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Everything posted by DeathBug
Name: The Evil Baron Von French Guy (TM) Age: 175 in dog years .........Age? Okay, 25 Weapons: Frenchocity, a saber Appearance: Tall and sklender, dressed entirely in white. Has oily black hair and an obnoxious mustache. Wears no armor, because he never fights. Has a nice pair of Ye Olde Addidas for high-tailing it when things get a little rough. Bio: Bob was just an average man until he went walking out near the pond one night. Bitten by a cursed frog, Bob was transformed into the one thing he loathed most of all: a horribly stereotyped Frenchman. The Cursed Bob, now known as the Evil Baron Von French Guy (TM), spent years searching for a cure for his condition, only to find that Ye Olde Library expects those books back. Driven to the brink of bankruptcy by outrageous library fines, EBVFG (TM)became even more twisted and French. Hearing of the Holy Otakubot, EBVFG (TM) has devised a plan to return him to his natural state. Unfortunatly, the downside is that the entire Holy Otaku Kingdom would take on the Curse of the Frog in his stead and become horrible French stereotypes themselves. However, EBVFG (TM) is too French to really care. I mean, he's really, really French. Remember that obnoxious French guy in The Matrix sequels? He's even Frenchier than that. I don't think you quite understand just how French he is... Anyway...EBVFG (TM) employs a gang of Mimes, Poodles and Frogs as his evil henchmen...
I've finally created My Perfect Deck. As most people who read my decks know, my favorite two deck types have always been Light decks and Warrior decks. The warrior deck I always liked to maintain with a competative mindset, and the Light deck was mostly for fun. Recently, I added some of the most useful Dark-element monsters to my light deck to allow it to house the Chaos Soldier-Messenger of Creation. Finally, I saw that my competative version Light deck and my Warrior deck, and realized that by both prefereance and design, they were very similar. So, after a bit of tweaking, I created a deck that goes from being a Warriorr rush beatdown to a Chaos Soldier Light beatdown. There are only 14 cards different between them, allowing my to completely swap between Warrior, Light, or a combination of both. "Gettysburg" and "Heaven's Light" are gone, and in their place stands a new deck, simply titled "DeathBug". Sure, I had to change a few things from my original vision to get it all to fit, but it was well worth it. ^___^ [b][u]DeathBug v 1.0[/b][/u] Basic 26 cards: Monsters: Jinzo Witch of the Black Forest Sangan DD Warrior Lady x2 Breaker the Magical Warrior Goblin Attack Force DD Warrior Lady (Will be replaced whenever UD releases Blade Knight; needed to keep the light/Dark ratio) Dark Blade (Will be replaced for Executioner Makyura; again, light/dark ratio) Traps: Waboku Mirror Force Destruction Ring Call of the Haunted Imperial Order Magic: Monster Reborn Pot of greed Regeki Dark Hole Premature Burial Graceful Charity Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Reinforcements of the Army Side deck A: Warrior Version Monsters: Maurading Captain x2 Terrorking Archfiend Exiled Force Amazon Archer x2 Traps: None Magic: Painful Choice The Warrior Returning alive x3 Mirage of Nightmares Reinforcements of the army Nobleman of Crossout x2 Side Deck B: Light Version Monsters: Chaos soldier-Messenger of Creation Thunder Nyan Nyan x2 Reflect Bounder Asura Priest Roulette Barrel x2 Kaiser Glider Traps: Judgement of Anubis Ray of Hope Magic: Luminous Spark x2 Terraforming Change of Heart Side deck C: Sinister Serpant So, the Warrior Version of my deck runs as followed: Monsters 1. Jinzo 2. Maurading Captain 3. Maurading Captain 4. Exiled Force 5. Goblin Attack Force 6. Terrorking Archfiend 7. DD Warrior Lady 8. DD Warrior Lady 9. DD Warrior Lady/Blade Knight 10. Dark Blade/Executioner Makyura 11. Witch of the Black Forest 12. Sangan 13. Breaker the Magical Warrior 14. Amazon Archer 15. Amazon Archer Traps 16. Mirror Force 