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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. Characters approved, BK. ^__^ We need one or two more members, then we can begin.
  2. Ben, your char is approved. I forgot to say, but you can have multiple chars. So, if you want to be a Gravekeeper as well, that's cool. ^__^ JKaiba, he can be Joey, but he goes by "Flame Swordsman"< because I do'nt want to blur the realities. Other than that, good to go. ^__^
  3. In the mystical land of Konami, there exist five kingdoms. *The Kingdom of Man, ruled by the undefeated General Freed *The Demon Realm, ruled by the ruthlessly efficient Lord Hades *The Realm of the Angels, ruled by the benevolant King Shinto and his queen, Saint Joan *The Machine District, ruled by the Machine King and his cybernetic advisor, Jinzo *The Realm of Spell Casters, ruled by the wise Cosmo Queen For decades, the five kingdoms have lived in peace, all bound by the Pact of the Forbidden One. The ancient god Exodia was a force so powerful that tht his very existance threatened to destroy Konami. He allowed himself to be transported to a different plane by being bound into the Seal of Exodia. So that the Seal could never be opened again, the five kingdoms each hold a seperate piece of the Seal. With this balance of power, the kingdoms have lived in harmony. However, the evil rogue wizard Relinquished has decided to open the Seal and attempt to control the boundless energies of Exodia. To this end, he has hired the ruthless mercanary, the Demon Soldier, to steal each piece of the Seal. The Demon Soldier has succeeded in stealing the piece of the Seal owned by the Demon Realm. Alarmed, the five kingdoms have decided to form a scout party to retrieve the piece and locate Relinquished. They have each set forth one warrior to form a party of five, led by the warrior from the Kingdom of Man. As the land of Konami decends into chaos, the quest begins... So, here's the skinny: choose your favorite duel monster card, (that has an attack of 2400 or less; no Godding), decide which Kingdom it belongs to, and join the fun. The first five people to sign up join the scout party; however, there are many other factions availible. *Don Zaloog and his Dark Scorpion bandits *the Vampire Lord and his undead minions *The Terrorking/Genocide King, leader of the chess demons, who wish to take control of the Demon Realm from Hades *The Legendary Fisherman, master of the Suijin Sea *The Gravekeepers, a band of desert nomads *Pretty much anything you can think of; I'm open to a ton of ideas here. ^__^ So, here's the form: Name: Kingdom: Skills: Personality: Anything else we should know: I'll be playing the rulers of the Kingdoms and RElinquished's forces, but other than that, go nuts. Please keep controling of other people's chars to a minimum, and try to be diverse in your characters; we don't want a team of five where everyone's exactly the same.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark_dragongirl [/i] [B][color=navy] But, if I did organize a letter campaign, do you really think a company would pay that much more attention?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, they would. I can speak from personal experience. Coorporate folks are trained to think in terms of costs and resources. The more you spend and the more resources you devote to a cause, the more committed you are. What do you give up to sign an on-line petition? Nothing. It's free, and almost instantaneous. It doesn't demonstrate commitment. However, if you write a letter, what does that say? You've given up resources, money and, most important, time to a particular cause. That speaks to a company. You're activally working towards this goal, and if there are enough letters, any manager with two brain cells to rub together would realize thatt hey've got a segment of the markdet deeply committed to this particular goal. Here's what you do: first, find the business address of the person who could actually do what you want to be done, or at least make an impact. Second, speak to all the people on-line who would sign the on-line petition. Ask them to write letters instead. Also ask them to speak to others nd do the same thing. Granted, a good portion of people won't do anything; these are the people that the company wrote off anyway. They weren't devouted enough to actually *do* anything. However, those that really were committed wil write letters, and spread the word. That's how you organize a letter writing campaign.
  5. TKA's text states that it cannot be "Normal Summoned" without an Archfiend on the field. However, the Maurading Captain's special ability allows me to Special Summon any level four or lower monster from my hand when MC is normal summoned. Because this deck is designed to swarm, I'll most likely be using the warrior Returning Alive cards to bring the Caopt. back to my hand, and when I smmon one of them, they can bring the Terrorking along. I had DoB: Elma when I was under the mistaken impression that it would return to my hand if the monster it was equipped to was destroyed. I was later informed that this was not the case.
  6. Well, since all the cards on that list were released before the chess demons were even thought of, Konami of America (who does the translations & edits, *NOT* Upperdeck) had no idea that they would eventually be part of a larger series. If they had, they would have named them all similarly to avoid confusion. Quite frankly, I'm much more concerned about the errata involving Infernalqueen Archfiend that this honest and understandable mistake.
