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Everything posted by DeathBug
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]To imagine that the earth can be destroyed by anything that human beings would do is laughable and rather arrogant. Hypoythetical;ly, if we really put our minds to it, we could make it go bomb, but I don't really see why anyone would try to do that. Human beings, through the course of our daily little struggles, only posess the power to change the Earth, not destroy it. We can kill a lot of other things, and certainly kill ourselves, but the Earth would still be here, and life would continue on with or without us. Let's look at the possibilities listed that could 'destroy' the Earth. Flood -Wouldn't destroy the earth, or even a whole lot of life, since the vast majority of life on Earth is aquatic anyway. Next! Nuked- A single nuclear device wouldn't 'destroy' the Earth, just a relativly large area. If you're talking nuclear war, or nuclear winter, that wouldn't 'destroy' the Eath either, and it certainly would'nt destroy life on Earth. Radiation is a known factor in the development of cellular life; we'd be gone, but there'd be brand new critters around eventually. Viva la revolucion de la cucarachas! Asteroid- Hmmm....okay, hypothetically, a large enough asteroid could split the Eath into pieces. It's have to be just the right mass, and hit at just the right time, so even though the odds are infinatly low, I'll grant that an asteroid could possibly completely destroy the Earth. Raw Meterial all used up- Yet again, this would kill us, and take a lot of other species down with us, but the earth and lifeforms would survive. The Earth will be destroyed when the Sun enters a red giant phase and expands to the point where the Earth is engulfed. That's really all that needs to be said.[/color][/size][/font]
Ive been thinking about this lately
DeathBug replied to Random Fan Girl's topic in General Discussion
Let me tell you what[i][b]not[/b][/i] to do: kill yourself. The fear you feel is your better judgement trying to prevent you from doing something incredibly stupid and selfish. Now, after you've completely eliminated harming yourself in any way as anything cose to a viable option, take a step back. If you've got such a busy, stressful schedule, then clear it. You've obviously got way too much on your plate if you're thinking in these terms. Eliminate some of the excess until you feel better. Also, while you're thinking clearly, tell a friend or family member that you feel is level headed and that you trust what you've been thinking. It's important that someone knows what you're feeling, and what's going on. At least five of my friends have tried to kill themselves, or entertained the thought at one time. I'll tell you what I told them: don't you ever ytry stupid crap likde that. You've got your entire life ahjead of you, and you have far too much potential to waste. -
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] 09/05, 19:00 "Okay okay okay okay, word of the party is out! Phase one is go!" "Uh, who're you talking to?" The random freshman had seen a lot of strange things today, but the sight of the average raving guy was always something that struck close to home. It's the kind of home-grown insanity that strikes the inner chord of the human soul. Or maybe it was because Kiyoshi wasn't wearing his shirt and was crossing the campus courtyard [i]while[/i] talking to himself. Yeah, that worked to. "What do you mean, who am I talking to?" Kiyoshi asked the student, turning around to face him with cat-like speed. ..... "No, really, what do you mean? I wasn't paying attention." The freshman backed away slightly. "I mean, who are you tralking to? There's no one here!" kiyoshi blinked. "You're here, aren't you?" "So, you were talking to me." "No, of course not. But you're here, right?" "Uh, yeah, I guess." Kiyoshi squinted at him. "You're not sure? Oh, trhat's bad. Maybe that's why I'm not talking to you. I mean, if you're not sure you're here, then maybe you're not at all." The student scoffed. "That's stupid! if I'm not here, who are you talking to?" "Myself, of course. I always talk to myself. That's how I know I'm here. But no one's talking to you, and you aren't sure if you're here or not, so you can't be sure you're not here." The boy frowned. "I never thought of that before..." Kiyoshi nodded triumphant. "Of course you haven't! Because, I think, therefore I am. Y ou haven't thought, so you obviously aren't, and i'm here talking to myself like I alwaysdo, because I'm quirky." "I'm here!" "Then prove it!" "I...uh, well, I guess I can't-" *BOIT* Caught in a philosophical conundrum, the freshman disappeared. Kiyoshi, content that he was here (or would it be there?), continued on his quest to find paper plates and plastic cups. And ice. He'd need lots of ice.