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Everything posted by DeathBug
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alucardfire [/i] [B]Your conception of tournament level decks is entirely wrong. You can play several different archtypes as long as they're effective. You just got to know how to make them competitive. That whole 1600+ atk monster thing is wrong as well. So I gues the current world champion who runs a control archtype, has a Killer Tomato, Spirit Reaper, Don Zaruug, BFW, Sangan, Fiber Pod, and Yatagarsu over 1600 attack points, LOL. Good one. ^^;;[/B][/QUOTE] You misunderstood my example; I meant that, in a Tournamente setting, the only reason I [b]wouldn't[/b] run WotBF and Sangan was if all of my monsters were unsearchable. And, maybe it's just the Tournaments I've been to, but there is absolutely no creativity whatsoever. Everyone runs some horrible Beatdown/Control Hand D mutant of a deck, with only five or so cards being different. Example: Player A has a Don Z on the field. Player B summons a Mystic Tomato and suicides it, thus summoning his own Don Z. Player A then summons his own Mystic Tomato and suicides it, summoning his other Don Z. It's ridiculous. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alucardfire [/i] [B]And if you don't even run the searchers in your deck that must make it kinda slow..literally. [/B][/QUOTE] So what? Who cares how long it lasts if I'm enjoying myself? It's casual play.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alucardfire [/i] [B]M/t removal and negation are two different things. Granted, light decks have one thing going for them: big hitters. Whether or not ppl accept it outside the tournament scene, APS is a staple. Its main-type has nothing to do with it. The point is to clear the field of any hesistation of attacking with your hard summoned light big hitter(if it were in a light deck). That's like saying you wouldn't put Sangan or BFW in a light deck because they're dark, yet they're essential for their effect and power to speed up the deck. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, "Outside the Tournament scene" really defines the entire mindset. Who cares what I do outside the tourney scene? It's just for fun; there's no stakes. My fave deck is my light deck, and it's non-competative. It'd get creamed at tourney (Although I'd like to think I could at least make things interesting.) But since I'm just playing for fun with it, I don't care about effectiveness as long as I enjoy it. And no, I don't have Sangan or Witch in it. In a Tournament deck, unless I've got some ungodly deck oncoction where all my monsters have 1600+ attack and defense, I'm putting the Searchers in. And Breaker. I'm building a warrior deck for Tournies. It's got Witch, Sangan, Breaker, Max M/T removal, max draw power, but no Jinzo. I think that the one tribute would slow it down when the whole point was speed. I'll Reborn my opponents if I need one. Ironically, Jinzo himself is hindering his effectiveness. I only run four traps in the tourney deck because of Jinzo. Most people don't run more than six. All I have to do is destroy them before I summon monsters and I'm safe. Only IO and CotH are a danger, and even then, they aren't a direct impediment to attacking. Maybe the reason Tournaments are so boring is because everyone's deck looks exactly the same.
That brings up something else; with a low monster ratio, and given that you expect to be at a lower hand, a Blade Knight might be a good idea.
If Jinzo is summoned while Skill Drain is on the field, Jinzo's effect won't work. Of course, if Jinzo is on the field, SD can't even be activated.
DeathBug's two cents: I hate staples. I hate the fact that some cards are so broken that everyon uses them, and two-thirds of Tourney decks look exactly the same. I think it stifles creativity in the game, and it's just not fun anymore. That said, I don't believe in monster staples, just Magic staples. The magic staples are Harpie's Feather Duster, Pot of Greed and Monster Reborn, IMO. Yes, I put HFD before Regeki. However, I do believe in cards that are so near-broken that practically everyone can use that. Granted, I kind of resent them. The most annoying thing in the world is being told to add Jinzo to your all-Light deck. He's incredibly powerful, but he's not a light monster, dagnabit. Besides, a deck that runs HFD, HS, 3 MST, and Breaker doesn't need Jinzo. You've got M/T removal covered.
Also, why Fiber Jar? I can see its use in most decks, but when you've spent the whole duel trying to decrease your opponent's options, it doesn't seem like you'd just want to restart the whole game and give them their cards back. Plus, while Demon Twins & Confiscate are good cards, I wouldn't want to pay for their effect twice.
