wondershot - Dragon - Reena Kiyo - Female Oekatiotaku - half drow, half high elf - Lora Faustus - Female Darkmoon - Werecat - Roya - Female Katana - Fox Demon - Moriko - Female EowynElf - Woodland elf - Tani - Female G. D. Ryoko - Wolf-Human - Mori-Sora - Female Mina - Mermaid - Phaedra - Female Our newest additions^^ Iva - Wolf-demon - Katumea - Female T man - Wolf/Human - Evean Miramax - Male Now lets get this RPG started! *~* [i]Rannalanthas sat with his sword upon his lap in a little glade in a forest. He ran his hand along the blade gently, admiring the workmanship. He could not remember a day when he did not have this sword on his back. Rann stood up suddenly, gripping the greatsword with both of his hands. He took a few practice swips with it, skilled swips from a skilled swordsman. He let his hand drop to his side, the sword still in hand. Everything was different these days. You could never be to careful, lest there be a human behind your back ready to strike. Rann had laughed when the leader had said this, saying that he could handle any human that came his way. That's why the leader gave him the resposiblity of being second in command, so he had more lives on his hands than just his. A sharp crack of a branch brought him back to reality. Listening carefully he could hear something shuffling in the foliage just outside the glade. He held out the greatsword in front of him waiting for it to come to him. His hands tightened on the hilt as something or someone stepped out of the shadows...[/color][/i]
[color=indigo]Okay I think I'll start the RPG now^^ If anyone else wants to sign up though...feel free...^^[/color]
[color=indigo]Lol no no one's late. I might just wait until tomorrow to see if any other people want to sign up but I'll probably start tomorrow though^^ Rann's not the Leader,Katana^^;; A human is that's why there is so much prejudice in the Rebellion troops against him. Rann's second in command though^^[/color]
[color=indigo]Hehe that's really nice^^ I like it...I can never draw wings..they always look demented. I really like your colouring as well![/color]
[color=indigo]Okay I guess I'll sign up mine now...lol Name: Rann (full name: Rannalanthas) Age: 400 (looks 20) Sex: Male Race: Weredragon Alliance: Rebellion Weapon: Greatsword (Is usually handled with two hands) Apperance: Looks like a normal human except when in dragon form. Rann has short sandy brown hair with a clan braid that runs down his back. Two ribbons, green and blue, ties the braid together and shows that he is part of the weredragon clan though not many people alive today recognize it. His eyes are golden brown. Usually wears a white tunic, black leather vest, and black leather pants. He's about 6 feet 4 in human form and has well developed muscles. In dragon form his eys are a dark red and his scales are a golden brown like his eyes when he is in human form. Bio: Rannalanthas' father died before he was born, killed by one of the human hunting groups that surround the mountains. When Rann was born his mother would whisper hate words about the humans into his ear every night. Rann has only turned into his dragon form once, for his mother adviced that if he not turn into one he would not be caught. His Mother died when he was 30 so Rann thought he would travel the world in search for other people of his kind. Along the way he stopped by towns and cities of the humans and learned to hate them even more. All they would talk about to him was the dirty half-breeds and the other races. Now at the age of 400, Rann joins the Rebellion with all of his heart. He wants to get revenge for his father, for his entire race. ^^;;I really hope other people join. I worked so hard on this...[/color]
[color=indigo]Well it really doesn't matter to me if school starts or not...well I've still got a month left...I go back on Septemeber 2nd and I'm going to start grade 11.