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Boy, the Aliens are really slumming to be in a film with the Predators. Aliens:Predator::Cowboy Bebop: Pokemon. Anyway... I expect the movie was completely ambiguous to which species was superior (cough*Aliens*cough), the effects were awesome, splashy and a bit over-the-top, the plot is pointless and at some point, there'd be a Alien-Predator hybrid. (You can't [i]not[/i] at least feature it, if you've gone this far.) I may see it, or I may opt to take my little sister to see Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Movie instead. You know, whatever works.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]The three major possible consequences to sex arepotential physical complications, potential legal complications, and potential emotional complications. (Assuming you use protection.) If you think all of those risks are worth it for a few minutes of pleasure, and you're prepared to deal with all of those possible consequences and take responsibility for them, [i]then[/i] is the right time to have sex. Not before that.[/color][/size][/font]
[size=1]The Assailant blended into the night shadows, waching Dain's battle unfold. In the dark, it was easy to blend into the Spellcaster ranks unnoticed, and by tracking their magical auras instead of relying on sight, the Assailant could easily navigate the area. In an open battle, he could never hope to best Dain, nor the Sage or the Flare Knight. Fortunatly, that wasn't his intention. He knew full well that the three of them together posessed enough power to destroy this war party, although he hadn't expected the hostile fiends. Rather than attack the brain, the Night Assailant was going to gouge their eyes. The Thousand Eyes Idol was their long-distance scout; with it dead, they'd be helpless and isolated. As the chaos reigned about him, the Assailant moved forward, oblivious to the carnage. The freakish scout was in the back of the party, but when one was as dark as the shadows around him, one had no problem bypassing the other Spellcasters. He couldn't sneak up on the Idol, of course, but he could get within striking distance before it realized what was happening. The Assailant drew his blade and struck.[/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I'm retiring my Fiend deck after playing and tweaking it for several months. I'm now going to perfect and expand upon an idea I had a while ago, complete Zombie deck destruction. Deck destruction is a hard thing to pull off in Yu-Gi-Oh!, because c ard here and a card there just aren't going to make a difference. However, and entire deck dedicated to it can do some damage, especially if it forces a discard of a chaos monster or something equally valuble. Add in the Zombie ability to maintain field control through recursion, and Book Of Life's ability to remove opposing creatures, and it's a pain to play against. [u]DEAD (DeathBug Eliminates A Deck)[/u] Tribute Monsters: Vampire Lord Patrician of Darkness x2 Monsters: Pyramid Turtle x3 Soul Absorbing Bone Tower x3 Vampire Lady x3 Spirit Reaper x3 Tribe Infecting Virus Witch Sangan Traps: Ring of Destruction Call of the haunted Robbing Zombie x2 Waboku x2 Magic: Monster Reborn Heavy Storm Dark Hole Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Premature Burial Creature Swap x2 Book of Life x3 Call of the Mummy x2 Card Destruction M Space Typhoon x3 Card of Safe Return[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I'll disagree with Solo and say that Amplifier shouldn't be played at all, by anyone. An equip ard that can only work with one monster, and that monster's restricted? And it makes that monster even more vulnerable to destruction. No, thanks. Anyway, I'd remove the A-Team for another Promanince Dragon; A Team is too situational. You're wasting your summon fort he turn to get a weakling monster, and your opponent can simply opt to not activate his trap (or activate two traps) to get rid of it. (A Team does get props, however, for being the first Spell Speed 3 monster.) You have a lot of tech in the deck, but that's a matter of persoinal prference.