17. Destruction Ring 18. Waboku 19. Imperial Order 20. Call of the Haunted Magic 21. Monster Reborn 22. Premature Burial 23. Regeki 24. Dark Hole 25. Pot of Greed 26. Graceful Charity 27. Mirage of Nightmares 28. Painful Choice 29. Reinforcements of the Army 30. Reinforcements of the army 31. Harpie's Feather Duster 32. Heavy Storm 33. Mystical Space Typhoon 34. Mystical Space Typhoon 35. Mystical Space Typhoon 36. The Warrior Returning Alive 37. The Warrior Returning Alive 38. The Warrior Returning Alive 39. Nobleman of Crossout 40. Nobleman of Crossout The Light/Chaos Soldier version runs thusly: Monsters 1. Chaos Soldier-Messenger of Creation 2. Jinzo 3. Kaiser Glider 4. Thunder Nyan Nyan 5. Thunder Nyan Nyan 6. Reflect Bounder 7. Asura Priest 8. DD Warrior Lady 9. DD Warrior Lady 10. Goblin Attack Force 11. DD Warrior Lady/Blade Knight 12. Dark Blade/Executioner Makyura 13. Roulette Barrel 14. Roulette Barrel 15. Witch of the Black Forest 16. Sangan 17. Breaker the Magical Warrior Traps 18. Mirror Force 19. Waboku 20. Destruction Ring 21. Call of the Haunted 22. Ray of Hope 23. Imperial Order 24. Judgement of Anubis Magic 25. Monster Reborn 26. Premature Burial 27. Pot of Greed 28. Graceful Charity 29. Regeki 30. Dark Hole 31. Harpie's Feather Duster 32. Heavy Storm 33. Mystical Space Typhoon 34. Mystical Space Typhoon 35. Mystical Space Typhoon 36. Change of Heart 37. Luminous Spark 38. Luminous spark 39. Terraforming 40. Reinforcements of the Army And a Sinister Serpant waiting in the wings. I can mix and match as is needed. I'm really proud of this deck, so I welcome any and all fixes and ratings. Please keep in mind, though, what I'm trying to do with it. There still have to be twenty-six cards in common in order for this to work.
Solo is accepted, as he talked to me about it first. Yep. ^^; At this point, the RPG is already underway, so anyone who still hasn't signed up must do so quickly, or risk getting left behind.
The captain sighed. He never really question General Freed's judegement before, but he still found it a bit hard to believe that [b]this[/b] crew was supposed to retriee the missing piece of the Seal. "Enough clowning around!" he called. "All of you, it's time to move out!"
Yes, I like Tybalt, too. ^__^ Too bad he's not in this chapter...O.o 13 Simon slammed the door to his room behind him. ?Rena!? he hissed, trying to keep the volume low. Rena and Von were there, having returned from the ruins of their ship. She was on his bed reading a book; Von was toying with what looked like a remote control. ?Good afternoon,? she said. ?Shove it,? Simon spat, tossing his school supplies on the floor. ?Tybalt went to my school!? Rena instantly sat up, alert. ?That is very unfortunate,? she said. ?What happened?? Simon related the entire incident to her. She and Von listened carefully. When he was done, Von whistled, an odd hissing sound. ?Wow,? he said. ?I?m sorry?? ?There is nothing to apologize for, Von,? Rena said simply. ?This situation was inevitable.? Simon glared at her. ?You knew this would happen?? ?It was bound to,? she replied. ?Tybalt didn?t get to his position by genetics alone. It was only a matter of time until he found you. It was just unfortunate that it was so soon. I?d wanted more time-? Simon slammed his fist into the wall. ?That freak is with Susan! Weren?t you listening?!? ?She?s in no danger,? Rena said simply. Simon sighed. ?You don?t get it, do you? Maybe you don?t care about her, but I do!? ?No, no?? Von said hesitantly. ?Really, she?s not in any danger.? ?Why not?? Von cleared his throat. ?There?s no reason to hurt her. And if anything happened to her, it?d draw attention to Tybalt that he just doesn?t want.? ?That?s what he said?? Simon said slowly. ?But why the sudden shift in his priorities? Last night, he seemed ready to take me out. What happened?? ?That is the question, isn?t it?? Rena said thoughtfully. ?I imagine that I know the answer, but it is not pleasant?? ?What? Come on, I really think that maybe I should know. I mean, it can?t possibly be any