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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Guys, take my advice: don't bother trying to figure out some 'perfect date plan'. It won't work. Why not? Because all girls are insane. I believe it happens around puberty. Your best bet is to let her call all the shots on the date, and even then, there's a chance she still might not like it. Do'nt try to understand, just go with it.[/color][/font][/size]
  2. [font=comic sans ms][size=1][color=indigo]I livein Florida...what is this 'snow' that you speak of? We don't have 'snow' daysa, we have something better: hurricane days! Nothing to help you enjoy your day off like packing up the mini-van and dashing for the other coast. Ah, memories. I once lived in germany, and it snowed there, but we never got a 'day' for it, though. Doesn't matter; it was still great.[/color][/font][/size]
  3. [quote name='Omar Harris'] There's almost something for everyone in both markets from the childlike mind (Pokemon and Spider-Girl) [/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]As an avid fan of [i]Spider-Girl[/i], I'd like to take the opportunity to point out that the title is not "child like". SG is written as a retro title, very much in the style of mainstream comics in the 80's. [/color][/size][/font] [quote name='Omar Harris'] Most fans only read get to read what Marvel and DC are putting out, which currently seems to be the 100th Superman comic or the 100th Spider-Man comic. [/quote] [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Also as a fan of Spider-Man, I'm inclined to agree with this statement; in fact, I was ranting about it just the other day. I love Spider-Man, but I think he should only have two titles, and maybe a mini-series or special here and there. the problem with American comics today is that the industries have been loosing money whenever they try new characters and concepts. Therefore, they're discouraged. However, they know they can make a profit by making a new book with Spider-Man, Batman, or (God help us all) the X-Men. I do'nt like it all that much, but it's what the market is dictating they produce. They wouldn't make them if they weren't selling; hopefully, the sales of the Runaways and Sentinel graphic novels will be high enough to encourage more new blood.[/color][/font][/size]
  4. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]I think that I can't up and say who I prefer, because it' s a case by case basis...type of thing. However, Bad Guys have abn added edge to them initially. Why? It's easy, for me at least, to understand why someone would do the Right Thing. What I'm a bit more interested in, is why would a person do the Wrong Thing? A well-written bad guy can be far more interesting than a well-written good guy. However, it really depends on the character; I don't like guys that are uber-evil, killing left and right and whatnot. However, in general, I'm interested a bit more in the Bad Guys before I learn anything about them, so I'd guess I'd say I like them better.[/color][/size][/font]
  5. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Hand-control, eh? Well, here's what I, personally, would do: The way I see it, you're just setting your opponent up for the ol' Yata-lock, correct? Then you need to use a variety of monsters to destroy cards in the hand. The three main ones are Spirit Reaper, Don Zaloog and White Magical Hat. I'd consider using one of each, so you've got your bases covered. These monsters require a clear shot of the field to use their abilities, so I'd use as many DD WArrior Ladies as possible, as well as Tribe Virus. Throw in one Mystic Tomato and one Shining Angel for speed. Also try Magical Scientest, and use him to summon Dark Baltar the Terrible, Ryu-Senshi and Thousand eYes REstrict to clear the the field even more. Most of these monsters lack brute force, so use Slate Warrior (Or Bazoo) and Riryoku to help you out there. Also, try using a trio of Time Seals; set them, one at a time, and n ot only can your opponent not draw after they're activated, but they'll most likely use up their own M/T destruction on them, cutting down their hand even more. Naturally, run Delinquint Duo, Confiscation and The Forceful Sentery. When IoC comes out, use DD Designator. And, of course, you could always try Chaos Emporor Dragon. Hope this gives you some ideas.[/color][/size][/font]
  6. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]You're going to have to define "Control" a bit more. Hand control? Field control? Sub-type based control? There are a lot of ways to do a "Control" deck.[/color][/size][/font]
  7. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]It depends. ASF basically slows all Magic cards down to the Speed of non-chainable trap cards. If you can use this in your strategy to control the pace of the duel, it can work very well. However, it shouldn't be used for every deck.[/color][/size][/font]
  8. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]*shrugs* If it fits with the assignment, why not? I've used everything for school assignments, from anime to the OtakuBoards to comics books to the Kids in the Hall. Creativity is always a plus. Most recently, I used a pic of the Harpie Lady sisters from yU-Gi-Oh for the cover image of a report on the sirens. ^__^[/color][/size][/font]
  9. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Hmmm...my best friend and sister don't read manga because they can't get into the flow of the proper format. From a marketing standpoint, there might be a valid concern. However, I think that manga should be printed in its original format. In all mediums, we want renditions to be as accurate to the original artistixc ideal as possible...at least, I do.[/color][/font][/size]
