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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. Let me start off by saying that "All of This" is now my favorite Blink song ever. They've really matured in their style of music. I would never have placed "Stockhom Syndrom" as being from the ame guys who named an album "Take off your Pants and Jacket." I didn't like "Obvious", or "I'm Lost Withouit You" all that much, but "Always" and "The Fallen Interlude" more than make up for it. And, of course, there's AoT. As for "Feeling This"< it's just a feel-good song. What's not to like?
  2. PoC...ahh, a great movie. I saw it with some friends of mine late at night in theaters. It was amazing, and a lot better than I expected. Granted, I didn't expect a lot, but still... Never have I been so happy to have been so totally wrong. ^__^ It really was a huge surprise, and one of the best movies of the summer. BTW, has anyone heard about the campaign to make PoC a cult-type movie like the Rockey Horror Pictures show? You know, with the costumes and strange rituals? All the theaters contacted reportedly said the same thing:" Great idea, but please try it at another theater."
  3. Good golly, I can't wait to get the heck out of high school. Really, Iv'e got a handful of close friends, but Im' seriously ready to move on. I'm essentially sick of that building and everyone in it. I'm currently under the delusion that people in college are more mature and sophisticated than those in high school. I know it's a delusion, but Id' like to be happy with the thought while it lasts... I think the thing I like most about going to college is having a clean slate to start with. I've matured a lot over the past few years, and it's annoying to still be regarded as the same annoying gekk I was in 7th grade.
  4. Glad to know I'm not just an outdated loser. ^__^ (Well, not outdated, anyway). I appreciate the feedback. Really, I didn't think there was anything wrong with being slightly more courteous to the ladies; I think a lot of people could learn to be. (One of my pet peeves is guys that are rude or inconsiderate around their girlfriends; drives me nuts...)
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]My god...every sentence makes up another statement from you.[/B][/QUOTE] Don't cha' feel special? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Some even being a part of the sentence. [/B][/QUOTE] As opposed to...what? Responding to a half-page post with a jumbled, poorly-written paragraph? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]I'm getting tired just reading your post,[/B][/QUOTE] Aw, you hurt my feelings. And I put all this effort typing them... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] your arguement is always the same,[/B][/QUOTE] [b]My[/b] argument is always the same? Look who's talking. You've never made a point, aside from demonstrating that you have an unreasonable devotion to communism. You've yet to tell why you believe what you do. Marx is dead, and can't defend his moronic ideas. You're alive, and should defend yours instead of parroting his. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]while I have proven different facts.[/B][/QUOTE] You've proven things? When did this happen? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] Your being very narrow-minded from this, though I'm not surprised.[/B][/QUOTE] You're not surprised that someone could feel very strongly on an issue yet at the same time completely disagree with you on every point? Welcome to reality. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] Here's to sum it all up. I DON'T AGREE WITH COMMUNISM, I ACCEPT THE PHILOSOPHIES OF MARX AND ENGELS. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, Sweet-Merciful-Almighty-Jesus-Lord-Father-in-Heaven... It's like you didn't even listen during my last post...or in history class...or when Momma said to stop sniffing glue... Marxism and Communism are the same thing. Marx wrote the Communist Mannifesto. "Das Kapital" was a re-interation of Communist themes. You've yet to show how they differ at all. Communism is evil, Marx was a moron, and you shouldn't breed. end of story.
  6. You know, I wish to God I had joined some sort of music class four years ago. I'd have had so much fun. Our school band gets [b]everything[/b]. They get field trips, cool events, funding, early release, and a week-long trip out of state every year. So, I guess the answer to your question is, I wish I were in band.
  7. Recently, a friend of mine and I got into a great argument over the concept of chivalry. I've never considered myself to be a super-duper outstanding person, but I like to think that one of my better qualities is that I am chivalrous, or try to be. You know the drill: holding doors, surrendering preferred seating, allowing a lady to cut me in line, refusing to bring up...certain topics...in mixed company unless the lady brings them up herself. Anyway, my (male) friend told me that this behavior was outdated and sexist. Now, I hadn't been motivated because I thought the girl couldn't open her own door; I was trying to be polite. However, he told me that by giving girls preferred treatment simply on the basis of gender, I was being sexist. I didn't think it was sexist, it was simply how I was raised. However, I could hardly be able to be a perfect judge of my own actions. So I leave the question up to the ladies: what are your feelings on the concept of chivalry? Is it nice? Is it offensive? Is it pushing up dasies? What?
