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Everything posted by DeathBug
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms][quote name='Xander Harris']Which explains why titles without movies or at least movies in the works may soon be phased out...[/quote] I doubt that; just two months ago, they released a new wave of titles, mostly featuring b-list characters. (Iron Fist?) While that is a possibility, i don't think it's imminent. [quote name='Xander Harris']The best comic Marvel puts out right now is Thor, written by Dan Jurgens.[/quote] Meh; I've never liked the thor character, or much fantasy-themed stuff to begin with. Not my cup of tea. [quote name='Xander Harris']This is the dude that brought us The Death Of Superman storyline, remember.[/quote] Ugh, I remember. That's not something to brag about, Danny-boy. [quote name='Xander Harris']I've tried to get back into Spiderman on and off over the past few years, but the title has so much baggage now, ever since the whole clone fiasco.[/quote] They don't even mention the Clone saga anymore, to the point where it's ridiculous. (You shouldn't just ignore three years of history just because it was unpopular. That'd make you...DC...) [quote name='Semjaza Azazel'] I've picked up Astonshing X-Men. It just came out today (Wednesday) actually.[/quote] Finally; I've been waiting for this one. [quote name='Shy']A fun comic I'm reading these days is The Pulse [/quote] The Pulse is great, an eximplifies my problem with Ultimate Spider-Man: Bendis and Bagly should be writing in the normal Marvel Universe; the one that counts. The two could take the reins on Amazing Spider-Man from JMS, because JMS's run has been terrible, with very few exceptions. His stupid 'spider-totem' stoy has, at this point, dragged on longer than the clone saga did. Or perhaps Bendis & Bagly could take a title or two from Chuck Austin. I was appaled when I heard Austin might write a [i]Nightcrawler[/i] mini. I like Kurt too much for that.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Fun fact: Marvel's publishing branch only accounts for five percent of their total revenues. Neat, huh? Anyway, most of the big name Marvel properties are already being cinimized, including the Fantastic four. As a reader, I can't think of any characters I'd want to see on the screen [i]that could support their own film[/i]. I emphasize that because there are plenty of characters I want to see in film, but they couldn't hold their own movie. Demogoblin, Doppleganger, the Looter, Stegromn the Dinosaur Man, Maggot, Onslaught, Horis, Annihilous, Hybrid, Crazy Eight, Armada, Joystick, Turbo, Genis, Strong Guy, Agent X, Arcade, Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy, Warstar, the crimson Dynamo, Basilik, the Shocker, the fearsome Mr. Funny Face (and Bunky), the list goes on. And on. And on. I want to opick up the Runaways book when I get some extra cash on me. I've heard nothing but good things about it, and have been wanting to read it ever since I saw the cover of the girl hugging the velociraptor. They had me at 'raptor'. Raptor. There's another character I'd love to see on screen. As for Spider-Man, the single greatest comic book character ever, if you want to check up on him, the best title would be [i]Spider-Man[/i], under te Marvel knights imprint. It just started, so you could pick up issues one and two in the same trip. It's good stuff. Also, if you read Marvel comics at all, find [i]Spectacular Spider-Man[/i] #14. It's a beautiful, fully-painted story. Worth it, completely.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Painful Choice allows you to choose [b]any[/b] five cards from your deck. The crteria you use to search is up to you; the card itself is very versitile.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I saw Shrek 2 this morning. There's nothing I can really say that hasn;'t already been said; it's the funniest thing I've seen in forever. Watch it. Then, go and watch it again. Puss In Boots is my hero.[/color][/size][/font]
[quote name='Undefeated']We are the last super power! And we can do anything we damn well please! [/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Oh, for... Look, we [i]could[/i] 'do anything we damn well please'; the question is, [i]should[/i] we? I'm a very patriotic individual, and statements like the above quoted make us all look bad. [/color][/size][/font] [quote name='NeoNabishen']I think that by doing the things that get you elected, Bribes, slander, lies, and anything else that they can do to get a vote, makes politicians unworthy to hold the office of President.[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] Then support people you believe wouldn't do those things. [/color][/size][/font] [quote name='NeoNabishen']it?s just something that has to happen and there isn?t anything you can do about it so you don?t care. [/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] It doesn't have to happen, and I don't tolerate it. (Granted, my ability to not tolerate it is directly proportional to my current sphere of political influence, but still...) If you just accept these circumstances instead of doing all in your power to alter them, you give them your silent consensus.[/color][/size][/font] [quote name='NeoNabishen']I think that our government has gone to hell.