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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. Awww...no Decepticons? I love the 'Cons...well, I'll play an Autobot with a 'Con name, then. ^__^ Name and Title: Skywarp, Autobot Aerial Combat Expert Code-Number: BT-06 Motto: "I am not bound by the law of the land!" Gender: Male Function: Aerial combat/recon Transformation: f-14 Tomcat Personality: Skywarp is an aerial hotshot with a mean sense of humor and a prima donna personality. He isn't very dedicated to the Autobot cause, and prefers solo missions. Enamored with Earth's popular culture. Looks down upon those that can't fly. Ironically, is very courtious to women and fembots; some would say that is his only redeeming feature. Apperance: See attached pic of a Tomcat; for rough estimate of the robot mode, go here: [url]http://www.52toys.com/gallery/universe/skywarp/index.html[/url] That toy has the proper colors. History/Biography: A good deal of Skywarp's personal history data was wiped when he was contaminated with the plague; as a result, he remembers little of his existance before the Binal-Tech project. He doesn't much care, either. His obnoxious attitude, coupled with being one of the few flying Autobots, has lead to him being greatly disliked by his comrades. Weapon(s): In Tomcat mode, Skywarp wields a pair of M61 Gatling Cannons located near his nose cone. He stores a set o four AIM-7 Sparrow missiles under his wings. In robot mode, he launches plasma bombs from the blasters on his arms. In addition, his wings are razor sharp.
  2. Seth returned his attention to the duel. He could ask Shonya what was wrong once they'd permanantly removed Jason and Amanda from the game. "You have no choice but to attack my Giant Germ, so you might as well," he said. "I assure you, my life points can withstand it."
  3. *Tries to be indignant* Maybe the reason it made tons of money was because it was good...*remember Titanic*...nevermind. ^^; While the acting might not have been the greatest, I still enjoyed the first movie, although as comic movies go, X2 was better (And "Road to Perdition" owns all other comic movies ever). I'm looking forward to the second movie, although the scene in the diner looked stupid. Gaah, it's the hosptial scene all over again!
  4. Thank you for your comments. ^__^ As to your points: 1) I considered BBtD, but for several reasons, decided not to use it. First, it's useless as a topdeck card (so is UWS, but UWS is so powerful it's worth the risk) Second, it's not chainable to anything except Direct Damage, so it could be destroyed without me getting any beneficial effects from it. I like to keep traps at a minimum anyway, and there just wasn't room. 2) Eight of my fifteen monsters are Earth-attributes, but Field cards are very vulnerable. It's not like my light deck where the card boots all of my monsters; it I were to use a field card, better to use Sogen. I only have two equip cards (UWS and Premature Burial), so there's nothing to remove as of yet. Again, thanks for your suggestions; it is a cool name, isn't it?
  5. Gettysburg, updated for Dark Crisis Monsters: Maurading Captain Cyber Jar Exiled Force Goblin Attack Force Witch of the Black Forest Zombrya the Dark The Rock Spirit DD Warrior Lady Don Zaloog Breaker the Magic Warrior Blindly Loyal Goblin x2 Amazon Archer x2 Sangan Total: 15 Traps: Destruction Ring Call of the Haunted Imperial Order Waboku Total: 4 Spell: Monster Reborn Premature Burial Regeki Dark Hole Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Painful Choice Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Reinforcements of the Army x2 The wArrior Returning Alive x3 United We Stand Nobleman of Crossout x2 Mirage of Nightmare Total: 21 Deck Total: 40 Let's break it down now... Monsters: For maximum speed, no tributes. For experimental purposes, swap a Maurading Captain with Cyber Jar, even though I'm still leery of it. Standard two searchers, Breaker includes as both an attacker and as S/T removal. One Donny Z bumped to make way for DD Warrior Lady; not much of a loss. The deck wasn't made to support DZ, so running too many is a liability. Amazon Archers kept for direct damage purposes. When MFC came around, Gearfried was swapped out for Dark Blade to have a solid 1800 attacker that could use equips. Now, DB is swapped out for a pair of Blindly Loyal Goblins. BLGs are superior in two ways: they have a beneficial though highly-situational effect (Control of them can't shift; hey, it can't hurt me, so why not?), and they're Earth-elementals. Being Earth elementals allows me to run a Rock Spirit. An extra summon is extremely good for this deck, but my other eath elementals aside from my Archers were rather indesipensible. (MC, GAF, X-Force). Traps: Minimum traps, all chainable. Magic: Three words: Removal, revival, and draw. Max S/T removal. Targeted draw power, standard draw power, the Mirage combo. Max warrior recursion. United We Stand is the only power up, but works wonders in a swarm deck.
