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Rhys Mayiessen

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Everything posted by Rhys Mayiessen

  1. [color=skyblue]OOC: Sorry I wasn't here for a while. My computer was giving me problems-__- [i]Mauryanna sighed. She knew that the other Dragonlords must be having a meeting at Dragonskeep but she had never felt comfortable there. Since she hadn't Changed since her first time she felt as though she didn't fit and that every body always stared at her. Telling Indrid that she had to be excused, Mauryanna walked outside of the inn. She looked up into the sky and sighed. She wished she could Change, like every other Dragonlord and sore through the sky in dragon form. Her dragon half was mad at her however, and would not let her Change. She just hoped that Linden was okay, back at Dragonskeep. Mauryanna knew that he had had enough of truehumans affairs to last a centry, but she felt that she needed to prove to herself as much as the other Dragonlords that she could be useful without Changing.[/color][/i]
  2. [color=skyblue]AND I AM CANADIAN! Ahahahahahahahahahahah! Okay that was a lame joke and the only people who would get it would be other canadains. Anyways I'm white...though sometimes I really don't want to be considering all the things we've done to other races in the past-__- So yeah right where I am I'm a minority but I guess not here...[/color]
  3. [color=skyblue]Lol that's a really cool picture and I really like the wings as well^^ Its even better when I know that you drew it all in photoshop!^^[/color]
  4. [color=skyblue][i]Mauryanna blushed and quickly pulled her hand away. She wasn't use to this kind of attetion. Mauryanna smiled at the man. Mauryanna-[/i]"I have a feeling that we are not the only DragonLords in this inn tonight." [i]Indrid-[/i]"And why do you say that?" [i]Mauryanna-[/i]"Well I was suppose to be meeting some here tonight in the city but I assumed that they hadn't arrived yet. When you came I thought that others might be here too. You are one of the DragonLords that has decided to investigate the truehumans aren't you?" [i]Mauryana lifted an elegant eyebrow and Indrid shuffled nervously under her intense gaze. Indrid-[/i]"Of course I am. Why did you think I came here in the first place?"[/color]
  5. [color=skyblue]I haven't seen .hack//sign yet but I want to. This is a really good picture even though I haven't seen the show. I perticularly like your shading! Good job![/color]
  6. [color=skyblue][i]Mauryanna sighed. She might as well enter the city, there was nothing else she could do here now except dwell on the past that she would never be able to see again. She was a DragonLord now. She walked up to the gates of the city, the guards didn't even bother to check her. They knew her as Mauryanna the sea captain and not the DragonLord. She knew that their opinion would change if she ever told them. She walked through the city and smiled at the people that waved at her. She was well known and well liked in the city but Mauryanna couldn't help but wonder what they would think if they knew her true identity. Its not like humans don't mind DragonLords its just that their opinion would change. Mauryanna decided to head for a bar. She might as well do something while she waited.[/color][/i]
  7. [color=skyblue]Lol seems a lot of people have been in your situation...so have I or I still am. I really like this guy that has been my friend for some time. I know he doesn't like me because well I've already told him I like him and nothing really happened except he said that "you know I'm not into dating yet" So anyways you don't really have to get over him if you don't want to...I mean you could always try to see if he feels the same way as you. At least you have someone that likes you...-__-[/color]
  8. [color=skyblue]Lol I don't think they're too strict they're just doing they're job. I mean you can't really have all nonesense threads floating around here. I don't really think anyone would join then. It wouldn't be as organized!^^[/color]
  9. [color=skyblue]*Cries* Teach me Shilin! Teach me!!!!! Lol you did this for Shot! Ahahahahaha!!! I remember you showed us to her when she had no arms. I love all your pictures and I wish I could draw as half as good as you![/color]
  10. [color=skyblue]Okay I'm going to start this RPG now if anyone else wants to join go to the recuitment area. If you don't remember the storyline you can read it in the recuitment area^^ [i]Mauryanna looked out at the sea with longing expression on her face. She knew that she would never be able to go out to sea again because of her duty as a Dragonlord. She turned around and looked at the city walls. The others should be coming anytime now, she thought. Suddenly she wondered why she had volunteered to go on this mission. Its not like she's been able to turn into her dragon form after the first time she did it. She would just get in the way. Maybe that was it. She wanted to prove to the other DragonLords that she could be an asset and contribute to looking for the true-humans that are endangering her race. At least she hoped she could...[/color][/i]
  11. [color=skyblue]Okay I think I should get this started...sorry I haven't done it sooner I couldn't go on the computer on Thursday and Friday there was something wrong with Otakuboards...Well I hope this RPG is successful![/color]
  12. [color=skyblue]Lol I usually don't do much for the summer...usually just going to my cottage and small other trips...at least I don't have to go to summer camps anymore...god I hated those...[/color]
