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Everything posted by DeathBug
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Guys, it has nothing to do with the card's effect. Think: what is Shinato's Arc?[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]It's an Arc, but that's not what made it different from every other Deck Master.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Ah. In that case....the first Blue Eyes White Dragon. It passed from Author Hawkins to Solomon Motou to Seto Kaiba back to Solomon Motou (worse for wear) then to Rebecca Hawkins. ...Or, it could be the REd eYes Black Dragon, which was Rex's, then passed to Joey, then was stole by the Rare Hunter, then won back bt Yugi, who got to keep it... [/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]A: Pot of Greed Q: How is Noah's deck master different from previous deck masters?[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Seth was a wee bit intimidated by all the newcomers, but then remembered... "Sorry, guys, but I still win. In case you haven't noticed, I'm the Dark Blade!" "So?" Joey scoffed. "So, the Dark Blade has a hidden talent...the mastery of dragons!" Seth's swords began to glow, and a great shadow fell over him. When the shadow cleared, a large, blac dragon stood behind him. "This is my pet, the Pitch-Black Dragon," Seth gloated. He climbed on it's back. "Things just got a lot more interesting. "Dragon! Pitch black strike!" The Dragon unleashed several balls of black energy from its mouth.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Fairly Oddparents = ^___^ Quite frankly, ever since Invader Zim was cancelled, they've been the only reason I can find to justify Nickleodean's existance. (Well, them and "My Life as a Teenage Robot). They're a consistantly funny show, to be sure. Occassionally, I think they get too carried away, but those moments are few and far between. My favorite characters are Chester ("We're different! That's why we have different bathrooms!"), Jorgan Von Strangle ("Spot me, tiny fairy!"), Mark the alien ("Okay, things aren't goin' too well with Vicky, so I'm gonna' suck out your brains and give 'em to her as preseants."), Vicky ("I loathe you....stop mocking me!)...Timmy's parents...Mr. Crocker...aw, the list goes on... The only thing I really [b]don't[/b] like is that annoying Backstreet Boy guest star. Gah. Still, great show.[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Eh, that's mostly it. I was also waiting for Magician of Black Chaos. ^__^ Go for it.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]"This isn't even a challenge, Yugi," Seth bragged. "I'm a dark swordsman, and you're a purple-wearing elf with a stick. Somehow, I'm not fightened!" "You've never seen the Dark Magician in action!" Yugi said. "Its not good to underestimate him!" "I'm underestimating you, squirt," came the reply. "First thing I'm gonna' do is take care of that useless staff of yours!" Seth raised his swords and rushed at Yuigi, slicing towards his staff.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Seth followed his new master's shadow map for several minutes, until he finally located his prey. When it was finally go-time, he hesitated. He wasn't entirely thrilled with the idea of basically bullying a weak dork like Yugi. The whole thing seemed beneathe him. Then again, if this was all he had to do for Akuryou to get to stay in the Shadow Realm, and to finally have a place of his own, where he belonged...well, them's the breaks. "Sorry, Yugi," he whispered to himself. "But we gotta' do what we gotta' do." emerged from the shadows in front of Yugi, slowly, for full effect. "Hello, Motou." Yugi was surprised. "Hey....who are you? How do you know my name?" "I'm hurt. You don't recognize me? Well, right now, I'm the Dark Blade, swordsman extrordinaire. You might also remember me as Seth." Yugi thought. "Seth? Seth, Seth, Seth...aren't you in my class?" Seth scoffed. "You wouldn't remember, would you? No one ever does. It's quiet frustrating to never be recognized for your greatness. But that's really niether here nor there. See," he drew his twin blades. "This is business, and I'm a businessman. I'm afraid my contract is on you. En guard!"[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]A: Grand Dragon Q: By the end of the final duel between Yugi and Kaiba in Battle City, how many forms has Yugi's Dark Magician transformed into?[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]How does this [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CrH [/i] [B]I am a fierce anti-Christian, and always will be.[/B][/QUOTE] or this [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CrH [/i] [B]The major problem is, most Christians are following a set of moral standards two thousand years old. Come on people, forget the Bible for once and feel free to use your own mind to form an opinion on this matter. [/B][/QUOTE] mesh with this: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CrH [/i] [B]That does not mean I do not respect your religious beliefs by the way. [/B][/QUOTE] ? Just curious....