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]09/05, 15:00 Kiyoshi opened his window casually, then placed the fliers on the window seal. If he wanted anyone to attend his costume party, he had to get the word out. And the word would most certainl get out in a few moments. He took the electric fan and switch it to the highest power settings, then turned it on and watched the fliers....well, fly. Fly they did, all over the streets, creating a huge mess and varioious obsticles for anyone unfortunate enough to be driving. Content with his deeds, Kiyoshi closed the window and took his shirt off. Now, time to deal with the birds pearched on the power lines outside. He grabbed a whiffle bat and made his way downstairs. [i]Flier reads:[/i] PARTY!! Friday, at seven, on the second floor of the lodgings, in Kiyoshi Hirokazu's flat. All guests must bring this flier, a snack or drink, and be in costume. All pigeons will be summarrily executed. I like ramen.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Well, I think whether or not shoujo appeals to males depends on the males and the shoujo. I myself am a huge fan of Tenchi muyo!, and have recently started reading Fushigi Yuugi. (SP?) And I'm male (Last time I checked, anyway.) However, I'll have to admit, the romance did not draw me into those series; the humor did.[/color][/size][/font]
I'm having a Jessica Simpson moment
DeathBug replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] :flaming: Death Bug! How could you not know...you're the father! :flaming: I couldn't help myself. :laugh: [/color][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][font=comic sans ms]^___^ Touche`. Apparently, i've been having a Jessica simpson momewnt for the past seven months. Or maybe it's a Homer Simpson moment? Both titles work...[/color][/font] -
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]OOC: ^^;; Okay, okay, I misread the floor-plan. No one else has to tell me; I've edited the post. It's oooo-kay....[/color][/size][/font]
I'm having a Jessica Simpson moment
DeathBug replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo][font=comic sans ms] O___O Chibi is pregnant? And I didn't know?[/color][/font] -
Would you choose the Sex of your baby?
DeathBug replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo][font=comic sans ms]If the gender of your baby is so important, I question your reasons for having a baby. What ever happened to unconditional love? If you really [b]need[/b] a baby of a particular gender, I think you're being selfish as a parent. I mean, there's already a way to find a child to exactly your physical specification: it's called adoption. This is one of those "people weren't meant to screw with" areas. China already does this, you know; they have a problem with female infanticide because you only get one kid, and everyone wants a boy. Do we really want gender distribution among our species to be based on fads and social trends? [/color][/font] -
[color=indigo][font=comic sans ms][size=1]09/05 13:15 Kiyoshi watched the girl enter the room across the hall with a mixture of apathy and interest. "Hunny, I'm home!" She declared. "Yay!" he said,standing in the open door frame. "If I knew you was comin', I'd a' baked you a cake!" He fell to the floor, then rolled over, standing again in front of her. "Howdy howdy howdy, I'm Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi Hirokazu. Yep, that's me. I guess we're sharing this floor, eh? Eh? Nice sandles." His new friend (?) seemed a bit taken aback by his introduction, but Kiyoshi continued. "Well, this is our floor, and that's my room, because that's where I put my stuff. If you want it for yourself, we have to fight for it, or you have to move my stuff. What classes are you in? What room are you in? We should throw a party. Do you wanna' help host a party? I like parties; can it be a costume party? Okay? Okay! We can use your room too, righty? Righty right right?" He turned quickly, pulling a pad of paper and a pen from his pocket. "I'll make a list of people not to invite, and you can rent a clown. Or a seal. Wait a sec, wait a sec, okay, here's who we can't invite." He turned the pad to her. All he'd wrote was: PIGEONS. He didn't stop talking, of course. "You think anyone'll come? What costume will you wear? I wanna' be a cowboy, or David Letterman, or a mongoose. One time, I saw a mongoose in a zoo, and..." He stopped suddenly. He was missing...something...oh, yeah. "Hey, what's your name? I need to put it on the invitations. Kiyoshi's and What's-her-name's Big Honkin' Party, right? Should I put your real name in place of What's-her-name? You'll have to tell it to me." He looked at the cieling, then looked back. "Sorry, I get hyper when I meet new people, and when I try to organize events, and when I have too much sugar. Don't mind me." OOC: Edit. ^^;[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Well, right off the bat, I'll advise you to loose Machine King; he's too slow and unreliable. =( Sorry. Anyway, I think the reason you're having difficulties is because Skill Drain decks simply aren't suited for the area you play in. Perhaps another form of Beatdown would be better? Off the bat, I can think of a few: *Beastdown- Using Enraged Battle Ox, Beserk Gorilla, Bazoo, Mad Dog, Manticore and Winged SAge Falcos. *Archfiend-Using x3 A. Soldiers, x3 Terrorkings, some Inferno Queens and Pandamonium *Earth-themed-Goblin Attack Force, Beserk Gorilla, Gigantes, Dark Driceratops Just something to think about.[/color][/size][/font]