worse than-? ?Natas is going to invade your planet.? There was a moment of silence. Then, ?What?? Rena flexed her hands. ?You have to understand the position that Natas is in. His home base is currently under heavy assault; most of its resources have been depleted. The statistics Tybalt must have sent him about this planet must be incredibly enticing. He will establish his new military base on this planet, and be able to go on the offensive after your species has been enslaved.? ?Oh my God?? ?Yes, praying might not be such a bad idea. Your planet cannot defend itself from this sort of attack.? Simon slumped against the wall; the hits just kept on coming. ?Well?.is there any way to?.? Von nodded. ?If we can get back to Felinon, and alert them before Natas arrives?? ?No,? Rena said. ?That is highly improbable.? ?Then there?s nothing we can do, is there?? Simon asked. ?Actually, there is. All invasion forces are horribly vulnerable in their embryonic stage. If we could strike before Natas gets a stranglehold on this town, we can disrupt his entire plan long enough for the Planetary Militia ships to arrive.? Simon nodded. ?Wait?this town? Why here?? ?It?s where you are. Or, more accurately, where the Sol system is. Natas still wants that as well, remember?? ?So this is all my fault?? Von shook his head emphatically ?no?. Rena thought for a second. ?Well, in a manner of speaking?? ?Rena!? Von said sharply. ?Lying about the truth won?t alter the facts, Von,? she said. ?If the Sol system hadn?t bonded to him, Tybalt would have been gone by now. It is not through any malicious actions on the sol-being?s part, but if he hadn?t been bonded to the system, his planet would not be in danger.? Simon had been silent for several minutes. Finally, he looked up, glaring at both of the aliens. ?Get out.? ?I beg your pardon?? Rena asked sharply. ?I said, get the hell out of my room. Get out!? Von crept back, offended. ?But Simon?? ?No! Just shut up! I am sick of this crap! I don?t want to know any of this, and I don?t want to know you!? ?You will not speak that way to me, sol being,? Rena said, standing up. ?You cannot ignore the reality of the situation.? ?The hell I can?t! An alien killer is hanging out with the only decent person I know, the whole world is screwed, everyone in town?s gonna? be an alien slave, and it?s my fault? No! No, I don? want to know this! I don?t want any part of this!? Rena glared at him. ?I am a princess of the Ichnet Clan,? she growled. ?You will not disrespect me as such! This situation goes beyond your personal feelings!? ?Another thing I?m sick of is your damn high-and-mighty attitude,? Simon spat. ?I don?t care if you?re a frickin? Martian princess. This is Earth, and this is my room, on my turf, and I don?t have to listen to you! Now get out!? Rena stared at him for several minutes. If looks could kill, both Simon and Rena would have been dead by the other?s eyes. Von had backed into a corner; he hated confrontations? ?If you do this,? Rena said slowly, icily. ?You are the biggest fool, and the most ungrateful cretin, that this planet has ever produced. I am offering you a chance to save your race.? ?I don?t frickin? care,? Simon said, just as slow and icy. ?This is your mess, and I never wanted to be a part of it.? Rena scoffed disdainfully. ?Very well, sol-being. If that is your decision, I cannot change it. Come, Von; we?re leaving.? Rena pressed a button on her armor, and her form shimmered. Suddenly, she stood as the same young Hispanic woman she had been when they met. She opened Simon?s window and climbed out. ?But?? Von said. ?But Simon, I thought?? ?You heard her,? Simon said slowly. ?Go with her.? ?Fine,? Von snapped, hurt. ?I thought we were friends.? He climbed out after Rena. Simon watched them walk away, and then closed the window. ?Friends?? he asked himself. ?No way. Not by a long shot.? ?Is that the planet?? ?You got it, chief. Tybalt landed down there; I?m pinpointing where his ship is parked. If he?s there, your Sol System is sure to be there, too.? ?Excellent.?
