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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Meh. Discrimination against youth is a completely legal practice, so as they're a private business, I have no problem with them doing so. They'll find out soon whether or not it was a wise decision based on business earnings. If tt wasn't, then they'll retract it, but the damage will be done. If it was, then who cares? It's not like there's a lack of restaraunts ayoung consumer can choose.[/color][/size][/font]
  2. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Ever since I saw it in [i]Creepshow[/i], my worst fear is being killed by swarms of bugs. Yes, it's stupid, but the idea really freaks me out. No, it's not rational, but it's not supposed to be....[/color][/size][/font]
  3. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I've only seen one teen comedy that I've really, really liked, and that was [i]EuroTrip[[/i]. Sadly, no one around seems to understand the comedic genious of the film; at least, no one ever resoponds when I talk about it. I wanna' see [i]Old School[/i] and [i]Road TRip[/i], now.[/color][/size][/font]
  4. [font=comic sans ms][size=1][color=indigo][center]MAJOR Spider-Man 2 spoilers. [spoiler][b]Vindicated[/b] By DeathBug[/center] [i]He passed the stages of his age and youth Entering the whirlpool Gentile or Jew O you who turn the wheel and look to windward, Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.[/i] -TS Elliot I really should have recognized the inherent danger in the whole proposal when I compared the reaction to the power of the Sun. It seems so obvious in retrospect; the Sun is a huge a potent source of energy, but it?s simply and obviously beyond the ability of Man to harness. If I?d approached the project with more caution, perhaps things might have turned out for the better. I could be at home with Rose sipping tea by the fire, instead of waist-deep in water, reducing my life?s work to rubble. I can?t tell if Parker and his girlfriend have escaped yet, and I can?t stop to look; between the physical stress of sinking the reactor and the mental stress of subduing the tentacles? AI, I am very occupied. I have confidence that they will, though. Parker is a living example of my own philosophies, using the gifts bestowed upon him for the good of Mankind. It makes sense, now, why Harry didn?t slay Spider-Man. Parker is Spider-Man, it really makes perfect sense?explains why he always is able to get those photographs, and why Spider-Man appeared so quickly at the demonstration. The demonstration was where I lost Rose, and a piece of myself. Things would have been better if I had died that day as well. I really should have; my calculations were off, and the resulting pandemonium was directly my fault. I should have realized that immediately, but the arms? AI distracted me. No! I shouldn?t allow myself to excuse my actions any longer! The AI system took advantage of me, yes, but I should have been focused enough to overcome it! Instead, I wallowed in my own self-pity and let myself?kill. ?I will not die a monster!? I killed. I took human life. The reactor platform is collapsing now, as it should. It has to. I won?t let anyone else die, certainly not for my own self-gratification. The hospital, the bank, the train?I killed, and I didn?t care. What mattered, other than my own ambitions? The arms are urging me to stop, trying to re-exert influences over my psyche. I won?t let them. I will not let them. I hesitate for just a second to reflect on the irony of my situation, worthy of prose: the arms are a physical embodiment of what I allowed to happen to my life. I allowed my work to consume me, loosing sight of what mattered. I lost so much time. Rose. No one dies wishing they had spent more time at the office. Rose often told me that in many of my late nights in the lab. I should have listened. I shouldn?t have stopped learning new poems to recite to her, or missing meals together, or a thousand different displays of love and devotion. The fusion core is sinking now; I?ve succeeded. The arms are trying again to exert control; the AI?s self-preservation program is engaging in a sensation almost comparable to panic. It senses danger to its existence, and wants to escape. I grin bitterly to myself; no sort of computerized intelligence could ever understand the decision I?m making. I suppose I could try to explain it as an equation, with the normal state of being as an naturally-occurring mathematical formula. By introducing so much pain and death to the equation, I created an imbalance. The equation can only be balanced again by removing myself. To ensure that escape is impossible, I concentrate and de-activate the magnetic generators that run throughout the arms. These generators rendered my arms completely immune to the magnetic field; without them, my arms are being pulled towards the generator. The AI is overriding my command. It?s too late for that. They?re already submerged, and they?re far too heavy for us to break the surface. If only I had done this earlier, when I had the chance. Such is hindsight? I was never a religious man, but I can?t help but hope that maybe, when this is all over, I?ll be with Rose again. I want to apologize, and tell her I love her. I know I don?t deserve to be, though; I should burn for what I?ve wrought onto others, tortured by a quartet of serpents. I?ll endure any torture for a chance at redemption, a chance to be with her? The surface seems very far away now?the AI re-activated the magnetic generators, but for naught? Magnetic?if I alter the magnetic field on the generator by eight units?I could prevent the field spikes! Of course! That?s where I kept making a mistake? I have to tell Rose?she?ll be so happy?[/font][/size][/color][/spoiler]