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
DeathBug replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]The character is Faust VIII, from the Shaman King manga; it's official, and I have a similar avie for most of the S. King cast. You know....I usually put a boarder on my banners; I just forgot to in this case. ^^; *runs to fix*[/color][/size][/font] -
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
DeathBug replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]While I don't know who the guy is on yours, RFG, it's very artfully done, particularly the banner. However, the colors on the banner seem too subdued to easily pick one picture from another, so I have to ding you a point for that. Avatar: 8/10 Sig: 7/10 Conclusion: Nice.[/color][/font][/size] -
[color=indigo][font=comic sans ms]How about [b]People who are annoyed by everything[/b]? =P[/color][/font]
[color=indigo][font=comic sans ms][b]09/05, 11:25[/b] Kiyoshi Hirokazu grunted to himself as he tried to dislodge his suitcase from under a pile of twenty or so other suitcases. He braced himself with his foot and yanked the strap....Yank again... The large stack of luggage began to topple as Kiyo finally freed his bag. His eyes bugged out as the huge pile of Impending Doom began to fall towards him. "Ah!" He swiftly moved outside of the damage radius, watching as some poor unsuspecting sap was buried under a huge pile of suitcases. Kiyoshi looked around, then began to casually whistle and walk away. Seeing the huge crowd in the hallways, Kiyoshi elected to get through the crowd in as quick and efficient manner as possible: by swinging his suitcase over his head and yelling incoherantly, causing his classmates to give him a wide berth. Outside, Kiyoshi smiled and took in the atmosphere; although he was a junior, this was his first year at this particular school. Ever sincet he lizard invasion that destroyed his old school, Kiyo had been searching for a school that really made him feel at ease; maybe he'd found it? Either way, he wanted to get to his flat; the sooner he got everything set up, the sooner he could dance naked to the Spice Girls. As he turned to move towards the student lodgings...he saw it. Thirty meters away...a single pigeon, sitting on a bench. "They're invading..." he whispered to himself. "Well, you just made a huge mistake, by coming onto my turf..." He dropped his bag and unzipped it, removing a comically large bazooka. "Eat hot flaming death, germ-infested sky rat!" he yelled, cackling wlildly as he fired a shell towards the bird. It never had a chance. After a small mushroom cloud passed, nothing but a crater and what looked like a tiny roasted chicken remained. "Sweet!" Kiyo repacked his ordinance, and headed back towards the lodgings. This was turning out to be a nice day after all.[/color][/font]
[size=1][font=comic sans ms]A solitary figure slunk through the wreakage of the battle site, examing the remains of the battle. A remaining Fenrir, driven more vicious than normal by the death of its comrades, approached, bristling. The hooded figure simply stared at the wolf, glowing blue eyes peering from beneath the hood. "You can't be serious, dog," he said simply. "Leave me." The wolf approached, then stopped, sniffing the air nervously. It lowered its head and turned away, and the hooded figure, the Night Assailant, returned to his work. He knew that Magic users had been here; the air was still charged with their spells, almost electric and tangible. That was never in question. What he wihed to know was, who had lead the attack? What level of command had these supplies attracted. He kneeled at the corpse of the Lunanite, holding his hand over the wounds. He could feel it; the Dark Paladin. Once felt, the strange and powerful aura of the Paladin was unforgettable to a normal moster. To a skilled Fiend like the Assailant, it stood as a beacon to his precence. "Well, we've certainly attracted a celebrity, haven't we?" he asked no one. Kione would surely wish to know of this; the Paladin may still be close by. Keeping to the shadows, he head back to Mount Gaia.