The Maurading Captain approached thre Flame swordsman, grinning slightly. "Don't let them bother you, soldier," he said. "General Freed has every confidence in you, and I do as well. We're sure you'll be fine." The Swordsman smiled. "Thanks, Captain." "Go out there and show them your best."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_guy [/i] [B] 1. [B]Who is Cheif Wiggums son?[/B] 2. [B]What is the name of the store that Apu runs? (spelling counts)[/B] 3. [B]Who is Apus wife?[/B] 4. [B]Who is Homers boss?[/B] 5. [B]Who does Smithers love?[/B] [/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler]1. Ralph Wiggum 2. Kwik-E-Mart 3. Manjula 4. Mr. Burns 5. See above. ;)[/spoiler]
Because appaqrently not a speck of originality runs through my veins, I've co-opted the Third Annual Otaku Awards for thee ntire Yu-Gi-Oh franchise. This is where to vote for the best of 03. [i]"Best" can also mean "favorite"; like real award shows, this is just a shallow popularity contest.[/i] [u]Anime[/u] (Covering from the first appearance of the Rare Hunters to Kaiba's duel with Jinzo.) Best Character: Best Yami: Best Millenium Item: Best Rare Hunter: Best Big Five Member: Sexiest Character (Male): Sexiest Character (Female): Best Monster: Best Duel: Best Dressed: Best Scene: Best Duel Move: [u]English Card Game[/u] Best Card Set: (from LON to DCR) Best Holo-foil Card: Best Monster: Best Magic/Spell Card: Best Trap Card: Best Fusion Monster: Best Card Picture: Sexiest Monster (Male): Sexiest Monster (Female): Best Deck Type: Best Monster Type: Funniest Card: [u]Video Games[/u] Best Video Game: Best Video Game enemy: Best Game Monster: Best Game Promo Card: [u]Japanese Game[/u] Best Card Set: Best Holo-foil Card: Best Monster: Best Magic/Spell Card: Best Trap Card: Best Fusion Monster: Best Card Picture: Sexiest Monster (Male): Sexiest Monster (Female): Best Deck Type: Best Monster Type: Funniest Card: Best Promo Card: [u]Japanese Anime[/u] [b]Please Use Spoiler Tags!![/b] Best Character: Best Millenium Item: Best Yami: Best New Character: Sexiest Character (Male): Sexiest Character (Female): Best Monster: Best Duel: Best Dressed: Best Scene: Best Duel Move: [u]Manga[/u] Best Character: Sexiest Character (Male): Sexiest Character (Female): Best Scene: Best Volume: Votes will be tallied January 15th.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alucardfire [/i] [B]Actually APS being in its staple status would work fine in the same deck with a Vampire Lord. Regardless of whether you'll target traps with VL or not, APS is still 2400/1500, and they are both gonna eventually be on the res. list at 1 per deck. APS already is, but which one will you be able to summon first? You'll only get in a few atks with VL, so either target somtin else or w/e. No big deal. [/B][/QUOTE] My opinion was that it was overkill, but it would depend on your deck. Most decks only want one tribute anyway, and, for most of them, Jinzo is the superior monster.
The Demon Soldier swore and turned the raft around. "Excuse me!" he called. "That's mine! i'm afraid it fell overboard!" He stopped the raft as he approached. "I've got some money for you to buy a new net, but I need that artifact back."
OOC: That's cool. ^__^ BIC: The Captain sighed to himself. He trusted General Freed's judgement, as well as those of the other rulers in Konami...but could this crew really track the most dangerous mercanery in the land? "Now, seeing as you all understand the situation, you may leave. All five kingdoms will help you should the need arise; we all recognize the severity of this situation." He opened the gate that lead out of the training yard. "Be very careful. Already, the land is beginning to fall into chaos. STay alert, work together, and retrieve the missing Seal at any cost. Now go."
Ahh, V-Lord, the new "Yata". A very powerful card that is mistaken for unbeatable and placed in all sorts of decks, even if he doesn't belong. Well, ranting aside, let's check him out. Pros: *Witchable *Revival effect *Discard effect *Yet [b]another[/b] powerful Dark monster (Can you tell I have a pet peeve?) *Can be brought out by Pyramid Turtle Cons: *Lvl 5 *only 2000 attack? *Using his ability effectivly requires a little thought *If he died in battle, he stays dead *Pwned by: Jinzo, Hades, Kaiser Glider, Helpoemer, Magical Scientist, GAF, Giant Orc, Kycoo, DD Warrior Lady,monster monsters with a power up... Well, many people have been giving this guy two rating, Pre-restriction and post-restriction. I think that's a waste of time; we *know* that in the long haul, you can only play one, and I will grade him according to those standards. Machines have Jinzo, and Zombies have V-Lord. For control, this guy can be very effective. Summon him via whatever means, do some damage, and name a card to be sent to the Graveyard. This guy flips off Mirror Force, Regeki, Dark Hole, Trap Hole, T-Virus, X-Force, Regeki Break, D-Ring, and various others. However, his biggest flaw is that he's basically a lightweight in the brute force department, and for good reason: any stronger and he'd be totally broken. If you see him, take care of