[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Well, as a Southerner, and a friend of several goths...I find this hilarious. ^__^ The art was good, the punchline was solid, and it had a cow. Nice work. [/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Shin, do you honestly think that, even if you could gather enough people to do this, that the US would ever let a piece of itself just go off on its own and be communist? Remember the Cold War? Hell, rember the Civil War? And I must say, the eviction philosophy is pretty harsh. I guess a Marxist government wouldn't have any problem with stealingf land, though... All right, assuming that you realize that there's no way you're emptying a state (and Maine is actually one of the smaller, more populated states in the Union, BTW), and you found an uninhabitied piece of land to found Marxilvaynia on... Well, assuming it had decent resources in the first place, I give it twenty years, tops. It would fall for all of the various reasons I've explained several times.[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Hmmm....my favorite T-shirt that I actually own says "Do not start with me....you will not win." ^__^ However, I've seen a few shirts that I want to own but don't; Spider-Man and Venom on a yin yang background, one that said "Nerd Today, Rich Tomorrow", and the Secret of Eternal Life.... However, the shirt I want moire than anything is "Ride the Pig", with Invader Zim's Gir. ^__^[/color][/font][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] Has anyone read the book "The Giver". It would be something like that, only not as extreme to the point where it skips reality. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Uhhh....you know the entire point of [u]The Giver[/u] was to preach [i]against[/i] the kind of enviornment that they lived in, right? We were never meant to envy the sheltered, state-owned reality; it was a very anti-communist book. I can't imagine anyone wanting to live in that enviornment.... Besides, yet another flaw of communism is that, for it to work, [i]everyone[/i] has to agree with the system. Dissenters would, in fact, get released. Don't kid yourself.[/color][/font][/size]
Writing My Near-Death Experience, I guess [PG]
DeathBug replied to DeathBug's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]This only proves my theory that really funny stuff happens very 'spur of the moment', and can't be planned; I just sat down and wrote this as a letter with no prior planning. ^^;; As for the pencil thing, that was on last week's episode of Smallville. Owch.[/color][/size][/font] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Moradri [/i] [B] Well, I don't see a big deal. You eat one, you might as well eat them all. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][font=century][size=1] So, if you went to Burger King, and they had the Golden Retriever Quarter pounder, would you eat it? [/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Actually, (and I'm working from general memory here), I read once in Biology that, in general, it's a bad idea for humans to eat carnivorous animals, such as cats and other felines. Apparently, most canivorous mammals have serveral toxins in their system that would be very upsetting to our owmn biological systems, or something along those lines. It's not a coincidence that lion and bear aren't very popular as entrees. What little good meat could be gained from them wouldn't be nearly as economical as beef or pork.[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Well, I'm very interested; it's a great opening chapter. ^__^ The descriptions were clear, the pacing was good, and the characters were easy to vizualize and identify. It was excellant, and the last lines made me want to read more. I'll be looking forward to it.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]BMW is another example of a once-good shows than ran itself into mediocrity. It used to have a set cast, simply dynamic and fun characters....in 1994. Sadly, they just let it go and go until it lost all meaning. Bleh. I've been trying my best to forget the last couple of seasons, and remember the good times. ^__^[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]I really enjoyed Antigone; I thought it was a classic and intriguing story. ^__^ Oedipus Rex, on the other hand, was pretty lame. In the first act, Oedipus hypotosizes the hidden secret of his curse, then instantly dismisses it. The rest of the play is simply him finding out that he was, in fact, right the first time. THere was really no drama or suspense, although it had a few good moments. However, overall, it felt anti-climatic. I'm very impressed by Antigone; I'm surprised she could walk, considering how inbred she was...[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Well, you've got to realize that the opinion of which animals are and arent' considered edible is a cultural divide. Most western lines of thought place a certain group of animals (cats, dogs, etc,), apart from pigs and bovine. Originally, pets were kept as emergancy food rations (ever seen "Excel Saga"?). However, as time went on, the need to eat these critters dwindled, and the emotional attachments formed to them increased dramatically, to the piint where some critics say we take better care of our cats than our kids. I totally understand where you're coming from, though. If it really bothers you, my advice is to simply not think about it.