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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red Inferno [/i] [B]Don't even trip fool. Its obvious you have no idea of what you're talking about. The Magical Scientist fusion support should be self-explanatory if you're an experienced duelist, which you obviously have shown yourself not to be. 3 TES, 3 Dragon Warrior, 3 Dark Demon Baltars. Oh my god. Early Burial, I think that is also self-explanatory. Magical Cylinder is only good for aggression decks. It will only get in the way if in a control deck. 6/10, ha. Its better than practically almost every deck in here in terms of monster ratio, staples, monster removal, field control, hand advantage, and m/t removal. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, too bad it'll never be able to duel any other deck here, because no one who's looking to enjoy a duel would play someone with such an attitude. You know, Altron, I was cool with you coming back under a different name (or three), but if all you're going to do is repeat the mistakes that got you banned in the first place, you shouldn't bother. At the very least, you shouldn't bother to post decks in this thread, since you bite the head off of anyone who critisizes them.
  2. He used "Choosen One" and beat the odds. What monsters did Yami Bakura have on the field when Yami Marik defeated him with the Winged Dragon Ra?
  3. "An excellant move, Ms. Shonya," Seth said. Shonya almost corrected him again, but decided not to. He never listened anyway. "Although they are not aware of it, we are in complete control of this duel," Seth continued. He smiled slightly. "Despite my low life point amount, the cards I have on the field are more than enough to destroy them." He gestured to his Giant Orc; it had 2200 attack, but zero defense. Like Goblin Attack Force, it changed to defense mode upon attacking. He also had a face down monster that had been lurking since the beginning of the duel, as well as a trap.
  4. "Very well," Seth said, drawing a card. No one had attacked him yet...He had his Newdoria in the graveyard... "I summon the Giant Orc, in attack mode," he said. A huge ogre with a bone club appeared on the field. "As soon as I have direct acess to your lifepoints, I will attack, destroying you," he bluffed.
  5. "Excellent move, Ms. Shonya," Seth said. He still had his own face down monster, and a face down trap. The only miscaluculation was the loss of Newdoria. Newdoria can destroy a monster when it's destroyed by battle, but Amanda had gotten around its effect. No matter; he had no cause for concern.
  6. "Simple," Seth said. "You shall not attack anyone. I activate my trap card, Ring of Destruction." His face down card flipped up, and a metallic ring of flames appeared. It moved around the Wingweaver's neck and engulfed the monster in flames. "2750 life points have been deducted from my score as well as yours, Jason," Seth said. "We now have 1250 life points each, whereas our partners are unaffected. The difference between us is that I have a monster guarding my life points from your team mate, but you have nothing to protect your life points from me." Seth drew a card. "Let me see...I summon Newdoria, in attack mode." A hideous demon creature appeared on the field. (1200/700) "I place one card face down, and end my turn." He turned to Amanda, practically daring her to attack.
  7. "While I was logged out, the Big Five disected my deck," Seth said as he drew his cards. "They changed my dark work of beauty into a stream-lined weapon." He frowned slightly as he said this. "You have no chance against me, expecially not when the lovely and talented Ms. Shonya is backing me up. I place one trap face down and a monster in defense mode."
  8. Blue eyes white dragon, Total Defense Shogun, Kuriboh, Deep Seas Warrior, Dark Magician Girl, Nightmare Penguin, Judge Man, Flame Swordsman, Robotic Knight, Super Roboyaro, Goddess with the Third Eye, and Strike Ninja. Here's a toughie: What's the tune on Tea's cell phone ring? (As heard in Battle City during the Arkana duel.)
  9. "Yes we are," Seth nodded. "Very astute. Now, please remember, Ms. Shonya, that we'll have to work together. I'll take the initiative in the duel, but I will be counting on you to back me up."
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B][COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Guys, I'm all for healthy debate, but remember to keep it friendly, alright? If the arguments get any stronger I'll close the thread.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] I apologize if I came off as harsh; I did not intend to. ^^; These are my opinions, and I've spent a while forming them, but I am interested in seeing other people's take on the subject; that's why I posted the thread. Simple fact is, I gloat about my Light decks all the time; I'm probably not impartial on the subject.