him the old fashioned way: hit him until he stops getting back up. GAF is most likely to do this, but if you manage to special summon a heavy hitter like Jinzo or Hades, they'll do the job as well. For budget duelists, Zombrya the Dark and Giant Orc will take care of him. The problem is, V-Lord can be revived with up to nine recursion cards. (However, only six might actually be used...) Monster Reborn, Premature Burial and Call of the Haunted bring him back. Three Shallow GRaves could bring him back, but I highly doubt anyone would use oeven one of those. The card you have to watch out for is Book of Life; since V-Lord's a Zombie, your opponent can revive him while at the same time removing one of your guys from play. The best way to deal with him, then, is to remove him from the game. Book of Moon + Nobleman of Crossout can easily do this, but the best way to do so, IMO, is with the DD Warrior Lady. (Note: If V-Lord is revived via Call of the Haunted or Premature Burial, and that card is destroyed, V-Lord will [b]not[/b] return. tHe reason is that it's CotH/PB's effect that sent him back to the grave, and that's your card, not your opponent's.) V-Lord's deck destruction effect is very useful; however, it takes a bit of skill to know how to use it. If you name "Monster", your opponent will dump a heavy-hitter monster, then revive it later. (Although you could name Monster, hope your opponent dumps something strong, then revive it yourself.) Conventional wisdom says that the first card type to destroy is Trap, because most duelists run less traps than anything, and the traps they run are very poiwerful and dangerous. If they have no more traps, go for magic, then monster. Of course, if your opponent has a very small monster force, it m9ight be better to dump those first. It depends on the circumstances, and takes some practice to use the effect properly. V-Lord's everywhere right now, but once people realise that he's not for every deck, he'll be regulated to where he belongs: zombie decks, control decks and destruction decks. Finally, as I said in my Jinzo review, don't run Jinzo and Vampire Lord in the same deck; it's counter-productive. Ratings: Beatdown: 2/5 Control: 4.6/5 Zombie: 5/5 (Three Book of Life(s) will make this guy a major pest)
The Captain scowled slightly. "Yes, you [b]will[/b] work with the others. You were choosen for both your abilities and the potential your respective leaders believe you to posess. No single individual can do this alone." He faced them all. "If anyone does not wish to abide with those rules, they may leave."
I'm afraid that the Ceal/DoB combo doesn't work. It has to do with the wording of Ceal and Dagger's effect: Ceal "sends cards to the graveyard". DoB must be "destroyed". Therefore, DoB would not return. Without that combo....Ceal kinda' sucks. ^__^; Rating: 1/5
Oh, you know I'm in. ^__^ My friends and I spout off random Simpsons' quotes at odd times. I say, bring on all challengers. ^_~
The Maurading Captain addressed those assembled with respect, while at the same time maintaining authority. "Good morning," he said. "I believe you all know why you are here. The third piece of the Seal of Exodia is missing. The Demon Soldier is believed to have stolen it. You have all been briefed on the incident." He paused. "You are here because you are the best of your respective kingdoms. They have selected you to form the team that retrieves the Seal and returns piece to the land of Konami." "You will all work together as a unit, and track the Demon Soldier's movements. You will depart from the Kingdom of Man, and proceed through the land as quickly as possible." He paused again. "Unless there are any questions, you may leave immediatly."
After several months, a continuation: 11 Simon was very groggy when he awoke. Man, he thought. I had the weirdest dream last night?aliens, and cat girls and me whipping Brooks?must?ve watched too much TV? He checked his right arm, and sighed with relief; it was normal, in no way metallic. Sighing again, he rolled over?and almost screamed. They were there! Rena and Von, right there! In his room! Rena was sitting in a chair of his, flipping through a comic book. Von sat in a corner, fiddling with a laser pointer. How the heck could they be there? Friday night?s events came back to him slowly; he?d brought them back to his house to hide out, then sort of collapsed on the bed. Oh man? Rena looked up, sensing his movements. ?This character here is really insipid,? she said, gesturing at the comic book. ?His costume looks absolutely nothing like an Earth-spider.? ?Yeah, don?t diss the classics,? Simon muttered. ?Man, what time is it?? Von looked up from the laser pointer. ?By your standard of local time, it?s five thirty in the afternoon.? ?Aw, man. I can?t believe I slept through Saturday!? Von cleared his throat. ?Uh, actually, by your human system of days, it?s not Saturday, it?s Sunday.? ?What?! You?re telling me I slept through the entire weekend?? ?It?s a side-effect of the Sol system?s bonding to your organic system; initially, it causes extreme fatigue in the host.? ?The Sol system,? Simon