[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Governments don't go to Hell on their own; if they're there, it's because the citizens allowed it to happen. Don't tolerate this kind of situation; act to change it. [/color][/size][/font] [quote name='NeoNabishen']we have given up rights that never should have been taken away. [/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Which rights, out of curiosity?[/color][/size][/font] [quote name='NeoNabishen']Fight the MAN![/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Uh, what the... Who is this man, and why are you fighting him?[/color][/size][/font [quote name='Transtic Nerve']I'd take a possibility for a good plan over an already proven bad plan.[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] Better the devil you know than the one you don't, in my opinion. [/color][/size][/font] [quote name='Transtic Nerve']Maybe you should look at the current presidents campaign and tell me who else is throwing insults. Oh yeah, don't forget to look at yourself for those issults. Seems to be a quality of all republicans.[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]While we're mentioning it, I'd like to simply state, for the record, that i'm tired of hearing both sides complain about the other side slinging mud. It's politics, guys; it's what you're supposed to do. Bush is gonna' insult Kerry, and Kerry is gonna' insult Bush, and it wouldn't be fun if they didn't. I not only expect them to, I'd be disappointed if they didn't. [/color][/size][/font]
Israeli forces massacre protesters in Rafah
DeathBug replied to DBZgirl88's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Genzo'] Umm... No offense but we constantly killing Israelis. you always hear about a suicide bomber, but you dont hear of the massacres that happened in Lebenon, in Jenin Hebron, and Nablus. [/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] Actually, I have heard of those events. (Well, Lebenon and Nablus, anyway.) I do not condonee verything done by Isreal, but they are the exceptions to Isreali action, not the rule. What bothers me is that you have no problem with 'constantly killing Isrealis'. If this mentality is telling of the Palestinean population, this might be where the problem lies. [/color][/size][/font] [quote name='Genzo'] They stop Ambulances from taking the wounded civilian/refugees to make sure that they pass away. what do you think of that. If you got shot and i flattened the tires of the ambulance that was supposed help you sustain life, you would not appreciate it, would you.[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] Out of curiosity, where did you get this information? I ask because it would be entirely in opposition to the Isreali national interest to do so. I sense propoganda.[/color][/size][/font] [quote name='Genzo']Um the person who made this Quote against me, i would like him to give me his email so that i am able to send you a video.[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I'm not making a 'Quote against you', I'm just voicing an opposing point of view. And I don't give out my e-mail address to random folks on the Internet; it's just not smart.[/color][/size][/font] -
Israeli forces massacre protesters in Rafah
DeathBug replied to DBZgirl88's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Genzo][COLOR=DarkGreen'] I do not believe that liberating your nation is a terrorist act. As for the civilians well they should have thought twice before they stole my grandfathers home and robbed him of the future he had with his children. they do not have the right to take Palestine. [COLOR][/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]That's such a convincing argument...except there was no nation, Palestinean or otherwise, in the land that is currently Isreal. Perhaps if Palestineans hadn't constantly killed Isreali civilians, then more Palestineans would be able to live peacefully in Isreal. [/color][/size][/font] -
Israeli forces massacre protesters in Rafah
DeathBug replied to DBZgirl88's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Time for a history lesson, kiddies! The UN created the nation of Isreal in 1948, and it's location was choosen for a reason. There was no nation existing there, and no peoples staying there, save a few Jewish and Arab settlers. (Jews have [i]always[/i] lived in that land.) No nation existed there, the land that comprises Isreal makes up less than 1% of the land in the middle east, and it contains no oil. No one cared about this rather forsaken land until 1948, but immediatly afterward, the neighboring Arab states tried to invade and destroy it. Why? Because they simply didn't want a Jewish state to exist near them. The reason the Isrealis can't cede the West Bank to other nations is because that would put 80% of their population within range of Palestinean armaments. The reason they shouldn't cede any land is because they've [i]won[/i] the wars against their neighbors, and when you win wars, you don't give in to the demands of the vanquished. You know, it's funny; Jews in neighboring Arab nations aren't even recognized as citizens, or allowed to practice their religon. In Isreal, Arabs are allowed to practice their religion, vote, and serve on the Knesset. The reason that Isreal is so tough on errorists (and yes, they are terrorists) is because they're in far too much of a precarious situation (to say the least) to be lienient. Whereas Isreali troops have mistakenly killed Palestinean civilians, Palestinean bombers [i]inentionally[/i] target Isreali civilians. Hmmm...what's more conspicuous, Isreali soldiers accidentally shooting civilians during a riot, or a Palestinean bomber blowing himself up in a resteraunt or movie theater? :rolleyes: Yes, I can see the strategic military value of blowing up civilians out for lunch.[/color][/size][/font] -
