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Everything posted by DeathBug
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]That's the exact opposite of how the NCLB act is supposed to work. Schools with lower grades and fewer passing students get [b]more[/b] money, not less. I'm kind of curious as to why so many people have the completely wrong idea on what the act is trying to accomplish. Where did ya'll hear this from?[/color][/size][/font]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B] Considering some of the opinions placed in here, you'd think information on it was nonexistant. On the contrary, it's all over the place. I can't believe how off some of these comments are. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Of course, it's so much easier to attack something based on half-truths and misinformation than it is to actually look up something you don't understand. Seriously, most of the legislation turned out to be common sense. I suspect the immediate association made was "Bush did it, so it has to be bad or stupid". Sigh. [/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Domon, I've already looked at your Demon Deck, so you'll forgive me or not doing so again. ^^; Anyway, to try something completely different, I've got a nice Machine deck here; be warned, it uses a pair of Japanese monsters. Tribute monsters: Jinzo Blowback Dragon Monsters: X Head Cannon x2 Y Dragon Head x2 Z Metal Tank x2 Drillago x2 Cannon Soldier x2 Reflect Bounder Cyber Jar Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Sinister Serpant Tribe Infecting Virus Traps: Mirror Force Call of the Haunted Waboku Destruction Ring Imperial Order Magic: Regeki Monster Reborn Dark Hole Pot of greed Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm Premature Burial Mirage of Nightmare Graceful Charity Limiter Removal x3 M Space Typhoon x3 Seven Complete x2 Fusions: XYZ series[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]I am aware the legislation passed; my point was, if the system worked as it was originally stated to work, with cutting the fndings to school with high drop out rates, it would be far too moronic to pass through Congress, which, as was stated, it already did. Now, anyone who looked over the legislation I provided the link to, as in, the actual law that was signed by the President after passing through both Houses, they would gain a far better idea of what they're talking about. First, the [b]myth[/b] of cutting funding to failing schools: that is the complete and total opposite of what the law says. In Title 1, Section 1001, sub-section five, it states the following: [QUOTE]distributing and targeting resources sufficiently to make a difference to local educational agencies and schools where needs are greatest[/QUOTE] As you can see, that is the complete opposite of the law's purpose. These tests that are being distributed are trying to discover "where needs are the greeatest". Also, there is no "gray area" involving special needs children, according to the letter of the law. Title 1, Section 1001, subsection 2 states: [QUOTE]meeting the educational needs of low-achieving children in our Nation's highest-poverty schools, limited English proficient children, migratory children, [b]children with disabilities[/b], Indian children, neglected or delinquent children, and young children in need of reading assistance[/QUOTE], emphasis mine. Now, whether or not the law is being carried out effectivly is debatable, but I hardly think it is simply because it's (relativly) new legislation. However, the purpose and intentions of the law are not malicious. I posted the link to the legislation a few pots up. If you are concerned, [b]read it[/b], and seperate truth from myths. Now, I enter personal rant mode: There are two great misconceptions in the education system which, ironically and admittedly, contradict each other, but they're from opposite sides of the fence, so it's easy to understand why. First, the "Students that don't want to learn" myth; as I said earlier, that is the Bad Teacher's Mantra, the one applied when teachers wish to disavow responsibility with the learning process. I tell you right now, any teacher who says that is a bad teacher. They have given up, period. Why should they bother if they've written the students off in their minds? They need to look for a new job and make way for educators that actually think their students aren't slack-jawed yokels. Now, when outside observers say this, they are uninformed because they're outside. They might actually be right, but I'd rather hear what someone who actually has a hand in the