  7. I realy, really, really don't want to be the one that points this out, but the petition is kinda' useless. Why? If the technology existed to make such an incredibly expansive gaming platform, capable of creating an alternate reality hooking up people on opposite sides of the planet, it'd already br in use as more practical applications, probably as military training equipment. Most cool electronic stuff starts out as military hardware anyway. Second, if this technology was feasible, and some big-name company had the rights to it, they'd release it in a second, Imagine the money they'd make. Why would we sign a petition to try and convince a coorporation to do something they'd be piddling all over themselves to do anyway? The technologoy to create "The World" does not yet exist, I am afraid. You may rest assured, however, that when it does exist, there will be no shortage of companies ready to release it to the public and reap tremendous profits. (I know I'd buy it...) Also, and I'm speaking in general terms before I'm flooded with altercating anecdotes, on-line petitions seldom impact anything unless there is an enourmous amount of signitures, or perhaps marketing indicates that techhies are the ideal consumer segmebnt. (Which they would be in this case, but still...) If you really, really want to convince someone to do something, organize a letter-writing campaign. Anyone can sighn an on-line petition; as the author of this one said, "Takes only thirty seconds". Writing a letter and paying postage...that shows comittment.
  8. Off in the distance, the fourth wall shatters.... ^__^ Nice work, BJ. I particullarly enjoyed the scenes with Marik. Poor Marik practically sets himself up.
  9. Two more: 34) Dark Jeroid: One of Yami Marik's beasties, this guy is witchable, sanganable and tomatable. He can lower the attack of any monster upon his summoning, and is good Necrofear fodder. Makes a good tag-team partner with Newdoria. 35) Giant Orc: Rusher, attack power, Necrofear chow. ^__^
  10. Seth scoffed. "It doesn't matter if Ms. Wheeler finds Mr. Kaiba or not," he explained. "The system he is hooked up to is very precarious. Attemptuing to remobve him can easily result in death unless one knows the access codes. I do, but she doesn't. Good luck." He drew his cards. "I set one monster in defense mode, and two cards face down. Your move."
  11. While there is no character I had in mind as specific "Comic relief person", there would have been comidic bits into the second chapter. This was just exposition, where I had to set up the story and its players, and get out as much information as possible. There was'nt any room for comic relief this time around, I'm afraid. ^^;
  12. Seth heard Jason enter the castle, and glared. He decended the staircase in the front room. "Hello," he said calmly. "You are here for Mister Seto Kaiba, no doubt. I'm afraid that he is rather incapacitated at the moment. However, I will gladly duel you to keep you company. Either way, Mister Kaiba will not leave until the Big Five have full control of his fiscal assets." Dark Baltar the Terrible appeared behind Seth. "Summon your deck master; it is time to duel!"
  13. Hah! I know *both* Rex's powerhouse monster i the [spoiler]mighty Tyrant Dragon[/spoiler]. Joey uses Foolish Burial to place Jinzo in Odion/Rishid's Graveyard, then uses Graverobber to resurrect him. Here's an easy one: what's wrong with the scenario described above?