  5. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Gah, Drama (TM) is, perhaps, the most useless waste of time ever. I've had so many friends involved in situations that are just so stupid, and easily rectified by simply ollowing the most logical couse of action. (If he treats you badly, break up with him! It's not rocket science!) I learned long ago, however, that people take their Drama (TM) very seriously, and don't like you trying to find solutions. So, I just listen, and inwardly cringe.[/color][/size][/font]
  6. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]My advice regarding religious discrimination is a little different from others. Unless your financial well-being is severely threatened by the loss of this job, don't go to court. Simply get another job. Your old employer won't be in business much longer, because the free-market system punishes those who discrminate. If a company fails to hire the people best qualified for a job on the basis of something arbitrary like religion, race, creed, whatever, then not only are they limiting their own resource pool and hiing inferior employees, but they're sending better-qualified employees to their competitors. f you're a skilled worker, you don't have to put up with that grabage.[/color][/size][/font]
  7. Character Name(s): Kiyoshi Hirokazu Anime Stereotype: The Crazy Guy Age: 17 Year: Sophomore, Senior, Freshman etc Appearance: Kiyoshi stands at 5' 11'', with sky-blue eyes and pointed silvery hair. He wears a simple black high-school uniform Alignment: Good Extra Subjects: -Use of Oversized Weapons -Creative Writing -Hair and Beauty -Metalwork and Forgery Accommodation: Lives in a sinple apartment near the school Bio: Every school needs the Crazy Guy, a person to be totally random and get into various predicaments. Really, they do. But does a stereotype really need a history? He does? Well, all right, but only because you asked nicely. Kiyoshi was raoised by his mother, whosaved her entire working life to send her son to college. She is, of course, equally as crazy as her offspring, but in a different way. Kiyoshi's isolation and fascination with explsions during his childhood knocked a few screws loose that are still rattling somewhere in his head. Perhaps you've seen them? Anyway, he likes high speeds, explosions, large weapons capable of making large explosions, rock music and ramen. tHough he has a good heart, things get very...interesting when he's around. If you need someone to concoct odd schemes, fiddle with electric wiring, or run headfirst into overwheliming peril for no discernable purpose, look no further than Kiyoshi Hirokazu, the Crazy Guy. Special Powers/Abilities: The ability to enter into any situation, no matter how absurd or dangerous, become comically mutilated or otherwise injured, and be okay by the next scene. Also, Kiyoshi is a master of face faults and exagerrated expressions. Sworn Enemy: Pigeons
  8. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms][b]Pack-weighing, kid cheating cretins[/b]: Okay, you won't know what this is unless you're a card gamer, but some people take gram cales and weigh card packs in the store, because holo-foil cards weigh slightly more than normal. They buy all the packs with holos, and basically screw over anyone else who buys from that store. [b]People who can't accept responsibility for their actions[/b]: Most of the problems in the world are caused by this; it should be obvious as to why. [b]The Democratic Party[/b]: So, you're managed to co-ordinate your party line to the point where anything that's good for the country is bad for your campaigns. Brilliant. [b]John Bryne, Micheal Moore, Jerry Falwell, Al Gore[/b]: Shut up!!!! [b]People who swear casually[/b] Get a vocabulary. [b]Overly-PC people[/b]: I was once lectured by a man for telling him "God bless you" when he sneezed. Apparently, that's offensive to him as a non-Christian. My bad; I'll be sure to say "God damn you" next time. [b]Runaway Judges[/b]: You interpret the law! You don't make it! Get a grip. [b]Hollywood[/b]: Buncha' freaks. [b]Communists[/b]: Yes, Communism [i]is[/i] evil. And it doesn't work. Get over it.[/color][/size][/font]
  9. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Gah, like I want to see even more of people's bodies. Folks can already parade around half naked, and I'm a wee bit disgusted with it. Girls shouldn't be topless, and most guys shouldn't either. For God's sake, put some clothes on, people! That being said, women were unfortunate enough to have organs closely associated with sexual foreplay on their chest, whereas men aren't supposed to. So, women being topless is a bigger deal than men.[/color][/size][/font]