  13. [color=skyblue]Lol someone actually realized it was based off a book! Lol you don't really have to know about the book to be in the RPG though, I don't really remember much about it^^;; I read it too long ago. After aYokano edits his/her post I'll have this RPG up and running^^[/color]
  14. [color=skyblue]Yay!!! ELVES!!! I love elves...they're the best beings....uh....made! Lol. This is a really good drawing! lol[/color]
  15. [color=skyblue]Yay!!!! You finally put up one of your pictures! Lol I've always liked all your dragon pictures especially this one! I wish I could draw as well as you! All my pictures suck! I'll give him a 9.9/10....what does that remind you of?[/color]
  16. [color=skyblue]Lol yes it is set in Medievil times! Lol every RPG of mine is almost always set in Medievil times. Anyways I'll probably start this after the two people that have to sign up edit their posts and if a few more people want to sign up then be my guest!^^[/color]
  17. [color=skyblue][i]The Dragonlords are Immortal being that are half-dragon, half-human meaning that they can turn into dragons at will, hence one of there other names, weredragons. The Dragonlords look over mortal affairs and when one of the Queens of a city dies under mysterious curcumstances the Dragonlords take the matters into their own hands. This simple task turns complicated when they learn of a secret society of true-humans long thought dead. These dark humans plan to destroy all dragon kind, and with the Dragonlord race declining, it couldn't come at a worse time. Now it is time for a few of the Dragonlords to step up, and defeat this unknown enemy before all dragon kind is destroyed.[/i] Okay you are allowed to be either a Dragonlord or a true-human (one of the secret society). Here's what you need Name: Race: (either Dragonlord or true-human) Age: Dragon form's name: (of course this isn't for the true-humans) Weapon: (maximum of two) Appearance: (For Dragonlord, dragon and human form) Short Bio: Okay here's mine Name: Mauryanna Race: Dragonlord Age: 30 (new to the dragonlord status) Dragon form's name: Kyrissaean Weapon: Long sword Appearance: Human: She has long dark hair and dark green eyes. She wears a plain brown tunic and brown pants. Stands about 5 foot 7. Dragon: Emarald green scales and dark red eyes. Long body with wings that look too big for its slender body. About 20 feet long from head to tail. Short Bio: Mauryanna use to be the captain of a ship until she learned that she was one of the immortal Dragonlord race. Now she sets out on a journey with a few others to find the ones that threaten dragon kind and stop them at all costs... Okay I think that's it...I hope people join^^;;[/color]
  18. [color=skyblue]Lol I usually don't really care about my teachers...they just teach me. There is two though that I think are really good teachers (Mr. Macdonald and Mrs. Richardson) and one teacher I absolutly hate (Mr. Sher). I guess you always have to have some good and some bad teachers!^^[/color]
  19. [color=skyblue]Well first of all I think you should add some pupils to those eyes...^^;; lol j/k. I really like the first hand better...I don't know it just seems to fit better^^[/color]
  20. [color=skyblue]*Points at first one* Where'd you find that! Ahem anyways I would like to use one some day but not right now...I'm not bored of Dilandau yet^^;;[/color]
  21. [color=skyblue]Lol I had to resize it so small because you wouldn't be able to see it that well if I left it as big as it was...I'm glad you both like my picture!^^...Lol I doubt if you will be able to find that many Malik pictures Shilin...[/color]
  22. [color=skyblue]It seems like I'm on a Marik/Malik spree...or at least a Yu-Gi-Oh spree^^;; Well this is Yami Marik, you don't really see him in the American episodes until later. Lol personally I think he looks better when he's not in his Yami form...I hope you like it! Uh don't mind the little thing at the side that seems out of place^^;;[/color]
  23. [color=skyblue]Lol I always thought that aliens would look exactly like us. Well its not that hard to imagine it if you think about it. If there was another planet out there that actually was simmular to earth then its very possible. I guess I would say that I do, to a certain extent.[/color]
  24. [color=skyblue]Oh you actually come back after Darkmoon said you didn't come and you had messages...lol. Oh yeah I'm Lorissa if you are confused. I already saw this picture at your web site. I love it! I always like your pictures. Makes mine feel primitive-__-[/color]
  25. [color=skyblue][i]Elëgaith looked around the town and seeing no one in sight, walked around the desolate place. Spotting a hotel that was resonably intacted, Elëgaith decided to head for it. He entered the main room to see a few kids huddled together near the bar. He dismissed them from his mind and sat down at one of the few tables that were still in shape. He sank himself into a chair and slunk down, making sure that he didn't cast to much attention to himself. Even if the Chosen Ones weren't in sight it was never to early to be careful. After a while he could hear the soft voices of the kids at the bar. They seemed to be studying something but Elëgaith thought it was nothing to be conserned about. He jerked up in his chair though, when he thought he heard one of the brats mutter something about the Chosen Ones. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to stop here anyways, Elëgaith thought as an evil grin slowly spread across his face.[/color][/i]
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