Since you only have one flip-effect monster, I would add Emmissary of Obliteration, to counter enemy Pods, Newts, Sphinxes and various other face-down critters.
Seth approached where Masu's castle landed. "Masu! Let me duel them! They sent Ms. Shonya out of the game; I want to even the score." "You mean like you did last time?" Masu asked pointedly. Seth lowered his head. "You go stand guard over Kaiba, Seth," Masu said. "I'll take care of them." Resigned, Seth nodded and returned to the cave.
Well, we've got Jinzo, aka Android Psycho Shocker. (Much cooler name...) First, a bit of anime history: This card was the prized card of Espa Roba in Battle City. Joey Wheeler won it from him, and it became his most used BC won card. It particullarly helped him out against Odion. This monster was also the deck master of Big 5. Anyway, this card has all sorts of rulings and applications. Pros: *Witchable *Dark (yet again....--; ) *Solid stats for 1 tribute *Stops all opponent's traps Cons *Tribute monster *Stops your traps too *Pwned by: Summoned Skull, Archiend of Lightning, Hades, Kaiser Glider, Lily, GAF/GO with an equip Combos: *Graceful Charity + Monster Reborn =First turn Jinzo *Jinzo and Limiter Removal: 4800 attack that can't be blocked with traps. (Throw in a Cannon Soldier as well and be really mean) *Jinzo + Spell Cancellor = Limited lock *Jinzo revived with CotH + Giant Trunade = Reuseable CotH Jinzo is not a monster staple to me, because I don't believe in monster staples. However, he's pretty frickin' good. You should at least side deck one. The thing that makes Jinzo special is that not only does he negate traps, but he also have very high stats. Since most traps are defensive, he can pwn the field by his lonesome. There are several Traps that cause confusion, however. First, Call of the Haunted: Jinzo can be revived by Call, because his effect won't activate until he's special summoned and securely on the field. Call becomes useless at this point, and can be destroyed with no ill effects. Should Jinzo be destroyed while Call's out, Call stays on the field doing nothing until removed. Torrential Tribute, Ring of Destruction, the various Trap Holes: Quite simply, no. Waboku: If Waboku was activated at any time before Jinzo was summoned, then the Waboku's effect still occurs for the remained of the turn. Think of it as "lingering". Solemn Judegement, Horn of Heaven: Can wipe Jinzo out, because they're activated before he hits the field. Finally, the big debate: Jinzo versus Royal Decree. For those that don't know, Royal Decree is a tra card that negates all other trap cards while it's on the field. The wquestion is, which iss uperior? The answer is Jinzo. The reason why lies with why Jinzo himself is so effective. Most traps are defensive, in that they are meant to protect you should your opponent break through to your life points, or run the risk of doing so. What are the common traps? D-Ring, Mirror Force, IO, Waboku, TT. They keep your enemies away. When Jinzo is on the field, they don't work, but it doesn't matter because you're on the offensive. As long as the 2400 atk wall is there, you're safe. And if he's blown away, no worries, you've still got that one Waboku or TT that you set to protect you until you can retake the offensive. With RD, you've taken away your defenses, but you've no guarenteed offense. If your opponent Regekis you, you've got nothing to fall back on. If my opponent plays a Royal Decree, i know that all Iv'e got to do is get a slight offensive, and I'll take control of the duel. RD hurts you more than helps you. Also, RD is a Tournament Ultra rare. Ever gotten your hands on a Mechanical Chaser, Morphing Jar or Needle Worm? Me niether. If you get one, sell it; you can name your own price. Anyway, Jinzo owns in any deck that relies heavily on attacking, which is most. He's most people's first choice for their only tribute monster. If you build a deck that he could fit in, you should consider playing him unless you've got a reason not to. V-lord's the curent fad, but Jinzo's proven the test of time as one of the best monsters ever. Finally, there's a single card that mentions Jinzo by name: in Japan, it's called Android Amplifier. It attaches to Jinzo, and while it's on, your traps work. The downside is that if it's destroyed, Jinzo is destroyed too. The ruling is that this card and Imperial Order can work at the same time, which is good, because otherwise it would cause quite a conundrum. Basically, if you have this card on your Jinzo, plus IO on the field, all you fear is Breaker. And, hey, you can D-Ring Breaker. >;) Sure, it's uber-situational, but it'd be fun to try. There is one final thing that needs to be said: Don't bother running both V-Lord and Jinzo in the same deck; it's redundant, since you can use V-Lord to destroy your opponent's traps before they're drawn, anyway. Rating: Beatdown: 4.9/5 Darn near perfect Control/Hand-D: 4.5/5 They might prefer V-Lord Dark deck: 4.9/5 Too many kick-arse dark monsters... Machine deck: 5/5 I've always thought that, in a mech deck, Jinzo would pwn even more so. 7 Complete and Limiter rEmoval? Yes, please. You know, I loved Jinzo's card pic, but thought they shouldn't have put him in a robe-y thing in the show. Whatever, Jinzo's enough of a bad-arse to get away with wearing a man-dress. ^__^
I can't really tell what you're trying to do with this deck, Domon. What's the strategy? I wouldn't put in a single Guardian with no Guardian support, first off. (Yes, I see Arsenel Summoner, but that's just one card...)