  10. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Dear sweet Virgin Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty, this might just be the coolest thing I've ever seen. Ever. [/size][size=3] [b]Ever.[/b][/size][size=1] Username: DeathBug (Note proper spelling: one word, capital B.) Magic Type: Dark Type: Incognito Picture: [url=http://www.sighost.us/members/DeathBug/vcard.jpg]'Ere ya' go, govnah![/url] Moves: Randomnessity: After this card defeats another fighter card, select one card at random from your opponent's hand. If that card can be used under current field conditions, it is activated; activation costs are paid as normal. If it can't be activated, it is discarded. Devil's Advocate: Switch the attack and defense scores of the opposing fighter. Color: Does 'Mad' mean 'Angry', or 'insane'? If 'insane', then it's Red. If not, then...Black. And, an Ability Card. Name: Spam Infection! [img]http://www.sighost.us/members/DeathBug/spamcard.jpg[/img] Ability: Your opponent discards one card of their choice. Probably more to come...[/color][/size][/font]
  11. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I saw that movie, now that I think about it. I was, like, nine, and even then, I could recognize the horrble-ness-ity in the film. It's just...bad... Granted, it might be worth checking out for a laugh.[/color][/size][/font]
  12. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Yes, I made a typo. What of it? Captain America used to be a simple character: he wanted to join the Army during WWII, was rejected 'cause he was a wimp, and volunteered for the Super Soldier program. Then he fought Nazis, then got frozen, then thawed, then fought super villains, and communists, and communist super villains. But we can't have anything simple and easy like that in comics anymore.[/color][/size][/font]
  13. [QUOTE=wrist cutter] I'm surprised they haven't come out with a Captain America movie yet. I mean.. come on. Patriotism is at its peak. He could fight Al Qaeda terrorists as well as other suspicious looking middle-eastern men. Once he helps America win the war on terrorism, Dubya could make a cheesy cameo thanking him.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]You know, I remember the days when Captain America was fun, and a super hero battling super villians, instead of a depressing and brooding boarderline whose adventures are all 'ripped from the headlines'! Alas.[/color][/size][/dont]
  14. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Meh, I haven't checked it out for several reasons: It's obviously a shallow cash-in of a once-cool idea (I Love the 80's.) I'm turned off to the entire format of those programs at the moment. I don't love the 90's. The 80's kicked arse, but 90's? Bleh.[/color][/size][/font]
  15. [quote name='Shiro_Ryuu']Any guy who wants his girlfriend to have breast implants is either a total loser, an idiot, or both.[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Good God, horrid flashback; a friend of mine, on his first date with a girl, told her that if she got some implants, she'd be totally hot. He called me later and asked if he'd done something wrong. I spent thirty minutes yelling at him over the phone. If he'd been in front of me, I might have hit him. Gahhh... They continued going out for a month and a half, for reasons completely beyond me. I told him that every day with her was a day longer than he should have had, after saying that.[/color][/size][/font]
  16. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]As an out-and-proud Geek, I'm psyched about all the future superhero movie projects, even if it means we have to take some real clunkers (Daredevil: Why, God? Why?!) along with the good. Now that I'm here, I might as well voice my extreme disapproval of [i]Catwoman[/i]. Halle Barry can't act, the change to her origin is stupid, and why does she dress like a street whore? In the comics, the cartoons and [i]Batman Returns[/i], Catwoman wore a full-body costume. Her old costume could make three or four of these glorified dominatrix undergarments the new Catwoman is wearing. Positive female role model my arse; I want [i]Spider-Girl: The Movie[/i].[/color][/size][/font]
  17. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] [i]This world is made of love and p;eace![/i] Ah, the great wisdom of Vash the Stampede... Yoh Asakura's mantra is also nice: [i]Everything will work out.[/i]. I could think of a dozen cool conversations, but I prefer shorter sayings, particularly those used often by the characters.[/color][/size][/font]
  18. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]My favorite episode of Outlaw Star is "BEast Girl, Ready to Pounce"; it's the funniest thing I've seen outside of Tenchi Muyo!. [spoiler]After Aisha Clanclan makes the bold statement that Gene's gun will never kill "an immortal Ctarl Ctarl", Gene shoots her. She gets one of the funniest anime expressions I've ever seen as his Caster Shell electrocutes her, leaving her twitching on the floor. Gene's response. "Hey, I huess you [i]are[/i] an immortal Ctarl Ctarl, after all. Good for you! ^__^[/spoiler] There are many scenes I love in the (original) Shaman King, as well. [spoiler]In particular, when Tokagero possesses Ryu's body and has Manta as a hostage, he warns Yoh and Amidamru that if they approach him, he'll slaw Manta. Anna's response: "So?"[/spoiler] And, of course, Tenchi Muyo!. [spoiler]When Mr. Masaki tries to peek in on the girls' spa, Ryoko pops right up. "Hi!" Masaki falls off the wall, much to Ryoko's puzzlement.[/spoiler][/color][/size][/font]
