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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]I'd just like to start out by saying that I think inhumane treatment of animals is wrong, and morally repulsive. I am not a vegetarian or a vegan, but I believe that if you're going to end or endanger an animal's life, it should be for a damn good reason, and as humane as possible. That said, PETA is the most ****ed up organization I've ever encountered. Seriously, what's going on with these people? Perhaps they're just ultra-protective of the hamsters that must live in their heads, but still, some of the things they say and promote are repulsive. Occassionally I wonder if PETA-people have children. I ask that because the thought of a parent equating their child to an animal creeps me out no end. These people are simply daft in the head. Ick.[/color][/size][/font]
  2. [color=1][font=century][size=1]I'm remined of a song lyric. [QUOTE][b]The Offspring[/b]: [u]Cool To Hate[/u] [i]I hate teachers I hate school I hate the cheerleaders And anyone who's cool I hate the office I hate the Quad Don't wanna' learn nothing I want to be a slob[/i][/QUOTE] I'm not going to preach to you how great school is; some like it, some don't. I hated school with a passion from seventh grade to my sophmore year of high school. However, I knew that it was good for me, so I put up with it. (In all fairness, most of the circumstances that made me hate school had little to do with my lessons.) The bottom line, though, is that you're being offered the chance to better yourself mentally, and improve your odds of having a bright future. If you want to throw it away, go ahead. However, I think that in the long run, you'll realize the value of education.[/color][/font][/size]
  3. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Sangan has been summoned twice: first by Rebecca in her Duel with Yugi, and second by Yami Bakura in his Duel with Yugi. ^__^ Question: Who played the followoing monsters, and in what manner were they used? Mystic Tomato, Mother Grizzly, Flying Kamikari #1[/color][/font][/size]
  4. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]If by "did it really happen" you mean, "Did I really read about TCM right before bed then get all creeped out and kill a beetle", then, yes. ^___^ I took a few liberties on the actual details. This actually wasn't written as a story; it was actually an e-mail to a friend of mine, she that wonderful person who referred my to the X-Entertainment site. I edited out all the personal references, but that's why it's a bit uneven in certain parts. Someone told me it'd be great as a piece of lit, and I figured, "Sure, why not?"[/color][/font][/size]
  5. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]So, here's the scenario: It's ten thirty at night, and I'm on the X-Entertainment site. (That site kicks arse.) Anway, what was my choice of reading material just before bed? The summary (with pictures) of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Yes, I'm an idiot, but allow me to continue. I turn off my PC and am ready to turn in, but the instant tht light goes off, I come to the sudden realization that LeatherFace is in the room with me. That clever bastard is actually staying just out of my line of sight, no matter where I turn. The situation deteriorates when I realize that I really have to pee. I brave my way to the bathroom, avoiding potential chainsaw thrusts, only to turn the light on and find...a beetle on my floor. Eww. Without a second thought, I take my tissue box and smash the lil' bugger into paste. I'm very nervous about bugs in my bathroom after finding out that an entire ant colony was living under my sink two years ago. However, I realize my mistake the instant I make it: I just killed a bug. In horror movie logic, killing that beetle was the signal for thousands of similar beetles to come swarming out of the sink and crawl all over me, filling my every orafice until horrible crawly death sets in. Death By Beetle is actually pretty high on my "List of Ways I Really Really Don't Want to Die", right up there with being stabbed in the ear really hard with a sharpened pencil. But I digress. The impasse was set: I'd have to brave the possibility of the Great Beetle Rebellion, because the alternative would be having to wash my bedsheets the following morning, because...well, you can figure it out. After peeing, I left the bathroom, buit the instant I turned out the light, LeatherFace came out of hiding, and was once again exactly where I wasn't looking at the moment. I'm at my bed in three steps, and, once there, instantly revert to five-year old logic. Obvioudly, if