[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff] If John Kerry doesn't getting into office, I'm demanding a recount. Really[/color][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]When John Kennedy was elected president, beat Richard Nixson, there was substantial evidence of vote tampering in Kennedy's favor in key states. The Nixon team had enough of a case to bring the matter to trial and demand a recount, but Richard Nixon himself said not to. In his own words, he didn't want to initiate the recount and "cheapen the office of the presidency". How times change, eh?[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]What did I like the most about [i]Troy[/i]? I saw it with this really cute girl. What did I like about the actual movie? They shoved the new preview to [i]Spider-Man 2[/i] right before it. This should give you an indication of my feelings towards the movie. The majority of the characters were self-involved idiots, there were gaping plot holes, [spoiler](the King of Troy manages to walk into the Greek camp [i]and no Greeks notice this?![/i][/spoiler], historical innaccuracy, and thre typical over-romantisizing the takes place in so many epics today. I haven't been this disappointed in a movie since [i]The Last Samaurai[/i]. If you haven't seen it, don't.[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]The answer to both questions is 'No', because the text on Zolga and PCfB specfically refer to Tribute summonings. No other types of summonings will work. A Ritual Monster's summoning is considered a Ritual Summon, and is also a Special Summon.[/color][/size][/font]
[quote name='Xander Harris']Who will I end up voting for? I have no idea. I think I would really like to see the two of them debate each other before I make any final decision...[/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Why settle for a debate? I personally believe that candidates for office should have to fight each other with padded batons while standing on rotating plantforms, a la [i]American Gladiators[/i]. That's probably why I don't make the rules...[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]If you're just now discovering [i]The Princess Bride[/i], you've been deprived. I'm a fan of the film, though I haven't seen it recently. As it's been said, there's something there for everyone. It's an excellant movie.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]The question of 'Bush or Kerry' is irrelevent to me, because I never vote for individuals. No individual will perfectly reflect my desires. I vote for party. A party philosiphy is much more dependable than a single person. So, I'll vote Republican, because most of my values fall into the catagory of 'moderate conservative'. However, while there was potential that I might have been swayed to vote Democrat, the behavior of so many members of that party disgust me to the point where I cannot endorse them. As for independent parties, as the current political culture stands, their duty is not to be elected. Their duty is to bring issues to the forefront of the political scene that the major parties overlook.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I hate math. I hate it so much. I have never been good at it, and it has left a constant smudge on my GPA. If all math in the universe died, I'd be okay. That said, I don't mind algebra so much. I always seemed to be pretty good at it; I understood most of the concepts. A hundred and one different ways to find 'x'.... Imaginary numbers always blew my mind, though. I understood how they worked, but the concept always bothered me. It was like their existance proved mathmatical theory wrong somehow...[/color][/size][/font]
The Further Exploitation of Little Girls in Our Society
DeathBug replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Does it bother anyone that we're running our children in the same types of shows we're running our dogs? As I recall, there was a huge fuss recently...somewhere...when a Children's Beauty Pagent wanted to include a swimsuit contest. As you can rightfully imagine, no one went for that. Is there exploitation going on? Yes. However, I don't think that it's gender-specific in this case. Bueaty pagents are a way girls cam be exploited, but I'm sure there's many boys on sports teams who just don't wanna be there. I'm reminded of the Student Council elections held in my school. Students pour, literally, thousands of dollars into this type of event. Yet, many of the candidates I talk to are apathetic to the whole thing. I think the exploitation of young girls in beauty pagents is merely a small part of a wider phenomenon: overzealous parents trying to live vicariously through their children.[/color][/size][/font] -