  14. I've never written or read fantasy before. Heck, I haven't even read or seen LotR. So don't blame me if this sucks. ************ Within the realms of fantasy, there was the great mythical land of Konami. Konami was surrounded on three sides; first, by the great Mirage Planes, a huge expanse of desert that continued for infinity. The Dragon Mountains were towards the north of Konami; as the name implied, they were home to the most vicious and powerful dragons in existence. Finally, the great ocean of Suijin lay to the east. Konami is divided into five great kingdoms, each with their own specialties and inhabitants. For many years, they were locked in a constant power struggle that often resulted in war and bloodshed; now, however, the Pact of Exodia bound all five. Each kingdom held a piece of the Exodia Seal. When all five pieces of the Seal were brought together, the Forbidden One was summoned to the corporeal plane, and his tremendous power would be unleashed upon the world. Though not a dark god, Exodia realized the destructive effect his might would have upon the world, intentional or no. He had allowed himself to be sealed into a higher plane of existence almost a millennia ago. There had been peace between the kingdoms ever since. Now, however, there was a crisis, one so great that it required the meeting of the nobility of all five kingdoms. One of the pieces of the Seal was missing. In the great Goldfine Palace, designated neutral meeting grounds for the five kingdoms, the meeting hall was unusually silent. At the great table in the center of the hall, each ruler of their kingdom was quiet, conversing in hushed tones with their most trusted aides. Finally, the Cosmo Queen, elected chairperson of this particular gathering, called the meeting to order. ?I shall not insult any of you by wasting time,? she said, her elderly yet strong voice echoing softly through the hall. ?The Third Piece of the Seal of Exodia is missing. This piece, as you are all aware, is that which was entrusted to Hades of the Demon Realm. Lord Hades, would you care to elaborate?? There was a scoff heard behind the Queen, as her youngest advisor, the Chaos Command Mage, stared disdainfully at the demon king. Behind the Mage, the Queen?s two children, the Black Magician and Black Magician Girl waited patiently. While the Black magician Girl, intimidated by this high-profile gathering of political figures, watched attentively, her older brother seemed bored by the whole affair. His dark blue outfit was covered with odd leather straps, and his shook his long black hair with a detached indifference. The old demon king stood to address the assembly. Though cruel and a bit vicious, Hades had proven to be a strong ruler, and was well mannered when it came to the other kingdoms. In a kingdom as chaotic as the Demon Realm, a king didn?t have time to deal with both his own subjects and hostile neighbors. ?Well,? he began in his raspy voice. ?We became aware that the Seal was missing two days ago. We discovered upon investigation that it had been stolen. We believe it was the work of the Demon Soldier-? ?Based on what data?? the robotic Machine King asked suddenly. Hades glared. ?I wasn?t finished!? ?Our apologies,? the robot?s cyborg advisor, Jinzo, said quickly. ?Please, continue.? Hades regained his composure. ?You all know that the Demon Soldier is the most proficient mercenary in Konami; we have warrants for his capture in each of our kingdoms. For his sake, he had best not get captured in the Demon Realm. Anyway, during some of the recent?events within the Realm, we had lost focus to the point where he was able to pierce our defenses.? ?Excuse me, Lord Hades,? Freed, general of the Kingdom of Man interrupted. ?Are you referring to the insurrection of the Genocide King?? Hades nodded. ?I?m accustomed to a rebellion every third Tuesday, but the Genocide King has divided my kingdom. I am confident that my forces can eliminate him, but it will take a bit more time.? ?And while you?re taking your time, Sir,? the Chaos Command Mage snapped. ?One of the most powerful artifacts in the known world is missing!? ?Watch your tone when addressing Lord Hades!? Dark Baltar said sharply. Baltar was one of Hades? most valued Dukes. Behind him, General Zorc nodded slowly, sneering at the arrogant Mage. ?Gentlemen, please,? King Shinto, ruler of the Realm of Angels said in his usual calming manner. ?We are not here to squabble. What is important is finding the missing piece of the Seal, and ensuring the safety of the others. There are so many possible ways that its power can cause harm that we must act quickly and decisively.? Behind him, Saint Joan, his wife, nodded her assent. ?I agree,? General Freed said. ?This is what I propose: each of us shall send one warrior from each of our kingdoms to form a small expedition force to track down the missing Seal. I already know which of my men I would select as leader of the expedition.? There was a small murmur as each ruler spoke with his or her various aides. Finally, the Cosmo Queen called for attention. ?Very well,? she said. ?We shall each go around the table and give our decision on this proposal. I, as queen of the Spell caster Realm, shall begin. We accept the proposal set down by the Kingdom of Man. I offer one of my most trusted advisors, he Chaos Command Mage...? The green-clothed spell caster swelled with pride. ??Under the command of General Freed?s selected team leader.? The Mage practically fell over. ?My Queen!? he whispered fiercely to her. ?I?why?you don?t mean?? ?You could do well to learn some humility,? she whispered back smugly. ?I have every confidence in you.? Hades was next. ?We of the Demon Realm agree to General Freed?s proposal. We submit Dark Baltar as our warrior.? The young demon bowed. ?I am honored to take such