  6. I've only played the GBA games, but... Eternal Duelist Soul was great when it came out, but now that we've got World Wide Edition, it's simply out-dated. EDS goes through the 1st half of Pharoah's Servant, but WWE goes through all of Labriyth of Nightmare. Sacred Cards doesn't play by the original CCG rules, but it still looks good. I'm getting it for Christmas. ^__^ If you don't mind the wait, World Wide Edition '04 is coming out early next year, at which point WWE will only be good for the exclusuive cards. Yay-ness.
  7. Card (English name): Hyozanryu (Literally, Diamon Dragon) Level: 7 Attack Power: 2100 Defense Power: 2800 Main Type: Light Sub-Type: Dragon Effect: None Question: Name all the cards played by Serinity, including her deck master.
  8. Armada was okay, but kinda' simplistic. The kids annoyed the heck out of me, with the exception of Alexsis, who actually seemed to have a few brain cells to rub together. On the whole, I liked the Decpticons a lot more than the Autobots. Starscream, Wheeljack, Sideways, and Thrust were the most complex characters in the show, particullarly Starsceam. (And Tidal Wave looked wicked cool.) The episode [spoiler]where Starscream died[/spoiler] was mmasterfully done. However, there were a lot of bad things, too. When Megatron first gets his hands on the Star Saber, he spends the whole episode using it to chase down Sideways for making a smart remark....what?? Oh, and the fact that half the cast changed color in "The Unicron Battles"...what was that for? They didn't get new powers or anything... On the whole, the thing that bothered me most was that there were a lot of errors on the show. For example, many times, Tidal Wave was referred to as "Shock Wave", Optimus as "Convoy", Overload as "Ultra Mangus"...those were all the Japanese names of those characters. The funniest blooper was just recently aired, when, twice in the same episode, Demolishor gives a lengthy status reports...in Hoist's voice. Heh. I was incredibly disappointed by the finale, though, especially with all the build up it had. I'd thought the "Unicron Battles" episodes were light years ahead of the original eps, but they went out with a nonsensical whimper. Hopefully, the next season/series featuring the armada cast will improve. However, the best TF series of all time remains "Beast Machines". =)
  9. There are some things in a cartoon you aren't supposed to question. Some of the "rules" of Pokemon is that Ash & Co. never age, are never strapped for cash (save Team Rocket), never go to school and care only about Pokemon. To question these rules is to demand a break in the fourth wall. So far, only team Rocket can break the fourth wall and get away with it, but it's like that little song said: they rock. ^__^
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bloodsin [/i] That would make the world blind. [/B][/QUOTE] Then no one could aim a gun. Seriously, I think there are two big problems with the death penalty: there are problems in the sentencing process, which, as I've said, is a fault of the judicial system itself, and that the death openalty is not being used as a successful deterrant. You would think that knowing there was a great possibility that they [b]would[/b] get caught for violent crimes and that they [b]would[/b] ne sentenced to death would make someone have second thoughts. While I don't claim to have an answer, I am positive something can be done to use the death penalty as a successful deterrant. However, as it is now, we have people dying of old age on death row. The penalty is a joke, and even when it's a reality, igt's so far into the future (from a convict's point of view; working with legal materials and lawyers all day makes everything seem longer) that it's not worth considering.
  11. Let's see... Bakura used Ectoplasmer, which had been used twice by Arkana in his duel with Yugi. Bonz used Polymerizatin, which had been used by Joey in his duel against Mako. Bonz also used Nightmare Steel Cage, which had been used by Strings/Marik in their duel against Yugi. Q: In Yami Marik's duel against Mai, who did Yami Marik loose all memeroy of? What was his response?