muttered. ?Wait?my arm?? ?You?ve reached the point where you can control the system,? Von explained. ?The cybernetics are retreating as a result of your desire to hide them.? Simon flexed his hand. ?Come again?? Rena sighed. ?It is responding to your thoughts; please try to keep up.? Simon shot her a look, then turned back to Von. ?This is freaky?you mean it?s responding to my thoughts?? The alien nodded. ?Of course. It has a nueral interface. It?s supposed to work with you; you shouldn?t be afraid of it.? Simon smiled slightly, a bit relieved. ?So, I won?t need a Michel Jackson glove after all?? ?What?? ?Forget it; when are you two leaving?? Rena stood up. ?We cannot,? she said simply. ?If you?ll recall, our ship was rendered inoperative, or at least the engines were. We are stranded, and we have nowhere else to stay.? Simon stood up as well, trying to appear tall. ?Well, no offense, Kit Kat, but what if I don?t want you here?? Rena had two inches on Simon, and stepped forward slightly to gain an authoritive stance. ?I?m afraid you have no choice, Sol-being. I am comandeering your living space in the name of the Felinon Republic, under the Emergency Statute. This is clearly an emergency situation, after all.? Simon didn?t back down. ?No offense, but I don?t care about your stupid statutes. You can?t stay here!? ?Why not?? ?Because?.someone might find you! My aunt and uncle?? ?Your guardians have not approached within the thirty-six hours we have been here.? Simon sighed, defeated. ?How long are you gonna? stay?? Rena nodded slightly, glad that he was recognizing her authority in the situation. ?While you were sleeping, we assembled a makeshift shelter from the wreckage our ship. It is not suitable for habitation, but there are various productive activities we will be partaking of when possible. We will only be here when it is necessary.? ?That?s nice to hear?? Simon muttered. ?But?what about me? If Tybalt is still out there looking for me, what should I do?? ?Tybalt can?t find you,? Von said cheerfully. ?He never got the tracking device. The odds of him finding you by random searches in your city are very slim.? ?You shall continue with your daily routine,? Rena said. ?We can?t have any indication that anything is out of the ordinary, you understand.? ?Damn,? Simon sighed. ?Thought I could skip school because of this?? ?A reminder,? Rena continued. ?Do not tell anyone of our existance, or alert anyone of the Sol System.? Simon laughed. ?Like they?d believe me.? He got a glass of water and went back to sleep. 12 When Simon awoke the next morning, Rena and Von were already gone, off to?wherever the hell they went. Simon shrugged and got ready for class. As he walked out the door, he took note that Lenny was sleeping in the living room, surrounded by trash as usual. Fran wasn?t even there. He was lost in thought the entire walk to school. What was he going to do? The situation was so odd it was funny; he had aliens crashing in his room! He hoped they?d leave soon?and let?s not forget that psycho killer alien who has to kill him. Simon sighed; he was actually looking forward to school, for God?s sake! That wasn?t right? When he arrived at school, he got a pair of books out of his locker for his first two classes. He welcomed the assured monotony that they would bring? ?Simon! Hey, Simon!? Simon looked up suddenly; it was Her! Susan was calling? He turned around?. She was with another guy. Just by glancing at him, Simon decided that he hated him, although he might have been biased. This interloper was tall, with neat brown hair combed nicely over his completely perfect face. He wore a green polo shirt, and biage slacks. His teeth were perfect and shiny, and he had a gold Rolex on his right wrist. Prep? ?Simon,? Susan said. ?I want you to meet Timothy Nathan; he?s new here.? Simon relaxed a bit; Susan was part of the school?s meet and greet program; she was probably with this punk because she had to be. ?Hello, Simon,? Timothy said cheerfully. ?Nice to meet you.? He extended his hand. ?Yeah, welcome to...here,? Simon nodded, taking the hand. Timothy?s grip wasn?t just firm; it almost hurt. Jerk. The bell rang and the crowds in the hall began to disperse. Susan tapped Timothy on the shoulder. ?I?ve got to go; my class is a few halls over,? she said. ?You know where your first period is?? Timothy nodded. ?Yes, thank you.? He paused. ?Susan, are you available for lunch? I?d rather not have to sit alone.? Susan nodded. ?Sure; you can sit with my friends and I.? ?Thank you,? Timothy flashed that annoyingly perfect smile. Simon turned to leave. ?Hold up there, Simon,? Timothy called as Susan walked away. ?What?s the rush?? Simon sighed; this guy couldn?t take a hint. ?I?ve got to go to class.? ?Well, if you insist. Do give Lady Rena my regards.? Simon froze, and an icy chill ran down the back of his neck. ?What did you say?? ?Well, I assume Lady Rena has maintained contact. It would be foolish to do otherwise.? Simon turned around slowly. ?I?how do?oh my God?Tybalt?? Timothy?s eyes flashed bright red for an instant. ?The same.? Simon let out a strange yelp and backed into the