OOC: Here I thought I was the only one who remembered this RPG. ^^; IC: Seth studied his options. He had two opponents, Kaiba and Yugi. Yugi was the Duelist Kingdom champ, but Kaiba was the former world champ...niether was noticably stronger than the other... However, Kaiba obviously didn't like working with Yugi. He probably had no intention of cooperating. Perfect. Seth grinned; his strategy was clear. All he had to do was keep the pressure on Yugi, and Kaiba wouldn't help him. Then, by the time Kaiba realized he had to work together to win, it would be too late. Yugi would be out of the game, and Seth and Hiro could take turns slapping Kaiba around.. Victory!
Seth swore repeatedly as he raced through the jungle. Shonya got knocked out of the game, and his perfect strategy had failed.... It was time to take drastic measures. He removed a single card from a special deck he normally kept seperate; "A Deal with Dark Ruler". He slipped it into his deck.
All of the Archfiend monsters have mandatory costs; you must keep paying as long as the lil' buggers are on your field, even if you'll pay yourself to 0 LP.
Yes, it would. However, it only works for one turn, or can be easily countered. There are a lot of things it can skip, but it's not really that useful. It works for a turn, at most.
Very nice, Kakashi. Even though I still think kaiba's a horse's arse, his deck is pretty cool. It does have a lot more monsters than M/T, but it looks playable. ^__^
Well, well, well; Breaker, the second best Spellcaster in the game... While I would be hesitant to call it a staple (I'm so sick of people yelling "Staple! Staple! staple!" about every good card), he would be a fine addition to any offensive deck. However, as stated above, he's a one-hit wonder; there's no way I'm wasting a slot in my deck for Black Power Stone for one restricted monster. Pros: -1900 attack -Killer effect -Witchable -Yet another incredibly powerful Dark monster --; Cons: -Sooooo close to being Sanganable -Only gets Counter when normal summoned -Fairly weak without his counter If you're running 3 MSTs, 1 HFD and 1 HS, you might not actually need this card. If you simply can't afford to leave any traps on the field, you might wantt his guy. Beatdowns love him. Spellcaster decks love him. Control and Hand-D love him. He is a very versitile monster. Heck, he's even in my uber-Warrior deck. There is one thing I'm unsure of, though; if Breaker's on the field, and your opponent activates Skill Drain, does Breaker loose his counter? Anyway, 4.5/5 in any offensive deck. 4/5 in decks that don't rely on attacking.