  12. I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with Doumon pretty strongly; the Masked Beast is pretty mediocre. His attack is great, but his low defense is a downside. Why 1800? If it were 300 lower, he could be sought by the witch, but now he's vulnerable to Book of Moon, with no upside. Second, he's a ritual. Ritual monsters have always been hard to get out, and not very economical. Not easy, either. First, you need the Ritual, and need to hope that it isn't blocked by IO or MJ or SST8. You need to get both of them in your hand, which probably involved one of the ritual searchers (soon to be outdated with the new Manju God), then you need eight level's worth of monsters to bring out a creature that's easily destroyed with no redeeming effect. The worst part of MB, and most other rituals, is that they drain your hand,l eaving you open to all sorts of potential disasters. Shinto and Zorc have incredible effects that compensate for this weakness, but MB is just pure brute strength. Pure brute strength never wins games. I'd wait for Des Guardius over this guy, or snag Zorc or Shinto. MB may look cool, but that's all. The decks MB can go into: Masked Beast deck: 5/5 Obviously vital to a deck based around him, but the deck wouldn't be very strong. Beatdown: 2/5 In a deck that doesn't specifically support MB, the odds of summoning him are slim, and when you do, you're open to Hand D and Yata. Dark Ritual: 4/5 In Dark Crisis, there's a card that serves as the ritual card to any dark elemental ritual monster. (Yet another Dark-element booster...gahh...) I suppose you could throw one of these in with a pair of Zorcs, and he'd be more effective. Bottom line: Be very careful when playing this monster; there are few ways he can be used effectively. Looks wicked cool, though. DG is cooler...
  13. You know, it's funny; I don't prefer one over the other. In many cases, it depends on which I see first. I prefer dubbing for Tenchi Muyo, but I also prefer subbed for Excel Saga because that was the first exposure I had to those series. It feels "right" to watch the Excel Sub and the Tenchi dub. Granted, there are other factors; whenever I can, I watched subbed Yu-Gi-Oh because I know they've changed a lot of material from the original. Yet I'd never watched Furi Kuri subbed, because I don't think I can keep up with the dialogue if I had to read it in real time; it gets pretty fast there in places. I own Trigun and Outlaw Star, and I'm fine with both versions because I've watched them both. So, I guess the answer is, "It depends."
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by UnsungHero [/i] [B]That's different! Talk about shutting me down. In the end it's the jurys decision on the convicted person's guilt or innocence. Just because the jury has a view doesn't mean they're correct. Has anyone seen the Movie "To Kill a Mocking Bird"? Where they correct in Tom Robinson's sentence? See - people's views and opinions aren't always correct. [/B][/QUOTE] Didn't mean to shut you down. ^^; The point I was try to get across is tht if person is executed when they were, in fact, not guilty, that isn't a failure of the principle of capital punishment; it's a failure of the judicial system. As a society, we should be constantly refining said system until the margin of error is minimized. Otherwise, chaos will ensue if no one has faith in the laws. Dang, can you tell I study law?
  15. I'll be honest with ya'll; I've never liked this card very much, so my review might be tainted. Well, there are three uses of Scapegoat that I've seen: *Burner fodder *Defensive wall *Support for other monsters So, how does it fair in each of these tasks? Burner fodder: Pretty darn good; 2000+ damage in one turn is not to be taken lightly. A person who pulls three Scapegoats and one of the burners in their opening hand can gain a huge advantage. Assuming you get a Soldier/Archer on the field and the activation of Scapegoat isn't blocked, you'll be able to take a huge hunk out of your opponent's LP. Defensive Wall: The worst use of Scapegoat. With Airknight and Spear Dragon on the loose, these guys won't buy you the defense you need. My personal favorite equip, Big Bang Shot, also owns these goats. Besides, a single Dark Hole or Regeki can take them out. Stick with Waboku. On the plus side, Scapegoat is the perfect defense against Goblin Attack Force, who won't do any damage and will go into defensive mode. You can take it out with any monster at that point. Still, that's too situational. Support: Unfriendly Amazon isn't that good of a card, I'm afraid. Leaving four tokens on the field vulnerable to Trample just to support her for a few turns isn't a very economical use of cards. Panter Warrior (who we may someday get) isn't much better, but at least he has the option of not attacking. The timing of his effect is also better, allowing you to steal an opponent's monster if you need to. Still, Dark Elf is beter than both of those cards. The best use of monster support Scapegoat provides is the ol' United We Stand combo. Massive power boots are always nice. Considering UWS is restricted, it's very situational. Don't try that combo in a beatdown; it's much better to stick UWS in a burner and equip it to a Soldier/Archer. Attack, then destroy the Goats for the win. Overall, I'd give Scapegoat a 4.5/5 in a Burner deck, but a 2/5 elsewhere.