  10. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Well, to start with, I'm a geek, age 17. I was a somewhat avid comics fan before I read manga; by that I mean, I read a lot of comics, but they were all the same character: Spider-Man. Spider-Man was me, you understand: the nerd with few friends who was upbeat when most would be distrought. I connected with the character in a way I've never connected with others, particularly not characters in large groups. I like the X-Men, for example, but I'm not a social person, and it's harder for me to relate to a large group. As for manga...I read manga that branches off of established anime, mostly. I simply don't have the cash to spend on manga if I don't at least suspect I'll like it. My library consists of Yu-Gi-Oh, Shaman King, Trigun, The Big O, Naruto, The All New Tenchi-Muyo, and Excel Saga. I subscribe to Shonen Jump.[/color][/size][/font]
  11. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Ah, there are a few songs you hear, and swear to God they're about you. Hmm... I'm certain that Matchbox 20 had me in mind when they wrote [b]Unwell[/b]. All day staring at the ceiling Making friends with shadows on my wall All night hearing voices telling me That I should get some sleep Because tomorrow might be good for something Hold on Feeling like I'm headed for a breakdown And I don't know why [Chorus] But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell I know right now you can't tell But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see A different side of me I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired I know right now you don't care But soon enough you're gonna think of me And how I used to be...me I'm talking to myself in public Dodging glances on the train And I know, I know they've all been talking about me I can hear them whisper And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me Out of all the hours thinking Somehow I've lost my mind [Chorus] But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell I know right now you can't tell But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see A different side of me I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired I know right now you don't care But soon enough you're gonna think of me And how I used to be I've been talking in my sleep Pretty soon they'll come to get me Yeah, they're taking me away [Chorus] But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell I know right now you can't tell But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see A different side of me I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired I know right now you don't care But soon enough you're gonna think of me And how I used to be Yeah, how I used to be How I used to be Well, I'm just a little unwell How I used to be How I used to be I'm just a little unwell I also connect with the old Billy Idol song, [b]Dancin' With Myself[/b]. On the floor of Tokyo Or down in London town to go, go With the record selection With the mirror reflection I'm dancing with myself When there's no-one else in sight In the crowded lonely night Well I wait so long For my love vibration And I'm dancing with myself Oh dancing with myself Oh dancing with myself Well there's nothing to lose And there's nothing to prove I'll be dancing with myself If I looked all over the world And there's every type of girl But your empty eyes Seem to pass me by Leave me dancing with myself So let's sink another drink 'Cause it'll give me time to think If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance And I'll be dancing with myself Oh dancing with myself Oh dancing with myself Well there's nothing to lose And there's nothing to prove I'll be dancing with myself If I looked all over the world And there's every type of girl But your empty eyes Seem to pass me by Leave me dancing with myself So let's sink another drink 'Cause it'll give me time to think If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance And I'll be dancing with myself Oh dancing with myself Oh dancing with myself If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance [Scat] Dancing with myself Dancing with myself Dancing with myself Dancing with myself If I looked all over the world And there's every type of girl But your empty eyes Seem to pass me by Leave me dancing with myself So let's sink another drink 'Cause it'll give me time to think If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance And I'll be dancing with myself Oh dancing with myself Oh dancing with myself If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance Kind of sad, isnt' it? ^^;[/color][/size][/font]
  12. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Cowboy Bebop is a great anime, although I prefer Trigun. However, Bebop has the best technical quality of any anime I've seen, and the most varied sound track. In the entire history of the show, I only have one major problem. [spoiler]At the end, we never get to see what happens to Faye, Jet, and, to a lesser extent, Ed.[/spoiler] I liked those characters a bit more than Spike, actually, and was a bit dissapointed. Other than that, a great series.[/color][/font][/size]
  13. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]My first response to the question was, "No, I wouldn't like to own the picture. why? Because I think it's ugly. Also, religious or not, I really don't want to display pictures of people in incredible pain." Now knowing what it is, my answer is still the same, except I'm a wee bit grossed out. It is "art" by the definition of the term, but, to me, it's crappy art. I personally wouldn't put something so ugly in a musuem, but others might.[/color][/size][/font]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Sharing leads to communism. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]So, so true. Anyway, I'm going to drown my emotional isolation in a wave of materilism; I'm going to the mall, then the comic store. Yay capitalism. Then, I'll watch cartoons, and pray to God I hit a candy sale.[/color][/font][/size]