Pegasus's past is rather simple, actually. [spoiler]As a young man, he fell in love with a women named Cynthia, whom he met at one of his father's estate parties. He adored her, and she him, and they were inseperable afterwards. She inspired him in his artwork. However, either before or shortly after their marriage, (it's not made clear which), Cynthia was struck down with a disease and died. Pegasus became withdrawn, depressed and hardened afterwards, and vowed to find some way to be with her again. He traveled to Egpyt, because their ancient culture dealt strongly with life after death. while their, he met and followed Shadi, the guardien of the Millenium Items. Shadi presented Pegasus with the Millenium Eye, and it accepted him as its owner. Just as the Eye was placed into his face, he saw an image of Cynthia rushing to greet him. However, the image faded when he tried to embrace her. Determined to revive her, Pegasus continued to study in Egpyt. While there, he learned about the ancient game of Duel Monsters. Fascinated, he updated the game for modern times and began to produce it as a card game. The next parts aren't covered in the anime, but it's obvious that as Duel Monsters became popular, it caught the attention of master gamer and CEO Seto Kaiba. Kaiba Corp and Industrial Illusions formed a partnership wherein Kaiba produced holographic tech for Pegasus' game. Unknown to Kaiba, however, Pegasus saw more potential to the holo tech than merely as a new stage for the card game. Pegasus planned to combine the powers of the Millenium Items and the holo tech to bring Cynthia back into existance. When Yugi beat Seto Kaiba, he caught Pegasus' attention. Pegasus saw that Yugi had one of the items, and the series progresses from there. [/spoiler] ^__^ Rumors of future Pegasus: [spoiler]In Japanese eps not yet translated, Kaiba duels a man imitating Pegasus to gain a psychological advantage. (After all, Pegasus and Yugi are the only people to beat Kaiba in a duel.) However, and this part I have little info on, it is revealed that Pegasus has been recouperating in America ever since Yami Bakura stole the Millenium Eye.[/spoiler] Beyond that, I do'nt know anything, but it's nice to see another Pegasus fan. =)
Okay, here's a question: "Dagger of Butterflies: Elma". Most of us know the combos with this card. For those who don't, Elma is the equip version of Sinister Serpant; if it's destroyed, it comes back to you. What you do is attach it to Gearfriend. Gearfried destroys it, and it comes back, repeat ad infinitum. If you have "Magical marrionette", each time a magic card is activated, it gains a spell counter and a power boost. Since you can activate DoB:E an infinate number of times whilst attached to Gearfried, you can power up MM to insane levels. The other combo is the same, except you have Magic Library on the field. Each time a magic card is activated, the Library gets a counter. Remove three counters to draw a card. Repeat and draw until you have all five Exodia pieces for an instant win. Anyway, I was thinking, does this card have use as simply a Sinister Serpant-type equip? It only gives a 300 atk boost, but that's usually enough. I mean, isn't the whole reason 1800 attackers were abandoned was because of a measely 100 atk points? Is this valid, or am I grasping at straws? [i]Apparently I was grasping ar straws; upon further clarification, DoB: Elma, [b]doesn't[/b] return when the monster it's attached to is destroyed. Let's all watch as it's practicality drops like a rock....[/i]
Burori Nice deck, but...it's too dang big. First, shave it to 41 cards, with Obelisk being the 41st; that way, you can remove him and still have a legal deck. Too many Tributes. Ditch DMG, GS, and SS. You only need BB and DM to get DP anyay. (Dang, that's a lot of acronyms...) Your normal monsters, hmmm...ditch La Jinn; he's not doing anything useful. Replace him with a Giant Orc. Replace your Luster Dragons with 2 Archfiend Soldiers; they're searcable by WotBF. Breaker is limited to 1; ditch one of him and the Penguin Soldier to add another pair of Skilled Magicians. (Since you only have 1 pair of the Paladin's components, you need to get them out ASAP.) Drop Spear Creature and MoF. Drop all three Dark Blades; you have more than enough attackers. Magics: Drop Puppet o Dark Ruler for another Plasma Zone. Drop Bait Doll, Double spell and diffsion Wave Motion for three Mystical Space Typhoons. Add another Polymerization and Graceful Charity. Traps: Drop R. Field, Collected Power, Shift, Enchanted Javalins & Ultimate Offering. Add 2 Miricle Restorings. That brings you to 42 cards, including OtT. Sounds about right. Alucardfire This might be an incorrect point on my part, but I was told that Ra was unsearchable, because his stats were "?????". By this same token, Synthetic Beast Gaazetto is also unsearchable. WotBF and Critter would work great for the deck either way, but I was just curious on this point. Also, what does Mysterious Chinese Nabe do? I've never heard of it. I would consider, with this obviously being a JP deck, tossing in a DDVD, seeing as you've got five potential monsters to infect with it. Particularly, I would offer the Scientist once his work is done so he can't just be slapped around by the opponent. I would also considering adding a Spirt Reaper, availible as a tribute for Ra that would stay on the field for a good amount of time. On the Englih version of Scapegoat, it sys that it can't be used for "Tibute Summons", so I'm pretty sure you're right about the Summoning requirements. The only parallel to Ra I can think of is the Masked Beast: Des Guardius, in the JP game. He's both a Special Summon and a tribute summon. If Goats can be used for him, then logically than can be used for Ra as well.