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by UnsungHero [/i] [B]I am against capital punishment. Why? What if somebody was framed or wrongly accused? What then? An innocent person would be executed and I think the definition for that is MURDER! Besides having someone killed is letting them off too easy. Having them slowly rot and live out the rest of their days in solitary confinement - THAT is punishment! [/B][/QUOTE] Well, if you're instantly going to think of a worst-case scenario, you'd have to do away with a lot of things. In that case, you shouldn't have a hydroelectric dam, because it'll break and the pent-up water will flood the surrounding area. You shouldn't have cars because everyone will get drunk and ram them into trees and street-lamps and we'll all die. We shouldn't wear shirts because they'll get snagged on fences and we'll trip and slowly choke to death. Not that I'm making light of the process by which a person is proven guilty, but if the only reason you're against it is because the possibility of a guilty person being executed exists, then you're reasons for being against the death penalty lie soley on a single assumption. You speak as though an accusation is all a person needs to be sent to the chair. And "framing"....this isn't TV; that doesn't happen that often. What if every single person who was sent to Death Row had a doen eye wittnesses to his crime, and was guilty beyond any and all reasonable doubt? Would you still be opposed to it? I am well aware of inequities that exist within the system, but as forensic and other investigative technology improves, the margin of error decreases dramatically. The argument that "they might be innocent" is valid as long as the possibility of that happening remains considerable. Besides, if a person isn't guilty beyond any reasonable doubt, they shouldn't have been found guilty in the first place. I know that's a hollow rationalization, but it indicates that the flaw you bring up applies not just to the death penalty, but then entire judicial system, in which case, we hve a whole other problem. If juries are convicting people so easily, then the problem isn't with the death penalty at all. In theory, upon the correction of the supposedly-flawed trial process, use of the deatgh penalty would be fine, theoretically. Having someone slowly rot out...is just too damn expensive.
  17. The answer to the first question is [spoiler]Satellite Cannon[/spoiler]. The answer to the second question is that Duke used Limiter Removal on Vic Viper/Gradius in addition to Fairy Meteor Crush to destroy Joey's def. mode Goblin Attack Force. ^__^ In the duel againt Big 3/Nesbit/Robotic Knight, what card did Serenity discard to use her deck master's effect?
  18. Snodin, K Glider's effect can work for an opponent's monster; it was intended to. THe downside is that if your opponent has no monsters on the field, and you do have one, you're forced to send your own back to your hand. It's like Man Eater Bug's effect: If you flip him, you *have* to destroy a monster, even if that means you have to have him destroy himself. Anyway, Blowback Dragon... Well, Revolver Dragon is extinct, although his illigitimate English son Barrel Dragon still has a lil' kick of life in him. Blowback Dragon is superior to Revolver Dragon in every way but attack. Pros -Destroy any card on your opponent's side of the field, be it monster, magic or trap -2300 can beat V-Lord, 1900's, Giant Orc, Heavenly Knight, and many others. -No downside to loosing the coin-toss -Witchable -Dark-type has lots of support -Machine-type; can use Limiter Removal and 7 Complete Cons -Tribute -50/50 odds -Can be suicided by GST -Can be dropped by Jinzo, Hades, Thunder Skull Demon, Black Magician.... Well...ther'es not much to say; this guy's very cool, and probably the most popular card from SitS. For one tribute, you get an amazing ability plus a solid attacker. Not much to say, really. This car'ds powers speak for themselves. It would have been nice to be a little stronger, but if it had been, it'd be totally broken. Ratings: Beatdown: 4.3/5- Most Beatdowns run GST, which has the same attack. They also tend to have large amounts of M/T removal. Jinzo remains the best 1-trib attacker. Machine: 4.7/5- A lot more support for this guy can overcome his only problem. Once again, though, Jinzo reigns. Dark: 4.5/5- Like Dark needed another kick-arse monster.... Overall: An excellant monster, and a cool-one.
  19. *Reflects on the hilariousness of capital punishment being brought up by the poster with "Mr. Men" in his signiture =)* Okay, done with that. Anyway, while I will admit that the system by which criminals face capital punishment needs to be refined and the room for error *must* be minimized, it is still a good idea. There are some crimes so hideous that any person that commits them simply cannot be allowed even the opportunity to re-enter society. It's sad, but true. I'd love it if capital punnishment became outdated because no one else was committing the crimes that called for it, though. That'd be great, but rather idealistic.