a valuable task.? King Shinto nodded his approval. He turned to his Queen and waited for her decision. Saint Joan examined the small group she had assembled. The Airknight, Marie the Fallen One, Thunder Nyan Nyan? She turned and whispered to Shinto, who turned back to the table. ?We agree to the terms, and select Thunder Nyan Nyan as our warrior.? The young girl almost fainted. ?Me?!? she cried, eyes wide. ?Mi? lady, you can?t be serious! I?m not up to?.? ?King Shinto has spoken,? Joan replied sweetly. ?Very well; Machine King, does the Machine Realm agree to these terms?? Freed asked. ?Negative.? ?You do not?? ?The Machine Realm will not allocate a warrior. However, we shall grant the use of a Cyber Pod,? Jinzo explained. Those assembled nodded; a Cyber Pod contained almost unlimited technological weapons; they were very powerful, and very rare. If the Machine King was willing to allocate one to this cause, then he must have been committed. ?Who have you selected to lead this expedition, General Freed?? the Cosmo Queen asked. ?One of my most outstanding and competent men,? the General replied. ?A man named Dai Grephor.? ?I assume that this man will know the stakes of the mission?? Hades asked. ?He will. The team will set out tomorrow, and retrieve the Seal by whatever means they deem necessary.? With the business at hand concluded, the assembly began to disband. The Demon Soldier passed the Gate?s Guardian without fear, hefting the large chest to the door. He knocked a single time, and then waited for a response. He did not have to wait long. The Dark Eyes Illusionist quickly unlocked and opened the heavy door. ?You?ve got it, then?? the hypnotist asked eagerly. ?I don?t deal with cronies,? the Soldier replied curtly. ?Take me to Sacrifice.? Huffing, the strange spell caster lead the mercenary to the inner chamber of the cave. From the darkness within, a single golden orb emerged. ?Ahhh?? Sacrifice hissed as his full, hideous form came into the light. ?You have done well.? ?Yeah, here?s your Seal,? the Demon Soldier unceremoniously dropped the chest on the ground. ?Remember our deal.? ?Of course,? Sacrifice said. ?You shall be paid promptly. Illusionist, show our friend to one fifth of the agreed upon price.? The Soldier snarled. ?I?ve been thinking of increasing my price?this wasn?t the cake walk I thought it would be.? ?Now, now, my friend,? Sacrifice chuckled. ?Don?t be too hasty. In exchange for your continued cooperation, I can give you something more voluble that mere gold.? ?Like what?? ?Power, under my rule.? ?I?m listenin??? Sacrifice laughed. ?Boy, once I have all five pieces of the Seal, I will rule Konami! And, for your loyalty, can have an entire province to your name.? The Demon Soldier grinned. ?Sounds good.? ?However, you must get me the other pieces of the Seal!? ?Consider it done.?
  15. I don't believe it. The way that Bush has been undermined by the media at every single turn of his Precidency, you can't tell me that several American news sources wouldn't jump at the chance to make him look bad again. It doesn't make sense that Saddam would be in the hands of mortal enemies who wouldn't kill him. Unless, o course, they wanted coalition forces to find him to oprovide them with political strength, in which case they support US military action in Iraq, which would actually back Bush's claim that the Iraqi's want Saddam to be ousted and the US/British coalition to establish a democratic government. I am a bit ticked that the US military is being pegged as so incompetant that they need to have Saddam drugged and bound to be able to capture him. [sarcasm]Of course, the US military is a bunch of incompetants who couldn't find Saddam on their own[/sarcasm] Gahh.
  16. Well, first, here's the final update of my Dark Crisis era Warrior deck, Gettysburg. Any help for it would be greatly appreciated. Monsters: Jinzo Maurading Captain x2 Exiled Force Goblin Attack Force DD Warrior Lady x2 Breaker the Magical Warrior Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Amazon Archer x2 Terrorking Archfiend Blindly Loyal Goblin x2 Total monsters: 15 Traps: Waboku Call of the Haunted Imperial Order Destruction Ring Total Traps: 4 Spell: Monster Reborn Premature Burial Regeki Dark Hole Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Painful Choice Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Reinforcements of the Army x2 The Warrior Returning Alive x3 Riryoku Mirage of Nightmares Nobleman of Crossout x2 Total Spells: 21 Same strategy as before; added a Terrorking Archfiend to be pulled onto the field by the Captain's effect and do his lil' Mini-Hades thang. Dropped Donny Z for a second DD Warrior Lady. Dropped Cyber Jar for my new Tinzo. Now, something different; I'm trying to make my Light-deck competative, so I've decided to alter it to house the Chaos Soldier-Messenger of Creation. I've added the most useful Dark-type monsters; you'll see. Tribute monsters: Choas Soldier-Messanger of Creation Jinzo Kaiser Glider Monsters: Thunder Nyan Nyan x2 DD Warrior Lady x2 Reflect Bounder Asura Priest Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Giant Orc Breaker the Magical Warrior Roulette Barrel x2 Electric Snake x2 (I wanted to run two of my favorite cards ever, Execution-Makyura and Blade Knight, but who knows when they'll cross the other pond? until then, I run Hand-D's worst enemy, Electric Snake). Total Monsters: 17 Traps: Waboku Spell Shield Type 8 Destruction Ring Ray of Hope Judgement of Anubis Call of the Haunted Total Traps: 6 Spell: Monster Reborn Pot of Greed Regeki Dark Hole Harpie's Feather Duster Change of Heart Graceful Charity Premature Burial Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Luminous spark x3 Terraforming Heavy Storm Riryoku Total Magic: 17 Total Cards: 40 So...ratings? Fixes? It's a first effort.