  8. This is all running out of hand considering what I originally proposed. I'm just going to reinstate my argument, then bow out gracefully. Shonen Jump has, within the space of a year, achieved the following: *A top selling manga anthology with circulation beating out most comic books, and almost total market penitration. *It has its name on all products spinning off of the manga cointained therein, including toys, videos, clothing and even the Yu-Gi-Oh trading cards. It's even getting it's logo on stuff that existed before it did. *It produces the following graphic novels: Yu-Gi-Oh Rorouni Kenshin DBZ Sandland One Piece Shaman King Naruto Yu yU Hakusho Knights of the Zodiac *All of those titles are top-sellers doir a very low price. (7.95) *It has the following anime to its name: Dragon Ball, DBZ, and DBGT Yu-Gi-Oh Shaman King Yu Yu Hakusho Roroni Kenshin Knights of the Zodiac *The following anime are soon to be released, and are based off of current product: Naruto One Piece (They are pheonomenons in Japan.) All that was within the space of their first year. I believe the shonen Jump imprint is the next big thing, and will become even more popular within the year. It seemed logical to create a forum, and I could probably give you a list of a large number of OBers who would frequent it enough to validate its existance. That is all.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Baron, if you would have read the last page, you'd of found out I apologized and took that back. That's why it helps to be well-informed :D[/B][/QUOTE] Looking at his post, I'd say Baron's very well-informed. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] Deathbug, you keep mentioning The Communist Mannifesto as my ultimate weakness,[/B][/QUOTE] No, that would be reality. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] as if Marx and Engels had never wrote another work in their life[/B][/QUOTE] I don't care what else Marx wrote. He wrote the Mannifesto. Anything that came from the same mind as the Mannifesto is just as much garbage as the Mannifesto itself. Besides, it's still the same man writing; it's merely a variation on the same theme, a theme that was flawed to begin with. Unless, of couyrse, he wrote a full retraction of an apology for the Crap-ifesto that I never heard about. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] and of course, you only state out the weaknesses, never the strength. [/B][/QUOTE] I've yet to see the strengths. The whole document is a weakness. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]What about "Das Kapital" or "The German Ideology" which shows Marx's philosophy on government, known as Dialectical Materialism? [/B][/QUOTE] "Das Kapital" was just a more detailed explanation of the Communist philosiphy. Marx says the same thing over and over: Capitalist bad, worker, good, from each by ability, to each by need. Why are you wasting our time with the same material? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] Marxism was a scientific form of government,[/B][/QUOTE] "Scientific?" How so? How more so that capitalism? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] a theory and a philosophy, that has never truly been tested.[/B][/QUOTE] Except in Russia, Cuba, China, North Korea, Eastern Europe.... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]You must simply take another approach.[/B][/QUOTE] What other approach? An approach as different as the ones taken by Castro and stalin? Their approaches sure seemed different enough to be. Same results. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]The philosophy is simply the struggle of classes. [/B][/QUOTE] That's not a "philosophy", that's a condition. you might as well say "The philosophy is simply one of raining." [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]You don't have to give up your individuality for that,[/B][/QUOTE] For Communism? Yes, you do. You must think not of yourself, but only of the rest of the commune. The rest of the commune thinks not of themselves, but only of the rest of the commune. There can be no personal goals, ideas or aspirations, or the system won't work. You merely have a continous system of human drones thinking only of the commune, and, as a result, not thinking at all. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] it's simply another way of thinking. [/B][/QUOTE] Except that if you're thinking at all, you'll realize that Marxism/Communism/Whatever the hell you want to call it-ism is a disgusting system that goes against every way of thinking we've come to accept. [b]It's just bad.[/b] I can't put it any more simply than that. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]You speak of Marxism and International socialism as if it were the 8th hell of the world,[/B][/QUOTE] 6th, after Scooby-Doo reruns and Titanic. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] but it's just another way of thinking.[/B][/QUOTE] A way of thinking that is [b]wrong[/b]. How many times must it fail for you to see that? How many times must it be explained for you to understand? How many more people have to suffer and die because of it until you finally get a ****ing clue? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] I believe there shouldn't be a conflict of classes,[/B][/QUOTE] Niether do I. However, at the current time, there will be. As the standard of living rises all across this nation (America), the conflict lessens considerably. You know that most of the impoverished of America live like kings compared to the average citizens of North Korea or Cuba? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] because the classes themselves form seperate "nations". [/B][/QUOTE] No, they don't. Every member of a class wants to jump up to the class above them. If the system works, they should be able to if they put in the effort. If they can't, thats' a failure of the sytem. I'll admit that the system has many failures, but on the whole, it's working. Richest average poplulance in the world, and all that. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Alright, I'll take it one step at a time.[/B][/QUOTE] Good, because I was getting confused. :rolleyes: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]So far, every statement I made has provoked another counterattack from Deathbug.[/B][/QUOTE] It's nice to be noticed. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] What's your idea on seperation of classes?[/B][/QUOTE] *Ahem* [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]Every member of a class wants to jump up to the class above them. If the system works, they should be able to if they put in the effort. If they can't, thats' a failure of the sytem. I'll admit that the system has many failures, but on the whole, it's working. Richest average poplulance in the world, and all that.[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]After all, it is the whole premise for sharing a countries income,[/B][/QUOTE] What's the antecedant to "it"? "Seperation of classes"? That makes no sense. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin[/i] [B]where as capitilists base their ideas on a free market of competition,[/B][/QUOTE] Freedom=good, in case you hadn't figured that out. Also, competition= progress. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]in which the inpoverished cannot even participate in.[/B][/QUOTE] Wait, who says they can't? That's a forgone conclusion on your part. You assume that it is impossible for someone to start with nothing and end up with something. In communism, you start with nothing, or something, but you can [b]never achieve economic advancement[/b]. If you're poor, you'll always be poor, because no one "needs" to be rich, and you therefore would never advance. We don't practice "pure" capitalism anymore, and we haven't for a long time. In theory, right now, we have altered the system so that anybody can advance through the economic ranks and eventually earn riches via hard work and innovation. Sadly, in practice, that doesn't always happen; in fact, it hardly does. tHat is a flaw in the system that needs correcting. However, it is still better than communism, where the poor will always be poor, without even the slightest hope of advancement. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]On a side note, I am glad that Baron Samedi somewhat agrees with me, [/B][/QUOTE] I suppose, statistically, that someone had to. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]though I don't understand how anarchists got into this... [/B][/QUOTE] Anarchist>Communist
  10. I am aware that the Poetry/Lit section is used for manga discussion, but then why have an "Anime" forum when it can easily fall under TV and Movies? For that matter, why have DBZ, YGO, YYH, etc, forums when they could fall under the Anime forum? Shonen Jump isn't a manga, it is a brand branching out from a manga anthology. It covers seven very popular manga titles (not counting YGO, YYH, and DBZ), a popular Saturday morning anime (which has video-game spin-offs arriving this year), two incredibly popular anime series about ready to hop the other pond, and the most popular series of manga graphic novels currently availible. (Also the best value GN's, at only 7.95 a pop, as opposed to $10 or $12) This is all within that anthology magazine's first year of production. I think it is a completely valid idea for a sub-forum in the anime section, as an "umbrella" for several different topics.