I stay under my covers, don't open my eyes, and don't move at all, I'll be perfectly safe from the man with the human skin mask and chainsaw. I mean, obviously. As I lay in bed, I begin to doubt the wisdom of this logic, but my doubts are quieted by the mental reminder that, hey, these tactics I used when I was five are the reason I lived to see six. So, no moving, and definatly no opening of the eyes. Why no opening of the eyes? Well, you see, LeatherFace was standing directly over me as I lay there, chainsaw raised to lower on me the instant I opened my eyes. If I did'nt open my eyes, he'd never attack me; it would be against the rules. Again, I know this because I obviously survived the night; a little thing like not actually seeing LeatherFace will not dissuade me from the truth. As time went on, my "No movement" creedo turned on me, and viciously; I really needed to scratch my nose. Of course, I'd be dead the moment I did. However, if I kept thinking about the itch on my face, it'd drive me nuts. So, I desperatly try to think of something else, and what better to think of than the seriel killer standing over me? Sadly, my mind wanders of its own accord, and no matter how much I tugged on the leash, it seemed obsessed with imagining what it would feel like when the big LF dropped his chainsaw on me. This was, absolutly, the worst part of my death-defying ordeal, imagining which pieces of my body would be chopped away. I came to the conclusion that LeatherFace would cut me exactly three inches below my bellow button, effectively severing my legs (among other parts) from my chest. My best bet in this situation would be to scream until I hyper-ventilated, and hope that the combination of no oxygen and extreme pain would numb my sense as I blacked out. As you can imagine, I didn't worry so much about the itch on my nose anymore. Thankfully, I drift off into a dreamless sleep. As I wake up the next morning, (LeatherFace had apparently abandoned me during the night; inattentive cretin), I ask myself a simple question: Do they have a name for whatever the Hell it is that's wrong with me? Just another day (and night) in the life of DeathBug[/color][/font][/size]
  6. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Well, I still follow my self-imposed ban of all reality TV, but I'll give my two cents on Average Joe. On the one hand, it sounds amusing, but when you think about it, this show is incredibly shallow. The woman is supposed to look 'beyond outer appearances' and learn to love one of the Joes for who he is, correct? But the horrible irony is that they Joes themselves are the shallow ones. All they knew about her signing up was that she was hot. They didn't really know her personally, yet it's okay for them to make physically-based value judgements of her? Who's really shallow in this scenario? Like I said before, I haven't actually watched it, so if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me.[/color][/font][/size]
  7. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]I'd be Joe Quesada. If anyone knows who Joe Quesada is, they're automatically cool. JQ's life has combined my two favorite pasttimes, and he revitalized his company. Of course, I'd be sure toi use all the power he wields still to alter things to my own design, but that's par the course for fantasy sequences. And, as Boba Fett said, I'd get all sorts of paraphinelia sent to mine own abode. Sounds like fun, no?[/color][/font][/size]
  8. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]"Nice trick, boss." Seth said, whistling. "I bet you get all sorts of powers along with the gear...if I have the abilities of the real Dark Blade..." He took one of his swords and spun them over his head. "Just tell me where Yugi and his groupies are and I'll take care of 'em."[/color][/font][/size]
  9. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1][b]In the Lair of the Archfiends...[/b] "...This is completely unacceptable!" the Terror King roared. The Shadow Knight was on his knee in front of him. "Yes, m' lord. I accept full responsibility for my failure." The terror King drew his sword. "You are aware of what happens to failures." The Knight winced slightly, but didn't move. "Yes, m' lord; I know the consequences." The King stood and raised his sword. However, a single hissing sound stoipped him. The King turned, and saw the Infernal Queen behnd him. "My king," she said icily. "Far be it for me to interfere on matters of the court, but should you slay my only son, I shall promise you that you, and this kingdom, shall never know a moment's peace or happiness for as long as we shall live." The Terror King frowned, then summon a pair of guards. "Take this mess away." As the Shadow Knight was dragged off, the King turned to his Bishop. "This failure was unprecentedented. What shall we do?" The Bishop thought. "Perhaps there are others wishing for the same goal we are. An allience may be in order." The King nodded. "Make it so."[/color][/font][/size]