  17. Lord of Dragons. Which cards did Yami Bakura resurrect with his Puppet Master card in his duel against Yami Marik?
  18. Definatly the Millenium Eye. It has the most practical applications: knowing the answers to test questions, knowing what my opponents in any contest will do, trying to understand girls... Okay, maybe no Millenium item can tell me how to understand girls, but I can dream, can't I?
  19. Mirror Wall and Graverobber. What monster did Pegasus use to lower Kaiba's Life Points to zero in their match in Duelist Kingdom? (No one will get this!)
  20. Well, the reason the cards recieve more "chat time" is because they constantly change, whereas the manga, while added on to, does not change. Monster Reborn used to resurrect all monsters, now it can only resurrect most of them. However, Yugi beat Kaiba with his Grandpa's Blue Eyes. That doesn't change, as cool as it is. It's static, andcan only generate so much discussion before it becomes repetative. And how can anyone hate manga Anzu? Tea, maybe, but Anzu wrote a death threat with ketchup!
  21. This isn't a card gaming zone; however, a large part of the property's popularity is due to the card game, and to underestimate that would be wrong. I felt similarly that the anime wasn't being discussed, so, under my old user name, I started the "Latest Episode of Yu-Gi-Oh" thread. If you want something to be discussed, start a thread. We've got a lot of members who want to talk about the card game, so it's talked about. I'm a fan of the card game, manga, and anime. For some reason, the manga doesn't spark a lot of conversation. Back when it was first released in Shonen jump, I summarized it for those unfortunate enough to not read it, but I stopped due to lack of interest. If you wish to discuss the manga, I'll gladly relate to what I've read thus far. so far, Kaiba's a creepy psycho for that whole "Death-t" thing, and Hikari Yugi's a wuss. Yami Yugi is very cool because he actually does dark and unpleasant things on occassion; it's better when he's not such a "clean-cut" good guy like he is in the "Duel Monsters" anime. Jonouchi is a strong character, and my favorite thus far. Honda, however...what's Honda actually do? Nada. In the intro from the author in the first volume of the YGO manga, he mentions Yugi, Anzu and Jonouchi, but not Honda. Honda serves no purpose... I'm looking forward to Yugi's next duel against Mokuba, simply because I want to see Mokuba's lil' master plan. Last time, Yugi manipulated him indirectly, and sealed his fate. however, I doubt the same trick will work twice. And, of course, Kaiba's still waiting on the next level, with his three Blue Eyes white Dragon, all of which are loyal to him this time. Looks like a fun match to read. ^__^
  22. [IMG]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\305-052.jpg[/IMG] JUDGEMENT OF ANUBIS Counter Trap Discard 1 card from your hand. Negate and destroy a Magic card activation and effect that has a [Destroy Magic/Trap cards on the Field] effect controlled by your opponent. Afterward, you can destroy 1 of your opponent's face-up Monsters on the Field and do damage to your opponent equal to that Monster's attack strength. (Courtesy of Edo; if you've never been, go.) This card was used in the anime by Odion (Jp. Rishid) against Joey's Giant Trunade. It protected Odion's Temple of the Kings and Avatars of Aphopis, and destroyed Joey's Gearfriend, Hayabusa Knight and Tiny Guardian/Little Winguard; it was used incorrectly in the anime, however. There's a lot of debate on this side of the other pond as to whether or not JoA deserves its spot as the retail secret rare from Dark Crisis. Is this card any good? Pros: *Protect set Magic/traps *Destroy one monster *Burner damage *Can negate: HFD, HS, MST, and a few others. Cons: *Only negates magic cards *Requires discard *Destruction only works if opponent hasa monster on field Well, first, if the card was as powerful as it was on the anime, it would be more popular, but it can only destroy one monster. That monster must be on the field at the time JoA is triggered for the effect to ocurr. Only Magic cards can trigger it; no Breaker or Dust Tornado. Also, the card must *destroy* the M/T; no Giant Trunade or Nobleman of Extermanation. Whether or not it's any good depends on whether or not you've got M/T that need protecting. Good cards to protect are Mirror Force, Magic Cylinder, Premature Burial, Field