  20. The Kaiser Glider is my favorite dragon card, but he's not perfect. You missed one of his bigges cons: The return effect isn't voluntary. Usually, that's a bad thing. Jinzo can suicide the Glider and if you had any other monsters, they'd have to go back to your hand. Then, your opponent revives Jinzo and...you get the picture. Being a dragon isn't a con so much as it's a state of being: he's got a weakness to BB and DP, but he can be brought out with the Flute, be protected by Lord of D., allow you to use Stamping Destruction, etc. On a scale of one to five, I give the Kaiser Glider a solid three for general beatdown decks; he's better than average, but not outstanding; most beatdowns will just use Jinzo. For dragon decks, a four. I would run one of these and one LOD Luster Dragon; LD is searchable, but has no effect, whereas this guy's got a good effect, but isn't searchable. For Light-element decks, I'd give him a 4.5, simply because there's not a lot of one-tribute light monsters that are any good. For any other decks, I'd give him a one. As for the next card, either V-Lord, Curse of Anubis, or Skull Archfiend of Lightning.
  21. "As a matter of fact," Seth said, drawing. "I do have a strategy that will save Ms. Shonya' Life points. I play Ring of Magnetism, and attach it to my Giant Germ." He grinned slightly. "Now your monsters must attack my Germ, leaving Ms. Shonya's monsters unharmed."
  22. I have a question; why would "morality" be involved in the discovery of cosmic truths, when, by definition, any true defining nature that can cover the entire Universe would be so vast that human beings and any of our concepts, correct or no, wouldn't matter at all? I'm also afraid that telling us that we "created laws of our own imaginations" isn't a big revelation. Laws are a social creation, yet you speak philosophically. The two don't mix, unless you speak of physical laws. However, having already brought morality into the concept, (incorrectly, IMO), I assue you refer to social laws. Also, informinng us that human beings are stupid is nothing new at all. However, I really cannot subscribe to the sheer arrogance uyou have in claiming that you are right and everyone else is wrong redgarding the cosmic truths, when, the fact of the matter is, you are wrong as well. All human beings are inapable of understanding such great, sweeping concepts that cover the entire universe, which is infinite. Humans can't even rationally handle the concept of infinity. My philosophy on the "theories of the universe" is very similar to a philosophy Sherlock Homes once had: he never read a bit of work regarding discoveries of space and the heavenly bodies, much to the astonishment of Dr. Wattson. When asked why, Holmes replied that his work wasn't affected at all by such knowledge, so there was no point in wasting time and memory learning about them. If I understand the truth of the universe, what does that get me? Nirvana? I'm already happy. The truth of the universe won't fix my flat tire, or make me laugh like my friends can. I'd rather enjoy the wonders of the universe than waste time searching for a philosophical "Meaning" that won't get me anything but wasted time. I can't be wrong because I don't have an answer. I just don't care. What I have learned from your rhetoric-filled piece is that you are very full of yourself, and the arrogance you displayed in your last paragraph has destroyed the chance of any decent debate you might have wanted to foster. If one truely wants a debate, one doesn't get it by shooting down all opposing points of view. And they certainly don't get it by resorting to name calling. "Ignorant fool"? Takes one to know one.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red Inferno [/i] [B]I didn't know English grammar was only used by one person lol Since when was my deck a light - air elemental, I thought it was control personally. Go take a look at any Japanese yugioh dueling board. The same terminology and format is used to post decks. [/B][/QUOTE] You're right; my mistake. I was looking at G-Unit's deck. Let's see, now... Any JP YGO board does not use the same format, because I lurk at several, but that's besides the point. Only one poster on OB used that format. He got banned for attitude, came back named after his favorite monster, got banned again, came back named after a Gundam... And then you show up using his exact mannerisms,preferred English deck type, habits, and reacting the exact same way to the critsism of your deck that Altron did. Granted, I'm not a mod, so my opinion on the subject doesn't matter; if it is brought to my opinion that I am greatly in error, I will, of course, apologize. At the very least, allow me to warn you that acting so rudely to a fellow OBer (Tom#) will lead to trouble.
  24. You're right; my mistake. after all, how could I imagine that someone who posted the Light/Wind deck Altron has in his siggy, in the exact same format that Altron posted his decks in, sed the Japanese names and exact gaming terminology Altron used, uses the ame style of grammer and diction that Altron used and had the same reaction to critism as Altron could possibly be Altron? It doth boggle the mind.
  25. Seth frowned. He had the perfect strategy, but he couldn't implement it as long as they kept attacking Shonya. And if Shonya used her strongest monster, and it was defeated, she couldn't back him up, and he'd be a sitting duck... "I flip my face-down monster into attack mode," he announced simply. "Giant Germ, show yourself." A large creature of slimy protoplasm appeared on the field. (Atk: 1000) "I end my turn."
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