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]For many centuries humans have feared the unknown. They kill anything that isn't like themselves. Now humans inhabit the world like bugs, growing and feeding off the land until it is bare. Many other races live on this planet but there is only a few of each left. They live in hiding and fear that if any human finds him or her, they'll kill them. Now not all humans are like this. There is a few, a select few that want to show others that there is no need to fear the unknown. This humans want to start the Rebellion. The human King has heard rumors of this and decides to take action against the Rebellion before the Rebellion takes action on him. "My People," the King's voice rang out like a bell through the courtyard. "It is time for us to exterminate what we have feared for so long," a few scattered cheers arose from the crowd which were quickly silented by the guards. "These races are inferior to us. They are like bugs in our garden, the garden that is this world. We, the gardeners, must rid the world of these pests for the rest of the world to be truly happy. Give me your men. Your husbands, brothers, sons, nephews, and uncles. With this army of men I[/i] will [i]make the world safe for your childern to live in!" Cheers rang out in earnest this time, men already crowding to the front of the courtyard to apply for the massive army. The same day the human King recites his speech in the greatest of the city's courtyard, the leader of the Rebellion talks to the Outcasts. "My fellow Outcasts," The leader of the Rebellion started, eyeing the crowd. "Now is the time to stop human cruelty in its tracks, they've hurt us for too long," a few in the crowd cast accusing glances at the leader. He sighed heavily. "Yes I know I am human but I do not want to harm you. I wouldn't be here if I wanted to hurt you. I would be with the King's army. It is time to rise up against the humans, to show them that we deserve a place in the world as well. We were not brought to this world just to die by the hands of a race that[/i] thinks [i]they own everything. Rise up! Come with me and start the Rebellion!" Cheers rose up in the night sky as the Outcasts lifted their weapons and their voices to chant.[/i] Now you can either be on the Rebellion side or on the Human Alliance. If you are on the Rebellion side you can be human but I'd rather you be a different race. (Examples; Elves, Vampires, faes, dwarves, werwolves etc...)Of course if you're on the Human Alliance you will be human. Here's what you need to sign up. Name: Age: Sex: (Of course Male/Female) Race: (Anything you can think of) Alliance: (The Rebellion of the Human Alliance) Weapon: (Medevil type weapon) Appearance: (what you look like) Bio: (history of your character) I'll sign up my character later...[/color]
Art First time colouring with Photoshop -___-
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]Its actually pretty easy to colour on photoshop...well they way I did it anyways...the only thing I can't get a hang of is making my sketch transparent...Darkmoon helped me with that. The only thing I say that's really hard would be using the burn tool to make the shadows...^^;; Thank you for the comments![/color] -
[color=indigo]Ah well as you can see this is my first time actually colouring something with Photoshop....yeah I know the hair is a little bright but that's the way its suppose to be >.< I really don't like it....it doesn't look professional...oh well better luck next time I guess. For those of you who haven't seen the rough copy this is my sea elf Hapolo...^^[/color]
[color=indigo]I have two cats named Phoebe and Shania....they're sister though they look totally different. Phoebe looks like a calico and Shania just looks like a tabby. I also have a bunch of fish but they don't have names cause they're basically all guppys...[/color]
[color=indigo]I have a lot of hobbies...Writing, drawing, reading, skiing. There's probably some more but I don't really remember them at the moment...^^[/color]
[color=indigo]Haha that's cool I like it^^ Very different and that's what makes it really cool^^[/color]
Art Hehe Finally I can Draw Again!^^
Rhys Mayiessen replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo]Lol yeah if I can colour it^^ Anyways I see the two gloves on Hapolo don't go all the way to his finger tips...Its suppose to be that way^^ So he can work his magic^^[/color] -
[color=indigo]I'll sign up^^ Name: Hapolo (no last name) Age: 20 Gender: Male Class: Sea Elf Apperance: Hapolo has green hair and nut-brown skin. Usually wears a plain tunic and pants made out of special seaweed, the uniform of a ranger. Has fins along his arms and legs. Totally black eyes that see pretty far.Has no mouth absorbs food through skin and speaks telepatically. Bio: Hapolo has been a Ranger since he was 16 and usually scouts ahead before people pass by with all the other rangers. He doesn't remember much about his parents because they left him when he was only a baby. Hapolo has been hardened by that and hardly lets anyone get close to him. Weapon: Long Sword hehe I hope that's okay^^[/color]