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I went to see [i]Van Hellsing[/i] yesterday. I had no expectations for the film beyond monster fights. There were monster fights, and I was satisfied. The plot was weak, at best. I didn't like certain things done with some aspects of the movie ([spoiler]I'm sick of movies potraying Mr. Hyde as a physical brute....[/spoiler]) However, I also enjoyed picking up on little monster trivia minutia, such as the wolfman chant being the original from [i]The Wolfman[/i]. So.....I figure if you name your kid 'Van Hellsing', you're pretty much limiting his career paths later in life, huh? He could be a demon hunter, mad scientist, wizard...that's about it. It's like naming a kid 'Jeeves'; you know he'll be a butler. The preceeding was the most interesting conversation that [i]Van Hellsing[/i] produced among my friends and I.[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Shrek 2 is on my list of movies to see this summer, along with Spider-Man 2, The Village, and that new movie by the Dude, Where's My Car? guys. The original Shrek was an unexpected surprise for me when it came out, and I think the new one will be decent, at least. All the previews I've seen look good, and I have confidence in the talent involved. Good times, I hope.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Doom 3 all the way. I'm a huge fan of the original Doom; it's my favorite video game of all time. I'm planning to buy a new PC soon, and I'm making especially sure that it's D3 compatable. I want to see Imps, CyberDemons, Arch Viles, zombies, the works. I am pscyched beyond all possible measure for this game...[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]The most challenging video game boss in the history of challenging video game bosses was the Icon of Sin, final baddie of [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,1320/]Doom II[/url. [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,/gameId,299/gameShotId,19225/]The Icon was a single huge wall with the picture of a goat demon with a hole in its forehead[/url]. Through the hole it shot out skull cubes. The skull cubes were not aimed at you, although one would do damage should it hit you. The skull cube hits the ground and becomes a demon. Here's what makes it horrible: these cubes can become [b]any[/b] of the game's monsters to attack you. Well, almost any. No [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,1591/]human zombies[/url are formed, and the uber-powerful [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,19224/]Cyber Demon and Spider Mastermind[/url] don't form, but you'll hardly notice. You've got [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,1325/]Imps[/url], [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,19221/]Bull Demons[/url], [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,19233/]Mancubuses[/url] and [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,19222/]Arch Villes[/url] coming into existance, and then some. Heck, the Arch Vile alone was a powerful beastie, who could burn you without touching you, lift you through the air, and resurrect dead monsters. You have to kill the Icon, but the only way to do so is to fire rockets through the hole in his forehead, and the only way to do [i]that[/i] is to descend to a rising platform surrounded by harmful toxic waste. You have to launch your rocket at exactly the right time to get it into the hole, and you must get a direct shot with three rockets. Oh, and those other demons? If they're not fighting you, [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,19223/]they're fighting each other[/url]. The longer you take to kill the Icon, the more the situation descends into bedlam, and the less likely you are to survive. 'Course, you could always just yse a cheat code to 'clip' through the wall, where you see that the Icon is, in reality, none other than the [url=http://www.mobygames.com/game/shots/p,2/gameId,299/gameShotId,19226/]severed head of ID designer John Romero.[/url] Yeah, those guys got a twisted sense of humor.... Anyway, the Icon takes my vote, simply for the sheer amount of chaos he can create in a very short time. Man, I love Doom.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Name: The Strike Ninja Nickname/Callsign: 'Strike Ninja' is pretty short, byt he could also just be 'the Ninja'. Attribute & Subtype: Darkness/Warrior Appearance: [url=http://www.cardhaus.com/cgi-local/shop3.pl/SID=2185868171045887845/picture=92433/page=picture.htm]Go here![/url] Affiliation & Rank: As a stealth opperative, the Strike Ninja is not part of the normal chain of command; he works alone. Reports to: Because the Strike Ninja serves to gatherhighly confidential information, he reports directly to the Dark Paladin. Weapon/s: [url=http://www.cardhaus.com/cgi-local/shop3.pl/SID=2185868171045887845/picture=92457/page=picture.htm]The Fuhma Shurikens[/url], in addition to his twin daggers. Weapon Ability: The Shurikens are razor shjarp, and explode on contact. The Ninja can throw them with incredible accuracy. Special Ability/Abilities: The Strike Ninja can, in periods of great danger, physically teleport himself a distance of approximatly one mile. However, doing so taxes him very greatly, leaving him in a weakened state afterwards. It is not an ability that can be used lightly. History: It is unknown where the Ninja came from, but he quickly made himself known as the best covert operations agent in the land. His speed and agility are unchallened in the dark Realm, and what he lacks in brute strength, he makes up for in skill. Normally quiet, the Ninja has a cynical outlook and a dry sense of humore. He also follows an ancient honor code that he claims he recieved from his own mentor. this has lead some to believe that the strike Ninja is merely the latest in a long line of Ninja, whose legacy is passed from master to student. However, the Ninja refuses to answer any questions about himself, so nothing can be confirmed. What is known is that the Ninja is the Paladin's go-to guy for stealth missions and covert opperations. He can be used to infiltrate enemy operations, gather desireable information, or procure enemy artifacts. It has been rumored that he is even used for the rare assassination mission, but of course, he never reveals any details of his missions. That good?