educational process has to say, wouldn't you? When a student sauys that there are kids that don't want to learn, they're right. There are some students who simply don't care. But you knoww hat? They're in the minority. You might be unfortunate enough to be in class with them, but most students at least want to pass. (Whether or not they do anything towards achieving this goal is another matter entirely.) You can't write off the whole barrel for a few bad apples. The "the student isn't challenged" myth; I actually find this funny. what you are saying is that the student could easily do well in the class, s/he just doesn't. S/he isn't "challeneged"; this smacks of a complete and total refusal of responsibility for yoyr grades and your future. If you're not in a situation where you can be "challeneged", and you're bored in class because you know everything, my God, you have absolutely [b]no excuse[/b] for not passing! You say as much yourself; "I'm not being challenged; this is too easy." If it's too easy, why aren't you passing? So it's boring; suck it up. It's simple logic; if you pass your classes with ease, you'll be noticed, and increase your odds of being placed in a class where you're "challenged". you have no excuse not to do outstandingly well if your excuse is that you're "not challenged". So you'll have to go in to a daily string of monotony; welcome to the real world. You think that sucks, wait 'till you get a job. The problem with the world today is that no one wants to take responsibility for themselves. Speaking of which... The other great myth of education, what can be called the Bad Student's Mantra: "The teacher failed me." Right, so I'm guessing the fact that you don't know the subject matter has nothing to do with it? [b]The teacher doesn't "fail" you; you failed![/b] If it was English, maybe you failed because you're using the word "failed" incorrectly... Now, I am aware that in classes that require a great deal of essay writing and the like, the teacher's personal discretion can ienter in a lot more than a class full of multiple choice quizzes, and that some teachers can simply not like a student. First off, those instances are few and far between when you consider the unfathomably vast amount of classes that are going on accross the country. And if it turns out that the dislike is on the basis of gender or race, guess what? Lawsuit; you now own that teacher. If you can prove that the teacher is being unfair in his/her grading scale, you can solve the problem. However, the entire phrase "Failed me" indicates a lack of esponsibility on the student's part. Education is a two-way street. Teschers have to want to teach, true, but students actually have the more powerful position, because they decide their own dedication to success. Even if you are unfortunate enough to have a really crappy teacher, you can take the responsibility to learn the subject yourself. I agree that it's unfair and you shouldn't have to, but it's better to put your education in your own hands rather than leave it up to an apathetic educator. This is yet another problem of people not taking responsibility for their actions. When teachers don't want to take responsibility, "The students just don't want to learn." When stuidents don't want to take responsibility, "The Teachers failed me." Next time you hear those phrases, consider who said them? Ask yourself if that person strikes you by their behavior as one who is dedicated to teacher/learning. More than not, they won't be. And what's wrong with writing essays in gym class? I did.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Most military towns don't suck; I should know... Currently, I live in Brandon, Florida. I've lived here for a while, and I think i'm ready to leave. I'm a military brat, and I'm not used to living in the same place more than two years....Good thing I graduate soon.[/color][/font][/size]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Oh, you may laugh now; how you my laugh! But you shall feel just retribution! Some day, your arms will be full, perhaps with books, perhaps with grocieries, perhaps with lawn gnomes; it make no difference. Suddenly, you will need to open a door! Alas, you will be unable to do so on your own. Then, and only then will I strike! Me: "Do you need a hand?" You: "Yeah, could you get that?" Me: "Nope." *walks away* BWAHHAHAHAHA!! My evil revenge is completed!! *End Evil Revenge Mode* Seriously, I fail to see how it makes a guy look like a fool. You don't have to apologize on my account; I feel sorry for you, that no guys you know would do stuff like that for you.