  11. My resolution is to become more popular and well-known at this board. I love this board, but I hardly ever step out of the YGO section....
  12. This fine manga publication has been in print in the US for over a year now, and I believe, due to the large number of properties that fall under it, that it can warrent its own forum. I am aware that three Jump properties, (Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragonball Z, Yu yu Hakusho) already have individual forums; however, SJ has several other viable series that can and will generate discussion. These include: Shaman King (Also an anime, and a personal favorite of mine), One Piece, Naruto, Sandland and Hikaru No Go. If we include Rourouni Kenshin and Knights of the Zodiac, both of which are published in graphic novel form under the SJ imprint, then we have a large block of popular series, a few of which could hold their own sections, to fill the forum.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]I was trying to prove that Marx and Engel's ideals were beyond reasonable, even if all of their philosophies were old-fashioned.[/B][/QUOTE] What are these "reasonable philosophies" that you're speaking of? Where are they? I can give you portions of the Communist Mannifesto written by Marx himself and tell you why they're stupid; what, exactly, was reasonable? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] I simply strive for a more efficient type of system,[/B][/QUOTE] Join the club. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]and I know that you believe this is as far as we're going to get.[/B][/QUOTE] No; however, I believe we're closer now than we've ever been. Marxism would be an ideological step backwards into oblivion. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]My point's been made and it was perfectly valid, I support the philosophies of Marx, Engels and Socialist-Marxism.[/B][/QUOTE] That's not a point; that's a statement. I already know you believe in them for some ungodly reason; you said as much. Why, exactly, do you? You haven't made any point. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] Unfortunately, it's either too late for another try because of the fear of another example of a Communism/dictatorship, [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I wonder why communism would ever give us a reason to fear that? :rolleyes: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] or that people haven't learned to work together in complete harmony for a greater cause. [/B][/QUOTE] "Complete harmony"? Who wants that? Harmony is the antithesis of progression. The moment we enter Utopia is the moment we're extinct. Maybe the problem arises from the fact that what you consider to be a greater cause differs from what other, more well-informed people believe to be a greater cause. Loss of self never seemed to be a great cause to me. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]I'm sure that statement will spark up another arguement... [/B][/QUOTE] You say that as though the last one had ended.
  14. I am a bug with a fictional multiverse in my head. I have no problem creating epic fantasy worlds and characters caught in the eternal struggle between good an evil. Too bad it takes me forever to actually sit down and write stuff out. ^^;; However, when said juices flow, I run with it. If you want to see my latest effort, recoverring from a hiatus, check out "The Sol Chronicles" in the Literature forum. ^__^ *End self plug*
  15. Well, the whole point of Sonic Duck was to be the strongest level three card there was. ^__^
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]As I said before Deathbug, Communism drastically stretches the doctrine of Marx's philosophies, so therefore is irrelevant to what I'm talking about.[/B][/QUOTE] How is it irrelevant? Marx [b]wrote the Communist Mannifesto![/b] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] I suppose that personal advancement is the most common motivation, but there are always others. What about unity and benifitting the country?[/B][/QUOTE] If I'm a Doctor, and I'm striving to be the best damn doctor ever, I fail to see how the Community doesn't prosper by having someone so dedicated to the medical profession. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]In both Marx and Socialist's principles of thinking, as the county prospers, so too does the people who live in it.[/B][/QUOTE] Well, I'm sorry, but Marx had squirrels living in his head. The man was a durn idjit. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Of course that's not without it's downsides, yet you said that from every strength comes a weakness.[/B][/QUOTE] No, I didn't; I said that every strong quality has the possibility to be put to malicious ends. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]You must admit right now that America's economy is pretty down,[/B][/QUOTE] No, I mustn't. America's economy is down compared to a few years ago, when we had [b]unprecented economic prosperity[/b]. Now we're away from that, but I'd hardly call it "pretty down". The american people have a short memory. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]yet some people are either not or barely affected by this plunge, or once again, they simply don't care. [/B][/QUOTE] How would it be a bad thing that a goodd real of people aren't affected by a sagging economy? Sounds like a victory to me, that the quality of life isn't so precariously balanced on the razor's edge of international economics. And again, we're only down compared to one of the most prosperous decades in history. It's not exactly time to strap the chilluns in the wagon with Ma & Pa Joad and head to California. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Some people who live in America claim no loyalty whatsoever, not even caring who their leader is *Cough (BUSH)*. [/B][/QUOTE] So? There've always been ignorant and apathetic people in every country on Earth. What's your point? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]I believe that there has never ever been a country with raw Marx ideals,[/B][/QUOTE] Because "raw Marx ideals" are unattainable, and would require the entire population of the country to alter some of the mosat basic human character traits. It ain't gonna' happen. You want to see "raw Marx ideals"? Watch Star Trek: First Contact. Pay attention to the Borg. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] so you cannot actually say that Marxist countries, in which there are none, are destined to fail no matter what.[/B][/QUOTE] Watch me. [b]Marxist countries are destined to fail, no matter what. History teaches us that Marx's ideals don't work.[/b] You're arguing semantics. "Oh, those weren't really Marxist governments". Then, tell me, what would a Marxist government be like? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B] Socialist Countries have been proven to work however, and some have even developed into capitilist countries. [/B][/QUOTE] So....Socialist countries worked because they abandoned Marx's principles and became capitalist countries? That doesn't exactly prove your argument, which was hanging by a thread to begin with. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zhuge_Liang [/i] [B] in my opinion marxism woul be good but the pride and greed of man wil aways lead us away from what any form of govn could acheave [/B][/QUOTE] Then your opinion is wrong. How many times does it have to fail in its myrid forms before you get the picture? [b]Marxism doesn't work[/b], and if a simple grasp of history doesn't tell you that, you are either in denile or incredibly ignorant. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zhuge_Liang [/i] [B]all of us want to be taken care of and noe of us like bein told what to do[/B][/QUOTE] **** that. I never, ever want to be taken care of, especially not by some Big Sister nanny-state. Maybe you have no will or ambition of your own, but I do. I will take care of myself, despite social leeches like yourself. Oh, and guess what? According to communist theory, you're supposed to do all you can for the good of the commune. If you're a good carpenter, you've got to go out and be a good carpenter no matter what, because it's your duty to the Commune. Do you happen to be the best carpenter ever? Tough beans; you're still getting the same wage as the newbie who can barely hammer a nail. Sucks, don't it? You want to know about Marx? Marx couldn't even adhere to his own ideals. He was ousted by the government for his ideas, and spent most of his life in poverty. He could have been a kind of martyr, I suppose, if it weren't for the fact that he had a large family. His family suffered through poverty because of his ideals. What kind of selfish man would but his "ideals" above the well-being of his wife and children? He wasn't to be admired, and his ideas aren't to be adhered to. He was a cretin, and his ideas were laughable. Ironically, had he been a true communist, he would have put aside his [b]pride and ambition[/b] and silenced his own ideals for the good of his family. He was a selfish and idiotic hypocrite. And, just for jollies, and to finally put this argument to rest, let's all turn to the Communist Mannifest, written by Marx himself. Under Section II-Proletarians and Communists, Marx listed ten steps that nations at the time would have to follow to be "up to code" with his ideals. Remember, this was wriiten by Karl Marx himself. ^__^ [b]1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. [/b] Hey, remember your appartment? It's the government's , now. Remember that building you lease? It's the government's. Remember that nice two story home with the white picket fence that you worked all your life to obtain for your family? Oh yeah, you know that's the government's now. State-sponsered theft sure is fun, isn't it. ^__^ [b]2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. [/b] Wow, not original to Marx. So in addition to having my property confiscated, I get to pay a heavy tax? Happy day! [b]3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.[/b] Because when we're through pillaging the living, the Marxist government can always steal from the dead. Kiss Mom's old china good bye. [b]4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.[/b] "Welcome to America! Now give us everything you own, or get your arse back on the boat!" Noticing a trend here? Whole lotta' stealing going on. [b]5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.[/b] All your bases...I mean, banks, belong to us! Amazing; I'm going to give all my money into the care of the same government that stole my house, my inheritance and my wages! Yeah, next I'll pay a burglar to guard my house! Your "free enterprise" has no place here! [b]6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in he hands of the state.[/b] Can you hear me now? Good, because the Marxist government just took control of a huge hunk of the free market, and caused thousands of layoffs. Yet more state sponsered theft. [b]7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. [/b] In addition to stealing from the people, the Marxist government will expand their own facilities, meaning more profits for them. Marxist governments: the only game in town! At least we see he's vaguely concerned with the enviornment. [b]8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. [/b] So, now that we've stolen everything you have, we'd like to force you to work for us, only to have your meager income heavily taxed and have no hope of advancement in the future! What was it Z_L said about not wanting to do what we don't want to...? [b]9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country. [/b] Yay! Forced relocation! Loss of cultural identity and heritage! Wh00t!! I suppose it won't be so bad when the government already stole your house. What's "equal distrubution" mean? It means you get exactly the same as the person next to you, no matter how much harder you work. Have fun! [b]10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. [/b] Wow, free education and child labor laws, the only decent things he had in the whole list. Wait, we have those now.... Didja' catch that last part? We've already decided we want the children to work in the industry, and we're training them accordingly! they have absolutly no choice in their own future! Just a reminder, those ten bullets were written [b]by Marx himself[/b]. Do you understand now what a horrible system communism is? It's disgusting. It has no place in a civilized society. If you stil don't see how inane Marx's ideals were, there's no hope for you.