[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I used to like Friends, but I haven't enjoyed it for a while now. I stopped watching three years ago, then started watching when last season was supposed to be the finale, then stayed for this season just to see how the damn thing ends. I am sick of Ross and Rachel. Monica has become neurotic. Chandler has become a looser. Pheobe should have ended up with Joey, and her husbands' a creep. The chick and the duck are gone, and Gunter hasnt' appeared in forever. Basically, at this point, I just want to see what happens to Joey. I will be watching [i]Joey[/i], naturally, but, in my opinion, the show should have ended when Chandler proposed to Monica. Ah, well. Like just about everything now adays, it was good before it was run into the ground.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Ah, the Black Magician of Chaos, the two-tributew monster in the current game. It beats Tyrant Dragon, the Blue Eyes, the Invader, and even the dark Magician. The single downside of this card isn't really a downside, because you don't want this getting turned around on you. The ability to remove other cards from the game is always a plus, and to see it on a beast as strong as this guy is rare in the game. (Previous 'Remove from play' monsters were either easily destroyed, like Kycoo or DD Crazy Beast, or were one-for-one trade offs, like DD Warrior Lady.) As Domon said, you could get rid of enemy Witches, Sangans, or any other game-breaking effect monster. The Magic-revival ability is amazing. Get whatever you need to launch an attack [i]right then[/i]. Get back Regeki to clear the field. Get back Change of Heart to convert your opponent's defenses. Use Pot of Greed to increase your hand size. Get Harpies' feather Duster to remove opposing traps. Or just get Monster REborn for more beatdown fun. Now, how's this card rate in terms of support? Pretty well, actually. Using Dedication Through Light and Darkness, you canh ave this guy out by turn two. Here's what you do: Get the Dark Magician onto the field by any means, usually by either Dump/Revive or Skilled Dark Magician. Attack with the Dark Magician for 2500 damage. tHen, activate Dedication (It's a Quick-Play magic, so you can use it during your attack phase), tribute the Dark Magician for the DMoC, revive a Magic card, and proceed to attack for 2800 damage. That's over half your opponent's life-points right there. (If you'd alreadt set a Destruction Ring, that's game.) In the furture, we'll also have Double Ghost, which serves as two tributes for a dark-type monster, in addition to Dimension Magic, which is similar to DTL&D, but with a broader effect. If you want to run a deck built just for this guy, I'd recommened running one of him, two Dark Magicians, a trio of skilled Dark magicians, and a pair of DTL&D, along with plenty of spellcaster support. However, this card is powerful enought to work in many other deck-types. Two disclaimers, by the way: First, this card [b]does not count towards dark Magician Girl's effect.[/b] (She only powers up from the older version of this card, the Ritual Monster not yet released in the US). Second, the combo Domon mentioned will become obsolete soon, as DMoC will soon be restricted to one, as it is in Japan. Overall, I give the Dark Magician of Chaos a very well-earned 4.5/5. [/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Digimon was definatly one of the better fad-type shows made. It was light-years ahead of Pokemon and produced some really great stofries and characters. Like Solo, I think that Digimon: Tamers was the best season. It had a lot of action, humore, characterization and Beelzemon, the coolest Digimon ever. I'm still running a D:T RPG at Yahoo, in fact; fun stuff. I'm hoping that someone will release Tamers on DVD. ABC family/Disney own the rights, I believe. (I'm also still looking for the Beelzemon Digi-Warrior, if anyone knows where to find one. ^^; ) [/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Remember Occam's Razor: if there are multiple explanations for an event, the simplest one is moat likely the correct one. John F Kennedy died because Lee Harvey Oswald shot him in the head. The reason the Conspiracy abounds is that many people have a hard time accepting that the President they liked so much was killed by LHO, who was basically a loser. from everything I've seen about him, it looks like Oswald only did one thing right in his life, and that was learn to fire a gun over long distances. Now, if we want to talk about an interesting and actually true conspracy, I want to know who Deep Throat is. [/color][/size][/font]