  10. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Do I count as a "bevy"? Hope so... FoxTrot is one of the gems of the comics page. It's the one family I feel most closely relates to my own. The characters are eaily defined and idetifiable, yet complex enough to make them compelling. The art is pretty solid, and there are several minor jokes thrown into the strip. (Always check the reading material the characters have.) I suppose I identify myself mostly with Jason, although I have the same girl troubles as Peter. The strip is topical without dating itself too easily, and the humor isn't dumbed down or based solely on puns. Me likee. ^__^ The only thing I occassionaly dislike is Jason's amount of screentime. During some of the summer camp strips, I was just so sick of that kid... I much prefer the family excursions to the campgrounds. Good readin'. Fox rocks my socks.[/color][/size][/font]
  11. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]The Shadow Knight didn't much appreciate the interference by Harpie's Brother. "Never interrupt a duel between warriors!" he shouted as he advanced on his new enemy. "I am afraid I shall have to show you the error of your ways before..." The Knight suddenly realized that his cadre of VilePawns had been destroyed; he was alone. "Perhapsa retreat is in order..."[/color][/size][/font]
  12. [color=indigio][size=1][font=century]Seth nodded. "I can get you the Millenium Puzzle, boss. No problem. However, once I do..." Yami Akuryou frowned. "I see. Here come your selfish demands..." Seth shook his head. "No demands at all, boss. Just a request." "A request for what?" "This," Seth gestured to the Shadow Realm around them. "This right here is incredible. I've never seen anything so amazing." The Yami frowned again. "Get on with your point...." "You can come and go here as you please, it seems. You make the rules in this place. I want a piece of that." "You want dark magic?" "Whatever it is that makes this place such a kick." Yami Akuryou smiled. "Simple enough. Once the Pharoah has fallen, I see no harm in granting you the shadow magic you need to enjoy your time in this realm. It's a deal." Seth smiled, but it couldn't be seen under the Dark Blade's armored mask. "Sweet. So, what do you want me to do to the twerp?"[/color][/size][/font]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sportsguy76 [/i] [B] Black Pendant, Rush Recklessly, Malevolent Nuzzler and such are ineffective equip magic cards Reverse Trap is not effective since you can't usually use it at a worth while time. same goes for last will. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]I thought I'd point something out... Malevolent Nuzzler > Ax of Despair. I know it sounds odd, but hear me out: if you want to return MN to the top of your deck, what's the cost? &00 LP. If you want to return AoD, what's the cost? A whole monster. Would you rather have 300 extra attack points, or an extra monster? This is a personal value judgement, but something to consider when choosing equips. Black Pendant is used as a bluff card in burner decks. SEt i, then let you opponent destroy it, thinking it's Mirror Force or another traps. Rush Recklessly, because it is a quick-play magic, has a great deal of versitility. It can be set as both a trap, and a temporary power boost. Reverse Trap isn't situational if you plan to use it on your own monsters. Flash Assailent and Nuvia the Wicked started at 2000 atk, but their effects degrade their power. However, if you use RT when you summon them, their power loss becomes power gain. Good use, and those are just off the top of my head. RT needs a deck built specifically for it. Don't close yourself off to experimentation with the game. ^__^[/color][/font][/size]
  14. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Snodin, If Waboku is activated, you wouldn't get Stamping Destruction's effect due to the chain rule. You try to destroy Waboku. If your opponent activates Waboku, then you've got a chain. The last link of the chain, in this case, Waboku, resolves first. So, Waboku's effect activates, and the card is removed. Now, it's Stamping Destruction's turn. However, because Waboku is no longer on the field, SD has no target. It's effect "fizzles", because it's target isn't there anymore. I hope that made as much sense to ya'll as it did to me...[/color][/font][/size]