  17. M_D, Water cards get a [b]huge[/b] boost next set. GiGaGaGaGiGo...... Anyway, onto one of my favorite cards ever. Marauding Captain is the single most versitlie Warrior in the game, and, IMO, the second-best level three monster in the game. Certain monster types have various common abilities between them: Spellcasters work well with magic cards, Demons screw with your opponent's monsters, Angels restore LP.... What do Warrior do? Warrior swarm. ^__^ And this guy helps out, with his ability to "drag along" any lvl 4 or lower monster from your hand. Pros: *Warrior-type (lots of support) *Drag along effect *Protection effect *Witchable *Sanganable *Earth type *Attacks under Gravity Bind *Attacks under Messenger of Peace Cons: *Low stats *Effect only works if normal summoned *RoD pwns him-If he's Ringed, you don't get his effect Combos: This dude is combolicious.... *MC+Any Lvl 4= Extra beatdown (GAF, Giant Orc, Gemeni Elf, Archfiend soldier....) *MC+ Any Beatstick + Creature Swap= Summon MC and drag along your Beatstick of choice when your opponent has, say, Jinzo out. Creature Swap Jinzo with Mc, use your BoC to destroy MC, and attack directly with Jinzo. Loose two cards, gain a two monster advantage and put a lot of smack down on your opponent. *MC+MC= No attack situation, provide your other monsters are warriors *MC+ Terror King Archfiend= TKA with no other Archfiends on the field *MC+ GAF= Protection for your Goblins *MC+ Dream Clown = Speed and protection for Clown Control *MC+ Sazuke Samaurai = Protect the lil guy as you cut through Jars and such *MC in Graveyard + The Warrior Returning Alive = Returns to your hand, so you can use effect again JPN Combo: MC+Melkid = 1st turn Masked Beast Des Guardius The list goes on and on and on.... The Captain gives you speed and field advantage, basically. There are only three situations I can think of where MC's effect won't work for you: *Recursion: If the captain is revived and special Summoned to the field, his effect doesn't work. He'd be totally broken if it did. *Spirit Monsters: They can't be Special Summoned, so no Yata *Breaker: If he's special summoned, Breaker doesn't get his counter. If you need extra attack power, use the Captain. If you need monsters for a Tribute summon, use the Captain. If you run a Warrior deck, you darn better use the Captain. The Captain's effect is a hinderance in two aspects: It sets you up to be Dark Holed, Regekied or T-Virused, and it lowers your hand by two cards. Watch out for Yata. On a last note, the Marauding Captain has been featured on a ton of card pictures. Let's count... *Reinforcements of the army *The Warrior Returning Alive *My Body as a Shield *An Archfiend trap card whose name escapes me; the Terror King is pounding the carp out of him *Another trap I can't remember where he's staring down Despair from the Darkness He gets around, huh? Ratings: Warrior: 5/5- Warrior Staple. Beatdown: 4/5- His weak stats are counter-productive to beatdown, but swaring balances that out. Clown Control: 4.5/5- Protect my Dream Clown? Yes, please. Other: 3/5- Two for one is still pretty good. Artwork: 5/5
  18. 15 Tybalt regained conciousness to the sound of blood rushing past his eardrums. He opened his eyes; he was upside down, bound from steel wire from the ceiling. He appeared to be in some sort of laboratory, and not a clean one. Various mechanical devices in different stages of disrepair littered the steel shelving units around him. The walls were smooth and silver; he was on a space ship. That couldn?t be good. ?Well, soldier boy woke up!? A voice called. High-pitched, and obviously female? ?Who are you?? Tybalt demanded. ?Please show yourself.? ?Oh, I?m sorry; what was I thinking? You can?t turn your head like that. My bad.? She entered his field of vision from the right corner of his eye. It took a few seconds for him to flip the image in his mind, but Tybalt grasped the characteristics of the being he was looking at. She was short; he?s say only about one and a half meters tall. The most striking feature about her was her eyes; most bipeds had two, but she had a third in the center of her forehead. Her skin was teal, and she had a series of orange tiger stripes running down the side of her face. Her hair was an unkept wall of purple, like a pair of frizzy mops. She was standard in other respects; two arms, legs, mammary glands, five fingers, no tail. Her wardrobe consisted of a sloppy pair of brown worker?s overalls, over a black sleeveless shirt. She had a pair of three-lense goggles, and pale yellow gloves. She seemed very out-of-place in this situation, Tybalt decided. She did not project the aura of someone who would plan a kidnapping, for whatever reasons. ?I don?t think I?ve had the pleasure,? he said. ?I am Tybalt, prince of the Empire of Natas. I?m also upside down. Why?? The female chuckled. ?Sorry to leave you hanging, but I?ve got to keep an eye on you until SAU-7 completes his search.? Tybalt nodded knowingly. ?I see; so that?s what this is about. I assume you are his hired gun?? She nodded. ?On the credits. The name?s Tazer.? Tybalt was already freeing his right hand as he kept her occupied. He wasn?t Natas?s son without reason? ?Tell me; how did you land without my ship?s scanners picking this craft up?? Tazer smiled with pride. ?I blocked your scanners with a dampening field.? Tybalt was a bit surprised. ?My scanner is state of the art. The technology doesn?t exist to block it.? ?It didn?t; I invented it.? ?You created a blocking system to counteract my scanners? Just like that?? She shook her head. ?I knew you?d have the most advanced tech; I had already created the blocking tech. That?s what I do.? Tybalt?s right hand was free, but he wasn?t going to strike yet. ?I thought you were a bounty hunter; why are you working as such if you?invent things?? Tazer sighed. ?I?ve got to pay my bills somehow, right? SAU-7 pays good credits for this job, so I took it. It wasn?t my ideal career, but whatever works.? Tybalt?s left hand was now free. ?You?re playing a dangerous game here. You do know who I am?? She shrugged. ?You don?t scare me. Anyway, your guys stole SAU-7?s cybernetic system, what I hear.? ?That?s not exactly how it happened, but that is inconsequential. Release me.? She laughed. ?Why would I do that? I?m getting paid to keep you here while SAU-7 searches for his system. I get paid, and I use the money to fund more research.? In a single motion, Tybalt formed a plasma dagger and sliced through the steel wires