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Guys, let's think about this; there is simply no way legislation like that could ever pass through Congress. It's simply too stupid, and the flaws are obvious. I'm going to find the exact legikslation involving the NCLB acts; I'll post the links when I find them. ^__^ [b]Edit![/b] [url=http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/index.html]The exact legislation of the No Child Left Behin Act[/url] Sorry, guys, but I'm way to tired to pour over all of that. ^^; At least it's there for reference.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]You wanna' know about Light monsters? ^__^ The best light monster currently is DD WArrior Lady. She's a Warrior who can remove herself and another monster from play. Other good Light monsters include Airknight Parsheth, Chaos Command Magician, Reflect Bounder, Asura Priest and the XYZ robots. If you want cheaper monsters, try Roulette Barrel, Helping Robo for Combat, Thunder Nyan Nyan, Maha Valio, White Magical Hat, Hysteric Angel, and Magician of Faith. Dark Monsters are much more popular....where do I start? First, use witch of the Black Forest and Sangan. They rock. ^__^ Also, Jinzo is an excellant monster, and Breaker the Magical Warrior; they can go into many decks, but they're a bit pricey. Other rare yet strong Dark monsters include: Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, Skull Archfiend of Lightning, Skilled Dark Magician, Terror King Archfiend, Dark Master Zorc, Dark Ruler Hades, and Don Zaloog, among many others. Cheaper Dark monsters include Giant Orc, Zombrya the dark, Archfiend soldier, Dark jeroid, Newdoria, Magical Scientist and many others. Dark is the most prolific type in the game. Hope that helps. [/color][/size][/font]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]Haha i love Mrs. Bush. I swear she is by far the stupidest person ever. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1] No, that would be Howard Dean. [/color][/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B] This is just a way of her trying to get recognition, every first lady does it[/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1] So she's trying to help school kids. sounds a lot better than Hillary Clinton trying to make the US a socialist medical state. [/color][/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]Reason i hate this law is a teacher doesnt ALWAYS have control over a child wanting to learn or not. I know of course that the teacher is considered the parent when the child first enters the class or in any case on school grounds. That doesnt necessarily mean a child will be willing to learn a given subject. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1] That has been the Bad Teacher's Mantra for far too long. "I can't make them learn; they just don't want to." Sure, there are kids that don't, but this law is trying to help those students who have be pigeonholed into "Bad neighborhoods." Students in those neighborhoods are usually written off by teachers as being "hopeless causes" because of their circumstances, which is a bunch of crap. eVery child has the same ability to learn, and most of them aren't hostile to the idea. [/color][/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B] If the teacher tries his/her hardest to teach the student the subject by devoting their time to them, then the school shouldn't be at fault. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1] You're looking at the problem from the wrong side. As it stands now, teachers suffer no penalty for their students' grades. So, in low-income high-crime areas, the areas this law is supposed to help, teachers don't have to show any interest at all in the subject. Because of the incredibly powerful lobbying ability of teachers' unions, it's almost impossible to fire bad teachers, and very hard to hire new ones. Don't kid yourself; in bad areas, there are morew teachers who have written off the entire student body than there are who are willing to put in more time and effort to help their students learn. [/color][/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]Of course there are some students who do show a strong effort to learn the subject and if this is the case anyway, the teacher usually doesnt fail them. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1] What kind of crap is that? Teachers don't "fail" students; students fail. That is one of the greatest fallicies in education. [/color][/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B] I probably wouldn't exactly pass them, but from experiences in the past as a highschool ive seen teachers that have given D's to students just because they tried extremely hard to get to know the course. Of course this isn't a good thing since the student didn't learn anything, but i guess that decision was up to the teacher. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1] Those teachers should be fired. They couyldn't do their jobs are are passing unprepared students in a misguided attempt at charity. The decision was not up to the teacher; there should be no "decision". Students should be taught on the same scale; ohers shouldn't be given leeway because they tried but didn't make it. You're only hurting the students by doing that. [/color][/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]And like what Radaghast said early. This doesn't make matters simpler since his whole entire education might be at jeopardy. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1] No, like Semjaza said, Radaghast was under an incredibly great misconception; if you graduate, you've graduated, period. If you pass a course, you've passed. Even if the school closes, you still have the records in the county showing what you did and didn't do. If you've passed, you're done. Radaghast also overestimates the bar that has been set. The point of the law was to get students to pass high school at the barest possible standard. Passing an American high school, (doing the bare minnimum), is about the easiest thing you'll ever do. If you can't, even with additional aid, you might as well get out of the gene pool, because you're going nowhere fast, unless you have some other means of supporting yourself. I highly doubt this law will cause Radaghasts' school to close any time soon. and if it does, no offense intended, the school might have needed to be closed. [/color][/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]Even this plan may work in some cases, it has 75% more drawbacks. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1] Come on, admit it; you pulled that statistic out of your arse.:smirk: [/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Daermon_Nashabe [/i] [B]What is the chance of you getting a megamorph in the first round? This stratergy isn't the best because what if the opponent has a change of heart to use on the Blue-eyes Ultimate Dragon with the megamorph effectivly letting him/her destroy the Cyber-Stein and Decimate your life points [/B][/QUOTE] [color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Actually, there are entire decks built around the combo of summoning Cyber-Stien (j. Devil Franken), using his effect to bring out BEUD, then equiping Megamorph to him for an instant win. 9000 attack, anyone? As it only requires two cards, it's very easy, especially with support. However, I don't believe it can work effectivly in thisd eck; the combo requires a full deck's support to be used efficiently. You can still pull it off, but your odds of doing so are much lower.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]The Captain sighed; Konami was doomed. "All of you, get a move on! You haven't much time!" ^^^^^^^^^ The Demon Soldier was tired of waiting for the troops he dispatched to return. It didn't matter; he had means of dealing with the Fisherman himself. He removed a sword from its holster. When the demon Soldier gripped the handle, a huge crack of electricity eminated from the sword. He shoved the Lightning Blade into the water and allowed the electric current to pass through, sending deadly shockwaves through the Sea.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Groucho Marx is my new god. Seriously, I don't remember any of them except Groucho. I've only been fortunate enough to see two or three of theire works, but I don't remember which ones. I remember thinking Groucho's style was ahead of its time; he'd easily fit in on SNL or the like today. Dang....I'm going to scroung up some of their movies...^__^[/color][/font][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psycho Killer [/i] [B]All your fixes contradict each other. And if they dont theyre stupid things like Amazon archer for a cannon, cannon is far superior to archer In any situation of this deck. And I HATE Mirage of Nightmare Absolutely hate it. Every other fix you suggest contradicts the main element. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=indigo][font=century]What, exactly is the "main element"? Since you never bothered to explain, I'm working under the assumption that it's a Warrior/Rush deck. A Warrior/Rush deck works with the following themes: [list][*][b]Draw[/b]-Get as many Warriors as quickly as possible. Mirage of Nightmare is a great draw card. If you don't like it, that's fine, but that's not my problem. Try a Tough Choice. [*][b]Remove[/b]-Remove all opposing M/T, and monsters to clear the way for massive damage. [*][b]Summon[/b]-Get as many Warriors onto the field as you can. [*][b]Speed[/b]-Tributes slow. Use one or less. Traps slow. Use five or less. Flip-effects slow greatly. Use one or less. For a rush deck, Cyber Jar is the best choice.[/list] And Amazon Archer < Cannon Soldier in most decks, but because this would be a [b]Warrior[/b] deck, she would have more support. Due to the [b]Rush[/b] aspect of the deck, you shjould normally have no problem using her effect. Perhaps you should understand what it is you're trying to do before you disparage the other posters on this board.[/color][/size][/font]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Well, we've often run accross such threads as "Which song describes you?" I got into a discussion to this effect recently; what I decided was thatt he question is flawed. To imagine that a single song could sum up the complex sides of a person is a bit ridiculous, so I propose going one step further, and creating a soundtrack for your life. So, for myself, I've choosen a modern rock type sound, but not so heavy, because it simply doesn't match my personality. Here we go: [list][*][b]Thing Called Love-The Darkness[/b]: While a newer single, this song basically sounds like me while enamored. It's not too deep, because most crushes aren't, but it's sweet. [*][b]Dancin' with Myself-Blink-182[/b]: This remake of a Billy Idol song totally sums up my social life, which is kind of sad... [*][b]She's Got Issues-The Offspring[/b]: For some great, unknown reason, I attract girls with issues. I do'nt know why. [*][b]The Art of Loosing-American Hi-Fi[/b]: I'm not really a 'rebellious' person. This song is about as rebellious as I get. Although, "Knock me down I'll keep on movin'/It's the art of loosing" is also sadly indicative of a flaw of mine; I just don't know when to give up. ^^; [*][b]Good Riddance-Green Day[/b]: They will play this at my funneral, for very personal reasons. Not to offend, but I'm not going to go into them here.[/list] So, tell us; what's on your life's soundtrack?[/color][/font][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psycho Killer [/i] [B]My god after seeing the replies to asheron's deck I dont even know why Im going to bother posting this deck but ill give it a shot anyway. [/B][/QUOTE] How very gracious of you. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psycho Killer [/i] [B]If your a n00b and dont know what your doing dont post on it.[/B][/QUOTE] And if you're an elitist, then go away. If you're going to instantly dismiss any critism with that kind of attitude, then save us all a lot of time and don't post your deck. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psycho Killer [/i] [B]Tributes:3 1 APS 2 Undefeated General Freed Reg/Effect Monsters:16 1 BFW 1 Critter 1 Initiate Troops 1 Exclusivity Virus 1 Kuribo 1 Cyber Pod 1 Fiber Pod 2 Troop Commander 3 Goblin Strike Team 1 Twilight Zone Female Warrior 1 Blade knight 1 Severing Samurai 1 Cannon Soldier Magics:14 1 Thunder Bolt 1 BLack Hole 1 Change of Heart 1 Theft 1 HFS 3 Cyclone 1 Raise Dead 1 Early Burial 1 Jar of Greed 1 Angel's Gift 2 Calling Reinforcements Traps:7 1 6th Sense 1 Imperial Decree 1 Holy barrier-Mirror Force 1 Destructino Ring 1 Emissary of Harmony 1 Cry of the Living Dead 1 Magic Cylinder [/B][/QUOTE] What, exactly, are you trying to do? Is it a Warrior deck? If it is, and the twin Freeds suggest as much, the following must happen: [list] [*]First, drop both Freeds. Freed is a hinderance rather than a help to Warrior decks. He's weak, a tribute, and disrupts your hand consistancy. [*]Three GST is overkill, especially given Trample. Replace 2 of them with more solid warriors, such as Makyura, or more TZFW's. [*]Two Flip effects slow this deck too much. Remove either Cyber, Fiber, or both. [*]Replace Kuribo, and X-Virus. Kuribo is useful, but you should focus more on Warriors. X-Virus is redundant if you run IT and multiple TZFW's. [*] Add Mirage of Nightmare, Painful Choice, and consider THe warrior Returning Alive. Add two Emmisarries of Obliteration. [*]Ditch Severing Samaurai and replace it with Breaker. Replace the Cannon Soldier with Amazon Archer. [*]Seven traps slows this deck. Keep Imperial Decree, 6th Sense and Call of the haunted, but consider dropping two of the others based on preference. [*]Either way, Tsunami is a better trap that Magic cylinder.[/list] It was a good first effort, but it needed tweaking.