wall. Timothy/Tybalt laughed. ?Calm down Simon; if I wanted to kill you right know, I would have.? Simon was standing on shaking knees. ?Why?why not?? ?Why haven?t I killed you? My mission parameters have altered. I am here for strictly observational purposes. Were you to disappear, I might draw unwanted suspicion. This façade is really the ideal situation; I can keep track of you, and what better place to learn about your planet than a school?? When it became obvious that death wasn?t iminant, Simon regained a bit of his composure. ?Listen, Tybalt?you?you stay the hell away from Susan?? Timothy/Tybalt raised an eyebrow. ?Why not? I mean her no harm.? Simon glared at him. ?Just leave her alone!? Timothy/Tybalt smiled slyly. ?I get it; you?re attracted to her, aren?t you?? ?Shut up! I?m warning you, freak?? An assistant principal turned the corner. ?Lewis! What are you doing? Is there a problem here?? ?Timothy? flashed a smile. ?Not at all, Sir. See you around, Simon Lewis.? Great, Simon thought as ?Timothy? walked away. Now he knows my last name?could this get any worse? It was worse, he reminded himself. That freak was hanging out with Susan! At lunch, Simon watched them like a metaphorical hawk. It never occurred to him to go sit with Susan, but he didn?t trust Tybalt, no matter what his frickin? parameters were. ?Timothy? sat directly next to Susan, which only turned the knife. He said something, and she laughed?this was disgusting. Simon wanted to go over there and break his face, but knew he couldn?t, for a variety of reasons, ranging from expulsion to horrible death. He didn?t know that this crap would hit him so close to home?. She laughed again, and Simon winced. That?s it, he decided. Right after class, me an? Rena are gonna? have a long talk.
Do we really need to label ourselves? I enjoy several anime and manga, but I'm not an otaku. I shop at Hot Topic occassionally, (I'd shop there more often, but there's not one at my local mall), but I'm not Goth. I enjoy certain comic books, but I'm not a fan boy. Really, labels are useless. I'd watch more anime if I had more money, but I'd only watch things I honestly thought I would like. For example, I'll never go out of my way to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. I don't care how great everyone says it is; it's not my bag, baby. So, I guess the answer is, I don't consider myself an otaku; I consider myself an individual who doesn't want to be stereotyped.
Warning: This is a depressing post for a normally upbeat guy. Every kiss I've had was a mistake. My first kiss was with a girl I regret dating, but I was 14 at the time and infatuated. I was listening to the brain in my pants rather than the one in my head. The relationship was doomed from the start, and, although we're fine as friends, I should have realized at the time that we were completey incompatible. My next kiss was also a mistake, but, fortunatly, not mine. ^_^; I was at a friend's party, and this girl came on to me, literally. Her exact words were: I'd like to kiss you before you leave. So, I did...I'm only human, right? I regreted it when I later became good friends with this girl, because it lent itself to rather awkward discussions. She did tell me I was a good kisser, though. (I told her I practiced on my pillow; I was joking, at least as far as ya'll will ever know.) I only kissed one other girl, and that was a mistake, because we were friends. Anyway, I'm swore to secrecy on the details. Basically, I'd like one kiss that wasn't a horrible mistake.
"Wrong," Seth said, grinning. "I activate my last trap card on the field, Imperial Order!" The image of the trap rose, and the final flames were dissolved. "Dang it..." Jason muttered. "I'm still here; do not think you are through just yet..." Seth drew a card and smiled. "I have the perfect three-card combination to take care of you for good. I refuse to play the LP cost for Imperial Order, so it deactivates. I set one card face down and play Dark Hole, erasing both your monster and my Necrofear." The two monsters were trapped within a swirling vortex that appeared in the air. "Now, I activate this magic card, a DEal with the Dark Ruler." Seth placed the card down, and an image of Hades appeared. "This rare card can only activate when a monster of level eight or higher is sent to the grave," Seth explained. "My Necrofear was sent to the Graveyard, so now I can play it, and summon a dark beast of destruction that can even destroy a Blue eYes White Dragon!" Jason backed away. "What?" Seth laughed. "Behold! The Beserk Dragon!" A huge yet spindly black dragon rose into the air, hovering menacingly over Jason. "It has 3500 attack points, and you have no defenses," Seth said. "Just to be safe, I place one trap. Not that I need it; you loose now! Beserk Dragon, he has no monsters! Attack his life points directly!" Seth glared as the dragon powered up. "You are going to be an example to Ms. Wheeler of what happens to those that upset my friends. She defeated Ms. Shonya, so now I shall defeat you, permanatly." The Dragon launched its attack atr Jason, bringing his life points to zero.