that bound him. He performed a graceful summersault and landed in front of the astonished Tazer. He placed a plasma blade at her neck. ?Tell me; is your research worth your life?? ?My?my research is my life?? she said slowly, shaking. Tybalt shoved her to the ground. ?If you interfere with my plans again, I will have no choice but to kill you. Don?t throw your life away.? She didn?t say anything, but watched him fearfully as he walked away. ?Bu-?.where are you going?? ?To find your employer.? ?He?s loitering,? Von said into the radio. ?Lady Rena, he?s been standing in the same spot for a half-hour; I don?t think this is necessary.? ?I apologize for the mediocrity of the mission, Von,? Rena?s voice came back. ?But the bounty hunters that we detected are an unknown variable; we cannot leave the Sol system open to abduction.? Von was hiding in a tree, across the street from a human drug store. Simon had been standing in front of it for a while, sipping a soda. ?Can?t I just tell him the situation?? Von asked. ?He told us not to, and we shall abide by his wishes,? her short reply came back. ?I refuse to go out of my way to help such a brat. He is important only because of the Sol system; nothing more.? Von sighed. ?Well?he did help us?? ?Von, please do your job. I?m trying to do mine.? Von sighed and turned off the radio. Rena was in the center of town at a busy intersection, regarding each passerby with suspicion. Somewhere, a bounty hunter ship had landed, and she intended to spot them before they found whatever they were after. There were really only two options, she thought as she crossed the street. Either they were after Tybalt, in which case she had nothing to worry about, or they were after the Sol System, which presented a whole host of problems?. This would have all been so much simpler if that damned sol being had cooperated! She decided as she crossed the street. At first she thought he was fairly decent, but to behave as he did in an emergency situation?.he was a selfish fool, and she might end up paying for it. Damn him! The selfish fool in question was actually doing a fair bit of soul-searching at the moment his name was being cursed. Simon was actually starting to regret his decision. He?d been afraid, sure, and he still didn?t want any of this responsibility, but he shouldn?t have yelled at Von. Rena deserved it?. He knew the sol system was spreading; he had activated it in the school bathroom. It now covered a good portion of his torso, his upper neck, and a little of his face. It was very disturbing. What he would do, he decided, was tell Susan about ?Timothy?, or at least tell her that he was dangerous. He started to walk away, only to feel someone place their hand on his shoulder. He turned around. ?Von??
  19. Why most cooperation go over competition? You say that as though they're mutually exclusive. I can work with others while still wanting to be the best member of the team. Granted, that drive could become malicious, but so can most drives. The drive for personal recognition is the most potent of all motivating factors; it would be foolish to assume that it's merely a selfish character flaw. History has shown, repeatedly, that communism doesn't work. In every circumstance it's been introduced to, it has failed to produce what was promised, and only worsened the lives of those who live under it. You've heard the saying that one of the definitions of insanity is constantly doing the ame thing, yet expecting different results? There's a reason for that logic. Communism [b]always ends up producing the same results[/b]. The first time, you can write it off as a corruption of the sytem. Heck, even the second and third times it fails. How many times does communism have to fail for you to say, "Okay, the problem isn't just with the people; it's with the system itself"? [b]Communism always fails for a reason; the system itself is inherantly flawed. It will never work.[/b]
  20. Let me first off say I was'nt referring specfically to Dean's comments regarding the Confederate flag, I was reffering to his comments the last time he happened to open his mouth. (About a week and a half ago, he said that "Jesus was a very inspirational figure, when you think about it." I'm sure 60% of America agree with you, Howie-boy.) If we're going back to ambition, I'll gladly admit that it can become tainted by greed. Guess what? So can everything else, including communism. You can be greedy and lazy, too, but that's aside the point. Ambition drives society. To say it's a flaw is just stupid. Ambition is only malicious if the ambitious person is malicious anyway. That's like saying that "intelligence is a weakness, because it can be used for evil". It's just stupid. Do not think I oppose anything different; I'm an open-minded person, or at least I like to think so. i'll listen to your argument if you've got one. However, I made my decision on communism long ago, so you've got [b]a lot[/b] of work cut out for you if you think to change my mind on this issue. Let me break it down for you: I used to live in Eastern Europe. I've been to many parts of the former Iron Curtian. Those people live in poverty, all because their predessors thought communism was a good idea. Why don't you go to those women begging in the streets while cradling newborns at the same time, and explain to them the "beauties"of "true communism"? The Communist idea ****ed them over. Those people are the true "masses" that communism was supposed to help. I currently live in Florida. I have many friends who are here because their parents choose to cross the Mediterranian Sea in a shoddy little raft rather than live under a communist regime. Why don't you tell them that they should just swim right back, because they were closer to the "social utopia" where they were? It infuriates me to know end when people living comfortably in the safe bosom of a democracy are so ungreatful and ignorant of the realities of the world to assume that they and they alone can create a utopian society out of what has [b]proven, time and time again, to be a horrible system of government[/b]. Think about it. Why has there [b]never been a good communist nation[/b]? Does this one system of government just happen to attract all the dictators? No; the fact is, communism doesn't and will never work. It's been tried, and it always fails. Are my opinions deeply rooted in emotions resulting from what I've seen of other's experiences? Yes; there are far worse ways to form opinions. Get over it.