  19. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Here's something that just occurred to me: Maybe we, as Internet users of various levels, are less inclined to consider physical assets in a person because we more than likely have some friendships where we have no idea what the person look likes. Perhaps an advantage of belonging to an on-line community is developing a preference for communication-based relationships, rather than visual or physical ones. If this theory has any truth to it, then OB users really don't represent an accurrate sample of all males. Just a thought.[/color][/size][/font]
  20. [QUOTE=Harry] I'm curious as to how many times you've actually had sex and with how many different partners.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I'm a voluntary virgin, if you really wanna' know. Know why? Because I'm smart enough to look at myself and admit that I'm not ready for any of the responsibilities that come with sex, nor do I want to deal with the complications that will arise. Same reason I don't eat the whole toob of cookie dough. And I really, really like cookie dough.[/color][/size][/font] [QUOTE]You do need to chill out a little bit. All this arguing is useless. You can't convince dozens of teenagers that sex is bad; it just doesn't happen. [/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Sex itself isn't bad; having sex with no forethought and without the ability to deal with the consequences as so many are doing is bad.[/color][/size][/font]
  21. [QUOTE=nolimits][COLOR=Indigo] [FONT=Georgia]Dude, lighten up :) ~peace~[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]It's not that I mind a joke here or there, but that post was kind of spammy, and I don't wantt he thread to get locked because it turns into spammy sex jokes. Please don't take any offense.[/color][/size][/font]
  22. [quote name='Harry']So having sex with multiple partners= instant disease right? Oh wait no it doesn't. [/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Well, actually, by the age of 24, one in three sexually active people will contract and STD. But, if you actually read what I said at the beginning of this topic, my only point wasn't disease. I also mentioned the emotional complications that result from promiscuious sex.[/color][/size][/font] [QUOTE]I don't know if you've fallen in line with the propoganda machine but if you some extremely basic things (ie: wear a condom) the likely hood of you getting a disease is small. [/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms][i]What[/i] "propoganda machine"? Sex is thrown at most people through every media avenue, is glorified in movies and on television, and is hawked to sell products. Where is there this huge, anti-sex movement I've been recieving propoganda from, pray tell?[/color][/size][/font] [QUOTE]People enjoy it (right then) because unless something happens like the condom breaking, they're pretty safe.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Except that the percentage of sexually promiscuious people (more than two partners within a year) using condoms has increased, but the percentage of people with an STI or unwanted pregnancy are also increasing. A condom is not some magical piece of rubber that makes all consequences go away. [/color][/size][/font] [QUOTE]Also the difference between enjoying cookie dough and an orgasm are usually different.[/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]The anology stands.[/color][/size][/font]
  23. [quote name='Harry'] Quit trying to be the next Socrates and enjoy life instead of pondering why.[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I could eat an entire tube o' cookie dough (and no, thats' not a metaphor for anything) and I'd enjoy it immensely. I won't enjoy it so much an hour later when I'm throwing up in the bathroom. That's how I'm seeing many people's attitudes regarding sex: they only care that it'll feel good right then, and don't care about the consequences. That's shortsighted and potentially dangerous thinking. Therein lies the problem, not with sex itself. I already said that if you're with a single partner, whom you have a steady emotional relationship with, then there really isn't any problem. It's people with less self-control than an un-nuetered dog that confuse and astound me. [QUOTE]I created the orgasm. Please give credit where it is due![/QUOTE] Can we please keep this mature?[/color][/size][/font]
  24. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]What the bloody 'Ell is up with girls who wear shirts that practically display all of their chest, then get angry at guys forglancing downwards? Wer'e already fighting thousands of years of evolution, and you're not helping! Ahem. That being said, I really could care less about a girl's chest size. I consider a girl's chest like the comic strips on the old-fashioned bubblegum wrappers: nice if it's there, but that's not why you bough the gum.[/color][/size][/font]
  25. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Well, I'm not really sure what you're doing; it looks like general beatdown. If it is, replace the Rush Recklesslies and Banners of Courage with Axes of DEspairs, to providea better boost to your forces. If you really want a good anti-Jinzo card, run the Kaiser glider; it matches Jinzo permanantly, can suicide and survive, and sends a monster away when it leavest he field. It also looks wicked kewl. Also, take out the Man-Eater Bug and add a Mystic Tomato, because oft he 5 low-stat dark types you run.[/color][/size][/font]
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