Seth laughed; he played right into his hands! "Before your Regeki struck my monster, I sacrificed it to activate my trap card. Are you aware of the Crush Card Virus?" Jason's face fell. "Yes..." Seth nodded. "Then you know that your two monsters there are gone. Any monster in your hand with more than fifteen hundred attack points is dead. As is, for that matter, any strong monster you draw within the next three turns." Jason scoffed as his monsters dissolved. "So what? You're almost to zero LP." "Not yet I'm not," Seth snapped. "When your Overdrive attacked, I activated the Kuriboh in my hand. It nulified Overdrive's attack in exchange for being sent to the Graveyard. I took 1800 damage from your Harpie's Brother, nothing more. I stand at 2200 life points, and promise to bring you below that very quickly. It's my turn!" Seth drew a card and smiled. "I play the Cheerful Coffin and send my Dark Jeroid to the Graveyard. If you're keeping score, that's now three Demons in my graveyard. Time to meet Dark Necrofear!" A dark vortex appeared on the field, and the female fiend apeared on the field. (2200/2800) "I play Shield and Sword to swap my Necrofear's atack and defense. Necrofear, attack his life points!" The dark fiend's eyes narrowed, andtendrils of blue energy shot out and lashed at Jason, decreasing his life points to 1200. "So, let's see..." Seth said. "You have 1000 less life points than Ido, no monsters on the field, and will have no strong monsters for the next three turns. My Necrofear is on the field ready to destroy you next turn. Should you find a way to destroy you, she can simply take control of one of your monsters for me. My deck Master is still waiting in the wings with his special abiliity." Seth glanced at his hand. I've also got the Deal with the Dark Ruler card from the Big Five. If my Necrofear dies, I can activate it. No need to tell him that. "Your friend Amanda Wheeler defeated a friend of mine," Seth continued. "Now, I'm going to eliminate a friend of hers! Make your move."
A "Burner" card is a type of card whose effect reduces your opponent's Life points without monsters attacking. Final Flame is a burner card. Ookazi is a burner card. Cannon Soldier's effect is a burner effect. In your deck, Mass Driver and Poison of the Old Man are burner cards. My bad; I did'nt clarify myself earlier. ^^; I'll look at your deck again later. I'm busy right now.
Okay, Masterdramon is approved, Maxmillion's new character is approved, Bandit's faction idea is now open... JoyKaiba, I didn't mean that you had to drop DMG as a character; you could have played her as well. Anyway, I'll start the RPG tomorrow.
Guys, really; is it too much to ask that you rate the deck of the poster above you before you when you post? We've got seven decks with no ratings, with the exception of Ayokano. This is a bit ridiculous. Alucardfire: While I personally hate the CED, combining him with the DDVD was a very good idea. I can't see anything wrng with it. For the English deck, I would definatly main-deck the Magical Scientist, considering his versitility. However, I can't think of what to drop in his place. M_D: For your American deck; I can't tell what the theme is, and if you're not willing to remove any cards, then there's no point in adressing it. BTW, the Labryith Walll/Raregold Armor combo won't be effective at all, seeing as any smart opponent would simply choose not to attack. Your Euro-light deck is better, but, as I'm don't know Euro restrictions, I'm not really able to say a lot. First, though, ditch Summoned Skull, Spear Cretin, mask of Darkness and Invader of the Throne. Add three Luminous spark field cards. Add another Neo, and something that the Shining Angel can search for; perhaps and Ancient elf. Light decks weren't strong Stateside until the release of Labryith of Nightmare, so I'm afraid you're at a disadvantage. Inuyasha7575: I can't see what you're trying to do. If it's beatdown, remove the Burner cards. You also have too many traps; replace them with Magic/Spell cards. Ayokano: It's an okay Mech deck, but there's several commons that could help: a few Guardians of the Throne Room and Robotic Knights could really help. Limmiter Removals could also help it greatly. Add a Sangan and some more Machines. Domon: First, the tribute monsters: drop a Blue Eyes. Then, drop one Lord of D; your whole strategy doesn't need to revolve around him. Also, swap the Gemini Elf for the Luster Dragon.
I'm afraid that dragons aren't playable characters at this point in the game. The reasoning was simple: dragons are incredibly powerful creatures, and I didn't want any one character to be so much more powerful that the rest. One of my requests was that the characters have card attacks less that 2400, as well. Later in the game, I will open up dragons as characters; I've actually got appropriatly grand plans for them. When I do, I will reserve the BSD for you. ^__^ Until then, please submit another charrie.