  21. I saw the movie, and was quite impressed. Granted, I thought they spent a little too much time on the doctor's sub-plot, but on the whole, it was a very good film, and quite interesting. I'd recommend it for anyone who likes war movies or the like.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Concerning ambition, I believe it is a weakness. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow. Just...wow.... Not since Howard Dean's last press conference did I ever think I would hear such an incredibly stupid statement. I usually don't like to immediatly dismiss opinions of others, even if they strongly diverge from my own, but if all pro-communists says such bull****... You, sir, would make an ideal communist leader, because you've decided you know more than the rest of the world, and that your opinion on how to run the world is the proper one. So what if all the facts point in the opposite direction of everything you're saying? As Homer Simpson said, "Bah! You can use facts to prove anything!" Do you think it is a coincidence that every single communist government either a) fell into poverty or b) became a horrible dictatorship, or both? History has proven that [b]communism doesn't work[/b]. Marx was an idiot. A well-meaning idiot, to be sure, but he had no concept of reality. You can say that all previous communist governments were "flawed", and not "ture communism". I'll agree. However, whenever you actually introduce [b]human beings[/b] into any political system, the system [b]always diverges[/b] from its originally intended model. People don't show up on voting day, so a true democracy isn't achieved. Reprasentatives loose touch with their constituancy, so a true republc isn't achieved. Leaders become power-hungry dictators, so a true commune is never achieved. However, the problems with communism go beyond simple corruption. The system is inherantly flawed because it ignores everything we know about human nature. Human beings are individuals, so moreso than others. They want and need recognition for individual achievements. You can't have that in communism, because the whole point is that the [b]individual doesn't matter[/b]. Only the group matters. In a communist system, a man with absolutly no skills and no job would get the exact same material rewards as an accomplished surgeon, because that's what the commune decided they both need. Where's the drive for sucess? What's my motivation to succeed, if the result will be the same no matter what I do? In other words, there's no reason for ambition. Ambition a weakness? Ambition is the desire for something [b]better than what you have[/b], you clueless tool. Ambition is the sole reason we're still not sitting in caves wondering if rocks are edible. Can ambition be twisted around into a terrible thing? Yes, of course. Guess what? So can communism. Even if we completely ignore the [b]huge, bliningly-obvious flaws[/b] of communism, and actually achieve the so-called "true communism", exactly akin to Marx's moronic day-dreams, I still would never want to be a part of that. [b][i]"To each according to his need, from each according to his ability"[/i] is the most ******-up philosiphy ever.[/b] If you can produce moree, I think you need more in return for the extra work you do for the society. If you want to get more, you need to produce more. Rewards proportional to the work put into the society exist for a reason. And, the greatest irony out of all of this is that by differencing yourself from the "masses", you're breaking a principle of communism. In communism, [b]you are nothing but a minute part of the mass[/b]. In conclusion, your arrogance is unimaginable, the misinformation you spout is laughable, and I hope the doctors find a way to surgically remove your head from your arse so that you may join the rest of us here in the real world.
  23. The Demon Soldier regained his footing. "Cursed Fisherman..." he muttered. "I'll show you what happens when you try to steal from me!" The demon removed a small pendant from around his neck. "Relinquished, it's me. I've encountered a little opposition. I need some swimmers." A dark vortex appeared over the water, and a pair of Humanoid Worm Drakes slithered out of the portal. They landed in the water and swam towards the Legendary Fisherman's cave.
  24. First of all, thank you for taking the time to post this. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alucardfire [/i] [B]Really good base. I see what you're doing, but it'll tend to run a bit slow. [/B][/QUOTE] In general, or just for the Chaos Soldier? It has both searchers, both draw cards as well as Reinforcements of the army. (Because of the solid amount of warriors.) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alucardfire [/i] [B]Letsee if we can speed it up. Since you're floowing the Chaos Soldier Alpha res to one for some reason, lets also add CED for the heck of it, Blade Knight flourishes under CED.[/B][/QUOTE] I'm folowing the retriction because I only need/wanted one CSMoC. I thought he would be effective as a heavy-hitter. The point wasn't about the CSMoC, and I apologize if I gave the wrong impression. It was just supposed to be a Light-deck with one really strong monster. I'll never play the CED; not to get into a debate, but I really, really hate him. Blade Knight also isn't actually released yet, so while I'm eagerly awaiting him, I'm not counting on using him until KoA finally brings him over...whenever that will be... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alucardfire [/i] [B]-1 Kaiser Glider, +1 Exclusivity Virus, who cares if its water, mass mon remover. -2 Thunder Nyan Nyan, +2 Blade Knight -1 Goblin Strike Team, +1 Soul-Banishing Spirit -2 Roulette Barrel, +1 Drillago at your 11th card, replace those choices with Kuribou. Easy to dump dark mon, and searchable so you can just lay out Critter/BFW as a wall. - the 12th card as well. Get that monster ratio down. When it comes out ur monster zone will look like this: Monsters - 15 Chaos Soldier Alpha Chaos Emperor Dragon / Killer Snake / Magical Scientist Magic Warrior Breaker Drillago Android Psycho Shocker Soul-Banishing Spirit Critter Black Forest Witch Dimensional Warrior Girl Dimensional Warrior Girl Blade Knight Magic Reflect Bounder Saint Magician(Magician of Faith) Exclusivity Virus Kuribou / (if CED is in: Yatagarasu)[/B][/QUOTE] If the CSMoC requires that much support, should I bother with it as a hitter at all? Will it jut be a hinderance otherwise? He was simply my first choice as a powerful Light-type monster. If the whole deck needs to revolve around him, would I be better off just slapping in a pair of Kaiser Seahorses and playing a BEWD or MKoJ? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alucardfire [/i] [B]-Its not that bad with your magic zone. -2 Luminous Spark(sry), +1 Painful Choice, +1 Snatch Steal -1 Terraforming, +1 Scapegoat -1 Ray of Hope, -1 Judgement of Anubis, +1 Dark Coffin, +1 Sealing Swords of Light I know its meant to be a light deck, but with a Chaos monster at one, you need a consistent light / dark ratio. [/B][/QUOTE] If the CSMoC requires that much support, I should probably drop him; I hadn't wanted to change the deck that much to suit him. The Light-theme was more important, combined with getting it to work iin synch with the Warrior half of the deck. (GAF was originally Giant Orc, to provide more balance, but was changed as part of the merger.) Because you did'nt mention the wArrior half of the deck, can I assume it's pretty okay?