magics, United We stand and Swords of Revealing Light. If you run a large number of any of those cards, you should consider JoA. If all your traps are chainable and you only run one or two equips, you might want to just stick with Imperial Order. It bears mentioning, although it's rather obvious, that discarding is bad. However, come the next set, discarding might not be as bad as previouly thought. If the card I discarded was the one light monster I needed in my Graveyard to summon Chaos Emporor Dragon, for example, then discarding actually allows more options. Of course, if you're discarding Sinister Serpant, do'nt even think twice. Even the new monster Oustanding Dog Marron takes the sting out. (Also, in the future, you can discard Exectioner Makuyra and Masked Beast: Des Guardius, among others, to get their effects.) This card only requires that your opponent control the Magic card destroying M/T's. It doesn't require that the M/T's belong to you. A killer combo (that is situational, as most fun combos are), is to activat this card when your opponent pulls the MST/Mirage of Nightmares draw trick. They'll loose their monster, an MST, and have to discard. You loose two cards, they loose up to five. Not bad, but still very situational. Finally, don't think you'll always get the burner effect. Most M/T removal is done during Main Phase 1, prior to summoning. It only takes a good player getting nuked by JoA once to cause him/her to always destroy M/T's before summoning. However, there are many times when you will get the effect. In short, Judgement of Anubis is good in some decks, but not others. If you have some Magic or trap cards you just have to keep alive, use it. If you don't really have that many, don't bother; use Imperial Order or Spell Shield Type 8. Score: In a deck with field magics/continuous traps: 3.5/5 In other decks: 1/5 That's one cool pic, by the way.
  23. Cyber Jar, Morphing Jar, Morphing Jar #2, Ancient Jar, Dimension Jar, Jar of Greed, Jar robber, and Fiber Jar.... 8. Name one of the two monsters Kaiba sacrified to pump up his Spirit Ryu in the duel against Lector/Jinzo/Big 5.
  24. Hmmm....a card I hadn't given much thought to, but will give a brief overview nonetheless. First, a rant: I am really, really sick of Konami introducing these lil' tribes of monsters, using a bunch of slots in the set to make them playable...then never releasing new support cards again!! Gravekeepers, Amazons, Spell counters, Unions, Spirits, Chess Demons, and now Sanctuary Angels...a few of them have effects or stats good enough to stand on their own or be assimilated into other decks, but most of them become useless as the game advances. When we've already got several under-developed main types of monsters (Pyro? Sea Serpants? Birds?) it's just a waste to keep adding more, especially if you're not gonna' continue to support them! *End Rant* So....Saturn. I'd actually be willing to trade a lower level for a lower attack, myself. I'm hesitant to burn up a tribute monster, especially when I've got to raise my LP first. LP gin has always been a weak strategey, but there were never really good ways to use it effectivly before I suppose that this card could combo with Fire Princess....but then you've got to protect the Princess and your field card. However, the Sanc. angels work together, so I can see a much more effective use of this card than with FP. Since I do'nt know that much about the SAnc Angels, I can't really rate them as a unit. As an attacker without an effect combo, she's nice, but if I'm not planning on using her effect, I'd probably run Kaiser Glider instead, on the premise that if I'm sacrificing a monster, I want a decent effect. So, I give AoJ-Saturn a 2.5/5. THat's my basic rating for cards that need a deck built around them to be sucessful. Obviously, she'd get a 5/5 in a deck based around her effect, and a 4.5/5 for Sanctuary angels. Yeah, I really don't know much about the Sanc. Angels...*runs off to Edo's* Very neat pic; reminds me of "Marie the Fallen One" for some reason.
  25. Seth swore under his breath. This entire job was a curse! Now Shonya was upset, Masu was going to get all the glory... He stood at the base of the stairs. "Shonya," he said. "I am sorry that you lost the duel. It was my fault. I should have acted sooner. Perhaps...if you are distressed, it might be better if you leave the vitual world..."
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