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Well, I can't say much, seeing as it's only the first lil section, but looks like it has great potential. ^__^ [/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Mother grizzly was played by a random duelist in one of the Battle City crowd scenes. I pass; someone take the next question.[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Sorry for the double-post, Solo, but I can't attach a pic to a post while editing it. ^^; Today's card is one I'm looking forward to, and is known as the [b]Swift Black Ninja[/b]. However, when it crosses the other pond, it'll be called [b]Strike Ninja[/b]. (This is one of those times I actually like the dub name better than the original, but that's personal preference.) Translation courtesy of [url=http://www.stormpages.com/edhrzic/Yugioh.htm]Edo[/url]: [i]SWIFT BLACK NINJA Dark/Warrior/4/1700/1200 You can remove 2 Dark Main-Type Monsters in your Cemetery from the game to remove this card from the game until the End Phase of this turn. You can also use this effect during your opponent's turn. You can use this effect only once per turn.[/i] Anime History: The Strike Ninja was first used in an entirely different game: Dungeon Dice Monsters. Yugi summoned this dude in his duel against Duke Devlin. The Ninja was destroyed, but Yugi was victorious anyway because, well, he's Yugi. The Strike Ninja appeared more recently as Duke Devlin's deck master in his three-on-one duel against the robotic Big 3, Nesbitt. Well, first let's check those stats; he's Witchable, and that's about it. He lack in brute force, but attack isn't everything in this case. He's a Warrior (^__^), so he's searchable under Reinforcements of the Army, as well as Freed the Matchless General. He's a level four, so no tributes are rquired. In other words, he's easy to get out. His effect is what makes him formiddable; it's somewhat analegous to V-Lord's recursion ability. The reason V-Lord is such an annoying blighter isn't his discard effect, it's because he keeps coming back. So does this guy, but in a different manner. Strike Ninja's ability can be used on your opponent's turn, making it Spell Speed 2. What does this mean, practically? He can chain his effect to magic cards (Dark Hole, Regeki), attacks, traps (D-Ring, Mirror Force), and monster effects (X-Force, Man-Eater Bug, T-Virus). The fact that he can vanish on your opponent's turn is what makes him useful. The downside to his effect, aside from the cost (Which I'll cover later) is that if the Ninja is the only monster on your side of the field, you're SOL, being open for a direct attack. However, you'll have a monster next turn, which is better than nothing. You could tribute it for Jinzo or V-Lord, etc, or just nail a weaker monster. The thing to remember is that he's Spell Speed 2, which means, while he can chain to traps, he's screwed if a trap chains to him. Example: Your opponent has two traps on the field. You summon the Strike Ninja and attack. One of the traps was Mirror Force, and your opponent activates it. You remove two Dark monsters from play and activate your Ninja's effect. Your opponent chain his other trap, Destruction Ring, to him. Yeah, your Ninja's toast. However, in that instance, you'd actually be in a stronger position, because your opponent just used two cards to get rid of one. ^__^ Now, the cost of the Ninja's effect seems steep, no? Well, some good Dark-type monsters to feed him with include Kuriboh, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Cyber Jar, Hades and dark beatsticks. Most of those are 1-time use critters anyway. You usually don't want to feed him with Jinzo, the searchers, or other monsters that you can revive and reuse. Now, there's another set of monsters that are practically begging to be used in conjunction with Strike Ninja: The Dimensional Scouting Machines. (Ten bucks say they'll be renamed "DD Scouting Machines") I an't take credit for this combo; that'd be [url=http://www.pojo.com/yu-gi-oh/FeaturedWriters/DM7FGD/index.shtml]DM7FGD[/url]. [i]DIMENSIONAL SCOUTER MACHINE Dark/Machine/2/800/1200 If this card is removed from the game, Special Summon this card to your Field in face-up attack mode during the End Phase of that turn.[/i] ([url=http://www.stormpages.com/edhrzic/Yugioh.htm]Edo[/url] again.) Obviously, drop these guys in your graveyard, and use Strike Ninja's ability whenever you need to. Then, when it's over, you'll have three monsters on your side of the field come the end of the turn. The weak link in this plan is constantly dropping the Machines in the grave, but that's not really a problem; there are multiple ways our opponent will kill them, and if they don't, they're leaving themselves open to future attacks, or worse, tribute fodder. Now, there's on more thing that makes the Strike Ninja cool: he can chain to the Chaos Emporor Dragon's effect. That's right, your opponent may nuke the field, but you know you'll have a monster on your side next turn for a direct attack. (If you use the Scouters, you'll have three.) Strike Ninja is a great monster if used effectivly. I plan to tech him and the Scouters into my Warrior deck. Oh, and the pic is awesome. ^__^ Overall rating: 4/5 (Strong, but requires support)[/color][/font][/size]