  25. 14 Class was a horrible daze for Simon the next morning, which probably explained the grade on his chemistry test. He kept thinking about what he?d said to Rena; was he wrong to not want this? After all, she?d basically said it was because of him that the Earth was screwed. Maybe he?d been tactless, but he still thought he made the right decision. He had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time; there was no way he could take on responsibility for any of this. He was eating lunch alone when ?Timothy? suddenly sat down next to him. ?Good afternoon, Simon.? Simon glared at him. ?What do you want, freak?? ?Timothy? sighed. ?You?re a very hostile young man, Simon. I came her with a proposition for you.? Simon flipped him off. ?The answer is no. What?s the question?? ?You shouldn?t be so hasty,? he frowned. ?I wanted to inform you that if you were to cooperate with me, my fathers? scientists might be able to remove the system from you without killing you.? Simon considered this for a second. ??Cooperate? how?? ?Well it would aid my father?s plans to have a few natives cooperating, and giving up information.? Simon glared again. ?You want me to sell out my planet?? ?I want you to realize the inevitable. This planet is going to be part of my father?s empire either way. You can save yourself, or you can die. Your choice.? ?I think I told you this before, but @#$% off.? ?Timothy? shrugged. ?The Sol system is a part of you, and it will be my father?s either way.? Before Simon could reiterate his profanity, a familiar group of jocks approached. Brooks, Stevens, and co.; Simon rolled his eyes. ?Hey, Timmy,? Brooks said. ?Why are you hangin? with this looser? Come on, let?s go. We can throw the ball around before class starts again.? ?That sounds fun,? ?Timothy? said as he got up to leave. ?See you later, Simon.? Simon watched them walk away, then laid his head on the table. ?See you tomorrow, Susan,? Timothy said, waving. ?You, too, Timothy!? She smiled back, turning down her street. Timothy walked alone, examining several of the books he had procured from the school?s library. History texts, philosophy, art books?this planet?s culture was very rich. Lost in thought, Timothy was slightly careless as he approached the scrap yard. He almost didn?t notice the attack until it was too late. ?Yah!? He leapt aside, narrowly avoiding the two metal tendrils that lashed out at him from a pile of metal parts. They were long and snake-like, with tiny gripping claws on the end. ?This isn?t Rena?? he muttered as his features shifted back to his normal form. ?Nor is it Simon?who-?? The tendrils attacked again, but he was ready for them. He sliced one in half with a plasma dagger, then grabbed the other one as it stopped mere inches from his face, the claws gripping uselessly. ?Too easy?? He turned around, only to be assaulted by another pair of tendrils. Just a distraction, he thought as he leapt over them. He landed a few feet away, but was too late in realizing that he?d been orchestrated to land there. A third pair of tendrils arose; these, however, had electric current running through them. Tybalt didn?t have time to dodge before they made contact; the shock rendered him unconscious. In a small, desolate area of the local woods, the remains of Rena?s ship were hidden under a great deal of foliage. Add in the holographic technology cloaking it, and it was quite secure. Inside, Von was tinkering with the radar, while Rena ran another check on the computer systems. Von had been quiet most of the day, and Rena was a little bit annoyed by that. ?Tell me, Von, what would you have done?? she finally asked. Von looked up, startled. ?About what?? ?You know what. The sol being.? He hesitated. ?Well?I mean, what you said was right and everything?but did you have to be so harsh?? ?I was simply stating the facts of the situation. Emergencies such as this don?t allow for tact.? ?Well, sure, I know that, because I know you. But he doesn?t, not really. To him, you probably come off as a bit?arrogant?? Rena sighed. ?It?s the curse of the weak-minded to mistake confidence with arrogance.? ?Yeah?but still?? Von connected a wire on the radar, and it suddenly sprang to life. ?Whoa! Rena, ma?am, there?s a ship!? ?What? Is it Tybalt?s?? ?No?not Felinon?or Natas?it?s a rogue ship?no identifying data?? Rena sighed. ?Just what we needed; bounty hunters. Track it.? ?Are we going to tell Simon?? ?You heard what he said; let him figure it out on his own.?
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