  11. In the original manga, Hikari Yugi has long been established as having a crush on Tea/Anzu. I think it was carried over, and not just something US dubber invented. There's simply so many scenes that point in that direction. In the manga, however, Anzu/Tea is rescued by Yami without ever seeing his face, and developes a crush on him. In this month's Shonen Jump, [spoiler]Yugi told Jonochi/Joey and Anzu/Tea the truth about the "other him" and transformed in front of them. I'm waiting to see Anzu/Tea's reaction to the identity of her "mysterious hero". =) [/spoiler]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G-Unit [/i] [B]Dude, earth pwnz water all over. Its got the superior weenie support, lend it a Shocker, and some staples, you got an effective deck. It is the 2nd strongest element to dark. Lily anybody? OO;;[/B][/QUOTE] Oops...^^; Earth was supposed to be third. A little Cut-&-Pasting error. ^^; *fixes* [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G-Unit [/i] [B] Light is ok. It ain't second though. No rushers, in Dark Crisis, it'll get some good support monsters, but no rusher power. Dimensional Warrior Girl and Reflect Bounder are ok, but still nothing to gloat about.[/B][/QUOTE] First, Light *is* something to gloat about. It has a rusher that can't be used against you, and DD Warrior Lady is a semi-monster staple in Japan. Light brought us Magician of Faith, as well as the two most effective Fusions in the game. Why do I rate it second? Messengers.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G-Unit [/i] [B]Uh, Vampire Lord is as good as the hype implies. Its ability of self-revival totally takes out the possibility of being hit with a Exiled Force/Raigeki or so on. With V-Lord you can possibly take out an opponent's trap section which is composed of 5-6 cards. [/B][/QUOTE] I am aware of that. However, he still only has 2000 attack. Has everyone forgotten how to get rid of monsters the old-fashioned way? Jinzo. Hades. Goblin attack Force. Zombrya the Dark. Giant Orc. Practically any card with United We Stand. Injection Fairy. They all send V-Lord to the grave, and he stays there. That leaves him to revival by Monster Reborn, or Book of Life. How many decks run Book of Life? (Should V-Lord be resurrected by Premature Burial or COTH, you can nuke the Magic/trap card and he'll stay dead.) V-Lord is like Jinzo; he's powerful, but not as powerful as everyone makes him out to be. Snodin, I agree with you; the card attention span has dwindled to zilch. Fortunatly, I work within the same two/three deck types, and tend to look for cards that directly benefit that type. I think that's a far better way of going about that buying up all the holos simply because they're cool. Oh, and I hate Chaos Emporor Dragon. It will kill the English game, I tell you.
  14. Well, first, Sasuke Samurai is a wind monster. Earth may be the best element for a GB deck; I'm not an expert on them, so I'll take your word on it. However, GB is still only one type of deck. I still believe that Dark is the strongest, most versitile element, followed by Light and Earth.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]Among noticeable earth are also: Nimble Momonga, Mystical Sheep #1, Dream Clown, Hane-Hane/Man-Eater Bug, The magnet warriors, Cat's Ear Tribe, all the Amazons, Last Warrior, Gilasaurus, Rock Spirit, Robos, many jars, Mysterious Guard (an old favorite).[/B][/QUOTE] Okay...then Giant Germ, Versago the Destroyer, Newdoria, Penquien Soldier/Old Vindictive Magician, XYZ robots, Chess Demons, TER, Sinister Serpant, Dark Necrofear *and* Soul of Purity and Light, Robos, the most popular Jar, Wall of Illusion. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]All in all, I consider earth to be the most versatile element.[/B][/QUOTE] And I consider it to be Dark. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]I mean, Dark can almost only be Beatdown or disruption, Water will be a ALO/Fisherman deck, and light will be a risky beatdown (or a troublesome theme deck with XYZ or fusions...), while wind and fire will be low-pewered beatdown. [/B][/QUOTE] What about Relinquished, Hand control, Dark Paladin, Suijin, Crab Turtle, fairy? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]Earth has a powerful potential of warriors, amazons, Gravity Bind, fusions and control all in one element, something I find rather hard to beat. [/B][/QUOTE] Warriors and Amazons are a variation of beatdown, and, except for Exiled Force, most of Earth's current control aspects are very lacking. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i][B] Go on and try to make a dark or light GB deck...[/B][/QUOTE] You mean...with White Magical Hat, Servant of Catabolism, Mucus Yolk, Swarm of Scarabs, Swarm of Locusts, Spirit Reaper, Des Koala, Cliff the Trap Remover, and, just to get Water in there, too, ALO/7 Colored Fish? In other words, it can be done. =) [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i][B] Oh well, that was my "IMHO" two cents [/B][/QUOTE] And that was mine. I'm standing by my opinions. Dark owns this game.