[size=1][color=indigo][font=century]I'll give this a shot... [b]Black Cat[/b] Yu squared Send me a PM Follow my lost causes Friend Wow...that was short....but I think it's sufficient for the purpose. My friens know who they are. ^__^[/size][/color][/font]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
DeathBug replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=indigo][size=1]There's another me Inside of me He's not someone You can see I would be him Happily He's who I really Want to Be He'd always be The Best He could pass Any test He could work With no rest He wouldn't bend Under stress All the ladies would Be impressed With the stylin' way He's dressed His music? On key His arrival? On time His life? In the moment His colors? In the line I could strive And I could try I'll never be him No, not I You wouldn't confuse me With this cool guy The one thing I've got That's over him Is that I'm on the outside And he's stuck In[/color][/size] -
[color=indigo][size=1]Jesse and James are the best characters on that whole show at this point. Call them annoying? I'll tell you who's annoying: Pikachu. The problem is, they've never been made out to be threatening. They need an upgrade in a big way. Maybe if they actually presented a sense of danger, they'd be more appealing. I myself think they're great. It's funny, but J&J have more than enough material behind them to be complex, deep characters. Jesse was born poor and as a result is determined to rise into wealth via any means neccessary to avoid poverty again; shes' determined to make something of herself. James threw away a life of wealth because his parents refused to allow him to make his own choices; he lives the life of an outlaw as the final act of rebellion. Compare that to Ash, who raises Pokemon just because, or Gary, who raises Pokemon also just because. J&J have tons of potemntial, but it's never used. Then you've got Meowth. Now, I like Meowth, but there actually shouldn't be a Meowth. In a fictional universe, we can accept everything as long as the universe follows the rules it's set for itself. Meowth breaks one of those rules; Pokemon don't talk. I know he's got a contrived reason, but they just made it up as an afterthought. If Meowth was a comedic evil sidekick who didn't talk, he'd be welcome. (Then again, Sneasel would make the best Pikachu-anti-thesis.) Butch, Kassidy and Geovanni don't have their own backstories, but I suppose they could be developed. I'm not even going to get into the various rumors regarding the Rocket's romance or sexual orientation... In short, Team Rocket: the best characters on the show, and also the most untapped potential. Team Rocket's rockin'![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]First off, pardon the appearance of this post, which I'm sure will suck; I'm experimenting with tags. ^^; Anyway, Mitch, when I read what you had to say, I noticed the word [i]I[/i] in there a lot. "I believe", "I don't think so", etc. That's cool; [i]you've[/i] got an opinion. And you're certainly entitled to it. However, just because [i]you[/i] react a certain way to Death does not mean that [i]I[/i] or anyone else does. Perhaps funnerals provide no clousure to you; they might to others. (Not to me, personally, butt hat's a tangent.) If spending money on a funneral or a wake makes someone better come to grips with what has happened, why shouldn't they? Also, to say that "Death is nothing more than Death", quite frankly, is a horrible outlook to take. If you're going to minimize such an important and final thing as Death, then perhaps the people who hold elaborate funnerals aren't the ones who have problems with Death; it [i]is[/i] a big deal.[/color][/size]
Yes, it would destroy the monster prior to attacking. It's like a weaker Mirror Force.
My favorite band is the Offspring. Ya'll might now them as the band who did "Come Out and Play" and "Pretty Fly for a White Guy"; their most recent single was "Hit That". I've got all but their second album. On the whole, I think that "Conspiracy of One" was a dissappointment as an album, and was just a retread of "Americana". However, I was impressed with "Splinter". The problem, though, was that it was far too short. Their next album will tell if they're still innovative or if they've lost their edge, IMO.
Tenchi muyo is one of my favorite series ever. ^__^ I really like all of the characters, except for Tenchi, oddly enough. I read the manga and am waiting for the propsed new episodes I've read about. I think Tenchi should end up with Ayeka, mostly because I think Ryoo deserves someone better. Myself, I'd date Mihoshi.
Ever mixed Ramen noodles with Spam? I am a believer in the variety and possibilities of Spam...it's weird, and probably unhealthy. Maybe I should try putting ketchup on top of that sodium nightmare.
You know, and I'll bet this isn't unique in the least, but I get creatively inspired by music. Any type of music that I'm at all partial to gets my gears whirring. I have soundtracks in my head to various animes, comics, my life, etc. This is why I really wanted to make my own music videos. Sadly, I lack the tech for it. Alas.
There's a cross-walk in front of our school I used to use. Right next to it is the exist of the student parking lot. Add in about a hundred agressive, immature drivers with overpowered cars and a street full of freshmen pedestrians... Dear God, it's a miricle there hasn't been bloodshed...