  15. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Seth scowled. "The rules are different...if they can use cards and spells, we're screwed! Akuryou did'nt tell us about that!" He turned to the Lady of Dragons. "I think it's time for a strategic retreat..."[/color][/size][/font]
  16. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]I didn't see it, and I was content in my ignorance of it, because, let's face it, professional sports are useless. (At least, to me.) However, after seeing images of the halftime show *everywhere*, I've come to the conclusion that Janet and Justin's peep show was a good thing. You see, for far too long, MTV (More Trash Vision) and most hip-hop and pop (Piles of Puke) have been degrading the moral decay of the country, infesting our culture with filthy and promiscuity. I'm not an uber-morallist, but with the family hour dead and gone, and the Disney Chanel and Cartoon Network the only TV that my sisters can watch unattended....well, someone had to say something. It's good that this happened, because now, maybe people will actually realize just what is going on, and they'll take actions to prevent this disgusting parade of slime being pumped through our airwaves. See, it all boils down to responsibility. It has always been the responsibility of parents to make sure that what their children were being exposed to was approporiate. The media doesn't care, frankly; they're a business, in to make money. It is the parents' job to let the media know: "Cross this line, and there will be consequences!" What continues to amaze me, though, is how actavist groups and soccar moms go ballistic over stupid stuff, like "satanic" Yu-Gi-Oh cards and the "unconstitutional" Under God verse in the Pledge of Allegience. (In all fairness, I think that clause should be dropped, but for different reasons: it wasn't part of the original Pledge, and I don't think the Pledge should be modified in the first place.) Don't get me started on the ACLU ("You can't say "under God", but you can look at some porn at the library!") Anyway, food for thought: If we're not setting standards for our media, who is?[/color][/size][/font]
  17. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]GReat, one crazy guy in Germany eats another crazy guy, and suddenly the whole nation is pegged as cannibals. This is not an everyday Germnan occurrece, folks; that's why it made the news. ^^;[/color][/font][/size]
  18. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Seth saw the attack coming... "Way too slow, compadre!" he laughed. He jumped out of the way, enjoying the mayhem that was resulting. "Dragon Lady, you're my kind of fun. But the mission we have is very explicit: we've got to take care of Yugi, and quickly. Sick both of your dragons on him; I'll slice and dice the rest."[/color][/size][/font]
  19. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Sadly, 4Kids is just that: for kids. Yu-Gi-Oh was designed for an older audience than they've decided to market it to on this side of the other pond. It's been practically been butchered. Alas.[/color][/size][/font]
  20. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Hmmm....well, the human mind conducts thoughts as electric waves, and electric waves can be broadcast and recieved. So, theoretically, it's possible. However, that doesn't mean it's likely. Quite frankly, human beings can barely communicate with their mouths, let alone their minds.[/color][/size][/font]
  21. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Well, first off, Sienfeld and Friends are so completely different that I really don't see them as being comprable. Different types of humor. Friends went on past its natural life span, like the Simpsons has. In its hayday, it was pretty good, but now...it just sucks. Ross and Rachel's horribly complicated and unrealistic relationship just burns to watch, Monica's got personality disorders, Chandler's a annoying punk...only Joey and Pheobe are still the same characters they were, and even then, they're just not endearing anymore. Quite frankly, I'm only watching to see how everyone ends up. It's not like there's anything that great on TV anymore, anyway. (Aside from "Scrubs"). Seinfeld, on the other hand, knew when to bow out. Sadly, it did so with one of the worst series finales I've ever seen. Still, it was a great show, and better than Friends ever was. [/color][/font][/size]
  22. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Seth watched as his dragon was destroyed. "Aww, you fried my dragon! I'm in trouble! Oh no!" He laughed. "Oh, wait a second, I'm not!" A dark ball of glowing energy emerged from the dragon's body. "See, Pitch Black Dragon is a Union monster that powers up the Dark Blade. Since I'm the Dark Blade, I know get that power up!" The orb of energy floated to Seth's twin swords and disappeared into the handles. He turned to his new group of opponents. "Thanks for the upgrade, but that's aside the point. I'm only trying to get rid of Yugi; I don't care about the rest of you. You can go."[/color][/font][/size]
  23. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]VAlentine's Day is a shallow, cooperate sham of a Hallmark "holiday" that pushes candy, jewery and sex related products on an unsuspecting and all-too-eager populance. It's even worse when you're in high school and all the bloody couples begin flaunting themselves more than usual to you poor, unrepresented single folks. Wake me up when it's St. Patrick's Day.[/color][/size][/font]
  24. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Ah, more parody-y goodeness. I particular enjoy use of the phrase "Marik cave". ^___^ Iccccceeee ccrrreeeeaaammmm.....[/color][/font][/size]
  25. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Shinato's Arc is a Ritual [b]Magic[/b] card. Magic. All other Deck Masters were monsters. Q: What element is Nightmare Penguin?[/color][/font][/size]
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