[/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I work in a bookstore, and manga isn't the only book that's read in the store. Novels, actually, are about the [i]only[/i] types of books not usually read in the store, and even then, it's usually only large novels that freeloading (in my opinion) customers skip over. Magazines are the worst, followed by reference books, newspapers, manga and comics. However, the bookstore manager explained it to me like this: nine times out of ten, a customer will park in the cafe to read their unpurchased books. In the cafe, they buy things. So, we got a cafe purchase from them we wouldn't have gotten otherwise, and we can still sell the book they read. It's win-win for the bookstore; that's why they let it happen. Granted, I still don't like it, because even though the bookstore makes out okay, the book publishers still take it in the shorts. I wouldn't mind manga being wrapped.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Name: Night Assailant Nickname/Callsign: The Assailant Attribute & Subtype: Dark/Fiend Appearance:[center][img]http://www.sighost.us/members/DeathBug/assailant.jpg[/img][/center] Affiliation & Rank: The Assailant serves Kione as an assassain. Reports to: Because of the secret nature of his assignments, the Assailant reports directly to Kione himself. Weapon/s:[url=http://www.sighost.us/members/DeathBug/sword.jpg]The Soul of the Soul Eater[/url] Weapon Ability: The Sword of the Soul Eater is a powerful weapon created when the Assailant charges his normal sword with part of his own spirit, giving it demonic powers. It draws on the souls of those killed by the Assailant, allowing him to kill on an even greater scale. Special Ability/Abilities: The Assailant is a master of the art of misdirection, and can create a false apparition of himself to confuse his opponents. History: The Night Assailant was an apparition created in an arcane ritual held by the acient cult of the Gravekeepers, in an attempt to revive on of their own. Rather than have the spirit of their fallen comrade return to his body, they mistakenly corrupted it, allowing a demon spirit to take hold of the body. The resulting fusion of a Gravekeeper's corpse and a demonic spirit created the Night Assailant. Recognizing the inherant darkness within this new creature, the Gravekeepers bannished him from their hidden tombs. Left with nothing but an incredible desire to sharpen his assassination skills, the Assailant served many masters in the past several years, eventually finding his permanent home in the employee of Kione. The Assailant is an intelligent and skilled killer, who can easily blend into shadows and strike with deadly accuracy. He has a dark sense of humor, and, although he serves Kione now, doesn't share the conqueror's vision. And, on another note, the actual Sword of the Soul Eater card can't be equipped to the Night Assailant, because it can only be equipped to non-effect monsters. I just think it looks wicked cool. ^^;[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Eyes of Jade From darkness and rejection I wish to find myself I see only imperfection And I despise myself Yet you tell me I am greater Than the failures I have lived through I may believe you later Because I wish to be with you I was lonely and afraid Until I saw your eyes of jade Greater than anything man has made Are your lovely eyes of jade My artificial blood and flesh Are validated by your touch Your voice heals wounds that are still fresh Your smallest smile means so much If you were struck by foul disaster I would not wish to be alive Of my fate I am not the master For I need you near me to survive I was lonely an afraid Until I saw your eyes of jade Greater than anything man has made Are your lovely eyes of jade I cannot be without you My life revolves about you If I saw you suffer I would cry You mean everything to me You and only you complete me If I were to lose you I would die I was lonely and afraid Until I saw your eyes of jade Greater than anything man has made Are you lovely eyes of jade[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Didja' know that forced isolation is a Geneva-approved interrogation technique? Keep the prisoner totally isolated from all people exceptr the interregator, and within a few days, the prisoner is usally willing to tell anything so that the visits with the interrorgater will last longer. So, yeah, total isolation is bad, and if it goes on too long, it can have negative affects on the human psyche. Bummer, neh?[/color][/size][/font]