BAKURA: I challenge you to a Shadow Game!
PEGASUS: You're on!
BAKURA: What the :beep: is this about!?
DIRECTOR: Pegasus, act a little unhappy next time. Alright, Bakura Beats Peggy Take Two!
PEGASUS: No one calls me Peggy! I...must...have...your...soul...Mr...Director...
(Steals Mr. Director's Soul)
MR. T: I pity da fool who steals dem souls!
PEGASUS: Mr. T., can I have your autograph?
MR. T: Release dat directa's soul immediatly first.
(Pegasus releases them)
DIRECTOR: Hey, the Shadow Realm ain't too bad! Alright, take two!
BAKURA: I challenge you to a Shadow Game!
BAKURA: A Shadow Game! If I win, I get your Eye. If you win, you get my Ring.
(They zap at each other. Pegasus zaps Bakura against the wall.)
DIRECTOR: Cut!!! Cut!!! :beep:ing cut! You're supposed to lose, Pegasus!
PEGASUS: That's it! I made better money in Castlevania as Juste Belmont and as Kagato from Tenchi Muyo! Now I find myself working with a :beep:ing 13 year old who's been possessed by a look alike! I quit!
BAKURA: Do I get your eye, then?
PEGASUS: No! Soul Stealer!
(He steals both the director and Bakura's souls. With his last ounce of strength, the director calls in security. They are no match for Pegasus.)
PEGASUS: I dunno why he was gonna let Bakura win! My Eye is a Kazillion times stronger than Bakura's puny medicine wheel!