  15. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Mmmm...I used to buy a Capachinno from the school cafe before class, but stopped for financial reasons. I loved it, though. It's odd, because I hate normal coffee. Tastes like sewage...[/color][/size][/font]
  16. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Ah, that wonderful feeling, like you're on the outside looking in. Feeling disconnected from your peers and friends suck, but if it happens, it happens. Of course, you could actually make an effort to talk to talk to people and stop being a pariah, but in many cases, that's easier said then done. Unfortunatly, if you can't get your nerve to talk to people, (and I'm not being nasty, I understand where you're coming from), then you shouldn't complain. The solution is there; it's simply a matter of whether or not you're willing to pursue it.[/color][/size][/font]
  17. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Yamimakai Set, in the guise of the Dark Blade, watched Akuyro with detached indifference. He'd followed this kid to the Shadow Realm, and wasn't sure exactly who this "Pharoah" was, but...whatever. At least this would be interesting... "So, tell me, chief, what's the plan?" He asked. "Who's this punk you're so excited about whupping, anyway?"[/color][/font][/size]
  18. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1] [QUOTE]Actually, your main aim with a CED will always be to get a OTK by having a witch or sangan on the field and then searching for Yata, but I'm pretty sure you knew that already? Also, all these methods you just listed that do work admirably with Chaos Soldier will also apply magnificently to Chaos Emperor Dragon.[/QUOTE] Well, yep. ^__^ But this really wasn't about CED, and I didn't want to diverge more than I had. [QUOTE]Whatever you say, the fact that CED can be used for a OTK will always give him a slight edge.[/QUOTE] I know CED has the edge, but he's still a bad monster. He punishes your opponent for good hand-management, which goes against every single impulse the game is supposed to teach. [QUOTE]DeathBug, I'd like to correct you about Thunder Dragon's effect. You do not discard two to get one; you've got it backwards. Thunder Dragon's effect would give you ONE Light monster in the grave, and two in your hand. Sorry; I just had to say that...[/QUOTE] You're half-right; Thunder Dragon's text says that you discard it to the graveyard to summon [b]up to[/b] two other TD's from your hand. If you have on, you can discard him for only one other TD. Then, you discard your second TD to get the final one in your hand. ^__^ Anyway, onto Sixth Sense. Not much to say, actually; it has the potential to make or break your hand. Here's a tip: Always call Five and Six. Then, the most you'll have to discard to it's effect is four cards. Did I mention it's chainable? The best way to use it is to set it and wait for your opponent to destroy it. Activate it chained to their card, so, at the very least, your opponent wasted a M/T destruction card. Rating: 4.5/5[/color][/font][/size]
  19. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Hmmm....IWR can be pwned by most of the more elite traps: Mirror Force, Destruction Ring, and Torriential Tribute wipe it out, as do Confiscation and Delinquient Duo. However, the much more common Fensheng Mirror and Sakuretsu Armor can also take it right out.[/color][/size][/font]
  20. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Dark Magician Girl is the Hobby Secret Rare from Magician's Force. Giant Trunade is in Metal Raiders, but it's guarenteed in every Joey starter deck. Ax of Despair is an ultra-rare in Magic Ruler; however, there is a possibility (unfounded and pure speculation, but possible) that it might be in one of the Evolution starter decks. The Magnet Warriors come as exclusives for the Gamecube video game "Duelist of the Rose"; Valkryion comes in "Worldwide Edition" for the GBA.[/color][/size][/font]
