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Everything posted by Shade

  1. I somehow knew you could rob banks. Thanks for your help, people. One last thing: Can you post some screens of Vice City? Thanks.
  2. Also, can you demand a ransom from the police like that sniper in DC?
  3. Okay. But I don't have Vice City yet, because Mom and Dad said I gotta get older (like 13 or so) before I get it. I'm already a fan of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, though.
  4. 1. Oh, [I]those[/I] are the R3 and L3 buttons. 2. Is there a some sort of "Free Roam" mode, where you can do whatever you want and don't have to do missions? 3. I like pie.
  5. But my PS2 controller doesn't have the L3 or R3 buttons.
  6. Weevil must die! Get a giant flyswatter and swat him and his bug cards!
  7. Yang General: Name: Viper Age: 30 Appearance: Wears green samurai armor with a silver mask and blue samurai helmet. Weapons: Venomic Whip, Sickness Sword Special Powers: Diseases Bio: His family was killed by pirates and he was found by Shade and taken to become a Yang general. Other: The only one he can't infect is Shade, because Shade's full armor protects him.
  8. Hehehe. You think [I]that's[/I] weird? I once [I]dreamed[/I] I was Pegasus in his [I]pajamas[/I].
  9. There, I deleted it. Now you can join.
  10. [I]The Yin, the forces of good in Japan, have kept Japan safe from the Yang, the forces of evil in Japan. But, an evil giant samurai emperor named Shade destroyed 2/3 of the Yin. It's forces were helpless against Shade's mastery of Yang power. Shade then sent his evil forces to enslave the Yin part. The few remaining Yin warriors decided to take down Shade's evil once and for all by forming an alliance.[/I] To sign up as a Yin warrior, fill this out: Name: Age: Appearance: Weapon: Special Powers: Bio: Other: To sign up as a Yang general, fill this out: Name: Appearance: Weapon: Special Powers: Bio: Minions: Other: ------------------------------------------------------- Mine: Name: Shade Appearance: Actually, he has two: A "holographic" image of his concealed head, and his second form: An 80 feet tall titan who wears black samurai armor, a silver samurai helmet, and a golden japanese mask. Weapon: Giant Sword of Darkness Special Powers: Mythic, Ancient Bio: He's the one who gave the Yang a fighting chance. When he sent his minions of darkness out to terrorize and enslave all of Japan, he found out that some warriors have decided to destroy him, so he decided to send his evil generals out to stop them. Minions: All of the enemies in the RPG. Other: N/A
  11. I'm so sick of being a newbie! It sounds like I don't know crap about anime! But I know it pretty darn well! Can an Admin give me a better rank? Thanks.
  12. Which God Card is the strongest?
  13. I've started the RPG. Won't someone write what happens next?
  14. Ok, that's a rap! Battle City is starting.
  15. Dark Order Knight, it's a message board. There are no online duels whatsoever. Anyways, I start this off with a little cutscene, then you write what happens next. And the duels in my RPG are the battles. Get the picture?
  16. I deleted that character. Are you happy, now? PS: I'm not complaining about the way you and your sister work together.
  17. What's wrong with being a 19 year old Prime Minister? King Tut became a Pharaoh when he was only 10.
  18. Is it just me, or is everyone into martial arts?
  19. Come on, people! I need more signups, here!
  20. Hey, that reminds me! Is Mai related to Pegasus? She looks a lot like Cecelia. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]No, she isn't. Can we get back on topic now, please? -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. This is based on Kaiba's Battle City Tournament. Some of the best duelists in the entire world are going to be in this. What they don't know is that just one loss will ruin their decks forever. And Malik's Rare Hunters will be there to spicen things up. Are you up to the challenge? To signup as a Duelist, fill out this form: Name: Age: Appearance: Deck Theme: Rare Card(s): Basic Info On Yourself: Why You're Here In The First Place: ----------------------------------------------------------- I'll do one right now: Name: Magnus Shade Age: 36 Appearance: He wears a red dueling cape. Underneath, he wears a black suit with black gloves and black shoes. Deck Theme: Mysterious/Ancient/Magician/Warrior/Dragon Rare Card(s): Exodia, Gate Guardian, Ryoku, Relinquished, Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormenter, Winged Dragon of Ra, Mirror Wall, De-Spell, Reborn, Mystic Elf, and Ritual. Basic Info on Myself: Magnus Shade was born with incredible magic that would make even Millenium Item wielders tremble. His mother and father took him to Egypt so Shadi could train him. When he was 30, he had finished his training. He went back to his country and decided to run for Prime Minister. He won the election, and became a peaceful leader. But one day, Pegasus invented duel monsters. Shade went crazy about this game. He never really entered tournaments, until the Seto Kaiba created Battle City. Shade figured that this was his chance. When he came to Battle City, he decided to wait and find a duelist to battle. When Malik sensed Shade's magic level, he tried to hypnotize Shade, but he was unable to do so. He tried tempting Shade with money, and Shade agreed. Now Shade is dueling to bring cards to Malik and get paid. Why I'm Here In The First Place: To test out his skills in public and to give Malik some rare cards.
  22. This just gets me. Yami Yugi is this magic Pharaoh who hangs out with Tea a lot. And Isis said that history repeats itself. So, do you think that back then, Tea was the Pharaoh's wife? It just gets me.
  23. Millenium Saxophone. I had a dream that Shadi gave me the Millenium Saxophone and I started playing it. No, really. I had the dream. Anyways, the Millenium Saxophone can play music and certain songs cast certain spells.
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