  16. There's probably a lot of monsters I forgot to mention. Mositure Creature, even though being a Light monster (one of my favorite types), never seemed as effective as other Tribute monsters for a simple reason: if I'm going to tribute for a monster, *especially* a three-tribute monster, I'm going to have cleared the M/T field beforehand. I simply wouldn't use Mositure Creature. So I forgot it. ^^; Turns out I also forgot to list Yata-Garatsu as well. ^^;;;
  17. In a short essay I'm writing because the mood struck me, I'd like to discuss one of my favorite deck generes: Elemental decks. As most duelists know, there are six elements in the game: Dark, Light, Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. (The God cards are of the "Divine" element, but they're not legal, so who cares?) An "elemental" deck theme is one that puts monsters of the same element in the deck, and uses their best monsters and effects in combination with specific spell and trap cards to go for the win. Pure elemental decks are one of my favorite types. I'm a sucker for theme decks. Each elemtal deck has two things in its favor: A Field card, and the searchers. The field cards are Mystic Plasma Zone (Dark), Luminous spark (Light), Molten Destruction (Fire), Rising Air Current (Wind), Gaia Power (Earth), and Umikara/ALO (Water). The searchers are: Shining Angel (Light), Mystic Tomato (Dark), Flying Kamikarii #1 (Wind), Giant Rat (Earth), UFO Turtle (Fire) and Mother Grizzly (Water). Each one, upon being destroyed in battle, special summons a
  18. Also don't forget that kiddies will flock to the new Summoned Skull.; more experienced fans will flock to V-Lord, until everyone realises it's not quite as good as the hype implies, then he finds his permanent home in Zombie and Hand-D decks. Dark Flare knight will see little play; Mirage Knight even less. It's too darn hard to get those suckers out, and their effects are lacking, at least compared to loosing four cards to get a very situational pair of beasties. The Dark Paladin i still a better fusion.
  19. The anime needs a serious overhaul. The games need an upgrade, but not nearly as much as the show. Here's what I think: *Ditch Ash: Seriously, can he just become the Pokemon master already? I never really liked him in the first place; he's an anime stereotype. He just needs to be phased out, and take Pikachu with him. *Ditch Meowth, and make Team Rocket a threat again: I like Meowth, but he breaks one of the series' self-appointed rules: Pokemon can't talk. Jesse and James need to be less bufoony and more elegant and mysterious, like they were in the beginning of the show. No more motto, no more Meowth ballon, no more "blasting off". Ehhh...maybe they just need new villians...but I love Jess and James... *New angel: This is the most important thing: every single episode of Pokemon seems to be the same: meet a unique person with a unique Pokemon who has some odd problem. Solve problem. Keep looking for gym. The show needs to be more focussed, and stop doing the same thing every episode. More tournaments, etc. That's just my 2 cents.
  20. I've noticed that in simpler shows, I tend to like the villains more. For example, in Pokemon, my fave characters are Jesse and James, no contest. My fave character in Yu-Gi-Oh is Pegasus. However, in more complex animes, it really depends on the character.
  21. You can keep your Flare Knights, Ritual monsters, Chess demons and zombiefied Exodias; I want Deminsional Warrior Girl, Reflect Bounder and, most of all, my all-time favorite dragon, the Kaiser Glider. ^__^ I'm iffy on Judgement of Anubis...I'd have to see it actually played first; it sounds good, but still... I'm also amazed by how much people on this side of the other pond are looking for V-Lord. It's good, yeah, but when people run Jinzo, Zombrya, GAF, Giant Orc, UWS, and soon DWG...it's not that hard to kill.
  22. Wow...I find myself so overwhelmed by your well thought-out rebuttle (that isn't spammy at all) that I simply cannot think of a response. Anyway, ignoring the spom bot, does anyone know how many episodes of MLAATR were made? I keep seeing the same three over and over again.
  23. "Very well, Ms. Shonya," Seth said. "Let's go; we wouldn't want to keep our opponents waiting, would we?" "Guess not," Shonya said. They got on the Black Skull Dragon and flew over the forest.
  24. "Calm and patient win the duel, Ms. Sonya," Seth replied. "Remember that. Now, woul you do me the honor of being my partner?"
  25. "Ms. Shonya, I have complete confidence in your abilities as a Duelist," Seth said. I know you can take care of them." "Well, I dunno..." Shonya muttered. "Well, how about this, then," Seth said. "A tag team duel; I'll be there to back you up in case there's a problem. What do you say?"
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