  21. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]JP players have had more experience with everything, obviously. They should be able to work wonders with a Skull Servant... I like Chaos soldier better than his Dragonic counterpart, and I'll tell you why. Good hand management is one of the most basic, yet hard to understand concepts in Yu-Gi-Oh. You keep good cards in your hand to use when you're in trouble. The ability to successfully manage your hand is what seperates the Kaibas from the Mokubas. CED throws all of this right out the window, and punnishes your opponent for saving good cards and keeping a large hand. This is counter-productive to every good YGO strategy, and it's why I don't like the card. On the other hand, CS encourages more skilled play. His first ability is his most impressive. An infinite Nobleman of Crossout is very impressive, and game-breaking. To use him most effectivly, you've got to keep him alive as much as possible. Remove a monster, then summon another monster to attack the opponent directly. Unlike CED, who destroys himself (and your own hand), Chaos Soldier can survive for several turns to make life difficult for your opponent. What kind of deck can he fit into? Ideally, his own. My attempts to proxy-tech him into a light deck were less-than-astounding, mostly because he's not searchable; you can't get him other than topdeck. Now, there's no shortage of good Dark monsters, but what are the best Light monsters to use for CS? First, Thunder Dragon, simply by his effect; draw one, and that's an automatic two light monsters in the Graveyard. The doiwnside of that strategy is that you're left with a rather useless Thunder Dragon in your hand. You might consider packing a Polymerization or Fusion Gate, just to get a strong hitter (Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon) out of the deal. That's three Light monsters right there, plus eventually a fourth. Another potential monster is Shining Angel. summon Shining Angel, and ram him into an opposing Donny Z or T-Virus. He dies, and you summon another Shining Angel. Repeat as neccessary. The obvious downside to this is that you're going to take various amounts of LP damage. DD Warrior Lady is an okay monster if you run her in threes, but if her effect actually gets used, she's dead weight. Reflect Bounder is pretty nifty, as is Thunder Nyan Nyan; you wopn't care if they're desytroyed by their effects. CS is a great monster, but he requires his own deck and a great amount of skill and planning to be used to his maximum potential. Rating: 4.7/5[/color][/font][/size]
  22. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Definatly Avatar #2; #3 is a bit blurry, and number 1 is too "busy", IMO. As for the banner....number 1. [/color][/font][/size]
  23. [color=indigo][font=century][size=1]So, my AP Lit teacher assigned us a poetry project, and part of that project involves showing the poem that we selected to a different audience and getting their feedback on it. The "other audience" can't be a student, though, and I didn't want to be like every other kid in class who's going to ask their parents. So, I'm asking the most interesting "other audience" I could think of: the poet and critics of OtakuBoards. ^__^ The poem is called Siren Song, and it's by Margaret Atwood. It's reproduced here: This is the one song everyone would like to learn: the song that is irresistable: the song that forces men to leap overboard in squadrons even though they see the beached skulls the song nobody knows because anyone who has heard it is dead, and the others can't remember. Shall I tell you the secret and if I do, will you get me our of this bird suit? I don't enjoy it here squatting on this island looking picturesque and mythical with these two feathery maniacs, I don't enjoy singing this trio, fatal and valuable. I will tell the secretto you, to you, only to you. Come closer. This song is a cry for help: Help me! Only you, only you can, you are unique at last. Alas it is a boring song but it works every time. copyright 1976 by Margaret Atwood Anyway, any comments or thoughts someone wanted to share on the poem would be appreciated. Bear in mind that my final report will include a link to this page, so please don't post anything you don't want an AP Lit teacher reading. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to help out. ^__^[/color][/font][/size]
  24. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Name: Yamimakai Set (Seth) Age: 16 Description: Tall and lanky; dressed in black from head to toe. Silver hair. Bio: Seth has attended Domino High for years, but was always an outsider. Is bitter and sarcastic. Millennium Item: None Millennium Item?s Power: None Monster:The Dark Blade Monster Description: See attachment Side:Evil Yami Second in command Reason for Playing the Shadow Game: Thinks it's fun.[/color][/size][/font]
  25. [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]The VilePawns were dropping like flies, but the ShadowKnight wouldn't be so simple to defeat. He flapped his dark wings and extinguished the flames the Swordsman had left on him. "Tell me, fellow Swordsman, how do you intend to burn one whose entire body is plated with bone?" he demanded and he lunged at the Flame Swordsman.[/color][/size][/font]
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