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Epid3mic [/i] [B]Adam? I was commenting on how you put having six children in a negetive context. Is there something wrong with having alot of kids?[/B][/QUOTE] Nope; I just choose six because that's how many kids he said he had. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Epid3mic [/i] [B]Arghh, I can't believe I wrote so much on something that isn't even true ::sigh:: [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, I am inclined to think that it is true, but it goes back to my basic philosophy on people: they aren't basically good, or basically evil, they're basically stupid. You'd have to be a moron to write all of that. Therefore, I believe someone legitimatly wrote it. If it's shown that it's a hoax, I'll be relieved and gladly admit to being wrong. However, my first inclination is to always believe that a person could really be that stupid.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MetalSonic700 [/i] [B]??? Beast Machines? You really think so? Well I only saw a little Beast Machines but it didnt seem very cool. Beast Wars was pretty awesome, but it was mainly funny. The first series and Armada were both pretty good bt they were a lot alike. [/B][/QUOTE] Beast Machines was the most complex TF show ever, with the best animation and music. Optimus Primal [spoiler]actually destroys Cybertron, Megatron gains control of the Matrix, Cheetor takes command of the Maximals, Rhinox is corrupted and betrays his comrades...[/spoiler] Best TF show ever.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Epid3mic [/i] [B]Ummm...his daughter never showed the same computer habits the son did, therefore was never a need for concern. Don't take this thing too seriously, geez. BTW, I have ten other brothers and sisters, I guess my father's an evil sexist pig, huh? [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I don't know your father from Adam, but this guy has demonstrated traits that, if the story were true, would indicate sexism. He obviously doesn't think his daughter is capable of becoming a hacker, and, by constantly using the word "Son" insytead of "Child", shows that he doesn't think any girl is.
I'm suprised no one pointed out that he constantly uses the word "Son" and male pronouns. Obviously, girls (including the daughter who retained her computer privilages) aren't smart enough to become hackers, right? I mean, why would they want to? They're way too busy cooking and cleaning and pumping out six kids. "Modern parent" my arse. This guy's an incompeteant sexist cretin.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B] Maybe they get the idea from the highest man in the country? [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, you are so totally right; why, I bet Columbine was Bush's fault! Sure, he wasn't the US president at the time, but that's no excuse! Why stop there? I'll bet the KKK was founded by him, too! What? He was'nt born yet? So what! Or maybe, perhaps, you're trying to pin one of the most disgusting aspects of human society on a single man? Maybe that doesn't quite gel with common sense? "Hate crime", as the buizz-word is defined, has been around for the entirity of human existance, brought on by a violent reaction to xenophobia. It makes the headlines nowadays because it is actually becoming more unusual. (However, the phrase "hate crime" is really stupid; if I beat a man to death, and he's the same race as me, it sure wasn't because I loved the guy.) Not to go on a tangent, but while I agree that "Hate crimes" are horrible, US hate crime legislation is an affront to our civil liberties. The idea is that if, say, a white man kills a black man, and the prosecution can prove that the motive was pure rascism, then the law goes much harder on him. While I don't mind seeimng violent bigots get prosecuted for all they're worth, it is an affront to the judicial system to take race into account. Justice is supposed to blind, including color blind. I believe that the acknowledgement of race within the court system is an affront to the 14th Amendment of the US constitution. Yet, on the other hand, I usually support the law being carried out to the fullest possible extent. This issue is rather thorny, to say the least, as well as being personally conflicting for myself. And that's my two cents on the legal side.
If we're going with Fiends, then I suggest: 13) Metamorphasis Used to turn our Helpoemer into Dark Baltar the Terrible. Assuming that doesn't work, we can try HP's effect. If that didn't work...well, we're screwed, but that's the best use I thought of for the Helpoemer. Also, seeing as we're at three tribute monsters, I'd highly suggest against adding any more.